Sports Nutrition Exam 3

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An athlete loses 2 pounds after an hour of exercise. Using the guidelines provided in this unit, what would be the ideal goal for fluid replacement?

4-6 cups

Replacement of body fluids after long or strenuous workouts can take as long as how many hours?

48 hours

When evaluating a supplement for potential usage, you would want to see nutrient levels about:

50-150% of the DRI

What percentage of body weight does water comprise?


The DRI for water for women is _____ dups per day.


Which of the following does not result in hyponatremia?

Painful cramping, known as heat cramps.

Which nutrient has more specific recommendation for post-exercise than for pre-exercise due to its role in recovery?


An effective strategy for preventing iron deficiency in an athlete would be which of the following?

Reduce activities that promote the loss of iron and monitor iron levels regularly.

Ideal recovery foods include what?

Regular mixed-meals and snacks

What is the goal for rehydration after exercise?

Replace all fluids and electrolytes during the recovery period.

Which of the following is true regarding post-exercise nutrition?

Sports drinks are not effective for replacing electrolytes after exercise.

Which of the following is incorrect in regard to vitamin and mineral intake for active people?

Supplemental intake is necessary for ideal performance

The Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act requires which of the following?

Supplements to be free from contaminants and other ingredients not safe for human consumption.

What is the best way to fuel prior to an early morning event?

Take in extra carbohydrates and fluids the day before the event

Which of the following is not a reason that soda is not ideally hydrating?

Taste stimulates more drinking

What is the overall goal of consuming carbohydrate before and during exercise?

Top off glycogen stores and provide immediate energy as glucose

What does USP mean related to supplements?

U.S. Pharmacopeia

When selecting a supplement, look for what?

USP symbol

Which vitamin participates in hundreds of reactions related to protein synthesis in the body?

Vitamin B6

Calcium absorption is enhanced by what?

Vitamin D

Which nutrient may play a particular role in the metabolic function of skeletal muscle and is of emerging interest to sports nutrition?

Vitamin D

Which of the following is a fat soluble vitamin?

Vitamin E

In addition to food sources, what vitamin is made by the "good" bacteria in the intestines?

Vitamin K

Benefits of sports drinks for longer periods of exercise include all the following except what?

Vitamins and herbs for improved performance

You've had a couple drinks and decide to workout. Alcohol may affect your workout in all of the following ways except what?

You may experience greater strength and endurance

An effective fluid replacement plan for preventing dehydration might include what?

all of the above

Considerations when consuming caffeinated beverages around exercise times include which of the following?

all of the above

Eating options for a mid-day event might include what?

all of the above

How can you best fuel the body for an all-day moderate intensity activity?

all of the above

Iron deficiency without diagnosed anemia may present with what symptoms?

all of the above

The role of vitamin E specific to sports nutrition is which of the following?

all of the above

USP monitors supplements for which of the following?

all of the above

Water can be obtained from what?

all of the above

What are the food sources of folate?

all of the above

What foods have vitamin A?

all of the above

What is the function of vitamin C?

all of the above

What is the purpose of eating before and during exercise?

all of the above

When selecting a sports drink, be on the lookout for what?

all of the above

Which is a risk factor for calcium deficiency among athletes?

all of the above

Which is an effect of dehydration on physical performance?

all of the above

Which of the following is a source of body water loss?

all of the above

Which of the following is required to calculate sweat rate and establish a programmed schedule of drinking?

all of the above

Which of the following is true regarding sports anemia?

all of the above

Which of the following may require multivitamin/mineral supplementation?

all of the above

Which of the following regarding energy drinks is true?

all of the above

Which vitamins are considered antioxidants?

all of the above

You can prevent heat stroke by doing what?

all of the above

What factor can decrease calcium absorption?

all of the above can decrease calcium absorption

A low blood hemoglobin level is referred to as:


Which class of nutrients has actually been shown to negate training efforts at high doses?


