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The internet gained widespread use starting in the ____


The Internet reached 50 million users within ____ years


While it took the television industry 13 years to reach an audience of 50 million, the Internet achieved this same reach within ______ years.


Which of the following practices would be condemned by PRSA?

A public relations firm asks its interns to write positive reviews for online message boards.

What did the intern at Dolce & Gabbana say was the biggest lesson she learned from her six-week experience?

A public relations professional in any business must be able to think for him or herself

Message exposure

Audiences become aware of messages in various media formats. Pr professionsals may disseminate messages through either the mass media or controlled media.

As of May 2020, who had the most Twitter followers in the world?

Barack Obama

Which of the following government agencies has primary jurisdiction to determine if advertisements are deceptive or misleading?

FTC (federal trade commission)

Which of the following situations is demonstrates primary research?

Kevin felt he knew enough about the product to share the information with his boss. He had read an entire book on the subject last year.

Which of the 5 kinds of communication are hardest to accomplish

Message acceptance, attitude change & behavior change

5 different kinds of communication

Message exposure, accurate dissemination of the message, message acceptance, attitude change, & behavior change

According to the ________ theory, individuals are typically influenced by their interaction with not just one, but different leaders.


Which of the following features of YouTube benefits businesses that choose to use it?

People re-post videos they like, which results in a larger viewing audience.

Which of the essential steps of PR is responsible for setting goals and objectives and determining ways to meet them?


4 phases of the crisis management cycle

Proactive, Strategic, Reactive & Recovery

Which of the following government agencies monitors the financial affairs of publicly traded companies?

SEC (securities and exchange commission)

Message acceptance

The audience needs to be able to read the message, retain the information, then accept it as credible and valid.

Behavior change

The audience will truly believe the message and incorporate the message into their lives/behavior.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the agenda setting theory?

The media, through its selection of stories and headlines, tells the public what to think about.

Which of the following scenarios BEST demonstrates how timing and context play a role in persuasive communication?

The utility company sent out a flyer on how to conserve energy shortly after customers had received their January heating bills.

When public relations professionals consider the ethnic make-up of the United States, it is important for them to remember that it is not one homogeneous group. What does this mean?

There are many groups within the large group and not everyone has the same identical interests.

Reactive phase

This is how organizations react to a crisis. They must have a crisis plan in order to react properly. Crisis communication involves strategic planning to manage uncertainty. In this phase, the organization can choose if litigation needs to be addressed with the conflict and also conflict resolution (will the organization attempt to resolve the issue before it gets too out of hand).

Pure advocacy

This is where the organization attacks the accuser and is in denial of their organization being in the wrong. During advocacy, the organization claims that there is no crises, no damage resulted, and they they were not responsible for the crisis.

What does diversity mean in strategic communications

Understanding diversity is the most significant aspect in regards to communication. Public relations practitioners must be sensitive to the diverse attitudes, ideas, and/or beliefs when addressing the public.

Pure accomodation

Usually organizations will change their stance from pure advocacy to pure accommodation. Accommodation happens after justification when an organization agrees with the competitor, takes responsibility, negotiates correction, and makes an apology on their behalf.

Which of the following scenarios could trigger a libel suit?

You send out a news release that contains false statements and injures someone's reputation.

According to the Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey cited in the text, people consider the most trusted source of information to be ___________.

a friend's recommendation

According to the text, which of the following qualities was NOT cited by employers as a skill needed to be considered for employment in public relations?

accounting expertise

Thomas told the management team that the goal of the public relations project was to increase awareness of the product line by 50%. What basic research goal is Thomas trying to achieve?

achieve credibility with management

After the public relations staff had a chance to review their latest project, Gregor asked the other members, "What are we going to do to make the stockholders feel better about the new direction the company is taking?" Which part of the RACE acronym is he employing?


Evidence of increasingly integrated communication is seen by the fact that it is common for public relations firms to work in conjunction with _______.

advertising agencies

The contingency theory of strategic conflict management considers public relations as a continuum between...

advocacy and accommodation

While a journalist must act as an objective observer, a public relations specialist is seen as a( n) _________.


