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Which of the following statements is the best example of direct speech

"I don't feel like cooking tonight. I am ordering pizza to be delivered."

Which of the following statements is true of communication?

Communication involves both verbal and nonverbal messages.

Telling people information about themselves that they do not know is one way to self-disclose.


Which of the following statements is an example of self-disclosure?

Selected Answer: "I've never told anyone this, but I'm afraid to go to parties alone."

Which of the following is true of communication contexts?

Selected Answer: All communication takes place within contexts.

Which of the following recommendations will increase effectiveness in receiving messages?

Selected Answer: Avoid assuming you know what the speaker will say next.

Austin strives to listen politely. What is the best advice that you can give him?

Selected Answer: Avoid interrupting the speaker.

__________ serve to divide your territory from that of others.

Selected Answer: Boundary markers

Bobby: "I got a new bat!" Jan: "That's great. I can't wait to see you swing it at the game next Saturday." Bobby: "Not that kind of bat! His name is Del and he's my new pet." This exchange between Bobby and Jan best illustrates which principle of communication?

Selected Answer: Communication is ambiguous.

Which of the following statements is true of the blind area of the Johari window?

Selected Answer: Communication is generally improved as the blind area becomes smaller.

"You cannot not communicate" expresses which principle of communication? .

Selected Answer: Communication is inevitable

Dong-Sun and Chris had a very serious argument during which Dong-Sun said some very hurtful things to Chris. After the argument, he tried to apologize for what was said during the argument. Dong-Sun's later behavior best reflects which principle of communication?

Selected Answer: Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable.

Another term for time communication is haptics.

Selected Answer: False

Communication is a reversible and erasable process.

Selected Answer: False

Competence refers to your interpersonal communication abilities rather than to small-group or public-speaking abilities.

Selected Answer: False

No one should hesitate to self-disclose information about himself or herself regardless of the immediate audience.

Selected Answer: False

People are either ethnocentric or not ethnocentric.

Selected Answer: False

Politeness in communication is the exclusive function of the speaker.

Selected Answer: False

Silence tends to serve the same functions in most cultures.

Selected Answer: False

The last stage of the perception process is memory.

Selected Answer: False

The self-serving bias is when you take credit for the negative and deny any responsibility for the positive.

Selected Answer: False

Which of the following is true about self-concept?

Selected Answer: Gender roles generally are learned through cultural teachings.

When Henri wants to share information with Chantal but not with others in the room, he switches from speaking English to speaking French, which Chantal understands. Which of the following best describes what Henri does to keep his comments to Chantal private?

Selected Answer: He encodes his message in a way he thinks only Chantal will understand.

Which of the following suggestions should you follow when making decisions about another person's nonverbal communication?

Selected Answer: Interpret your judgments and conclusions against a cultural context.

Which of the following statements is true of active listening?

Selected Answer: It enables you to check your understanding of what the speaker has said.

Which of the following is a benefit of using effective nonverbal communication?

Selected Answer: It increases your psychosocial well-being.

Bethany wants to be a good critical listener. Which of the following should she do?

Selected Answer: Keep an open mind.

Which of the following is a way to increase self-awareness?

Selected Answer: Listen to others.

Which of the following is a correct statement about listening? .

Selected Answer: Listening can be improved

Which of the following is true about the relationship between culture and listening?

Selected Answer: Listening in any culture requires attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues.

__________ communication is the general term used to describe communication from one source to many receivers, some of which may be scattered throughout the world.

Selected Answer: Mass

Olivia does not want Justin to know that she is disappointed with the golf clubs he gave her for her birthday, so she smiles broadly and jumps up and down as if she is very excited. Olivia's use of nonverbal communication is an example of which principle of nonverbal communication?

Selected Answer: Nonverbal communication helps manage impressions.

Which of the following is a suggestion for facilitating the passage of information from short-term memory to long-term memory?

Selected Answer: Organize what you hear in an easy-to-retain format

__________ distance ranges from 18 inches to 4 feet and constitutes the imaginary "bubble" that keeps you protected and untouched by others.

Selected Answer: Personal

__________ territories are areas that you might call your own; these areas are your exclusive preserve. Examples might include your room, your desk, or your office.

Selected Answer: Primary

4 out of 4 points __________ distance, which measures from 12 to 25 feet or more, protects you. At this distance, you could take defensive action if threatened.

Selected Answer: Public

In order to improve your empathic listening, which of the following recommendations would be helpful?

Selected Answer: Seek to understand the speaker's thoughts and feelings.

Which of the following statements is true of listening?

Selected Answer: The process of listening is circular.

__________ communication is perhaps the most primitive form of nonverbal communication.

Selected Answer: Touch

One way to ensure effectiveness in the understanding stage of the listening process is to paraphrase the speaker's ideas.

Selected Answer: True

Positive face is the desire to be viewed positively by others, to be thought of favorably.

