Spaatz Leadership Test

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Which of the following is the best example of a leap of abstraction?

"We need chaperones for our bivouac. All senior members are lazy"

According to the MBTI, there are ____ personality types


How much sleep do teens require per night?

9 to 10 hours

Which leadership grid style blends a high concern for people and results?

9;9: Sound

In order to make decisions, strong leaders follow

A decision making process

Because the leader is responsible for the teams behavior and its success, the leader has ____ to respond to conflict

A duty

If your writing is not interesting, your audience will quit reading after

A few seconds

What is a simple visual representation of the major steps in a process called?

A flowchart

Developing the ability to think critically is

A life-long endeavor

Slippery slope

A logical fallacy that occurs when one thing leads to another is fixed in your mind, and you begin to travel down the slippery slope

Goals give you a sense of mission, a rudder, and

A meaningful purpose

Punishment is _____ consequence

A negative

Transformational leadership

A person strives to heighten the motivation and morality of himself and his followers


A person tries to remove the emotional side of a situation and instead examines their problem in an excessively abstract way

Genuine leaders use what to influence and direct others?

A positive approach

What do efficiency experts believe is an essential time-management tool?

A prioritized do list

Critical thinking

A self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way

Anything that causes stress is

A stressor

In the fairy tale understanding of leadership offered by the Great Man Theory, our civilization would be great again if only

A superhero appeared to guide us

Stress can affect your mood, which frustrates you ____, and then those failures produce more stress

Ability to succeed in everyday life

Stress can affect your mood, which frustrates your ____, and then those failures produce more stress

Ability to succeed in everyday life

Active voice in writing refers to the use of ____ to enliven communication

Action verbs

What are the logical fallacies?

Ad hominem, appeal to authority, post hoc fallacy, appeal to tradition, red herring, weak analogy, straw man fallacy, circular reasoning, false dilemma, and slippery slope


All the different impressions, interpretations, evaluations, and expectations you have about yourself, other people, and situations

Realistic thinking

An approach where leaders try to see the world for how it actually is, not how we might wish it to be


An attempt to resolve conflict by using a third party to facilitate a decision

A professional is someone who has

An ethical code as well as the habit of putting the community's interest first

Transactional leadership

An exchange takes place between the leader and follower

A solemn promise is also known as

An oath

Many Americans began to see that people with disabilities can lead productive, successful lives thanks to

Anne Sullivan


Any stimulus that represents or stops a behavior

What is the logical fallacy that tries to prove a claim by asserting that some smart person says its true so it must be true

Appeal to authority

The chain of command works best when people resolve issues

At the lowest level possible

The state of mind that lies behind your every action is called


What are the different types of leadership

Authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire,

Punishment teaches someone what behaviors to


What are the basic approaches to managing conflict?

Avoidance, denial, suppression and smoothing, compromise, the zero-sum game, and meditation

____ is a belief in systematically employing rewards and punishments to control or alter behavior


One reason people join organizations, like CAP, is to satisfy their natural need for


What are the four different modes of thinking?

Big-picture thinking, focused thinking, realistic thinking, and shared thinking

The goal of the chain of command is for everyone to have one


to generate ideas through the quick free-flow of thoughts is known as


What are some practical methods of creative thinking?

Brainstorming, mind mapping, the five "why's", reversal, headlines of the future, flowcharts, multi-voting, weighted pros & cons, gradual voting

Concerning the American flag, the United States Supreme Court has upheld the right to

Burn the flag in protest

People can show respect for the American flag by

Burning the flag is worn out

How can you strengthen your character?

By overcoming small challenges

All of the following EXCEPT ____ are examples of social media web sites

Why is leadership a science? Because it requires

Careful study

Which of the following is a FALSE statement about tips for conducting a videoconference?

Casual dress is acceptable

Self-discipline enables you to

Change your behavior

What are the seven universal intellectual standards?

Clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, and logic

The process whereby a living thing learns to connect a stimulus to a reflex is known as

Classical conditioning

Unnecessary words in a sentence are called ____.


