Stress Management

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BMI of 30 or higher

Type A

a behavior pattern associated with the development of coronary heart disease. Friedman and Rosenman


activities to prevent a stressor from resulting in neg consequences

rheumatiod factor

blood protein associated with rheumatoid arthritis


cancer-causing agents


conditions that have both a mind and body component. "not all in the mind" can be psychogenic or somatogenic


confidence in the ability to manage a demand/threat


constriction phase of a migraine headache; also called preattack


debris that clogs coronary arteries

secondary appraisal

determining whether resources needed to meet the demand are available

Friedman, Rosenman, and Caroll

early investigations of the relationship between stress and serum cholesterol


engaging in a behavior or thought to respond to a demand

B cells

lymphocyte that produces antibodies

T cells

lymphocyte whose purpose is to destroy substances foreign to the body by puncturing invaded body cells and killing the cells and the foreign substances


pain in one side of the head. lasts appprox 6 hours


part of the immune system that destroys mutant cells

hot reactor

people who react to stress with an all-out physiological reaction


physical disease caused by emotional stress without microorganism. Example: Asthma

autoimmune response

physiological response in which the body turns on itself

diastolic BP

pressure of blood against the arterial walls when the heart is relaxed

systolic BP

pressure of blood as it leaves the heart


substances produced by the body to fight antigens


the study of the illness-causing and healing effects of the mind on the body. Named by Robert Ader


white blood cell. destroy foreign substances in the body

memory T and B cells

cells left in the bloodstream and the lymphatic system to recognize and respond to future attacks to the body by the same invader

suppressor T cells

cells who halts the immune response


clogging of the coronary arteries.


evaluation of whether the response made to a demand/threat was effective


foreign substance irritating to the body


high blood pressure. generally when BP is greater than 140/90 systolic/diastolic


high levels of cholesterol in the blood

essential hypertension

hypertension with no known cause. 90%


instrument used to measure BP

TMJ syndrome

interference with the smooth functioning of the jaw

cognitive appraisal

interpretation of a stressor

primary appraisal

judging how much of a threat is involved, and how important is the outcome


lack of oxygen to the brain resulting from a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel; also called a stroke

stress model

life situation > perceived as stress > emotional arousal > physiological arousal > consequences


loss of elasticity of the coronary arteries


psychosomatic disease that results from the mind increasing the body's susceptibility to disease-causing microbes or natural degenerative processes. Example: cancer or rheumatoid arthritis

Dr. Candace Pert

researched chemicals that send messages between cells to various parts of the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body. Neuropeptides


result of a demand that exceeds resources available to meet that demand.

cerebral hemorrhage

rupture of a blood vessel in the brain


same as psychosomatic


task oriented coping. emotion focused coping

Dr. Herbert Benson

used meditation to reduce BP

myocardial infarction

when a part of the heart dies because of a lack of oxygen

Low density lipoprotein

"bad cholesterol" too much leads to a clogging of the arteries and is related to coronary heart disease

high density lipoprotein

"good cholesterol" helps to remove cholesterol from the body thereby lowering the chances of developing coronary heart disease

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