Sociocultural environment
Level of education
Culture P & G Gerber
Affected by economic n political conditions and
Cultural dynamism
Change in culture.
Sociocultural variables
Ethnicity,caste,religion wise composition,language wise composition,formation of culyurr,subculture etc.
Core culture
High persistence
Consumer movement
Movement for environment protection, product safety n performance,information disclosure,high quality of life affects business.
Growing expectation n demand
Socially responsible behaviour from business.
Secondary culture. No Topless but short dresses
Undetgo shifts through
Sociocultural environment
Where people grow,affects their choice, preferences, behavior,basic beliefs,norms,tradition, dressing, food, and housing habits. So manager should monitor anr track major shifts in the socio cultural environment n likely future change and determine thaem as opportunity or threat to company. Accordingly appropriate strategic plan should be designed.