Creative thinking

Concentration plus imagination

When one party yields a benefit in hopes that the other will yield and equal benefit, it is known as


In your ____, you summarize your main points and end your speech



Conclusions flow and argument is logical

In the transactional leadership style known as _____, the leader uses incentives to encourage people to do the right things

Contingent reward

What is the habit of being guided by universal values of logic and a deep respect for the truth called?

Critical thinking

The attitudes, customs, and values of a civilization are called


The willingness to examine every imaginable complexity or factor bearing on an issue describes


Individualized consideration

Describes a leader of who is supportive of their followers, listen closely to them, and acknowledge their unique needs

Contingent reward

Describes an interaction between leader and follower in which the follower's effort is exchanged for rewards

Elements of successful coaching include

Dialogue, empowerment action, and improvement

What are the four elements of coaching?

Dialogue, empowerment, action, and improvement

A misconception for those new to writing and speaking is that creating an outline is


A leader who focuses almost exclusively on how tasks will be accomplished represents the Path-Goal leadership behavior called ____.


What are the components of the path-goal model?

Directive leadership, supportive leadership, participative leadership, achievement-oriented leadership, and task and subordinate characteristics

Becoming angry with your teacher and going home to yell at your dog is a display of this defense mechanism


What are the different types of defense mechanisms?

Displacement, projection, rationalization, intellectualization, denial, suppression, and withdrawal

One persons strength helping to overcome another persons weakness is an example of team


Because history is filled with stories of determination and character, Trait Theory brings aspiring leaders

Down the wrong path

A good first step in leading others involves improving your own

Emotional intelligence

What element of coaching occurs when the person who has all the answers resists the urge to hump in and fix someones problem for them?



Entails removing oneself from events, people, things, that bring to mind painful thoughts and feelings

Stronger friendships are a sign of which warrior spirit benefit?

Environment of trust and respect

What are logical fallacies?

Errors in reasoning that render an argument invalid

A sense of team pride, fellowship and loyalty is also known as

Esprit de corps

Checking whether each student fulfills the learning objectives is a process known as


Reasoning is based on data, information, and


Giving your best effort is a trademark of this core value


Research has found that most people rate their own listening skills as ____ and rate everyone else as ____.

Excellent, poor

One carefully plans and outlines this type of speech but does not read it word-for-word.


Things that drive you to act because you receive something tangible in return are called

Extrinsic rewards

What are the eight dimensions of type in the Myers-Briggs?

Extroversion vs. introversion, intuition vs. sensing, thinking vs. feeling, judging vs. perceiving

What is the main lesson of the Johari Window?

Feedback is the breakfast of champions

Which decision-making tool allows the team to identify the root causes of a problem?

Five why's

In this technique of constructive discipline, the leader criticizes the poor behavior, not the performer

Focus on performance

The professional reactions of a deliberate leader when dealing with conflict include

Focusing on the future

What are the four stages of the team?

Forming, storming, norming, and performing

What is the term for a clear and compelling description of what you want your life to look like at some point in the future?

Future picture

Which of the following leaders best characterized the transformational leadership factor of idealized influence


Leaders who make bad decisions often

Get caught in the ethical trap

After defining the problem, the second step of the 7-step ethical decision-making process is to

Get the facts

The advantages of delegation from the subordinates perspective include

Growing from new experiences

Students who are naturally quiet or prefer to be physically active while learning may find this teaching method frustrating:

Guided discussion

The CAP Cadet Program develops leadership skills mostly through

Hands-on experiential learning

Negative reinforcement

Happens when an unpleasant stimulus is removed to encourage the desired behavior

When people speak of prejudice, they are usually referring to a form of

Hatred and distrust

A(n) ____ is a system in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority



How close a measurement or statement is to the true value

A benefit of having a chain of command is that it reinforces the

Idea that everyone is accountable for another leader

Rank does not confer privilege or power. Rather, it

Imposes responsibility

Especially for large groups, instructors will want to present their materials

In a variety of ways

The salute has its origins

In the time of kings and knights

New cadets begin their drill training with

In-place movements

____ is a transformational leadership factor in which leaders are supportive of followers and listen closely to their unique needs

Individualized consideration

______ is a transformational leadership factor in which leaders are supportive of followers and listen closely to their unique needs.

Individualized consideration

If you communicate high expectations and inspire team spirit within your squadron, which transformational leadership factor are you practicing?