What is the precursor to vitamin A?


The role of B-vitamins in physical activity include all the following except what?

bone health

What is the primary benefit of phosphorus?

bone health

What is the primary function of magnesium?

bone health

The recommendation for which of the following nutrients increases as we age?


What is the most abundant mineral in our body?


Which factor inhibits iron absorption?


What is a good indicator of hydration status?

color of urine

Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency among athletes in particular include all the following except what?

consuming dairy products

All the following increase iron absorption except for what?

consuming non-heme iron with calcium

Which is a benefit of drinking green tea?

content of phytochemicals

What is the best food source of vitamin D?


Which is the best source of calcium in the diet?


Why might phosphorus in soft drinks be a problem?

decreased bone mass

Which is not true about athlete exercising in cold weather?

does not have to worry about dehydration

What is the most effective way to replace large sodium losses as a result of endurance exercise?

eating salty foods

The functions of vitamin A related to physical activity include all the following except what?

enhanced metabolism

B vitamins associated with carbohydrates can all be found where?

enriched grains

Which is not a sign of water intoxication?


Potential reasons that an athlete may need supplementation include all the following except:

extra nutrients may have benefits to performance

Which classification of vitamins is more commonly related to toxicity?


Potassium can be obtained in high amounts from where?

fruits and vegetables

Which type of food provides phytochemicals?

fruits and vegetables

Which is not an electrolyte?


________ is a life-threatening reaction to heat build-up in the body.

heat stroke

Which form of iron is absorbed better?


Which hormone regulates iron absorption according to need?


What disease state is most related to high sodium and low potassium intake?

high blood pressure

________ refers to dangerously low sodium levels as a result of water intoxication.


A low body temperature that is a threat to cold weather exercisers is:


The function of electrolytes includes all of the following except what?

immune function

Which of the following factors affect the amount of carbohydrate that should be consumed per hour during endurance events?

intensity and duration

What is the number one nutrient deficiency worldwide?


What is the depletion of blood iron stores that results in low hemoglobin called?

iron deficiency anemia

Which of the following is heme iron?

iron in meat

Which of the following regarding supplement is true?

it can only supplement a healthy diet

Which is a characteristic of a water-soluble vitamin?

it dissolves in water

Which of the following is true regarding antioxidant?

it protect tissues from free radical damage

Which of the following is the most productive step to take to reduce sodium intake?

limit intake of processed and fast foods

Caffeinated beverages have been associated with which benefit to sport performance?

longer exercise duration

Signs of dehydration include all the following except what?

loss of appetite

Dehydration refers to what?

loss of body water

What is a downfall of coconut water for consumption during endurance exercise?

low sodium content

What is the function of iron?

metabolism and oxygen transport

Which food is not a good source of Vitamin C?


The Food and Drug Administration monitors what?

none of the above

Which of the following beverages is a good source of hydration during a workout?

none of the above

Which food is not a good source of vitamin E?


Which B vitamin is found widely in the food supply, making deficiency rare?

pantothenic acid and biotin

What is the second most abundant mineral in the body?


Compounds in fruits and vegetables that give them their color but also play a role in disease prevention are called what?


Which is the best source of hydration for recreational sport and activity?

plain cool water

When blood levels of calcium are low, how does the body compensate?

pulls calcium from the bone

As a group, the vitamins B1, B2, and B3 (thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin), function primarily to:

release energy from macronutrients

When body fluids become concentrated, the kidneys respond by doing what?

retaining more water

What is the best early indicator of iron status?

serum ferritin level

Signs that medical attention may be needed for hypothermia include all the following except what?

state of high energy

What is the role of vitamin K specific to physical activity?

synthesis of bone proteins and blood clotting

The classification of minerals as major or trace is determined by what?

the amount needed by the body

Folate and vitamin B12 are related because:

they work together to make red blood cells

Fluid needs are affected by all of the following except what?

time of day

Risks for iron deficiency among athletes include all the following except what?

training at low altitudes

Which is not a function of calcium?

transport of nutrients

Which mineral is not involved in bone health?

vitamin A

Which factor enhances iron absorption?

vitamin C

Athletes often test low for which fat-soluble vitamin?

vitamin D

What factor can increase calcium absorption?

vitamin D

Which vitamin acts as a hormone to regulate calcium absorption?

vitamin D

Minerals that play a role in maintaining the bones and teeth include all of the following EXCEPT:


An average gulp of fluid is how many ounces?

