spch 1315 all 3 exams

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In your textbook, it says that handouts should be used with caution work for all speeches are never a distraction

should be used with caution

Listening and hearing are the same thing.


Some stage fright is both normal and good for you as a speaker. True False


Credibility means that you are qualified to speak on your topic.


Emotional appeals should always be combined with rational appeals for maximum strength.


The visualization step of the motivated sequence offers a scenario that can be... Positive A combination of positive and negative Negative

A combination of positive and negative

In his speechmaking, Dr. Martin Luthern King used sophisticated words with educated audiences and simple words with uneducated people. According to the text, this approach is... Appropriate Phony Patronizing Demeaning


What should you NOT do if you're asked to give an entertaining toast at a wedding? Be tasteful Be unprepared Be tactful Be relevant

Be unprepared

To build credibility, the text recommends all of the following strategies EXCEPT: Boast of your specific expertise Show your open mindedness Cite your facts and figures Show common ground with the audience

Boast of your specific expertise

Which of the following is a type of support material that points out its similarities to another, more familiar item? Examples Comparison Contrast Narration Signposts


Which term best applies to the perception of a speaker as believable and reliable? Dynamism Character Credibility Competence


Which of the following statements is true of persuasion? The definition of persuasion is limited to changing someone's behavior The purposes of informing and persuading are the same Persuasive speakers unintentionally try to influence an audience Credibility is even more important when your goal is to persuade

Credibility is even more important when your goal is to persuade

Which one of the following is NOT one of the most basic purposes of a speech: Persuasive Critique Entertainment Informative


How can a photograph best be used as a visual aid? Make copies of it and hand the copies out during your speech Put it in an impressive, attention-getting frame Pass it around to the audience Enlarge it to show to the audience

Enlarge it to show to the audience

A speaker who offers proof to support his/her reasoning is using... Evidence An argument Motivation Logic


Which support material provides instances or samples of people, places, objects, actions, conditions or experiences? Examples Statistics Definition Narration


Sometimes it is not necessary to state your topic in the Introduction. True False


"Good delivery" calls attention to itself because it is so rare.


A semantic listening distraction can result from a class lecture's flood of facts


Analyzing your audience's demographics only supports stereotypes and should never be done.


Anything which is used to generate proof in the minds of the audience is fallacy.


Arguing from general to specific points is called inductive reasoning or inductive arguments.


Because it makes an audience uncomfortable, using personal pronouns such as "we" and "I" are never recommended.


By using a comparison, a speaker can point out differences between two objects or places.


Complete scripts are better notes for a beginning speaker. True False


Complex and detailed visuals are usually the best way to communicate in a presentation.


Hasty Generalization is a fallacy of Argument by Deduction.


In the Motivated Sequence, the Action Step should avoid being specific.


In the Tips on How to Be a Better Listener, "PTR" means Plan to Reprimand.


Informative and Persuasive Speeches have the same purpose.


Outlining only helps professional speakers. Outlining has little relationship for beginning speakers.


Quite often a single persuasive speech is enough to change belief or cause action.


Speaking from a manuscript is the speech delivery method encouraged in this class.


The audience will tend to be persuaded more if the speaker has low credibility


The bandwagon fallacy is never utilized in current political persuasive speeches.


The message that the sender intends and the message that the listener actually receives is generally identical.


Transitions are not necessary for every speech.


A speech to inspire attempts to change how listeners... Act Feel Think Believe


Concerning efforts to persuade people who oppose your views, which one of the following reflects the advice given by the text? Consider yourself defeated if you fail to win over all of them For those you fail to win over, use biting sarcasm in order to shame them into a later capitulation Ignore the hardcore opponents If persuasion fails, be content if you can move foes (people with opposite opinions) a few inches closer to your position

If persuasion fails, be content if you can move foes (people with opposite opinions) a few inches closer to your position

Listening is... Both active and a learned skill Active Intermittent, a learned skill and active A learned skill intermittent

Intermittent, a learned skill and active

From your textbook, who or what ultimately creates meaning? Words Encoding People Symbols


A persuasive speech TO INSPIRE seeks to heighten belief or energize action already taking place.