Inspirational motivation

Honesty in the acquisition, analysis and transmission of ideas is called

Intellectual honesty

Urging followers to be creative, innovative life-long learners is the essence of which transformational leadership factor?

Intellectual stimulation

Shared thinking

Involves valuing the thoughts and ideas of others


Is an attempt to create a win/win situation

The CAP uniform ____ in cloth form

Is the core values

Which of the following is true about MBTI?

It describes our different flavors of personality

Technical words having a specific meaning within a certain field are known as


The text cites the example of this leader using charisma toward evil ends.

Jim Jones

Flag Day is celebrated in America each year

June 14

The U.S. Congress created the flag on

June 14, 1777

Which of the following techniques would be an inappropriate way to use body language during a presentation?

Keeping your eyes on your notecards or projector screen

A leadership factor that describes settings in which no leadership takes place at all is termed ____.


In interpersonal conflict, it is important for leader to acknowledge the distal, or background, context for conflict that might arise. Why is this so important?

Leaders should be mindful of how past events can cause present conflict

Inspirational motivation

Leaders who communicate high expectations to followers, inspiring them to become committee to and a part of the shared vision in an organization

Leadership through a link is reflected through which of the following?

Leaders who work through subordinate leaders

What are the different methods of teaching

Lecture, guided discussion, demonstration-performance, experiential, and simulation

What are the five types of power

Legitimate power, reward power, coercive power, expert power, and referent power

A teens social world is ____ than an adults

Less stable

The first step in creating a do list is to

List all of the the tasks you need to complete in the near future

A leader demonstrating the Individual Consideration element of transformational leadership would

Listen to, coach, and teach team members

What is the most neglected communication skill?


It is common for teens to believe that minor stressors are

Major problems

Efficiency is a broad term describing how well a leader

Makes use of his or her time and other resources

The primary goal of writing (or speaking) is to share:


A close, trusted, experienced advisor is called a(n)


The philosopher Aristotle defined virtue (excelled of character) as the

Middle ground between two extremes

A chain of command or leadership hierarchy is used by

Military and civilian organizations

Much like the Core Values adopted by the Air Force, the Ten Commandments, which are described in the Torah or the Old Testament, issue moral imperatives that are valid to all people at all times. Which type of moral reasoning is reflected in the Ten Commandments and the Air Force core values?

Moral objectivism

Which type of moral reasoning reflects the belief that some moral principles have universal validity?

Moral objectivism

Identify the type of moral reasoning that describes the following definition: There are no universal truths and universally valid moral principles

Moral relativism

Based on projected changes to the U.S. population, respect for diversity will become ____ in the future

More important

the teen years are among the ____ times in a persons life

Most stressful

A strong reason or desire for something is called your


Understanding how to issue a challenge, offer praise, and reward team members demonstrates the leaders role as


Intrinsic means


Bad leadership implies

No leadership

NCO stands for

Non-commissioned officer

The most effective agendas are ____.


Supervising means to ____ and ____ people in fulfilling the mission

Observe; direct


Occurs when leaders recognize conflict exists but they choose not to engage the problem


Occurs when someone redirects feelings about something onto something less threatening

Studies show that when people are confronted with an ethical problem, they

Often do less than they believe they should do

When displayed with another flag, the American flag belongs

On its own right

Mentoring usually takes place in which type of setting?

One-on-one informally

A diagram that shows how your communication will be organized is a(n):


To keep constructive discipline positive, leaders focus on


Leading oneself and leading small groups of others is which leadership skill?


The sum of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make someone unique is also known as


The most common conflicts Cadet NCOs will be called upon to help resolve are

Personality conflicts

Being healthy and leading fitness training is also known as

Physical readiness

What are Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Physiological needs, safety needs, love or belonging needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs includes the following:

Physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self-actualization

Constructive discipline is a learning process that provides an opportunity for

Positive growth

By doing this, you can fool your body to stop firing stress hormones

Practicing relaxation

The learning objective is a way for the teacher or trainer to state the ____ and measure the students ____.

