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a status symbol among nations of how advanced their technology is. It may also establish the identify of a nation.


-refers to any valid and reliable process of procedure that is derived from basic research using scientific method


- LOUIS PASTEUR, a French biologist, microbiologist and chemist who invented _____ ,the process of heating diary products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil faster.


-one of the things that connected Far East China to the world -Chinese were the ones who developed the technology to harvest the _______silk and process it to produce paper and clothing.

Uruk City

- it is a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the first true city in the world but also for the way it was erected. -build the city using only mud or clay from the river, which are mixed with reeds, producing sunbaked bricks-a true engineering feat

Hanging gardens of Babylonian

- one of the contribution of Babylonian Civilization - one of the seven wonders of ancient world -the great Babylonian KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR II built the gardens for his wife, QUEEN AMYTIS

Printing press

- was invented by JOHANN GUTENBERG -a more reliable way of printing using a cast type -was invented to address the need for publishing books that would spread information to many people at a faster rate -made work accessible to individuals who could not even write.

Bound Books or Codex

- with the papyrus pages bound together and covered by animal skin, ancient Roman Empire able to produce the 1st __________.


-1st newspapers contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the people. -made before the invention of paper these ________ were engraved in metal or stone tablets and then publicly displayed.

Tea Production

-A Chinese invention that made tea a very popular beverage. This became a valuable good for Chinese trade. -was developed when an unknown Chinese inventor created a machine that was able to shred tea leaves into strips -develop by the ancient Chinese may have resulted in making tea as one of the most popular beverages in the world today.


-Egyptian invented it when they invented the papyrus or the paper -it combine with soot with different chemicals to produce with different color


-Egyptians wore ______ around the eyes to prevent and even cure eye diseases. -was created by mixing soot or malachite with mineral galena

Water Mill

-only required access to rivers or flowing water where a mechanism of a large wheel with small "buckets" of water attached to it could be installed.

Roman Numerals

-Numeric symbols formed with the Roman letters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. -System of counting invented by Romans -Romans devised their own number system specifically to address the need for a standard counting method that would meet their increasing communication and trade concerns.

Petroleum Refinery

-SAMUEL M. KIER was able to invent kerosene by refining petroleum -industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products


-a planned, systematic method of working to achieve planned outcomes

The Great Ziggurat Ur

-also called MOUNTAIN OF GOD, was built in the same manner that they constructed the City of Uruk -serve as the sacred place of their CHIEF GOD, where only the priest were allowed to enter

Roman Numerals

-although other


-an optical instrument that helps in the observation of remote objects, was a great help for navigators during this time


-another cosmetic invention of ancient Egyptian -in ancient Egyptian times, ______were worn for health and wellness rather than for aesthetic purposes. -used to protect the shaved heads of the wealthy Egyptians from the harmful Ray's of the sun.

Egyptian Civilization

-another early civilization famous for its legacy that is located in NORTH KOREA

The Plow

-another farm technology invented by the Mesopotamians -invented to dig the earth in a faster pace -wuth this tool, farmers could cultivate larger parcels of land faster, enabling them to mass produce food without taking so much effort and time

Water Clock/ Clepsydra

-another important ancient Egyptian contribution -this device utilizes gravity that affects the flow of water from one vessel to the other -was widely used as a timekeeping device during the ancient times.


-another invention in the Middle Ages - ZACHARIAS JANSSEN was able to develop the 1st compound _______. -with this device, people were able to observe organism that were normally unseen by the naked eyes. -was key discovering new means in preventing and curing various illness


-civilization believed that a person wearing make-up was protected from evil and that beauty was a sign of holiness.

Chinese Civilization

-considered to be the oldest civilization in Asia, if not the world -known as the MIDDLE KINGDOM


-egyptians also developed a system of writing using symbols known as -egyptian believed that this writing system was provided to them by their gods -was the language that tells the modern world of the history and culture of the ancient Egyptian

Babylonian Civilization

-emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.


-first invented was not made for transportation but for farm work and food processes. -with the use of the ______ and axle, mass production was made easier

War Weapons

-great development in the weaponry technology also occurred. -people developed cross bows and long bows so that they could attack the enemies at long ranges, keeping themselves safe with the protection of walls and fortresses.