A persuasive speech to CONVINCE supposes the audience to be opposed to the speaker's thesis and seeks to change that opposition


Anything which is used to generate proof in the minds of the audience is evidence.


Commencement addresses and eulogies are examples of Speeches to Inspire.


According to the text, successful persuasion is often determined by if your audience thinks that you are.... Funny Sincere Trustworthy


Which of the following do you NOT want to do in your visual aid speech? avoid eye contact with audiece in order to center attention on your visual aid make sure that all can see the visual aid state what the visual aid is intended to show stand to one side or behind it

avoid eye contact with audiece in order to center attention on your visual aid

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective visual aid? legibility simplicity clarity complexity accuracy


Which of these is NOT an advantage of using a graph as a visual aid? it is useful in comparing quantities it is useful in depicting trends over time it is useful in referring to geographic areas

it is useful in referring to geographic areas

Reading a speech written out sentence by sentence is called _____ delivery; if you know that speech so well that you can deliver it without any notes, you are using _____ delivery. manuscript; extemporaneous extemporaneous; manuscript manuscript; memorized extemporaneous; memorized

manuscript; memorized

The following should NOT be included in a speech's conclusion: a summary of your main points activation of an audience response a circular conclusion statement one final thing that just occurred to you

one final thing that just occurred to you

A good Informative Speech should NOT be: persuasive specific relevant objective


Before a speech, when you picture yourself giving the presentation, you should imagine all of the elements below EXCEPT... the possibility of failure effective delivery success nervousness

the possibility of failure

From the following options, the best reason to use a visual aid is they can help a speaker stay within the time limit they can substitute for a general lack of information they help a speaker gain and maintain attention they reduce and camouflage a speaker's nervousness

they help a speaker gain and maintain attention

Which of the following is NOT a reason to use supporting materials in a speech? to help listeners remember key ideas to make a speech less interesting To develop and illustrate ideas to clarify ideas to help prove an assertion

to make a speech less interesting

One specific listening problem is that people permit personal prejudices or deep seated convictions to impair comprehension and understanding.


When choosing a speech topic, one should consider: All of the other three are correct its appropriateness for the speaker its appropriateness for the occasion its appropriateness for the audience

All of the other three are correct

Internally talking to yourself is called what type of communication? Group Interpersonal Mass Intrapersonal


Which one of the following is an important reason to use a presentation aid? It increases message clarity It covers up the fact that you are not prepared It takes up time in your speech It decreases speaker dynamism

It increases message clarity

Jason says in his speech: "About 20% more elementary school kids get hooked on narcotics today than in the 1960s. So, we can easily see that we've got a big problem. Now let's talk about what we can do about it." What is Jason's error here? Jason failed to make his supporting material dramatic enough for the audience Jason made no mistake; he used a clear, dramatic statistic in support of his point Jason failed to cite the source of his supporting material Jason failed to explain his main idea before citing a statistic

Jason failed to cite the source of his supporting material

Which one of the following does the text suggest as the best way to prevent excessive stage fright? A sense of humor Self-confidence Preparation Experience


The textbook suggests all of the following techniques EXCEPT: Right before a speech, gently massage the front of your neck to loosen up your vocal cords. Right before speaking, tense your hands and then slowly release them. Right before a speech, take a few slow deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Right before a speech, talk to audience members beforehand.

Right before a speech, gently massage the front of your neck to loosen up your vocal cords.

Which of the following is NOT an acceptable way to regain focus if you detect a lapse of audience attention during your speech? Say something like "wake up and listen" Mention one audience member by name Speak louder or softer Say "the most important thing to remember is..."

Say something like "wake up and listen"

Which type of speech does your textbook say is "the most moving form of public address?" Acceptance Speech Presentation Speech Tribute Speech Impromptu Speech Introduction Speech

Tribute Speech

A Topical Division is the most common organizational pattern for public speeches.


A speech encouraging you to eat only organic food is Persuasive and not Informative.