Precise goal; success

Ensuring that your statements mean what they say and say what they mean describes this intellectual standard


The price of putting off a task that could be done right now is called


The CAP core value of volunteer service shows that CAP members think of themselves as


The defense mechanism that is used when falsely attributing your own thoughts or feelings to someone else is


What are the four areas of the Johari Window?

Public, private, blind, unknown

The cadet oath requires cadets to pledge to attend meetings


Which of the following most accurately represents relationship behaviors?

Relationship behaviors focus on how leaders and followers interact on a personal level

The ability to bounce back and recover from adversity is called


Conflicts are bound to arise. The challenge is to

Resolve them fairly and professionally

The salute is a sign of


Which core value challenges cadets to defend human dignity?


One shortcoming of extrinsic rewards is that they can focus followers on the

Rewards and not on the mission

Which of the following groups is not part of the Birth Order theory?

Second child

The zero-sum game

Sees conflict in only win/lose terms

Habitually rendering customs and courtesies strengthens


The ability to follow directions is an example of which team member trait?


The main goal of communication is to

Share meaning

Volunteer organizations, like CAP, motivate best by appealing to

Shared values

Because a leaders first duty is to accomplish the mission, if an NCO sees someone doing something the wrong way, he or she

Should correct the person in a helpful way

What teaching method is used when students need to practice existing skills?


President John F. Kennedy linked the challenge to go to the moon with Americas

Stature as a world power

What are the three leadership arenas?

Strategic, operational, and tactical

If a task before you is too large, you might

Struggle to find the motivation to begin the task

If you are trying to determine why a system involving animals in nature is struggling, which of the following would make sense?

Study the ecosystem and the backgrounds of all its animal life

Which of the following places is not expected to fly the American flag


A leader who concentrates on ensuring the emotional well-being of followers is met represents the Path-Goal leadership behavior called ____.


First-line supervisors who help the people who directly accomplish the mission are

Tactical leaders

Place the Air Forces leadership arenas in the correct order from lowest to highest

Tactical, operational, strategic

Students with this learning modality will want to physically touch whatever it is they are studying


Tactile learning

Tactile learners will want to physically touch whatever is they are studying

Leaders need to develop effective personal time-management skills before they

Take on the burden of managing other people's time as well

Leaders need to develop affection personal time-management skills before they

Take on the burden of managing others people's time as well

Leaders can improve coping skills by

Talking through issues, practicing relaxation, eating well, and exercising

A collection of individuals who are committed to working together to achieve a common goal describes a


Customs and courtesies build

Team spirit

After WWII, captured Nazi officers used what came to be known as the Nuremberg defense during their trials. What does the Nuremberg defense imply?

That they were innocent of war crimes because they were following their superiors' orders

What is the most recognizable national symbol for the USA?

The American flag

Which American institution was one of the first to radically desegregate?

The Armed Forces

According to CAPs chain of command, the National Commander reports to

The CAP Board of Govenors

According to the CAPs chain of command, the National Commander reports to

The CAP Board of Govenors

Customs and courtesies are especially important in CAP traditions because they reinforce

The core values

The most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority is

The disappearance of the sense of responsibility


The emphasis is on physically moving around and staying active, not simply touching things


The exactness of a measurement or statement


The examination of every complexity or factor bearing on an issue

Birth order theory

The idea that contends a person's rank within their family can have an effect on their personality and intelligence

According to George Bernard Shaw, the single biggest problem with communication is

The illusion that communication has taken place

Emotional intelligence

The intelligent use of emotions: you intentionally make your emotions work for you by using them to help guide your behavior and thinking in ways that will enhance your results

Identify the best definition for Path-Goal Theory

The leader clears paths that subordinates must take to accomplish goals

Suppression and smoothing

The leader suppresses conflict and then smooth over the differences

Most experts include in their definition of leadership three components:

The leader, the follower, and the goal

Idealized influence

The leaders principles and standards having the power to attract followers

False dilemma

The logical fallacy holds the premise that we are faced with two, but only two choices, both of which are not very good

Appeal to authority

The logical fallacy of an appeal to authority that tries to prove a claim by asserting that some smart person believes the claim to be true and therefore it must be true

Ad hominem

The logical fallacy of focusing on the logic of an opposing argument, an ad honinem attacks the other person

Red herring

The logical fallacy of proposing something that is not relevant to the issue at hand, distracting from the real problem

Weak analogy

The logical fallacy that arises because no matter how similar two things are, they are never exactly alike

Post ho fallacy

The logical fallacy that illustrates the difference between correlation and causation

Appeal to tradition

The logical fallacy that makes the assumption that older ideas are better, and that the leader's job is to prevent change

Straw man fallacy

The logical fallacy that misrepresent the opposing position, making it seem weaker than it is, instead of attacking the opposition head-on

Circular reasoning

The logical falling where your arguments conclusion is the same as one of your premises - you're begging the question

What happens when an officers principles conflict with the supervisors directions?