Selected Answer: True

Sunglasses may be regarded as communication noise.

Selected Answer: True

The evaluation stage of listening can be made more effective by resisting evaluation until you fully understand the speaker's viewpoint.

Selected Answer: True

The responding stage of the listening process can be enhanced through the use of "I" messages.

Selected Answer: True

Through active listening, we express acceptance of the speaker's feelings and encourage the speaker to elaborate on those feelings.

Selected Answer: True

Your facial expressions influence your own level of emotional arousal.

Selected Answer: True

Your regular seat in a classroom is an example of a secondary territory.

Selected Answer: True

__________ occurs when you decode the speaker's signals and grasp both the thoughts that are expressed and the emotional tone that accompanies them.

Selected Answer: Understanding

Which of the following is true concerning the relationship between listening and gender?

Selected Answer: Women may be socialized to exhibit more listening cues than men.

Self-esteem is defined as __________.

Selected Answer: a measure of how valuable we think we are

During her speech to persuade her classmates to get involved in campus politics, Haley pounds the podium to draw her audience's attention to a particularly important point. Haley has used nonverbal communication to __________ verbal communication.

Selected Answer: accent

During stressful situations, Quinn tends to play with his glasses to calm his nerves and focus his attention. Quinn's nonverbal action is an example of an __________.

Selected Answer: adaptor

The process of trying to understand others' behaviors is called __________.

Selected Answer: attribution of control

Pat has a habit of surrounding herself with people who are extremely critical and find fault with everything. Pat's choice in friends may __________.

Selected Answer: be detrimental to her self-esteem

Betty's friends know that she is stingy, but Betty is not aware of it herself. We can assume Betty's stinginess is part of her __________ self.

Selected Answer: blind

People in monochronic cultures __________.

Selected Answer: compartmentalize time

Sharia is listening logically and dispassionately to the salesperson who is trying to sell her a car. Sharia is engaging in what type of listening?

Selected Answer: critical

The text defines display rules as __________.

Selected Answer: cultural rules that govern which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate and which are inappropriate in a public setting

The concept of the looking-glass self suggests that we __________.

Selected Answer: develop our self-concept by attending to how others communicate with us

Generally, people use facial management techniques to __________.

Selected Answer: enable them to express feelings while achieving desired effects

Mario has a deep commitment to the identity and beliefs of his Puerto Rican-American culture, following customs and embracing specific artifacts. This is Mario's __________.

Selected Answer: ethnic identity

The facial feedback hypothesis posits that __________.

Selected Answer: facial expressions influence levels of physiological arousal

When someone sends a message in response to your initial message, such as laughing at your joke, he or she is sending __________.

Selected Answer: feedback

The information on the cover of a magazine that entices a reader to buy it is an example of __________.

Selected Answer: feedforward

While listening to Ella talk about her accident, Mel nods his head and says, "uh-huh" and "hmmm." Mel is __________.

Selected Answer: giving backchanneling cues

The understanding stage in the listening process involves __________.

Selected Answer: grasping both the thoughts that were expressed and the emotional tone that accompanies them

John has never told anyone about his fear of spiders. We can assume this fear is part of John's __________ self.

Selected Answer: hidden

Fatima only wears one kind of perfume, Serenity. When Fatima's friends smell Serenity, they instantly think of her. In this case, the smell of Serenity functions as a(n) __________ message.

Selected Answer: identification

At the evaluation stage of the listening process, one should __________.

Selected Answer: identify any biases, self-interests, or prejudices that the speaker may have

The __________ refers to the tendency to disregard outward signs of success and to consider yourself a fake, a fraud, one who does not really deserve to be considered successful.

Selected Answer: impostor phenomenon

Individualistic cultures put more emphasis on self-reliance, __________, and __________.

Selected Answer: independence; individual achievement

The transactional view is a more satisfying theory of the communication process than the linear view because it __________.

Selected Answer: is representative of how communication actually happens

Artifactual communication would include __________.

Selected Answer: jewelry

Hearing happens when you get within range of some auditory stimulus, but __________ begins only when the messages the speaker sends are received.

Selected Answer: listening

Matthew is sitting in communications class while the instructor is lecturing, but his mind keeps wandering to his upcoming vacation. Matthew is experiencing which type of listening barrier?

Selected Answer: mental distractions

The process by which you become aware of objects, events, and people by using your senses is called __________.

Selected Answer: perception

Several students sitting together in a student lounge studying for an exam might be perceived as a study group based on the rule of __________.

Selected Answer: proximity

Biases or prejudices of senders-receivers are examples of what kind of noise?

Selected Answer: psychological

The tendency to divide the various communication transactions into sequences of stimuli and responses is referred to as __________.

Selected Answer: punctuation

At the __________ stage of listening, you note not only what is said (verbally and nonverbally) but also what is omitted.

