Special Materials Finals Reviewer

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1. Desiderata or wants list help librarians to respond quickly when material comes onto the market and can be shared with booksellers. 2. Make links 3. Associations 4. Book Fairs 5. Auctions

Working with Antiquarian Booksellers


If ______________________________ are on flat sheets, they may be bound into books, filed in loose-leaf folders or stored in boxes.

special reading rooms

In selected libraries, __________________________ exist to minimize the risks to holdings while being consulted by library users.

Partial integration

(shelving) integration of nonprint only in separate open stacks, with print shelved in separate section


(shelving) separate "closed stack" shelving of each type of material according to format.

Total integration:

(shelving) total interfiling of materials regardless of format


A type of dehydration for removing water from wet materials. The material is first frozen and then placed in a high vacuum so that the water vaporizes in the vacuum without passing through the liquid state.


- Booksellers who deal in hand-press-era printed books, manuscripts, papers, and archives, modern first editions, private press books, ephemera and other material that appeals to collectors

1. Purpose, scope, and audience 2. Difficulty 3. Authority, honesty and credibility of producer, director, and performer 4. Subject matter 5. Comparison 6. Timeliness 7. Format 8. Price 9. Curriculum Support 10.Demand

10 Objective Points for evaluation (criteria for selecting materials)


A rack is use to hold _________________ rigid, and some use transparent plastic covers to protect the issues.

1. Heritage - The special collections service is recognized as and expected to specialized in these areas for historic and geographic reasons. 2. Legacy - Unique and Distinctive, but they are a lower priority for collecting 3. Self Renewing - Not Unique and Distinctive, acquired to support services to visitors and enquiries. 4. Finite - Not or no longer relevant

Assessing the Collections:

1. Prevention 2. Preparedness 3. Response 4. Recovery

Disaster Planning

Humidity, temperature, light



Is the simplest technique for drying damp not totally wet material. A damp book can be stood on its end and its pages fanned out or interleaved with blotting paper.

1.Ownership 2.Sensitive times 3.Time Pressure 4.The Donor Visit 5.Financial Support

Issues in working with Donors and Donations:


It can be used for large numbers of very wet books and documents and is the best method for successful drying coated paper


It is an action that prevents deterioration or damage by controlling the environment of the materials as well as treatment to maintain their original state.

1. Size of the Collection, 2. The type of library, 3. The kind of use expected for the collection, and 4. Need of the User

Methods of Organization


Most _________ are stored on bookshelves with book supports to keep them upright. Shelving of _________ shouldn't be too tight. Paperback _________ may be stored in wire, freestanding baskets for case of access. Large _________ should be stored horizontally on shelves, but if several are piled on top of each other the weight causes damages.

1. Through physical processing: a. Separate various types of materials according to format. b. Provide container or protective covering. c. Mark property ownership identification on each separate item and on container. d. Prepare labels e. Affix labels to materials and containers in a position, which is uniform f. Check that each item in a set is labeled and identified g. Protect labels by applying transparent tape, white glue or label protectors h. Paste pocket if appropriate to circulation procedures.

Organizing Non- Print Materials

• NOTHING is affixed to the book itself. • ALL dust jackets are left on the books for Rare Books. • The spine labels and barcode are put on a special, acid-free bookmark and inserted, between pages, into the top of the book. • A regular Special Collections bookplate is also inserted into the top of the book (unless a special plate-Vickery, Taylor, etc.-is specified) which will then be affixed to the bookmark in Special Collections.

Rare Books Physical Processing

1. Proper Handling 2. Environmental Control 3. Security 4. Disaster Preparedness

Several Aspects of Protecting the Collection

1.Level of connection with the library 2.Relationship with the material. 3.People or bodies 4.Collection or items 5.Relevance

Special Collection Donors and Donations take many forms:

• ALL dust jackets are left on the books for Special Collections. • Two call number labels are printed for each book. Affix one to the cover and one to the dust jacket in the appropriate location. • The barcode is affixed to the dust jacket. • If the book is a circulating copy (e.g. copy 2), the dust jacket gets covered in a mylar wrapper. • A Special Collections bookplate, if included, is affixed to the inside front cover of the book.

Special Collections Physical Processing


The dehumidifier is the device used to remove excess moisture from the air.


The exposure of library and archival materials to the vapor of a volatile substance or toxic chemical in a closed container or chamber in order to destroy fungi or insects

to keep holdings safe and secure while remaining accessible.