All of the following are to be considered when making ethical decisions in public relations EXCEPT:

all must be considered professional code of ethics, public interest, personal values

Which of the following benchmarks is considered an advanced level of measurement in a public relations program?

attitude change

the first stage in the adoption process is ____


The first widespread use of social media was in the form of _____


At the end of the news or press release, you should include a brief sketch of what the organization does, how many employees it has, where it is located, etc. This information is referred to as the __________.


The mayor has a news conference every Tuesday morning even if there is nothing special to announce. This type of news conference is known as a _______.


Mark works in the sales department of a large auto manufacturer. In order to create a brochure for the sales department, she must first get approval on the copy from the public relations division. This demonstrates the advisory relationship known as _____.

concurring authority

The major disadvantage of advertising is ________.


There are several advantages to distributing messages via podcast, including ____________


In issues management, if the company decides the emerging issue is potentially damaging, what is the next step?

create strategic plan

When an audience views a speaker as knowledgeable and an expert on a subject, the audience is analyzing the speaker's ________.


Connor's college counselor told him that in order to earn a degree in public relations, he would be required to take classes in sociology, history, psychology, and the arts. A potential employer would recognize that these classes help build Connor's ______.

cultural literacy

An essential element of effective public relations is that it should be ________.


Which of the following are three advantages to communicating with audiences through online media:

depth of info, niche markets, cost effective

When a public relations professional considers how to approach the general public, the MOST significant aspect to be considered is ___________.


_________ was one of the first female pioneers in the field of public relations and is noted for promoting media coverage of the first NAACP convention in the South.

doris fleishman

What are the 3 foundations of organizational reputation?

economic performance, social responsiveness, and the ability to deliver valuable outcomes to stakeholders

When the media continues to display a conflict and repeatedly talk about a problem so that the public feels compelled to get involved in the debate, it is an example of _________.


The most recent addition to the list of essential abilities needed to pursue a public relations career is _______.

expertise in social media

Marketing goals:

focuses on customers and how the company can sell their products to the customers in the most efficient manner.

Practical PR definition

focuses on managing conflict and competition mainly for the audience and competitors.

advertising goals:

focuses on promoting products that are for sale for consumers. Advertising agencies pay to promote a companies products, so sometimes it can be costly.

Ideal PR definition

focuses on the public and developing a two-way communication and mutual understanding process.

The fastest growing segment of the multicultural market in the U.S. is _________.


Recovery phase

image restoration and reputation management usually involves a full apology

Accurate dissemination of the message

information remains intact as it is shared through multiple media.

Jennifer was stopped by a woman at the mall and was asked if she would participate in a brief opinion poll about coffee shops... she is participating in a(n) _____ interview


The speed and mobility of getting a message out has traditionally been held by radio but is now being threatened by the advent of _______.

internet communication

Proactive phase

involves environmental scanning. Environmental scanning is when organizations consistently read/listen to current news. During the proactive phase PR professionals focus on issue tracking, issue management and crisis planning. This is so the organization can follow a strategic plan to prepare for the worst.

the most common type of media tour is known as the ______


The most notable disadvantage to using a mail questionnaire is _____.

low response rate

Unlike the early days of public relations, public relations professionals in this century bring added value to their employers by _________.

managing competition and conflict

Which of the following professions is most directly concerned with target markets, consumers, and customers?


As the assistant account executive, it is Ada's job to determine the effectiveness of the public service announcements that the PR agency placed in two metropolitan areas. She tracks the number of calls made to the toll-free numbers associated with the PSAs. Which of the eight basic elements of a public relations plan is Ada participating in?


The evaluation practice that is used most commonly used in public relations is ___________.

media impressions

The potential audience that can be reached by a periodical or a broadcast program is known as ______.

media impressions

To help the media understand its new product better, the company provided news releases, fact sheets, photos, and samples. In addition, there was a contact sheet for more information. These materials provided to the press are known as a ______

media kit

Contingency continuum...

models the range of response from pure advocacy to pure accommodation.

