Span 102- Chapter 8 Quiz

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What are these: "Tan limpio es quien limpia como quien no ensucia" "Jugá limpio" "Te quiero limpia" "Cuento contigo" "Ensuciar cuesta dinero"

All of these are slogans used in various cities in Hispanic countries in their campaigns to keep the streets clean, but many of these campaigns go beyond cleaning.

_______ and ______ can only be placed before the verb if it is used as the subject.

Nada and nadie

Are there stem changes in the imperfect?


indefinite words include:

alguien: someone, somebody algo: something siempre: always

5. Nadie/Algunos residentes de Nueva York son puertorriqueños.


8. ¿Cuándo (asistir) tú a clase de español?


7. Sara (bailar) merengue.


Imperfect: (-er/ir verbs) barrer(to sweep)

barría barrías barría barríamos barrían

10. Nosotros (comprender) las preguntas.


5. Leonardo y yo (correr) por el parque


Another use of the imperfect is to _______________.

describe an action in progress at a particular moment in the past where there is no emphasis on when the action began or ended.

9. Yo (ser) muy feliz.


Imperfect: ser (to be)

era eras era éramos eran

True or False: Gustar never takes the indirect object pronoun and is conjugated according to the subject that follows it.

false: always

4. Tú (hablar) con Javier.


Imperfect: ir (to go)

iba bas iba íbamos iban

.6. Ustedes (ir) a la clínica.


When a negative word follows the verb, it is necessary to place no or another negative word _______ the verb, making it a double negative

in front of

the indirect object pronoun is placed ______ a conjugated verb or can be attached to an infinitive or a present participle.

in front of

what are one of their main goals?

is to educate their communities to keep their city clean and welcoming to all.

The negative words _____, ______, and _______can be placed directly before the verb.

jamás, nunca, and tampoco

more negative words include:

jamás: never tampoco: neither, either ningún (ninguno/a): none, any neither....nor

Imperfect: (-ar verbs) Lavar (to wash)

lavaba lavabas lavaba lavábamos lavaban

3. En los restaurantes, yo siempre ___ doy una buena propina al mesero.


Los clientes le piden la cuenta al mesero: pedir, decir, dar, prestar

le piden

4. A veces los jóvenes no ______ dicen la verdad a sus padres.


Siempre _____ escribo cartas a mis amigos.


Los niños les dan invitaciones para su fiesta de cumpleaños a sus amigos: pedir, decir, dar, prestar

les dan

A veces los jóvenes les dicen mentiras a sus padres; pedir, decir, dar, prestar

les dicen

Mi primo me presta su coche cuando el mío (mine) no funciona: pedir, decir, dar, prestar

me presta

2. Cuando mis amigos ______ piden dinero, (yo) no ______ puedo dar nada porque ¡soy pobre!

me, les

indirect object pronouns

me, te, le, nos, les

3. -¿Comes algo? -No, no como _______


4. -Vas al baile con alguien? -No, no voy con ______


negative words include:

nadie: no one, nobody nada: nothing nunca: never

7. La familia Sepúlveda no es o/ni rica o/ni pobre.

¿Conoces a algunas chicas? -No, no conozco a ________ chica.


.3. Julio tiene un trabajo, pero Gloria no tiene ninguno/tampoco.


.2. Creo que ellos no tienen ningún/nadie niño


5. La profesora de español _____ da mucha tarea (a nosotros) este semestre.


The indefinite words algún, alguno(s), alguna(s), and the negative words ningún, ninguno(s), ninguna(s) function similarly to the indefinite articles un(os) and una(s). Notice that they must agree in _____ and _______ with the noun they refer to.

number and gender

2. -Cuándo vas a la biblioteca? -No voy _________ .


4. En Puerto Rico algún/nunca hace frío en el invierno.


Julio y Gloria nadie/nunca desayunan juntos por la mañana


What are some of the objectives of these slogans?

painting walls in neighborhoods that need it, organzing neighborhood associations, putting up recyclying bins, and educating people on how to recycle correctly, seperating organic waste from recyclable materials.

The imperfect is used to describe ________.

past habits or routines

When using the indirect object pronoun, it is possible to add a + _______________ or a + _____ to either clarify or emphasize.

prepositional pronoun, noun

Some words the imperfect verbs are often used with include:

siempre, todos los días, todos los años, con frecuencia, a menudo, normalmente, generalmente, a veces

When using the negative, the _________ form is generally used.


more indefinite words include:

también: also algún (alguno),alguna: some o... o: either.....or

6. Julio no trabaja en una primaria. Gloria tampoco/también.


A case in which the work of citizens goes beyond keeping the city in order is that of _________________.

the Ciudad Limpia Foundation, in Chaco, Argentina

SOme more of their successes include:

they gave talks in their schools; they collected more than a ton of batteries to neutralize them; they participated in the care of public spaces such as parks and squares; they cleaned up graffiti and even helped a group of street children find educational opportunities to learn a trade, and offered them recreational sports opportunities.

SOme of their successes include:

they recovered thousands of books and donated them to libraries; carried out a campaign to avoid contaminating the city with political propaganda ("If it dirty... I don't vote for it");

True or False: Some cities also organize volunteer drives to pick up dog waste, and promote educating owners to pick up their pets' waste using plastic bags.


Imperfect: ver (to see)

veía veías veía veíamos veían

Mis hermanos (ver) la televisión todas las tardes.


2. Yo (viajar) en el tren de las 3:30


.3. De niño, Samuel (vivir) en Oaxaca


All these objectives were achieved with the participation of :

volunteers from the region and with their donations. For the inhabitants of this province, keeping their city clean means maintaining a community that offers opportunities for all its inhabitants.

An indirect object is usually a person and tells to _____ or _______ something is done.

whom, for whom

Is it possible to use multiple negative words in one sentence.?


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