Step Up Your Leadership

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leads to greatness".

"Service to many:

How should they go about completing the task?

(Delegating assignments) How?

What specific task they need to achieve?

(Delegating assignments) What?

When does the task need to be completed?

(Delegating assignments) When?

Where should they go to begin their goal of accomplishing this task?

(Delegating assignments) Where?

Who am I communicating with, and what is that persons (or teams) skill set?

(Delegating assignments) Who?

why is the specific task essential for us to achieve our ultimate goals?

(Delegating assignments) Why?

Best ideas have to win

(This concept) Leaders have to feel secure enough in their positions to allow other people to propose ideas and be smart enough to implement the best ones.

identifying and embracing the uniqueness of each member of your team

I cannot stress enough the importance of:

the likelihood that you will follow seat increases by 171%

If a friend becomes obese


If dysfunctions are not dealt with soon enough, a team ___________ can occur


If micromanagement and indecision are two of the biggest killers of team initiative, _________________ is a close third.

you are 147% more likely to get divorced

If someone you name as a friend gets divorced


If you intend to successfully lead a team, you must learn to communicate your vision with ______________ clarity


If you want to develop true synergy, you will want a team that is conditioned to be _________ and _________

bad decision making

Improper training will lead to:

1. Pace 2. Absorption 3. Understanding 4. Practice 5. Order 6. Recognition/recall 7. New knowledge 8. Feedback

In the book management in the fire service, Authors Harry R Carter and Irwin Rausch list the eight conditions that instructor should be conscious of when preparing a class. These conditions include:

1. Poor communication 2. Low morale 3. Freelancing

In the fire service, we have identified three additional common dysfunctions in a team:

treat others the way you want to be treated

In the step up challenge, respect and encourage others can be summed up with this sentence:

Decay Phase

In this phase, morale is low. Energy levels have significantly decreased, and the team seems distracted, unfocused, and consumed with drama. This is the most dangerous stage for a team. Everything you have worked to build is on the verge of collapse. You can come back from this stage, but it will take focus, hard work, and united effort. It will be necessary to focus on passion and purpose to get the team back in the game.

Growth Phase

In this phase, results start to happen, and a team will begin to develop and produce. They may also encounter challenges, such as disagreements about mission, vision, and strategy. During this stage, team members are getting to know each other. Strained relationships and conflict may occur. This may be the result of clashing personalities, but it can also be the handy work of the dinosaur mindset that changes not good. This is a critical stage with the right energy, philosophies, and guidance it lead to the most important phase.

still face-to-face

In today's high-tech world, all the same rules about communication in words apply. The best way to communicate is _______________________

break their actions down into manageable steps and practice those steps until they become second nature.

Instead of looking at the entire task, efficient firefighters train in a systematic way. They:

Muscle memory (motor learning)

Is a form of procedural memory that involves consolidating a specific motor task into memory through repetition

Radical transparency

Is a management method we're nearly all decision making is carried out publicly

Root cause analysis (RCA):

Is a method of problem-solving the tries to identify the basic causes behind unsatisfactory results


Is often the keyword when it comes to conflict resolution


It has been estimated that managers spend at least ___% of their time resolving workplace conflict.

layered leadership

It is not enough for a team to have only one strong leader. In order to achieve success, any great team needs multiple leaders

motivating people.

It will be impossible for you, as a leader, to develop a high-performance team if you do not learn the how and why of:

we win (Les Brown)

It's not over until _______ ________

listen choose act and inspire

Leading is not complicated. The act itself can be expressed by words such as;

an absence of trust

Lack of transparency can be translated as _________________________

being a follower.

Leadership is born from ________________

make your goals known.

Sometimes the only missing ingredient needed in order to achieve true success is having the courage to:

"Is what we are doing or about to do getting us closer to our goal and objective?"

Specific intent is a simple concept to understand and measure. All you have to do is ask yourself:

Learning what each of your team members wants

The single most important tip on how you can best motivate others.

Ask them!

The specific technique you must use in order to discover what a persons dream, goal, desire, or hot button is.