The officer should address his concerns with his supervisor and then act accordingly

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about organizational theory?

The organization should be as complex as its business requires

Why might it be important to avoid labeling and/or name-calling when addressing bigoted or biased behavior?

The person will more than likely no longer listen to what you have to say

Focused thinking

The practice of intensely studying an issue, trying to see it clearly, and not becoming distracted by other issues that are somewhat related, but different from, the specific question at hand

Big-picture thinking

The practice of stepping back from an issue or problem so as to take more of it in


The process through which leaders try to solve performance problems and develop their people

Which parliamentary term describes the requirement the least half of the group members be present for the committees work to be legitimate?

The quorum


The reduction of some response that the person had previously displayed


The relation of something to the matter at hand


The sparkle in people that money can't buy

Which of the following statements about how people use the web is FALSE?

The typical visitor gives a site 35-50 seconds to grab their attention

Procrastination affects your ability to


The process of organizing and using your time wisely is called

Time management

The process or organizing and using your time wisely is called

Time management

If the flag is displayed on a speakers platform, the flag should be placed

To the speaker's right

By paying attention to detail when wearing the CAP uniform, you learn

To value accuracy and precision

Drill teaches cadets

To value teamwork and precision

The main idea of a paragraph is introduced by the:

Topic sentence

If displaying the flag over the middle of the street, point the Union

Toward the north or east

The sense of team spirit is important because it builds


The main thing about writing is NOT to

Try to impress the audience with long words

Defensive behavior is a natural and often _____ reaction to emotional pain


Good attitudes arise from



Understanding, being aware of, and being sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another

The ethical trap means that

Unethical solutions to a problem yield additional problems

Which of the following is NOT another name for the American flag?

Union Jack

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is known as one of the greatest human and civil rights activists of all time. He worked to ensure the equality of all humans without regard to his own personal freedom and safety. Which stage of Kohlberg's moral development would he be identified with?

Universal principles

Test material that relates back to what the cadets studied is called


What type of ethic is gained through right desire, true reason, balance, and habits of character?

Virtue ethics

What are the four modalities of learning

Visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic

Which decision-making tool analyzes the arguments for and against an idea while assigning a relative strength to each argument?

Weighted pros and cons


When a person knowns they have anxieties or problems, but they set them aside, choosing not to even think about them`

Positive reinforcement

When a pleasant reward is used to increase the frequency of a behavior


When someone devises reassuring or self-serving explanations for their behavior


When the leader refuses to acknowledge the conflict exists


Width; extent

Distinguishing between fair and unfair requires


Transitions function ______ paragraphs

Within and between

The best way to set goals is to

Work back from the future

There is no escaping the fact that you are in charge of


Who has the ultimate responsibility to solve your problems?


If your peers catch you talking to yourself, you can tell them

You are practicing inner dialogue

When addressing a colleague about a concern over bigotry, which of the following might be an acceptable statement?

You are stereotyping an entire ethnicity in a derogatory way. Is that what you mean to do?

You cannot solve a problem if

You do not know exactly what the problem is in the first place

You want to be an astronaut. Which of the following is a meaningful and reasonable goal?

You enroll in extracurricular aerospace activities

Which situation demonstrates the most empathy?

Your friend's dog dies and you listen closely to his stories about the dog

When you are debating whether it is inborn qualities or personal experiences that shape who we are, you are referring to

nature vs. nuture

A units performance on the drill field is a measure of the cadets sense of



the act of taking one's own unacknowledged thoughts or feelings and falsely attributing them to someone else

What is the most important standard of all?

the leader's example

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