Which of the following attributes describes the classic model known as two-way symmetric which is considered the ideal today?

mutual understanding

The expansive growth of public relations firms has been attributed to all of the following EXCEPT ______.

negative public perception of business

The most commonly used PR tactic is the...

news or press release

The public relations team advised the executive board that the campaign wants to increase sales by 10%. This is known as a(n) ______.


The text lists eight basic elements of a public relations plan. Once the situation is understood, the next element is ___________.


Strategic phase

occurs when the conflict is identified. This involves risk communication when a threat has been identified.

Someone who is considered an expert and articulates opinions about specific issues to the public is known as a( n) ____________.

opinion leader

According to the book, a company's online newsroom should include ____________.

organizational history, news releases and media kits

The most expensive type of research is the ____

personal interview

The process in which a communicator tries to bring about change in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors through the transmission of a message in which the receiver has some degree of free choice is known as _______.


The newspaper editor often receives product samples accompanied by a letter that's designed to grab his attention and get him to write about the product. The materials he receives are an example of a ________.


During her interview, Marilyn told the manager of the public relations department that she was "highly organized" and "detail oriented." Which of the essential abilities is Marilyn describing?

planning expertise

Of the following, the most effective form of media for delivering a message that requires the individual to absorb details is _________.


What is the first phase of the conflict management lifecycle?


Which of the following areas is one of the essential abilities needed to pursue a public relations career as cited in the text?

problem solving

To save costs, Jenna thought it would be a good idea to reprint the article about her company's new product that was featured in a trade magazine and hand it out at the next seminar. Which of Wilcox's eight ways of using public relations to fulfill marketing objectives is Jenna using?

provide inexpensive sales literature

The VALS program is used to help understand ________ information.


In the 1900s, Ivy Ledbetter Lee introduced a new practice model for public relations known as ____________.

public information

Maria wrote a press release detailing the new product line and e-mailed it to five magazines. Two of the magazines decided to do a story on the product and contacted her company for more information. Her press release is a form of _______.


Which component of public relations is used to disseminate planned messages through selected media in order to further the interests of an organization?


Interacting with media providers online to organize the content you want to see is considered _______.


In dealing with the public in the midst of conflict, PR professionals should...

recognize them as a legitimate partner in the process.

Which of the essential abilities allows public relations professionals to support arguments with facts and not generalizations?

research ability

While the main goal of public relations is to help an organization thrive and grow, the main goal of advertising is to ______________.

sell goods and services

When the public relations professional practices strategic positioning, they attempt to...

situate the organization favorably

Trends show that viewer's attention spans have become shortened. For this reason, it is common for public figures to address audiences in 10-second stretches of time known as ________.

sound bites

Any e-mails an employee writes at work are:

subject to monitoring by the employer

What can be trademarked and registered?

symbols, slogans, words

In which of the eight basic elements of a public relations plan would you find the specific activities that put strategies into operation and achieve the stated objectives?


Attitude change

the audience will not only accept the message, but will attempt to change some aspect of their behavior.

A public relations staff is limited by concurring authority when _________.

the materials it produces must be reviewed by the legal department

It is common for there to be an internal clash between the public relations and human resource departments over which of the following issues?

the responsibility of employee communication

Edward L. Bernays introduced a different model of public relations with his idea that ____________.

there should be an emphasis on advocacy and scientific persuasion

Journalism goals:

to distribute information and news to the public.

The current definition of public relations is that it is used ________.

to foster mutual understanding

PR Goals:

to inform and influence the publics and media audiences. work to manage conflict and competition

Which task of persuasion is considered the most difficult?

turn hostile opinions into favorable ones

Which of the communication flow theories suggests that public opinion is formed based on the work of people who have taken the time to evaluate information -- this information is then disseminated through the media to opinion leaders who share it with less-informed members of the public?

two-step flow

Which of the following jobs is an example of the technician role of public relations?


The most frequently outsourced public relations activity is ________.

writing and communications

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