Spanish Rule, Spanish Settlement, Spanish Impact on Louisiana Development, Spanish Economics

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What were the first three battles Galvez fought with his army? What geographic feature did all of the battles occur on? Why was it important to fight all these battles?

1. Fort (Manchac), Baton Rouge, Natchez 2. Mississippi River 3. It secured the Mississippi River entirely into Spanish hands.

What geographic phenomenon affected Galvez's pursuit of war against the British? How did this impact Galvez's forces?

1. Hurricanes 2. It sunk nearly every ship he had planned to use to transport his forces.

Spanish Rule: What happened under O'Reilly? Cause? Effect?

Cause: O'Reilly implemented laws for the colony to follow. Effect: This became the basis for the Louisiana legal system. The new laws were that O'Reilly also divided Louisiana into parishes, instituted a new slave code that banned Indian slavery, and reorganized the regular and militia forces, including a battalion of free men of color.

Spanish Rule: What happened at the arrival of the Spanish? Cause? Effect?

Cause: Spanish shut the mouth of the Mississippi River and made only one channel available for trade. Effect: This stopped the smuggling of goods up and down the Mississippi River. It also made the wealthy smugglers mad as their trade route had been closed.

Spanish Rule: What happened in the Rebellion of 1768? Cause? Effect?

Cause: The Spanish had implemented new economic decisions within the colony. Effect: This caused a riot to occur (a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd) Riot: Pierre Caresse drafted a list of grievances against Governor Ulloa, and Julien Jerome Doucet wrote a legal argument that the Treaty of Fontainebleau was contrary to the Laws of Nations. They wanted to remove Governer Ulloa.

Spanish Rule: What happened in the coming of O'Reilly? Cause? Effect?

Cause: The riot in New Orleans (a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd). Effect: Death of 4 people executed (punishment of death) by the decision of O'Reilly.

Spanish Rule: What is another thing that happened in the arrival of the Spanish? Cause? Effect?

Cause: Trade with France was stopped. Effect: This also enraged the colonial people of Louisiana as they felt this would even deepen the economic struggle they were already facing.

Spanish Settlement: Excerpt from Cajun Country by Barry Jean Ancelet, Jay Edwards, Glen Pitre: Based on the document, describe the ways in which Louisiana was desirable for the Acadians? Answers may vary.

Could include, land, livestock, and tools to develop the land. The Spanish administrators saw the Acadian settlements as benefit to the struggling colony.

Economic Decision: What did the Spanish develop in 1770? What impact did this economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: Increase the production of tobacco in Louisiana. 2. Tobacco production flourished increasing trade throughout the region.

Economic Decision under Spanish Rule? What impact did this economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: Population grew. 2. Some immigrants came with skills and knew how to grow the economy. SKILLED WORKERS

Meanwhile, the development of the cotton gin transformed the agricultural landscape of upcountry Louisiana, as it did throughout the American South. where a predominantly Anglo-American planter population had sworn allegiance to Spain in exchange for generous land grants. In New Orleans, commerce soon centered on cotton trading. What impact did the inventions of the cotton gin have on Louisiana?

It caused cotton to be the major export item flowing out of New Orleans. The upper regions of Louisiana switched from Tobacco to cotton and massed produced by commodity.

What would be the importance of capturing Mobile?

It enabled the Spanish to control the Gulf of Mexico.

Spanish Settlement: Based on the maps which geographic features did the Spanish settle by? Answers may vary

Specifically waterways are the main geographic feature in which the Spanish settled by.

Based on the document, why was Galvez's army uniquely Louisianan?

The Acadians, Creoles, free people of color, Islenos, and German immigrants were all from Louisiana to join his Spanish army.

Spain had declared war on the British in May of 1779. Why had Galvez planned to attack the British before his leaders had officially pursued war?

The British had revealed to attack New Orleans.

What can you infer was Galvez's motive to head toward Pensacola ad ultimately the West Florida colony?

