Sociology test 3

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A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

5. Why retirement emerged in high-income countries

Retirement is a recent idea in industrialized societies in the last century. When or whether we retire People continue working past 65, reducing their hours as they build financial security To minimize loss of prestige New activities and interests Volunteer work can fill time Grandparenting is a source of pleasure Part-time work can bring additional money

5. Identify the traits that revolutions share in common.

Rising expectations Unresponsive government Radical leadership by intellectuals Establishing new legitimac Rising expectations Tend to happen when quality of life is improving Unresponsive government Government unwilling or unable to reform Radical leadership by intellectuals Thomas Hobbes: Intellectuals provide the justification for revolution. Establishing new legitimacy Guarding against the counterrevolution

6. Know the explanations for why most victims of sexual harassment are women.

Sexual assaults, rapes, attempted rapes, and physical assaults Campus and university gender violence Gender-linked violence often in the home Female genital mutilation positions of power

3. Know the findings by Parrillo and Donoghue as this related to the social distance scale.

Social Distance Scale Student opinion shows a trend toward greater social acceptance. People see fewer differences among various minorities. September 11, 2001, might have reduced social acceptance of Arabs and Muslims.

6. Know the largest source of income for most Americans over the age of 65.

Social Security

6. Know the four distinguishing characteristics of terrorism

Terrorists try to paint violence as a legitimate political tactic. Terrorism is used not just by groups but also by governments against their own people. Democratic societies reject terrorism in principle; totalitarian regimes make widespread use of state terrorism. Terrorism is always a matter of definition

36. Politics is a social institution that is defined in terms of a society's a. distribution of power, goals, and decision making. b. technology. c. income distribution. d. means of production.

a.distribution of power, goals, and decision making.

24. The concept of "comparable worth" means that a. women should hold political offices in proportion to their numbers in the population. b. people should be paid according to the level of skill and responsibility involved in the work. c. the market system should determine the pay for any job. d. all jobs should be rewarded equally.

b. people should be paid according to the level of skill and responsibility involved in the work.

33. Social isolation is most commonly a problem for a. elderly men. b. elderly women. c. elderly men and women living with their children. d. elderly men and women living with spouses.

b.elderly women.

30. The largest category of Asian Americans in the United States is people of _____ ancestry. a. Korean b. Japanese c. Chinese d. Vietnamese

c Chinese

23. Which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex? a. primary sex characteristics b. sexual orientation c. gender roles d. secondary sex characteristics

c gender roles

21. The concept of gender refers to a. the degree of inequality between men and women in a society. b. the secondary sex characteristics of individuals. c. the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male. d. patterns of sexual orientation.

c. the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male.

29. The overall social standing of Native Americans is a. above the national average. b. about the national average. c. below the national average. d. mixed, with families found equally at all class levels.

c.below the national average.

28. Institutional prejudice and discrimination refers to the fact that a. some people hold rigid and unfair attitudes. b. bias was more pronounced in this nation's history. c. bias is built into the operation of social institutions. d. many people still hold prejudiced opinions.

c.bias is built into the operation of social institutions.

40. Terrorism has been called a new kind of warfare because a. it is less violent. b. it is "symmetrical," involving two opponents of roughly equal power. c. it lacks clearly stated objectives and is not about controlling territory. d. All of these responses are correct. lacks clearly stated objectives and is not about controlling territory.

26. Sociologists define the concept of "race" as a. people who fall into any minority category. b. a person's skin color. c. a cultural heritage shared by a category of people. d. a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.

d. a socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.

31. The number of senior citizens in the United States a. already outnumbers teenagers. b. increased tenfold over the last century. c. will double again by 2040. d. All of these responses are correct.

d.All of these responses are correct.

38. A totalitarian political system a. mixes politics with religion. b. is completely democratic. c. is government without any bureaucracy. d. concentrates power and closely regulates people's lives.

d.concentrates power and closely regulates people's lives.

rational-legal authority

power made legitimate by law


the right to use power

10. Prejudice and discrimination can reinforce one another. a. True b. False


11. The elderly population in nearly all high-income nations has been increasing rapidly. a. True b. False


13. Gerontology is the study of aging and the elderly. a. True b. False


Segregation refers to the physical and social separation of categories of people. a. True b. False



A government ruled by a king or queen

welfare state

A government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc.


A political system in which a small group of individuals exercises power over the state without being constitutionally responsible to the public.


