Sociology test 2

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Under what circumstances does a deviant label lead from primary to secondary deviance?

when the deviant label is internalized

It's all too common to see someone driving a car on a busy freeway while cursing and gesturing at another motorist whose poor driving has offended them. Cursing and gesturing are not very nice, but are also _______________________, reinforcing norms.

Negative Sanctions

"Raise your hand to indicate you have something to say" is an example of:


According to the order model, having a shared culture is essential to maintain social systems because it provides two crucial functions: stability and __________.

Predictability of action

The term __________ deviance refers to the rule breaking that occurs before a person is labeled as "deviant."


__________ is a strategy of leaving juvenile delinquents alone as much as possible rather than giving them a negative label.

Radical nonintervention

__________ proposed that people turn to deviance because they are denied access to legitimate (institutionalized) means of achieving the goals of society.

Robert Merton

According to order theorist Emile Durkheim, the function of deviance is to help clarify moral boundaries and affirm social norms.


According to the order model, a social institution is a predictable, established way to provide for one or more of society's basic needs.


In the Nature versus Nurture debate, it can be argued that both sides are right because in most cases there is an interactive effect.


Sociologists claim that culture is the lens through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on around us.


The Conflict approach to social problems focuses on laws and customs of society, which are seen as constructed to serve the powerful; consequently, the solution to deviance is to restructure society instead of rehabilitating the criminal.


Values and norms are considered symbolic culture.


When people move from one place, job, or life situation to another very different social context, they often have to undergo some degree of resocialization


When a sociologist uses a questionnaire to ask people what they believe is good, bad, moral, immoral, desirable, or undesirable, it is possible to have big discrepencies between what the people say and what they actually do. However, the results will still be a valid indicator of their __________.


Many anthropologists and sociologists believe in the importance of __________, the idea that the customs of a society should not be evaluated by our standards, but evaluated in light of the culture and the functions of those customs for that society.

cultural relativism

Religious institutions (e.g. churches) often teach their members norms and values. If they are successful in getting their members to internalize and follow these, religious institutions would be called:

Agents of socialization

According to George Herbert Mead, in what way is a game of football like society?

In both football and society, individuals have to take into account the roles and points of view of everyone else.

If you decided that you could never get into a good school and so could never get a good job, you might decide to sell illegal drugs instead as a way to achieve the lifestyle that you've always aspired to. According to Robert Merton, what sort of deviant would you be?

An Innovator

How is a subculture different from a counterculture?

Both are distinct from mainstream culture, but a counterculture actively opposes important aspects of the mainstream.

Many colleges and universities require students to take classes on non-western cultures. Why do these requirements exist?

Colleges value multiculturalism.

__________ theorists argue that deviance is not limited to troubled individuals, because organizations also can be deviant.


Which model of society might argue that the socialization process may cause people to accept the ways of their society uncritically, even though they may be unjust?

Conflict theorist

Conflict theorists view the mass acceptance of values as a form of

Cultural tyranny or hegemony

Angela's mother says to her, "I don't want you to hang around with Melissa. She's going to be a bad influence on you." The mother may not know it, but she's subscribing to which theory?

Differential Association Theory states that we learn to be deviant through our interactions with deviant peers.

Let's say you go on a study abroad program with classmates this summer. When you get off the plane in a different country, some of your friends start making fun of the locals because the way they dress is "ridiculous." What behavior are they exhibiting?


According to labeling theory, deviance is defined as an act or attribute that is inherently wrong, bad, or abnormal


Although languages differ considerably from one culture to another, the meanings of gestures are commonly understood in the same way by people throughout the world.


A person wearing sandals while dressed in a suit is likely violating a:


A famous monologue from Shakespeare's As You Like It begins:"All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances;And one man in his time plays many parts"Which theory of social life could be seen as taking its inspiration from these lines?

Goffman's theory of dramaturgy

Some people are disturbed by Goffman's work, because it seems to suggest that no one is ever being honest about who they are. What would Goffman say to this?

He would say that, regardless of who an individual feels herself to "really" be, she must still present that self; it is never self-evident.

When the dominant culture succeeds in imposing its values and ideas on all of society through consent/agreement, it is known as:


Which statement most accurately sums up Cooley's idea of the looking-glass self?

I am what I think you think I am.

Symbolic interactionism argues that people act toward things on the basis of their meaning. According to this theory, what is the source of things' meaning?

Meaning is negotiated through interaction with others.

In the article "Turning the Tables: Language and Spatial Reasoning," Peggy Li and Lila Gleitman claim to have debunked the theory that speakers of the Mayan language have a different understanding of space and spatial relations than speakers of other languages. What theory is this article attacking?

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

What must knowledge be in order for it to affect culture?


Karen is a newborn baby. She does not know anything about her culture yet, but she will learn it quickly through a process called __________.


Parents often buy their children gender-specific toys. Boys get action figures that encourage active and aggressive play, while girls get dolls and toy ovens that encourage domesticity. This is part of what process?


Which of the following is true about the process of socialization?

Socialization teaches individuals what they need to become functioning members of society.

Which social model/theory focuses on micro-level interactions?

Symbolic Interactionism

Which part of the minds of feral children would Sigmund Freud expect to be most fully developed?

The ID

Susie isn't old enough to go to school yet, but she loves to play house. She has a toy stove and pretends to be a mother. Sometimes, when that gets boring, she goes outside, takes a garden hose, and pretends to be a firefighter. George Herbert Mead would say that she is

The Play stage

If an upper-middle-class white college student is sentenced to rehab for the same drug crime that a lower-class black man is sentenced to jail for committing, what might a conflict theorist conclude about deviance?

The rules are applied unequally, and those with power or influence are punished much less harshly.

Young army recruits arriving at boot camp are about to enter which of the following?

a total institution

In Freudian theory, the deviant is a person who has not developed an adequate __________ to control the __________.

ego; Id

Other than isolation, what was another technique described by Gwynne Dyer in "Anybody's Son Will Do" that helps make resocialization during Marine boot camp effective?

engineering the schedule so that recruits are perpetually suffering from lack of sleep, or waking at hours they are unaccustomed to, adding to their disorientation.

Compared to primary groups, secondary groups are __________.

larger and more impersonal

Several cases of children growing up in extreme social isolation, documented by Kingsley Davis, seem to suggest that:

most mental capacities, and perhaps even the ability to think, are learned through social interaction.

Which of the following would be an example of a primary group?

nuclear family

Evidence that deviance is a(n) __________ is found in the fact that societies differ on what is considered deviance.

relative, not an absolute, notion

A person occupying a status in a group is expected to behave according to his or her __________.


When a college professor begins to lecture, and the class at least pretends to take notes, what would Goffman say the students doing in terms of impression management?

supporting the self that the professor is trying to project

Which of the following is NOT a status?

the expectation that a professor will hold office hours

Resocialization is particularly effective when individuals are isolated from their previous relations with society. Based on the theories learned about so far in the course, why is this?

the people with whom we regularly interact help us understand who we are.

What was once mainstream may later be defined as deviant.


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