The Floridas were originally part of the Spanish Empire. The Spanish believed it was important to them and wanted it back. Heading to this area and fighting for it gave Spain a chance to have its return.

Spanish Impact on Louisiana's Development: Excerpt from Dividing the Land: 1. Describe the Spanish Influence. 2. How has this impacted Louisiana today?

1. Implemented the sitio land grand to Louisiana. 2. Land grants of this changed from French long plots to the sitio cattle grant. This has impacted Louisiana today as cattle has become an agricultural export. Also many farms that are not along the river are of this style. the applicant for a half-league grant needed a 100 cattle, some horses and sheep, and two slaves.

Spanish Settlement: Excerpt from the Louisiana Purchase by Jan Goldberg: Did the Spanish consider Louisiana a valuable location to settle? Explain your reasoning. Site evidence to support your claim. France gave the territory known as Louisiana to Spain in a secret agreement. The transfer of the territory to Spain meant that France no longer had control over any land in North America.

1. No 2. Because the text states that Charles lll did not put much value on the Louisiana and did not send anybody to rule the colony for at least 2 years.

Spanish Impact on Louisiana's Development: Excerpt from The Contributions of O'Reilly: 1. Describe the Spanish Influence. 2. How has this impacted Louisiana today?

1. O'Reilly split Louisiana into 21 parishes. 2. Parishes are still implemented today as the way we divide into different government run areas.

Excerpt: Mexico stopped importing Louisiana tobacco entirely, and Spain cut its quota to forty thousand pounds. What was their economic decision? What impact would these decisions by Spain and Mexico have on Louisiana?

1. Spain cut into their amount of tobacco that they are getting. 2. The decrease in importation of tobacco would have slowed down production in Louisiana. This would in turn create a down-turn in the economy as Louisiana at this time was dependent on the trade of tobacco.

Spanish Settlement: Excerpt from Cajun Country: For what reasons did the Spainish consider the Acadians desirable immigrants to Louisiana? 2. Why were these reasons considered desirable characteristics to the Spanish?

1. The Acadians "Catholic, small farmers, very poor, apolitical (not interested or involved in politics), and were thought to be uninterested in meddling in government matters" 2. The Acadians were much like the Spanish and were considered to not cause trouble.

Spanish Impact on Louisiana's Development: The Cabildo: 1. Describe the Spanish Influence. 2. How has this impacted Louisiana today?

1. The Spanish built the Cabildo in New Orleans. 2. The Cabildo still stands today in New Orleans as an example of Spanish architecture in Louisiana. It is also the place in which the United States doubled in size with the signing of the Louisiana Purchase. Also, in 1803 the Cabildo became the place in which Spain transferred Louisiana back to France and the subsequent transfer of the colony to the United State

Spanish Impact on Louisiana's Development: Excerpt from the Daily Life Along the Mississippi By George S. Pabis: 1. Describe the Spanish Influence. 2. How has this impacted Louisiana today?

1. The Spanish increased the number of black slaves in Louisiana. They also gave slave more rights than the French and English did. including the right to own property, buy their own freedom, and appear in lawsuits 2.African culture is a major part of Louisiana. Even though slavery was bad, the introduction of Africans to Louisiana has helped Louisiana grow culturally.

Spanish Impact on Louisiana's Development: Agricultural Development: 1. Describe the Spanish Influence. 2. How has this impacted Louisiana today?

1. The Spanish introduced sugar to Louisiana. 2. Sugar is still a major crop that supports the majority of the southeast of Louisiana. Sugarcane rapidly became a major crop. After sugar was granulated, more land and slaves were acquired. Sugar mills were built. Sugar-producing plantations increased in number.

Spanish Impact on Louisiana's Development: Above-ground Burials: 1. Describe the Spanish Influence. 2. How has this impacted Louisiana today?

1. The Spanish introduced the above-ground grave. 2. This has impacted Louisiana today as the majority of graves seen in Louisiana are now above the ground. The new burial ground was a welcome solution to the problem of respectful care of the dead.