1. Read daily 2. Respect and encourage others 3. Solve a problem

The step up challenge is a three part challenge:


The strongest leaders in the fire service focus on _________, not the ________.

need and fulfill that need

The success of your team will largely depend on your ability to find a human:

indecisive and unwilling

Two traits that cannot be overcome in someone that is not ready to lead.

complacent kills

Two word the author would post in every fire station

Hot button

Something that elicits a strong emotional response or reaction


1. A mistake made twice is no longer a mistake; it's a __________.

1 Incipient 2 Growth 3 Fully Developed 4 Decay

4 stages of a team

1. Construction type 2. Occupancy (contents) 3. Apparatus and staffing needs 4. Life hazards 5. Terrain 6. Water supply 7. Auxiliary appliances 8. Street conditions 9. Weather conditions 10. Threatened exposures 11. Area and layout of the building 12. Location and extent of the fire 13. Time of day 14. Height of building 15. Any special considerations

15 points of consideration

1. Problems are solved faster 2. Teams become stronger 3. Relationships grow authentically 4. Team members begin to trust their leader 5. Teams perform at a higher level

5 benefits of transparent leadership

1. Poor communication 2. Difference in personalities 3. Different values 4. Poor Performance 5. Competition

5 sources of conflict:

1. Don't worry, this is a routine fire 2. All you have to do is put the wet stuff on the red stuff 3. Stay in until you can't stay in anymore 4. Because that's the way we've always done it 5. Keep your mouth shut probie 6. Books don't put fires out. Why are you wasting your time reading that

6 dumb things firefighter say

1. Force: 2. Avoidance: 3. Competition: 4. Accommodation: 5. Collaboration: 6. Compromise: 7. Separation:

7 of the most common methods that people use when confronted with conflict

1. Absence of trust 2. Fear of conflict 3. Lack of commitment 4. Avoidance of accountability 5. Inattention to results

And Patrick Lencioni's book : The five dysfunctions of a team: a leadership fable. He identifies the 5 dysfunctions:

actual actions

As a fire officer, you are not only responsible for the outcome of incidents in which your team is performed, you are responsible for the _________ _________ of your individual team members.

45% /15%

Cardiovascular events account for _____ of deaths among firefighters on duty in contrast to ______ of all deaths that occur on conventional jobs.

1. The commander 2. The piranha 3. The wall puncher 4. The compulsive pleaser 5. The know-it-all 6. The bottle rocket 7. The avoider 8. The whiner 9. The negativist

9 classic problem personalities


A mental image of what your team is trying to accomplish

direction, focus, and goals

A strong team will know its:


A synonym for preparation

purposeful mission

A team on a __________ ___________ does not have time for drama

specific intent

A true culture creator must take action with _________ ___________

1. Assess the situation 2. Feel the person out 3. Formulate a strategy 4. Initiate a game plan 5. Review your progress 6. Modify your plan

AFFIRM: the six step process to handle difficult people

Abraham Maslow

According to humanist psychologist , ___________ ___________our actions are motivated by a hierarchy of needs.

1. Prevents discouragement 2. Prevents a decrease in morale 3. Shows that the team can stay focused and continue to move forward 4. Enables your organization to maintain credibility within your community 5. Help the team develop a reference base for how to overcome future adversity 6. Further develop the team ability to work under pressure

Although adversity has the ability to destroy your team, it also presents you with the opportunity to get stronger. Among the most important reasons to cope well with setbacks and overcome diversity are the following:

9 seconds

Attention span of a goldfish

3U method

Before you place a team member in the problem personality category, make sure you take the time to determine if he or she belongs there. It is your job as a leader to determine whether the individual is unaware of the problematic behavior, is unable to change the behavior, or is unwilling to change. This is called the:

as giving permission

Being silent about a person's behavior is the same:

· What was our overall mission? · What did we do well? · What could we have done better or differently? · Who needs to be informed?

Both AARs and PIAs can be conducted after every incident simply by asking these four questions:

take on the more difficult, less desirable one first.