A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

Research shows that young males have less mathematical ability, but greater verbal ability than young females. a. True b. False


Sociologically speaking, a minority is any category that is numerically less than half of a society's population. a. True b. False


Although based on physical traits like skin color, the concept of "race" is constructed by society. a. True b. False


Sexism is the assertion that one sex is innately superior to the other. a. True b. False


While playing in peer groups, girls are less likely to play the "win-lose" games favored by boys. a. True b. False


4. Know the causes of gender-based income disparity.

work experience, maternity leave, some companies pay more to men or employ more men

12. In the United States, males typically outlive females. a. True b. False


20. In 2013, the United States military banned women from engaging in any combat operations. a. True b. False


Gender refers simply to whether people are female or male. a. True b. False


In most cases, race and ethnicity refer to the same thing. a. True b. False


7. Compare activity theory to disengagement theory.

Activity theory: High level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age Disengagement theory: Society enhances its orderly operation by disengaging people from positions of responsibility as they reach old age

ch 15 1. Know what is meant by the graying of the United States.

By 2011, over 41 million seniors and half population over 37 By 2050, over 83 million seniors and half population over 40 Share of elderly rising in nearly all high-income nations

2. Identify the important characteristics of minorities.

Distinct identity Race, sex, sexual orientation, the poor Subordination Often saddled with lower status

Liberal feminism seeks the elimination of gender itself. a. True b. False


3. Know the meaning of the following terms: • Gerontology • Age stratification • Gerontocracy

Gerontology- Study of aging and the elderly Attitude toward aging depends on societal values age stratification- Stratification between age cohorts due to an unequal distribution of resources (e.g., wealth, power, and privilege) across the life course. gerontocracy- a state, society, or group governed by old people.

7. Compare and contrast the three types of feminism discussed in the text.

Liberal feminism Free to develop own talents and interests Socialist feminism Family form must change with some collective means of carrying out housework and childcare Radical feminism Seek an egalitarian, gender-free society

2. Know how the major increase in the elderly population will change the United States.

Life expectancy increasing Improved housing, nutrition and increased wealth Birth rate decreasing Decreased infant mortality Children are a major expense Advances in birth control

4. Identify the greatest cause of social isolation

Loneliness Can be social, physical, or emotional Gender Affects patterns of social isolation Retirement, limited mobility, and negative stereotypes Close off social interaction Greatest isolation Death of significant others

1. Distinguish between matriarchy and patriarchy.

Matriarchy is essentially a woman-oriented society, wherein all the leadership and authority rest in the hands of women. Patriarchy, on the other hand, is a social system, wherein males enjoy all the powers, control, and authority, and women are given subordinate roles.

8. Identify the stages in dying according to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

Most people usually confront their own death in stages. Denial Anger Negotiation Resignation Acceptance

7. Know according to Quincy Wright the five factors that promote war

Perceived threats 2. Social Problems 3. Political Objectives 4. Moral Objectives 5. The Absence of Alternatives

4. Compare and Contrast the pluralist, power-elite, and Marxist-political economy models

Pluralist model: People rule Analysis of politics that sees power as spread among many competing interest groups Power-elite model Analysis of politics that sees power as concentrated among the rich Marxist political-economy model Analysis that explains politics in terms of the operation of a society's economic system

3. Identify factors that contributed to change in the U.S. labor force.

Population: As expected, population increases result in labor force increases. ... Income: As state incomes grow, it attracts labor force entrants hoping to take advantage. ... Educational Attainment: A more educated society has a larger labor force

5. Identify where prejudice comes from ("Theories of Prejudice").

Prejudice Rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people. Stereotype Exaggerated description applied to every person in some category. Prejudice and discrimination begin as ethnocentric attitudes. Groups can be placed in a situation where they are socially disadvantaged and labeled. A group's situation is explained as a result of innate inferiority rather than looking at the social structure. The cycle repeats itself

ch 14 1. Distinguish between race and ethnicity

Race is constructed from biological traits. Ethnicity is constructed from cultural traits, such as ancestry, language, or religion. Race- Socially constructed category Composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits Considered important by members of a society Ethnicity- Shared cultural heritage Like race, ethnicity is socially constructed For most people, ethnicity is more complex than race U.S. is a multiethnic society

5. Apply the three major theories in sociology to gender.

Structural functionalism- Functionalists argue that gender roles were established well before the preindustrial era when men typically took care of responsibilities outside of the home, such as hunting, and women typically took care of the domestic responsibilities in or around the home.Gender forms a complementary set of roles. Socialization stresses instrumental qualities for males and expressive qualities for females Social-conflict analysis Capitalism strengthens male domination. Gender involves differences in power. Capitalist economy depends on development of consumers. Intersection theory Interplay of race, class, and gender, resulting in multiple dimensions of disadvantage. Disadvantages linked to gender and race often combine to produce low social standing. Multilayered system is disadvantage for some and privilege for others. Symbolic-interaction analysis Gender involves differences in behavior. Women are expected to be more deferential. Gender shapes reality experience in everyday life. Feminism- Support of social equality for women and men, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism Working to increase equality Expansion of human choice Eliminate gender stratification Ending sexual violence Promoting sexual freedom


The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies

34. The main point of activity theory is that a. a high level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age. b. seniors should not try to do more than they feel they can. c. seniors should retire knowing they have earned the right to relax. d. some seniors have far more wealth than others do.

a.a high level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age.