Spanish Impact on Louisiana's Development: Population of Louisiana- Spanish Colonial Period: 1. Describe the Spanish Influence. 2. How has this impacted Louisiana today?

1. The population doubled under Spanish rule. 2. This enabled Louisiana to grow both as a colony but it enabled skilled workers to come to boost the economy. The population grew from 1,998 to 60,000 with skilled workers

What economic decision was made in the 1790's? What impact did this economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: Spain put a hold on the importation of goods. 2. This made it virtually impossible for the people of Louisiana to meet their basic needs. Because there was no manufacturing. People had to import clothing, shoes, soap, glass bottles, and alocohol. Putting a stop to importation would make it hard for people to have these basic goods.

New Orleans grew significantly during the 1790's, in spite of or perhaps because of catastrophic fires in 1788 and 1794. Economic Decision? What impact did this economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: The Spanish grew the city of New Orleans. They grew it in both size and its population. 2. The population grew and increased demand in goods spurred rural agricultural economies. This increased demand for agricultural goods, as the people of New Orleans needed to be fed.

Planter Etienne Bore successfully produced refined sugar for this first time in Louisiana. Louisiana planters abondoes indigo to invest in sugarhouses and imported cane plants.Within a few seasons, more than one hundred plantations around New Orleans were producing six million pounds of sugar each year through the labor of nearly two thousand enslaved workers. Economic Decision? What impact did this economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: The invention of granulated sugar and the switch from tobacco and indigo to sugar production. 2. This increased trade throughout Louisiana with New Orleans region created more than 6 million pounds of sugar.

Spanish Economics: Second Decision of Governer Ulloa's: Economic Decision? Based on source 2, what impact did Governer Ulloa's second decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: They didn't trade with France anymore and only allowed trade with Spanish ruled colonies. 2. They felt angry. The Louisiana colony could only trade with Spain or its colonial ports. Several subjects

What was the second economic decision of Governer Ulloa? Based on source 2, what impact did Governer Ulloa's second economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: They didn't trade with France anymore and only allowed trade with Spanish ruled colonies. 2. They felt angry. The Louisiana colony could only trade with Spain or its colonial ports. Several subjects became embittered (angry) because they thought that the economic depression would become worse.

In Madrid, American envoy Thomas Pinckney negotiated a treaty that ceded to the United States all Spanish territory east of the Mississippi River and north of the latitude 31° north, including the vital Natchez region. The treaty also granted Americans the right to freely navigate the Mississippi and allowed US merchants a place in New Orleans to deposit their goods for duty-free re-export. Economic Decision? What impact did this economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: To allow free trade along the Mississippi River into the American colonies. 2. This decision increased the economy of Louisiana. It enabled more trade throughout North America.

What was the first economic decision of Governer Ulloa? What impact did Governer first economic decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: To close the Mississippi River and to leave one channel open for trade 2. It stopped wealthy smugglers from smuggling and slowed trade with the American colonies.

Spanish Economics: First Decision of Governer Ulloa's: Economic Decision? What impact did Governer Ulloa's first decision have on Louisiana?

Economic Decision: To close the Mississippi River only open one channel for trade 2. It stopped wealthy smugglers from smuggling and slowed trade with the American colonies.

Spanish Settlement: What major city did the Spanish offer the most ranching grants to immigrants?


Spanish Settlement: Excerpt from the Islenos of Louisiana: Describe two reasons why the Islenos would "brave the storms and perils of the sea" to move to the "heat and humidity" of Louisiana? Answers may vary. 2. Why were the Islenos desirable to the Spanish colony (In Southeast Louisiana)

Push factors: Plagued (trouble) by drought (long time with no rainfall) and locusts, Pull factors: promised money, support, and land. 2. The Islenos were from a Spanish colony and had similar culture, language, and beliefs as the Spanish.

Important fact?

They developed goods for the colony. It was an impact of the decision of expanding New Orleans. Because New Orleans had more people to feed, this would have spurrred these areas to develop cattle ranches. It also sparked more trade along the Mississippi River.

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