1 oz

Using the guideline of 5-10 ml/kg for fluid intake in the hours preceding exercise, a 160 pound (72 kg) athlete should consume how much fluid (remember, 30 ml = 1 oz) prior to exercise?

12-24 oz

The DRI for water for men is _____ cups per day.


To achieve a programmed drinking schedule for an athlete that loses 4 pounds per hour of exercise, they would need to consume about _______ of fluid every 15 minutes during the workout.

16 oz

How many servings of dairy products per day do we need to meet dietary recommendations for calcium?


Bone density peaks around the age of:


Your friend is stressed about his classes. He decides to take a stress vitamin pill with 300% of the stress vitamins B1, B2 and B6. You tell him he shouldn't take a supplement, he should get his B vitamins in food. Who is correct and why?

300% of any nutrient is more than is necessary and could interfere with other nutrient absorptions.

The best food choices before exercise does not include which of the following?

A high fat meal for more energy

Which of the following is not a function of water?

All the above are functions of water

Overhydration is common in what condition?

Among recreational athletes who drink more than fluid lost and with excessive intakes of low-sodium fluids.

Which water-soluble vitamin is found only in animal foods (assuming, we do not count fortified foods like cereals)?


Thirst is signaled by what?

Concentration of body fluids and nervous signaling from the brain

What is the best way to obtain an appropriate intake of antioxidant vitamins to support physical activity?

Consumption of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

Hydrating after exercise should account for which of the following?

Continued sweat and urine losses after exercise

Which is a benefit of bottled water?


Why is some level of dehydration inevitable?

Digestive system absorption cannot keep up with sweat losses and thirst is not a reliable indicator of dehydration.

Water intoxication refers to what?

Dilution of body fluids and excessive water ingestion

What is the goal for fluid consumption during exercise?

Drink sufficient fluids to replace sweat losses and limit dehydration

Which is true regarding pre-exercise nutrition?

Eat a full meal 3-4 hours before the exercise or event.

Which is not the best fat recommendations for exercise?

Eat as much fat as desired to ensure energy for exercise.

Fueling for an evening event may include all the following except what?

Eating all calories prior to noon

The role of exercise in prevention of osteoporosis is related to which of the following?

Exercise strengthens bone by increasing the number of bone building cells.

A valid practice for an athlete desiring supplementation would be:

Focus on food intake first and seek a high quality supplement if concerned about deficiency.

Alternative fueling plans for those who get nervous before events include all the following except which of the following?

Follow the standard guidelines for pre-event nutrition

Considerations for supplement use may include all the following except:

Including extra non-nutrients for potential benefits

The USP symbol on the label of a vitamin supplement means what?

It contains the ingredients as listed on the label and will dissolve in the digestive tract.

Who should use sports drink?

Janie, who ran a marathon that lasted several hours.

Why may juice not be the best drink for hydration?

Juices contain a high percentage of carbohydrate

For someone who does not like or tolerate milk and dairy products, the best strategy to prevent osteoporosis would be:

Look for calcium fortified food products such as orange juice and breakfast cereal and make up the balance with limited amounts of supplemental calcium.

Which of the following is true regarding iron supplementation?

May cause gastrointestinal distress and does not benefit performance unless an individual is deficient.

What is the goal for fluid consumption before exercise?

Meet fluid needs with enough time to void excess by drinking 2-4 hours prior to workout.

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