Brian Tracy's(Twain's) theory is that if you have two difficult task to accomplish, you should:


Brian Tracy, says _____ of life satisfaction comes from meaningful relationships.

Chief has arrived on scene

CHAOS stands for:

Ownership mentality

Can be deliberately created by encouraging people to get involved in making decisions that are best for the overall mission of your team


How many men and women who take the oath lose their lives in the line of duty each year?

1. Be healthy 2. Get out of debt 3. Pay for children's college 4. Enjoy better relationships 5. Have more time to pursue hobbies 6. Free a spouse from having to work 7. Vacation more 8. Take early retirement 9. Spend more time with family and loved ones 10. Donate time or money to charity 11. Make a difference in society

Common motivators that cause people to work hard and take corrective actions

be authentic, to connect, and to make a positive and lasting impression.

Companies should be teaching their team members to:

the team does not remain at odds

Conflict can be healthy as long as:


Good leaders will use this word when talking to the people who are dealing with a potentially explosive situation

1. Legal, Moral, ethical 2. Realistic and achievable 3. Conforms to acceptable standards 4. Consistent with the culture you are trying to create 5. Fair in treatment to all members 6. Inclusive for all members of the team, regardless of rank

Criteria for establishing team expectations:

do the right thing

DTRT stands for:

generational gap

Different values is a very common cause for conflict in the firehouse because there's often a __________ _________ between coworkers

a team is not focused on a goal

Drama in the workplace occurs when:

Setting deadlines

Helps create a sense of urgency

1. Poor communication 2. No vision 3. Avoidance of accountability 4. Unresolved conflict 5. Power struggles 6. No clear identity 7. Poor training habits 8. Improper strategy and tactics

Eight reasons why fire service teams fail

1. Stories prevent confusion 2. Stories create curiosity 3. Stories bypass skepticism 4. Stories help you make a personal connection 5. Stories are believable 6. Stories are emotionally suggestive 7. Stories help you say things without offending others 8. Stories differentiate you from others

Eight reasons why stories aid effective communication

1. Eager to grow/change 2. Willing to invest time 3. Positive attitude 4. Respectful toward you 5. Purposeful 6. Confident 7. Loyal 8. Accountable

Eight things to look for when choosing the right mentee or successor:

specific intent

Every action designed to achieve a specific result.

1. The dream 2. The struggle 3. The prize

Every success story has three components:


Explosion caused by the rupture of a vessel containing a pressurized liquid heated above its boiling point

1. It encourages lateral thinking 2. Forces you to be honest with yourself 3. Gives you valuable experience 4. Reveals your weaknesses 5. Keeps you humble

Failure builds character. Failure isn't fatal if you continue to learn from it and train on your weaknesses. Failure comes with benefits. 5 examples:

What brought about the failure? Did my actions play a part in this outcome? What do we need to do to turn failure into success? What can I do to ensure I will make the right decision next time?

Failure is a learning tool. When it occurs on your team you can ask questions like the following:

a new challenge is presented

Firefighters are at their best when


Firefighters often fail to realize that almost everything we do in the fire service is based on ______________ and ______________, both of which are forms of communication

service driven

Firefighting is a ___________________________ industry.


For you to succeed as a communicator, you will need to be not just heard, but ________________

weaken your team

Giving poor advice Will do nothing more than

Having vision

Means you see your team achieving success in the future

teach something new every day.

Mentors and team leaders need to make it their goal to _________________________

collaboration/ compromise

Most experts generally believe that __________ and/or ____________ are the most productive ways of addressing conflict.


My experience has brought me to the conclusion that ___% of the people we deal with are easy to work with. Only ___% are difficult.

1. What does my team need to learn? 2. What type of learning experience will be most effective? 3. Who can best teach the skills? 4. How can progress be measured and ensured?

Never provide training for your team without first identifying your goals and objectives. Analyze the needs of your team and contemplate the following questions:

life safety, incident stabilization, property conservation, protect the weak, and serve the public.