32. A majority of people over the age of sixty-five in the United States a. consider their health "good" or "excellent." b. report having trouble walking. c. are bedridden. d. are receiving intensive care in a hospital or nursing home.

a.consider their health "good" or "excellent."

Charismatic Authority (Weber)

authority legitimated by a belief by the followers in the exceptional sanctity, heroism, or exemplary character of the charismatic leader (Hitler)

35. Read the four terms below. Which of them is NOT one of the stages in the dying process described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross? a. denial b. intervention c. negotiation d. acceptance


37. Which of the following concepts refers to a political system in which a single family rules from generation to generation? a. democracy b. monarchy c. totalitarianism d. oligopoly


39. In the United States, _____ people tend to vote Democratic, while _____ people mostly vote Republican. a. rural; urban b. urban; rural c. high-income; low-income d. conservative; liberal

b.urban; rural

22. Comparing the performances of female and male athletes over time shows a. little or no change in female-male differences in performance. b. male performances are improving faster than female performances. c. women have been closing the gap with men in most athletic performances. d. women now outperform men in most athletic events.

c women have been closing the gap with men in most athletic performances

27. Which of the following is the largest minority category within the U.S. population? a. people of Asian descent b. people of African descent c. people of Hispanic descent d. people of Native American descent

c.people of Hispanic descent

25. According to intersection theory, ___________ is a source of social disadvantage. a. only gender b. only race c. only class d. gender, race, and class

d gender, race, and class

The first stage of Kubler-Ross' theory is...


difference between gender and gender roles

gender is the term that refers to social or cultural distinctions of behaviors that are considered male or female" gender roles is a social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for people based on their actual or perceived sex or sexuality.

Traditional Authority (Weber)

legitimate power conferred by custom and accepted practice

7. Carefully review pages 404-419, "Race and Ethnicity in the United States" with specific focus on: • What the U.S. did toward Native Americans after the Revolutionary War. • The economic status of most Native Americans in the U.S. • The meaning of WASP. • The ancestry of most WASPs. • The foundation of the southern colonies' plantation system. • What the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed. • Where since 1980 African Americans have made remarkable progress. • The largest category of Asian Americans in the U.S. • The three important ways that immigrants from China and Japan differ. • Where most Hispanic Americans reside in the U.S. • What led Cubans to flee to the United States. • What Arab cultures share widespread use of. • What Congress did in 1921 that greatly limited immigration of white ethnic groups.

nativeamericans have low economic status. wasp stands for white anglosaxon Protestants most dominant and privledged in American society. 13th amendment abolished slavery. asian Americans Chinese larges category. Texas most hispanics. Fidel Castro became in charge then cuban exodus. congress passed an act to limit illegal aliens.

4. Know the meaning of the following terms: • Scapegoat • Institutional prejudice and discrimination • racism • miscegenation

scapegoat- "[Theory that s]uggests that the dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group" Institutional prejudice- A favorable or unfavorable preconceived feeling or opinion formed without knowledge, reason, or thought that prevents objective consideration of person, group, or thing. discrimination-The unequal treatment of a person or group on the basis of their statuses (e.g., age, ethnicity, political beliefs, sex) by limiting access to social resources such as education, housing, jobs, legal rights, loans, or political power. Racism- "[A] set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices that are used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others" miscegenation- the interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial types.


the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions

routinization of charisma

the transformation of charismatic authority into some combination of traditional and bureaucratic authority

14. The economic downturn that began in 2007 has forced many older workers to postpone retirement and to continue working. a. True b. False


15. Social-conflict analysis points to ways in which the elderly are socially disadvantaged. a. True b. False


16. The concept of "government" refers to the formal organization that directs the political life of a society. a. True b. False


17. Democracy and rational-legal authority are linked, just as monarchy and traditional authority are linked. a. True b. False


18. In the United States, African Americans are much more likely than Hispanic Americans to vote in national elections. a. True b. False


19. The concept "military-industrial complex" refers to the close association among the federal government, the military, and defense industries. a. True b. False


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