Sociology Chapter 11: Family

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what are five recent trends in marriage and family in the united states

-delayed marriage -delayed child bearing and childlessness -dual earner marriages -one parent families -remarriage

functions of the family

-regulation of sexual activity -reproduction -socialization -economic and emotion security

what are four reasons for high divorce rate in the united states

1) laws governing divorces have become less complicated 2) decrease in economic dependence of women 3) society is more tolerant of divorce 4) people expect more of marriage and are less ready to accept problems

about what percent of young adults living today will never marry

15 percent

about how many marriages in the united states end in divorce

40 percent

____ or living together outside of marriage is particularly common among the young


what are the main provisions of the family and medical leave act

companies with over 50 workers must give 12 weeks unpaid leave to parents of newborns. and those taking care of adoption, sick spouses, children, or parents

nuclear family

consists of one or both parents and their children and is the most recognizable family form to people in the United States. In many societies it is embedded in a larger family group

extended family

consists of two or more generations

sandwich generation

couples that are taking care of their children and their parents

how did the distribution of family responsibilities change in the late 1900s

more mothers began working. Day care centers take place of stay at home moms, and fathers began to do more household chores


mother holds most authority


new married couple is free to set up a residence apart from both sets of parents

____ is the more common marital system in preindustrial societies around the world


secondary relatives

primary relatives of an individuals primary relatives (grandparents, grandchildren, inlaws, uncles and aunts, nephews and nieces)

couples are least likely to marry outside their


aunts and uncles are

secondary relatives

women head about 7 out of 10

single parent families

maintaining a home, caring for children, and earning a living often leads to this in one parent families

task overload

how common are one-parent families in the united states

the account for about 25% of the families in the united states with children under the age of 18

voluntary childlessness

the conscious choice to remain childless

family of procreation

the individual, his or her spouse, and their children.


the marriage of one man to one woman


the newly married couple chooses whether they will live near the husbands or wife's parents


the newly married couple is expected to live with or near the husbands parents


the newly married couple is expected to live with or near the wife's parents

family of orientation

the nuclear family into which the person is born or adopted. family is composed of individual with siblings and parents


the set of that establishes and characterizes the relationship between married individuals


marriage between individuals who have different social characteristics


marriage outside one's social category


marriage with multiple partners


marriage within one's social category


man is permitted to marry more than one woman at a time

regardless of how american families are arrange, most families begin with



a group of people who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption and who often live together and share economic resources


a network of people who are related by marriage, birth, or adoption and can be quite large and organized into primary, secondary, and tertiary

incest taboo

a norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives

primary relatives

an individuals closest relatives (mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, daughter, son)

blended family

arise when one or both of the marriage partners bring children from their previous marriages into their new family


authority shared between mother and father


marriage based on characteristics such as age, socioeconomic status, religion, and raced

which pattern would be most helpful in establishing who inherits the family home


most one parent families in the united states are the result of


couples generally delay childbearing to

establish their careers

tertiary relatives

everyone else in the family (great grandparents, great grandchildren, great-aunts, great uncles, cousins)

in a ___ grandparents, parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins may all live in one house or group of houses or even in different countries

extended families

dual earner families

families in which both husband and wife have jobs

when a person belonging to a nuclear family marries, this new nuclear family is called ___

family of procreation


father holds most authority

what kind of marriage results when an older woman marries a younger man


studies have found that couples who choose to remain childless often have

high levels of education and income

factors that have contributed to heterogamy

higher college enrollments more geographical mobility increased participation of women in the work force

what are three reasons that the number of heterogamous marriages in the United States has increased in recent years

higher college enrollments, more geographical mobility, and increased participation of women in the work force.

how has the median age at first marriage in the united states changed since 1890

in the 1890s it was 22 and 26 and in 2000 it was 25 and 26 so it has increased

since 1970 the number of interracial marriages in the united states has


in some ___ systems there are close to 200 possible categories of relatives


nuclear families and extended families are often part of a much larger ___ system


bilateral descent

kinship traced through both parents; property inherited from either side of family

patrilineal descent

kinship traced through fathers family; property passed from father to son

matrilineal descent

kinship traced through mother's family; property passed from mother to daughter


unmarried people living togethe

empty nest

when the children grow up and leave home and the parents have a hard time adjusting


woman is permitted to marry more than one man at a time

your mother is part of

your nuclear family, family of orientation, and extended family

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