Selected Answer: receiving

Beverly watches only Fox News because its reporters and commentators reinforce her existing beliefs and attitudes. Beverly is engaging in __________.

Selected Answer: selective exposure

Joe has always believed that he is lousy at athletics. When he tried to play soccer, he was sure he would not be good at it, and indeed, he was not very adept. This may be a result of the __________.

Selected Answer: self-fulfilling prophecy

Phatic communication is also referred to as __________

Selected Answer: small talk

Most business transactions take place at which proxemic distance?

Selected Answer: social

Artie believes Asian people are more intelligent than other people. Artie is engaging in which perceptual process?

Selected Answer: stereotyping

When you hear a new song played on the radio, the __________ stage of the perception process has just occurred.

Selected Answer: stimulation

Which of the following actions is an example of securing affirmation?

Selected Answer: taping a note that says "I am a worthy person" to your bathroom mirror and saying the words out loud every morning

When you come into a lecture hall early, place your books and jacket on a seat, and then go out to talk with friends, you have engaged in behavior best described as __________.

Selected Answer: territorial

Which of the following is a physical barrier that may interfere with listening?

Selected Answer: the sound of a fire alarm

According to your book, competent communicators __________.

Selected Answer: think critically and mindfully

Temporal communication is concerned with __________.

Selected Answer: time

Which statement is an example of nonsexist language?

The first-year students may require extra attention.

One of the best ways to guard against static evaluation is to use __________

a date subscript

Which of the following myths of communication is identified in your book?

a. the more you communicate, the better your communication skills will be

Jennifer always demonstrates enthusiasm when communicating and follows the cultural rules for polite, cooperative, respectful conversation. Jennifer is using __________.

affinity-seeking strategies

When Lilly interviewed Meisha for a job, she told her, "Meisha, you have been out of college for a very long time, and I don't think you would be comfortable with our young clients." Lilly's statement could be considered __________.


Adding "et cetera" to their messages helps speakers to avoid __________.


Albert wants to ensure that he is communicating politely in his e-mail. Which of the following is the best strategy for him to use?

avoid offense language

Which of the following is the best example of a factual statement

barbara is driving a green jeep

When Ashley tells Jeremy, "I am going to study really hard for that history test," and Jeremy replies, "I know you will. You have a real drive to do well in school. I admire you," Jeremy is engaging in __________.


Luann believes that people should tell it like it is when communicating with others because being up-front saves time and energy in the long run. Luann's guiding principle in verbal communication is __________.


When Jeanne tells Dave, "I'm so stoked! I got an A on my chemistry midterm," and Dave replies, "I'm hungry. Let's get some lunch," Dave is engaging in __________.


Which of the following is an appropriate way to avoid ageism?

do not assume that older ppl do not understand tech

During team meetings, Luc doodles. This is an example of a self-adaptor.


Once you have established your own connotations for expressions such as "I love you," they rarely change throughout your lifetime.


The use of a derogatory racist term is an example of institutional heterosexism.


When Don, who is an openly gay man, meets Mehmet, Mehmet automatically assumes that Don must also know Rick, Mehmet's gay residence-hall director. Mehmet's tendency to assume that Don and Rick would probably know each other can be described as __________.


Marion says, "Jon is a gay athlete." This is an example of what?

heterosexist speech

When we focus on classes of individuals or objects and fail to see that each is unique, we have the misevaluation of __________.


Mandatory retirement laws and age restrictions in certain occupations can be referred to as __________.

instituional ageism

Of the following terms, which is the lowest in abstraction

my orange tabby, murray

To help another person maintain __________, you respect the person's right to be autonomous. For instance, you might request rather than demand that he or she do something.

negative face

Before launching into her presentation to the board of directors, Sandra circulates through the room making small talk about the weather, the results of last night's ball game, etc. Sandra is engaging in __________.

phatic communication

__________ territories are areas that are open to all people; they may be owned by some person or organization, but they are used by everyone.


The statement "Anderson is such an idiot" contains __________.

snarl word

Before going to a reception at the university president's house, Abby reminds her date, Homer, not to act like he is at a fraternity party. Abby wants Homer to be most aware of the __________ context.


The linear model of communication is analogous with a(n) __________.

tennis game

The denotative meaning of a word __________.

the literal meaning of a word

Of the following terms, which is the highest in abstraction?

things to sit on

"Mankind will soon walk on Mars" is an example of sexist language.


Ambiguity is tolerated more in low-uncertainty-avoidance cultures than in high-uncertainty-avoidance cultures.


It is best to use cultural identifiers that are recognized and used by cultural groups themselves.


Using indirect language allows people to express a desire without insulting or offending others.


Intensional orientation refers to the tendency to __________.

view people, objects, and events in terms of how they are labeled rather than in terms of how they actually exist

Paralanguage may be defined as the __________.

vocal but nonverbal dimension of speech

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