No clear identity: this is not usually a problem within the fire service. We understand why we exist. Our mission is clear:


Not just communicating but connecting with people


Of all the skills needed for leading teams, this is the least understood

failure to accept the differences

Often conflict does not result from the difference in values, but instead from:

do not throw every obstacle in the book at a newly developing team

One caveat to training in high pressure environments is:

keep, stop, and start

One of the author's favorite culture development exercise to take a dry erase board and across the top create three columns with the words

create an organizational culture.

One of the best team building exercises you could possibly do is one that will help your team ___________________________________________

do not establish expectations for their team.

One of the biggest problems managers and supervisors encounter in the fire service is self-imposed. They ___________________________

truss roofs

One of the greatest challenge for firefighters when it comes to structure fires

RER (review, evaluate, and revise)

One of the most important strategies necessary to step up your teamwork can be summed up with three letters

firefighter who thinks like an officer

One of the most valuable assets on the fire ground is a _______________________


One of the most valued qualities among great team leaders.

sit them down and tell them what you expect from them

One of the very first things you should do with the new team is ___________________________________________

low morale

One recent fire service pole listed the top cause for ______ _______ in our industry as having to support "dead weight, "otherwise known as lazy coworkers no one would discipline.

poor dynamics, absence of trust, poor time management, unclear purpose, lack of fun, and inattention to results

Other reason teams may fail include:

differing interest, scarce resources, and past history

Other sources of conflict in the workplace include things such as:


Overall, ___% of conflict comes from difference in opinion, and ___% come from the wrong tone of voice

do not reflect our values, such as carelessness, harassment, and selfishness.

Passionate discussions are a good thing. The things we must oppose are behaviors and opinions that:

know, like, and trust

People want to be around people they _____, _____, and _____


People who are unwilling to do the things that need to be done

entitlement mentality

People who want all the rewards without having to do the required work


Powerful things happen when you go _________ with your commitments.

What if

Preparation leads to confidence: Firefighters need to be taught to ask questions that begin with

Poor communication

Primary reason for conflict in the workplace

1. You must plan for success. Hope is not a strategy 2. You must take calculated risks to get into position to achieve big goals 3. You must learn to recognize opportunities. The key is to realize that most important opportunities are problems waiting to be solved 4. Embrace and overcome obstacles. They make you stronger, wiser, and more capable

Ralph Dela Vega list the following four pillars of success in his book obstacles welcome: turn adversity to advantage and business in life:


Reading a minimum of 15 minutes a day (reading the right type of book). equals an additional _________ minutes a year. That's___ hours of additional education every year.

lead a team

Regardless of your title, your primary job is to


Remember that __________ __________ is why your team exists

1. Emphasize group recognition: 2. Reward excellence: 3. Encourage and promote clarity: 4. Mitigate conflict: 5. Equip them properly: 6. Fix what is broken: 7. Cross train:

Seven strategic steps to elevate team performance


Should be on the list of essential traits of leaders

1. Assess the situation 2. Establish your goal 3. Develop a plan of action 4. Believe in each other, your tools, and your training 5. Execute your plan without hesitation 6. Review, evaluate, and revise when necessary

Simple six step process(problem-solving):

1. Integrity 2. Committed 3. Enthusiastic 4. Skillful 5. Creative 6. Teachable 7. Sense of humor 8. Reliable 9. Generous 10. Willing to work

Skill sets will vary, but many teambuilding experts agree that people representing their organization should at the very least possess the following 10 qualities.

compound effect

Small actions, repeated daily, produce the results you desire over time.

continuously throughout the day

Smart firefighters train:


Someone who influences change.

the first few minutes

Strategically, the most important part of the fire

attaining and maintaining a position of advantage and putting your team in a position in which they can adapt if needed and still accomplish your overall goals.

Strategy is not about one plan and sticking to it no matter what. It is more about ________________________


Successful actions can act as a ______________ when they are repeated

6 to 12/in-house drills and field drills.

