Sociology 210 Chapter 8

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A socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups and people


An unequal treatment of an individual based on their membership of a social group- an act

institutional discrimination

Carried out by institutions

individual discrimination

Carried out by one person against another

Conflict Theory of Racial Segregation

Differences create inner group conflict


Killing off a race Ex. World War II

Symbolic Interactionism

Race and ethnicity are part of our identity as displayed through our presentation of self


Romantic, sexual, or marital relationship between people of different races.

minority group

Social group that is systematically denied the same access to power and resources available to society's dominant groups through they are not necessarily fewer in number than the dominant groups

embodied identity

The elements of identity that are generated other's perceptions of our physical trait Ex. Alexa is Hispanic

Internal colonialism

The exploitation of a minority group within the dominant groups own borders Ex. Get out of mah town!!!!

population transfer

The forcible removal of a group of people


The physical, legal separation of a group due to their race or ethnicity

double consciousness

W.E.B Dubois's term for the divided identity experienced by blacks in America aka can people be Americans if they are Black?

cultural assimilation

When the minority group is absorbed into the mainstream (dominant group)

racial assimilation

When the minority group is absorbed into the mainstream (dominant group) through marriage


a cultural pattern of inner group relations that encourages racial and ethnic variation. Idea that diversity is good and brings good into society. (Structural functionalism)


a pattern of relations between ethnic or racial groups in which the minority group is absorbed into the mainstream (dominant) group making society more homologous


a prejudgment- an attitude


a socially define category based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or another cultural factor

situational ethnicity

an ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation

symbolic ethnicity

an ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not significantly impact everyday life Ex. Irish Americans on St. Patrick's Day


presenting yourself as a member of a different group than the stigmatized group you belong to

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