SPC 205 Ch.8 Supporting Your Ideas

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What is the mean of the group of numbers 3,5,8,10,12,12,27

11 (add all the numbers and then divide by how many numbers there are. Such as, 3+5+8+10+12+12+27= 77. Divide 77 by how many numbers there are (7 numbers total), 77 divided by 7 is 11.)

"About 1.4 million shelter dogs are adopted each year" is an example of

A statistic

When using testimony, it is best to make certain that the source

Is qualified on the subject at hand, is unbiased

Which of the following terms is used to describe quotations or paraphrase is from an authority in a given field?

Expert testimony

In statistics, the __________ is the number that occurs most frequently in a group of numbers.


Daniel is presenting his speech to his classmates. He uses examples, testimony, and statistics that support his ideas. He does not explain his sources during the speech, but he does show his bibliography on a PowerPoint slide at the end of the speech. What common error has Daniel made in his speech?

He failed to cite his sources orally.

Suppose you want to use an example in your speech to describe what it is like to be a child advocate. Which of the following suggestions would make the example more effective?

Make it vivid and richly textured

When you use examples in your speeches, they should be which of the following?

Vivid, richly textured

You are giving a speech about school violence, and you briefly mentioned Columbine, Virginia Tech, and the Amish school shootings in a sentence. You are using

Specific instances

Natalie is preparing a speech on tourism in island countries in the Caribbean. She suspects there might be a relationship between visitor totals to particular island countries and outbreaks of diseases. Keeping in mind the importance of obtaining statistics from a reliable source, from which of the following should Natalie first seek the data on disease rates for specific Caribbean island countries?

The World Health Organization

In a birthday toast to her husband Sandra said, "Physical fitness expert Bonnie Prudden once said, 'You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.' So here's to many more years of winding!" Which of the following are reasons why Sandra used a direct quotation?

The quotation is brief and conveys what Sandra wants to say better than she can, the direct quotation is witty and compelling.

Which of the following should you do to make sure your statistics are representative?

The sample size must be large enough, different groups of the population sample must be in correct proportion

Which of the following are good reasons for identifying the source of testimony that you provide in a speech?

To add credibility to the testimony given, to give proper attribution in avoid plagiarism

Which of the following are guidelines for the effective use of statistics?

Use statistics sparingly, use visual aids to clarify statistic trends, explain any statistics that are used

When citing sources in your speech, you do not need to include all of the information that you would use in a written bibliography. What would you include depends on

Your topic, the kind of supporting material you are using, the claim you're making, your audience

In a speech about childhood obesity, the speaker describe the real life case of a young girl who spent her time watching television and eating junk food. This type of supporting material is defined as a(n)


If you are given a speech with many abstract ideas that are hard to explain, which of the following would be the best supporting material to use?


When you paraphrase someone to provide testimony in a speech, you

give the gist of someone else's statement in your own words

In addition to quoting or paraphrasing text accurately from supporting material, it is important both for ethical reasons and for credibility to

identify your sources allowed in a speech.

Rick explained, "Sue said that turning the faucet clockwise three times will stop the dripping." Carmen added, "Sue said 'These rotations always fix the problem," If both Rick and Carmen were reporting accurately, then Rick ________ Sue, and Carmen ___________ Sue.

paraphrased; quoted

Samantha explained her grandmothers trick for grilling hamburgers by saying, "To yield the juiciest burgers my grandmother told she would make a small impression on top of the burger, then she would place a small ice cube in that indention while the burger grills." Samantha was ___________ her grandmother


If you were giving a speech about a Japanese tsunami, and you quoted a local survivor on the hardships endured, you'd be using _________ testimony.


If you quoted you sister about her experience at summer camp, you are using what type of testimony?

peer testimony

When an example gives a human face or perspective to an abstract idea, it is said to _________ the idea.


The speakers point of view can be greatly strengthened with good __________ material such as statistics, examples, and testimony.


Illustrations, or narratives, are a type of supporting material referred to as

Extended examples

To quote or paraphrase someone correctly, it is essential that you

Do not misquote, do not violate the meaning of the statements being paraphrase, do not quote out of context

Which of the following statements about expert testimony are true?

It is especially important to use when your speech is on a controversial topic, it lends credibility to your speeches

Darnell feels confident that his speech on the benefits of plastic shopping bags will be persuasive because of the testimony he will provide. this testimony comes from two expert witnesses: one who is the president of a successful plastics manufacturing company and one who is a research scientist conducting studies funded by the plastics industry. Should Darnell feel confident that his speech will be convincing?

No, because his testimony is likely to be biased, since his sources work for the plastic industry in some way.

Josh was preparing a speech about home real estate and wanted to give an idea how home prices had fallen in all 7 recognized neighborhoods in his city. He found that the rounded percentage decreases were 3,3,5,6,7,7, and 19. Why would using the mean, or average, decrease be misleading?

The last value would skew the result.

Which of the following statements about using statistics in a speech are true?

They can be an effective way to clarify and support ideas, they can be used to show the seriousness of an issue

Speeches without examples generally come off as

impersonal, vague

The mean, the median, and the ________ are basic statistical measures that determine characteristics of a given group of numbers.


Clive says in his speech, "According to Suzanne Mofield, 93 percent of chemo patients who ingested some form of medical marijuana found relief from nausea." What should have been included in his oral citation?

The source of the information (book, magazine, newspaper, etc), the author's qualifications with regard to the topic, the date the information was published

In her speech on how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver, Julie begin by saying, "Suppose you are having dinner with a friend when suddenly your friend can't seem to catch her breath. When your friend begins to turn blue, you realize she is choking." This is a type of _______ example.


You have decided to take up running you have a friend who has been running in coaching a long time. She tells you to go to a specialty store and look for lightweight, flexible running shoes rather than buying cheap shoes online, so you do. You were influenced by her


Alana wanted to speak about climate conditions that might favor tornado formations in the United States. For testimony she used a document by researchers Schaefer and Marzban on the NOAA website, and she said, "Schaefer and Tatom (1998) looked at the mean Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the strip 5 deg. N to 5 deg. S and 180 deg. W to 150 deg. W and wrote, 'A Kruskai-Wallace H test was then used to see if any difference in different tornado measures exists between El Nino, La Nina and neutral years. Also the entire contiguous U.S., and three sub-areas were considered. All six of these combinations fail to have significance at the 99% level. One could not stay with confidence that El Nino/La Nina had any affect on tornado or strong tornado activity.'" Why should she have paraphrase instead of using a direct quotation?

the quotation is longer than 2 or 3 sentences. The wording of the quotation is cumbersome and contains technical terms.

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