TO will develop a ________________ month training schedule. The schedule will consist of ________________________

conduct a formal subordinate interview

Team leaders who find themselves in team BLEVE will need to:

ignored, not taken seriously, stereotyped, or left in the dark.

Team members become detached when they are:

1. The cannot handle pressure 2. The have inadequate people skills 3. Their values do not align with the organization 4. they do not like being uncomfortable 5. They put personal needs ahead of the team 6. They set bad examples 7. The confuse position with experience 8. They are inconsistent 9. They are indecisive 10. They are unable or unwilling

Ten signs a person may not be ready to lead:

1. Identify a problem 2. Assemble a team of people 3. Develop a solution together 4. Solve the problem

The act of leadership is actually very simple. In its purest form, leader hip can be summed up in four steps:


The autoignition temp of Ethanal


The autoignition temp of diesel


The autoignition temp of gasoline


The autoignition temp of jet fuel


The autoignition temp of kerosene is

Outside the workplace

The best bonding experiences occur where?


The best way to get word of impending problems before they become obvious to others

getting a company to work together towards a common goal

The biggest benefit that comes from real life drill is

success, or lack there of.

The climate in which your team works has a lot to do with their

Identify a problem and then ask, "why did this happen?" until you get to the point where you identify the root cause

The concept of RCA


The cornerstone of the fire service is

personalities and the actual problem that has caused the conflict.

The correct way to resolve a situation will depend upon:

daily method of operation

The difference between teams that succeed and teams that fail lies largely in their _________

sharing of information

The efficiency of a team begins with the ______________________________


The feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to improve

spend time fostering relationships with our customers, taxpayers and citizens.

The fire departments goal is to ___________________________________________

1. Physiological needs 2. Security needs 3. Social needs 4. Esteem needs 5. Self actualization

The five different levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs are:

US Army

The formal AAR was originally developed by:

Continuous improvement

The goal of every high performance organization:

to help others grow

The growth of power in your career should also come with a responsibility:

Number of floors Construction type Visible smoke or fire conditions Whether the building is occupied or unoccupied What strategy they are going to implement This is also the time to call for any additional resources that may be needed.

The initial radio report will include

create muscle memory

The key to successfully (and safely) perform a task is to ______________________

put the mission first.

The key to teamwork in the fire service is to

discuss what worked and take immediate corrective actions in case another incident occurs before a formal review.

The main goal of an informal AAR is to:


The majority of people in this world feel ______________

remind them what they are striving for.

The most effective way to provide team members with a motivational boost is to:


The natural condition of most people when they are presented with a new tool, procedure, or method is _______________

after the job is complete

The only one time you can legitimately consider referring to a far as routine

is to receive feedback from your team members

The only way to be informed:

Combustible courage

The phenomenon of how one person's actions can elevate the audacity of an entire team.


The right activity overtime creates _______________

1 Probies green but is willing to learn 2 Veterans veteran firefighters are seasoned, can be your greatest assets, but with the wrong attitude, they can also become your greatest obstacles. 3 Dinosaurs biggest challenge of all. done learning all together

The three categories for placing your team members

Communication, Coordination, Control

The three key components (the three C's) that will help your team operate as a cohesive unit:

1. Fire ground 2. Fire station 3. Their actions while off duty

The three main areas in which fire service leaders are concerned with personal accountability:

1. Loyal 2. Educated 3. Adaptable 4. Determined 5. Enthusiastic 6. Reliable 7. Selfless 8. Tough 9. Empathetic 10. Assertive 11. Courageous 12. Honorable 13. Leaders teach

The top 13 traits associated with leaders in the fire service. LEADERS TEACH

1. Improper risk assessment (poor size up) 2. Lack of command 3. Lack of accountability 4. Inadequate communications 5. Lack of SOP's (failure to follow SOP's)

The top five causes of line of duty deaths

1. Focus on the critical few 2. Paint a crystal clear picture 3. Bury the game ball 4. Keep it simple 5. Encourage others 6. Take action 7. Measure your progress

There are seven things to remember when leading an organization through change:

1. What are we trying to accomplish? 2. How are we going to get there? 3. What is each individual team members responsibility?