If you follow the Fair Use Provision, you have NOT infringed upon copyright law.


In choosing a topic for a speech, you are encouraged to start with your own personal experiences as possibilities.


In some cases, if your audience isn't very interested in a topic before you speak, you can still generate interest.


The Occasion is a critical factor in determining what type of audience you will face.


The best delivery of a speech is one that is both natural and conversational.


The best way to practice your speech is to rehearse your speech aloud, standing just as you will when you deliver it to your audience.


You should always consider the ethical consequence of your words.


Your text warns against using support material from special-interest groups because this information will likely be biased.


Which of the following is NOT a reason to use supporting materials in a speech? Visual aids can help prove a point Visual aids can make a speech more interesting Visual aids can diminish your speaker credibility Visual aids can make ideas clear and understandable Visual aids can help an audience remember facts and details

Visual aids can diminish your speaker credibility

The extemporaneous style of speaking includes all of these characteristics EXCEPT: You memorize your speech. You speak in a natural, conversational tone. You look directly at the audience. You carefully prepare your speech.

You memorize your speech.

Informative Speech topics can be about: processes people all of the other answers activities and events

all of the other answers

What is the name for the technique of generating may ideas quickly and uncritically? inspired thinking stimulated generation brainstorming creative list making


Speaking from notes or an outline written on a page is _____ delivery, whereas speaking without any preparation is _____ delivery. extemporaneous; manuscript impromptu; manuscript extemporaneous; impromptu manuscript; memorized

extemporaneous; impromptu

If you are required to give an Impromptu Speech, you should try to make it long and impressive


What is an oral footnote or verbal citation? giving credit in a speech to the source(s) of information a vast collection of information collected orally an information delivery system for the Internet a form of plagerism

giving credit in a speech to the source(s) of information

Transitions should be inserted... only between main points wherever they are needed to help the listener. only between body and conclusion only between the introduction and the conclusion

wherever they are needed to help the listener.

Which one of the following statements is false? Some speakers find it useful to create a Working Outline in the early stages of preparation and a Formal Outline in the later stages. A Speaking Outline should contain as much information as a Formal Outline. The Formal Outline is a complete sentence outline. A Working Outline includes the brainstorming process.

A Speaking Outline should contain as much information as a Formal Outline.

When selecting a topic, a speaker should consider: All of the other three answers are correct His own experience, knowledge, and interests The topic's value to both audience and to him/herself The availablility of material and its quality

All of the other three answers are correct

Which one of the following ways can be used to gain the attention of your audience? Apologizing for your nervousness Providing a preview of your main points Establishing your credibility Asking them a rhetorical question to stimulate thought

Asking them a rhetorical question to stimulate thought

Unlike English essays, plagiarism is never an issue when giving speeches.


When practicing your speech, you should start over every time you make a mistake.


When properly citing a movie DVD, you must include the director's name and the year it was released.


Why you should volunteer for Salvation Army is a good Informative Speech topic.


You should never use Hypothetical Examples in speeches.


On her way to public speaking class, Delaney decided to add one last visual aid to her speech. Was this a good idea according to your textbook? Yes, the more creative the visual aids, the better the speech will be Yes, if Delaney was certain that the visual aid would make a difference No, because Delaney didn't have a chance to rehearse with the new aid No, because the extra visual aid would make Delaney's speech run over time

No, because Delaney didn't have a chance to rehearse with the new aid

The following statement is an example of which type of support? "Just like Martin Luther King said three decades ago, 'I have a dream; I have a dream today' - I also have a dream that racism will end in my lifetime." Quotation/Testimony Personal Narration Definition No answer text provided. Statistics


You are given an award and are then asked to "say a few words." Which kind of speech do you give? Speech of presentation Speech of acceptance Inspirational speech Speech of tribute

Speech of acceptance

In a speech about the top five tourist attractions in New York City, Whitney showed a Power Point picture of the Statue of Liberty while she was speaking about Ellis Island. What should she have done instead? carried backup supplies not used Power Point slides what Whitney did was correct revealed the picture only when she was ready to discuss the Statue of Liberty