The primary function of a special collections department is _________________________________________________________________

1. Appearance 2. Cost 3. Library's Clientele 4. Rarity of Materials 5. Space Available 6. Special Needs of Specific Formats 7. Staffing Levels 8. The need to prevent damage to materials

The storage method chosen for particular materials depend on the following factors:


These are usually stored in ____________ boxes on shelves. Some libraries store them in filing cabinets, or place them in stiff covers and shelve them upright with the main collection of books. _____________ boxes protect the materials and users find them easy to handle, but the thickness of the box takes up extra space on the shelf. A filing cabinet for ______________ protects them from light and dust, but the container takes up floor space.

Maps, charts, diagrams

These formats are best stored in plan cabinets, but some libraries roll and store them in plastic, metal, or cardboard cylinders placed in pigeon holed racks. If they are fragile, they should be interleaved with acid-free paper. Frequently used items may be laminated.

1. Mission 2. History 3. Audiences 4. Existing collections 5. Scope of Collecting 6. For book collections, policies on editions (first, impressions, dust jackets, reprints, paperbacks, translations) 7. Material to support users and staff; databases, directories, textbooks, professional literature 8. The policy may also consider issues of diversity and hidden stories. 9. Be specific. 10. Legal Issues 11. Preservation Issues 12. Methods of Collecting 13. Collecting policies of other libraries. 14. Decision making 15. De-accessioning 16. Review

Writing the Special Collections Development Policy:


__________ are usually housed in slotted drawers or in transparent plastic sleeves.


__________ is the act or process of preserving something in a place for future use.


______________ is usually stored in small reels in cardboard boxes which are housed in special cabinets.


_______________ are usually stored in boxes in order to protect them from light and dust.


_______________ may be stored in envelopes, boxes or slotted plastic panels.


________________ are usually stored on shelves, because their outer casing is strong enough to protect them from damage and they can stand upright.

Roll film

_________________ is best with metal canisters.

Film strips

_________________ may be stored in boxes.

Book Binding, Book Bindery

__________________, also known as _________________, is the process of assembling and securing written or printed pages within a cover. In most cases, the cover is thicker than the interior pages to provide durability to the finished book

Cassette tapes

_____________________ are usually stored in cases or drawers.


______________________ Is the process of removing acids from paper, to give a support and prolong its lifespan.

Older issues (newspaper)

_______________________ may be bound and stored horizontally on specially designed shelving. Some libraries store older issues in archive boxes or shrink wrap their newspapers.


_______________________Is the method of reinforcing paper through the application of high heat and heavy pressure to impregnate the cellulite fibre into the paper. The end product is a thickened plastic-like document with a frosted appearance


________________________ Provides greater support to a document that is in fragile conditions. The process allows a fragile document to be sealed between two sheets of polyester film for protective viewing and ease handling.


________________________ involves protecting and stabilizing the material in its current state while retaining as much of the original materials as possible.

Compact Disks (CD)

________________________ may be stored on display racks, in a tower or on shelves.


________________________ returns a book or manuscript to as close to a new condition as possible with the use of more invasive techniques and less retaining of original materials.

Japanese mending tissue

___________________________ is a technique used in art conservation. It is a handmade paper made from kozo plant. It comes in different colors and thickness. Usually, a thin, transparent sheet of mending tissue which has a color close to the paper that requires repair is used by conservators

Newspaper cuttings

____________________________ are usually clipped and stored in filing cabinets or shallow drawers.

Drawings and photographs

_____________________________ maybe stored in folders, filing cabinet, or mounted in albums. Another option is to use archive boxes.

Rolled manuscripts

________________________________ are stored in cylinders.

Special collection materials

________________________________ are typically non-circulating.

Recent issues of newspapers

_________________________________ are often stored in a hanging file.


____________________________________ Wet or frozen books and documents are placed in a vacuum thermal drying chamber. The vacuum is drawn, heat is introduced, and the materials are dried under a vacuum with air above freezing temp.

Unbound back issues of periodicals

____________________________________ are usually stored in pamphlet boxes. Some libraries microcopy the materials, or make microform copies.

Vapor phase de-acidification

____________________________________ involves an alkaline compound in the gas phase, and is most importance for use on bound volumes which do not have to be unbound and to institutions with large collections which could never be treated on a one-by-one basis

Non-aqueous de-acidification (non-water solvent)

_______________________________________ Involves immersion brushing or spraying of an alkaline compound dissolved in an organic solvent rather than water, to give the document an alkaline buffer.

Aqueous de-acidification (water-based)

_______________________________________ Involves the immersion of paper document in an aqueous solution or brushing the sheet with an alkaline compound dissolved in water.

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