These are the types of questions your team members need to ask and know the answer to.

Real-time drills

These help people create muscle memory and second nature reactions


These programs focus on helping individuals and teams reach their potential

desire to contribute and a willingness to learn

These two qualities alone will give a person the foundation needed to learn new skills and gain the proficiency required of those who wear the Maltese cross:

Handling and resolving conflict in the workplace

This is one of the biggest challenges team leaders and fire officers will encounter

the fire presents an abundance of distractions

This is one of the main reasons why we develop mask confidence obstacle courses and train on self-rescue techniques.


This is the most important function in the fire service

Fully Developed Phase (most important phase)

This phase occurs when the team has consciously or unconsciously formed working relationships that are enabling progress on the team's objectives. Relationships, team processes, and the team's effectiveness in terms of working on objectives are syncing to bring about a successfully functioning team. This is where momentum occurs and you have the best chance of reaching your teams autoignition point. You will know you have reached peak performance when the team is functioning so well that members believe it is the most successful team they have ever been a part of.

1. Being unclear about what needs to be accomplished 2. Not preparing properly 3. Being unable to make people care about your message

Three major mistakes that ineffective communicators often make:

1. Look directly at the person who is talking 2. Listen attentively and respectfully 3. Do not interrupt the person who is talking 4. Replay in your mind what you heard the person say 5. Pause before you respond and ask subject related questions 6. Use "you" and "your"

To be an effective listener, follow the six rungs of active listing:

cultural shift in an organization.

To be successful, mentorship programs and the succession planning process ultimately require a ______________________________

1. The people you will meet and the lives you will touch 2. Utilizing your talents, skills, and abilities 3. The person you get to become in the process 4. The ultimate team experience

Top four reasons to be a fire fighter

1. Avoidance 2. Stubbornly battling it out

Two common responses to dealing with conflict (both are incorrect):

1. To obtain more personnel, equipment, and resources to aid and physical firefighting operations 2. To obtain more personnel to fill command staff positions

Two main reasons why we call for multiple alarms:

1. they believe they will be viewed as less authoritative 2. they are in over their heads

Two reasons why some leaders are not more transparent

Duty Honor Loyalty Respect Integrity Personal courage Selfless sacrifice

We can agree that our mission is founded on cultural values like:


We retain ______ of what we experience personally


We retain ______ of what we hear


We retain ______ of what we read


We retain ______ of what we say as we do things


We retain ______ of what we say as we talk


We retain ______ of what we see


We retain ______ of what we see and hear


We retain ______ of what we teach to others

States that 80% of your productivity comes from about 20% of your efforts.

What is the 80/20 rule

1. Maintain confidentiality: 2. Don't take it personally: 3. Identify the central issue: 4. Describe the situation as a mutual problem: 5. Allow each person to speak: 6. Work out a solution together: 7. Implement a solution: 8. Monitor the outcome:

When a situation escalates to an almost unmanageable level, you will have no choice but to address subordinate issues in a more formal and structured format. If you catch these issues early enough, the following eight steps maybe all you need to put an end to the problem.

interlocking accountability

When an entire team to become accountable to each other

who, what, where, when, why, and how:

When issuing assignments and delegating tasks to team members, in your mind you should answer the basic questions concerning:

task fixation

When you give all of your attention to performing a single task, you tend to miss critical information in your surrounding environment

compound effect

When you have a DMO, over time, you'll understand the power of the _______________ ______________

-major dick winters, 101st airborne (band of Brothers)

Who answered: How do you get the respect of the men? Be honest, be fair, and be consistent.

Walt Disney

Who once wrote that there are three kinds of people: "well poisoners, lawnmowers, and life enhancers."

Jack Canfield, law of probabilities:

Who said "the more things you try, the more likely one of them will work."

Henry David Thoreau

Who said, "the greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought."