THE ANSWER IS NOT "what Whitney did was correct"

Good Informative Speeches cannot contain the following: a call to action sign posting a specific purpose a desire to enhance understanding


In the 2011 issue of the "Journal of Higher Education," professor Susan Taylor from the Howard School of Communications spoke dramatically on the problem of media ethics. This is an example of a subpoint in support of a main idea in a speech a citation of supporting material a statement of a main idea in a speech

THE ANSWER IS NOT a statement of a main idea in a speech

"Why you should encourage your children to play soccer" is a Persuasive Speech topic and not an Informative Speech topic.


A Tribute Speech should include anecdotes, stories and personal testimony.


A speech about "The History of Tyler, TX" is Informative and not Persuasive.


According to Module 3 notes, serious listening requires you to make a judgment or decision.


Acting as if you are poised and confident can often cause you to actually become so.


Audiences should not have to strain or squint in order to see a speaker's visual aids.


Audiences will remember, understand, and be influenced more by an organized message than by a disorganized message.


On the Communication Elements Model, the Decoder attaches meanings to verbal and nonverbal messages.


Personal interviews are an acceptable way to research your topic.


Search engines are helpful tools for finding supporting material for speeches.


Used correctly, jargon can increase a speaker's credibility.


When communication fails, the blame should be placed on either the speaker or the listener or both.


Which of these is NOT desirable to a visual aid speech? a visual aid that stays within the norms and expectations of the audience a visual aid which clarifies the idea of the speech a visual aid which cannot be seen by all of the audience at the same time a visual aid which is clearly explained by the speaker

a visual aid which cannot be seen by all of the audience at the same time

Why should a speaker use visual aids? all of the other answers are reasons for using visual aids because visual aids enhance memory because visual aids help listeners organize ideas because visual aids enhance understanding

all of the other answers are reasons for using visual aids

What is supporting material for a speech? only the statistics you cite in your speech only those research sources you find for your speech examples, statistics, sources, and other items that back up your ideas

examples, statistics, sources, and other items that back up your ideas

To a graduating college class that included a large number of middle-aged students, a commencement speaker says, "You will soon enter the work force...you will settle down and raise a family." The speaker is guilty of... making false promises. failing to analyze the audience insulting part of the audience creating an illusion

failing to analyze the audience

What is the first source of supporting material a speaker should rely upon? published sources, such as books, magazines, and newspapers dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference materials scientific journals that contain report of current research her or his own personal experience and knowledge

her or his own personal experience and knowledge

Which one of the following speech topics does NOT promote positive ethical values? the history of Tyler's Rose Festival how to build your own video game the job of a volunteer fire fighter how to cheat on exams

how to cheat on exams

Which one of the following scenarios best captures the textbook's advice concerning the fear of public speaking? A speaker doesn't try to eliminate nervousness and fear, but instead converts her anxiety into positive energy. A speaker has a great deal of anxiety, but is to bring it down to a manageable level by refusing to acknowledge its power. A speaker tries to banish nervousness by telling herself that a speech is nothing to be worried about. A speaker tries to eliminate her fear by making a joke about it in the introduction of her speech.

A speaker doesn't try to eliminate nervousness and fear, but instead converts her anxiety into positive energy.

Liking musical theatre instead of movies is an example of... A value A belief An attitude A behavior

An attitude

Positive visualization is a method that one should avoid to control nervousness. True False


Cassie cited The National Inquirer as a cource for a statistic she used on her speech about UFOs. Does this meet the text's guidelines for using statistics effectively in a speech? No, she should have only used books because they are the most current sources No, she violated the guideline that states that you must use reliable sources for statistics No, she violated the guideline about a speaker making statistics understandable and memorable Yes, as long as she gave a complete citation for the publication, including date and author name

No, she violated the guideline that states that you must use reliable sources for statistics

If the fire alarm goes off during your speech, this is called Environmental Noise on the Communication Elements Model. True False


One of the most important ways of coping with nervousness is to pick a speech topic that you truly care about. True False


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