Robert Kennedy

Who said: "progress is a nice word, but change is its motivator. And change has its enemies."

chief Alan brunacini

Who said: Any idiot who outranks everyone in the system (like a fire chief) can line everyone up and yell, March! But can that person really take them any place worth going?)

-Dennis Onieal

Who said: Praise in public, correct and private. Don't ever publicly embarrass, correct, or admonish anyone. You'll create a mortal enemy for life.

-Bob Burg

Who said: To resolve conflict before it ever takes form is the highest ideal

try to cure them, or you can cut them loose.

You have two choices when dealing with these negative people. You can:

Forming a committee

You should begin the grant writing process by:

1. What must I keep doing? 2. What must I stop doing? 3. What must I start doing?

You should start each day by reviewing your goals and asking yourself these three questions:

anything more than opportunities.

You will know you have momentum when your team no longer sees problems as _____________________________


______% of the success of your organization will be the result of the people you bring in the front door.


________ is often the difference between wanting to achieve success as a team and actually achieving it.

Accountability partners

______________ ______________ can help each other stay on track toward reaching their goals and creating the desired organizational culture


_______________ is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even when events occurred to obscure that vision.

Unresolved conflict

________________ is one of the top reasons for low morale in the workplace

other people's experience

______________________ is the best teacher.

Life enhancers

_______________________ are encouragers. They are people who buy into your vision and support you, even if they do not have the driving passion that you do. Not everyone on your team Has to feel exactly like you do about your purpose, but they do have to be supporters of the very reason why your organization exists

Skillfully told stories

____________________________ are one of the most powerful weapons in your teaching and communication arsenal


______________________________are people who do nothing but cut down your dreams and ambitions while never venturing out of their own backyards.

A team

a group of people working together for a common purpose who must rely on each other to achieve mutually defined results

Principle of massive action

a massive amount of specific action steps are compressed within a short amount of time

creating forward progress

achieving momentum starts with _____________________________________________

True succession planning

an ongoing process that is designed to ensure continued effectiveness of an organization at all levels.

collaboration and compromise

are conflict resolution methods that promote team building because they involve working together to find the best possible solution


but human action is the product of _________________


culture is created either by ___________ or by ___________

1. Desire change: 2. Introduce something new: 3. Set goals and work on improving: 4. Generate forward progress: 5. Create a sense of urgency: 6. Run a competitive promotion: 7. Build from one success to the other: 8. Celebrate victories along the way:

eight steps to help you create momentum in an existing team


firefighters are ___________ times more likely to suffer a heart attack at work than any other profession

change will create you

if you don't create change, _____________


is a high-level plan, usually implemented by team leaders, which is devised to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty.


is a structured review or debriefing method for analyzing what happened, why it happened, and how things can be done better.


is the action of making ready or being ready for use

solid foundation

it is essential that your days are built upon a ____________________

being a good follower first.

leadership is not always about being the one out in front. People often underestimate the importance of ______________________

10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we see in here 70% of what we say as we talk 80% of what we experience personally 90% of what we say as we do things 95% of what we teach to others

list the percentages for retaining information


most of your skill set will come from _________

Succession planning

prepares individuals (and possibly entire teams) to be able to seamlessly transition into another position

culture creator

someone who improves the quality of life in a society or workplace who are great at creating environments where team members can thrive.

1. A renegade firefighter 2. A weak company Officer 3. Poor Training 4. An unclear action plan 5. Poor communication

the top five causes of freelancing


there is a ___% chance you have work for a micromanager at some point in your career

1. Words are the primary way we receive information 2. Words are the primary way we give information

two main reasons while words are important:

Incipient Phase

when a group of people come together with intentions of accomplishing a shared purpose. The team may be small, but they are ready to produce. When these teams burn out, it is usually a result of negative energy of dinosaurs or the inability of people in leadership positions to encourage and inspire team members.

The rule of five

you are mostly influenced by the five people with whom you spend the majority of your time.

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FTCE General Knowledge- English practice test 1,2,3, &4

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Chapter 8 Bacterial Genetics Mutations and Repair Connect

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The inheritance of complex traits

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