-invented also by Egyptians -their function in acient Egypt was for both health and aesthetic reasons

Irrigation and Dikes

-it creates by Sumerian to bring water to farmlands and at the same time control flooding of the rivers. -Sumerians were able to enjoy year-long farming and harvesting, which increased their food production


-it was develop by Sumerians in order to facilitate faster and easier travel -with this work, the flow of traffic became faster and more organized


-known as the birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major achievement of the Greeks include in-depth works on philosophy and mathematics.

Roman Numerals

-numeric symbols formed with the Roman letters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. -System of counting invented by Romans -these old system could not keep up with high calculation and tradebamong nation's -Romans devised their own number system specifically to address the need for a standard counting method that would meet

Great Wall of China

-once considered the only man-made structure that could be seen from outer space -said to be the largest and most extensive infrastructure that the nation built -it was constructed to keep out foreign invaders and control the borders of China -world's longest man made structure built to keep invaders from the north out of China, started by the Qin Dynasty, expanded by the Han Dynasty,


-one of major contributions of the Sumerian is the development of the 1st writing system known as -system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are carved on clay using wedge instruments and then left to dry -allowed Sumerians to keep records of things with great historical value or their everyday life

Paper or Papyrus

-one of the earlier contributions of Egyptian civilization -it made of plant that grew abundantly along the Nile River in Egypt


-one of the major contributions of the Romans


-one of the most interesting inventions in China -it was developed by CHINESE ALCHEMISTS who aimed to achieve immoralit. -mixed of charcoal, sulfur, and potassium nitrate, but instead of creating an elixir of life, they accidentally invented a black powder that could actually generate large amounts of heat and gas in an instant -also used in fireworks during important celebrations in China

Alarm Clock

-one of the most utilized gadgets today that was invented by the ancient Greeks -used large complicated mechanism to time the alarm -made use of water (small stones or sand) that dropped into drums which sounded the alarm

Roman Architecture

-one of the most visual contributions of the ancient ROMAN EMPIRE to the world. -was considered a continuation of Greek architecture, hence, the resemblance


-some sources attribute to the Summerians the invention of ________to address their increasing demands -essential in transportation and trading as well as in fostering culture, information and trading as well as in fostering culture, information and technology.


-something used for making mathematical calculations, in particular a small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display


-the development of the telephone ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL was one of the most important inventions at that time

Medieval/Middle Ages

-the start of the _______ was marred by massive invasions and migrations. wars were prevalent during this time -the period in Western Europe between 500-1500 AD


-was perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in the west -was considered to be the cradle of politics and governance during that period

Water Mill

-were also considered as one of the most important contribution of the Greek civilization to the world -used in agricultural processed like milling grains which was a necessary form of food processing during that time -were considered better than mills powered by farm animals because they required less effort and time to operate since the farmer did not have to raise animals


-who was belived to have utilized an alarm clock to signal the start of his lecture -his version used four watter vessels lined up vertically

Julius Ceasar

According to source, ____________ started the tradition of stacking up papyrus to form pages of a book


Contribution of Babylonian Civilization

-Printing Press -Microscope -Telescope -War Weapons

Contribution or distribution of MIDDLE AGES

-Pasteurization -Petroleum Refinery -Telephone -Calculator

Contribution or distribution of Modern Times

-Newspaper -Bound Books or Codex -Roman Architectures -Roman Numerals -Roads Highway -Battlefield surgery -Julian Calendar -Welfare -Concrete

Contribution or distribution of ROMAN CIVILIZATION

- Alarm Clock -Water Mill

Contribution/ Distribution of GREEK CIVILIZATION


Contributions in Sumerian Civilization


Contributions of Egypt Civilization

-Silk -Tea Production -Great Wall of China -Gunpowder

Distribution or contribution of Chinese Civilization

Ancient times

In ________, people were concerned with transportation and navigation, communication and recordkeeping, mass production, security and protection, as well as health, aesthetics and architecture.

-Salamander Amphibious Tricycle -Salt Lamp -Medical Incubator -Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System -EJEENEY -ABELARDO AGUILAR- Erythromycin -DADO BANATAO- Single-chip Graphical user interface -Karaoke sing along- ROBERT DEL ROSARIO -Flourescent light tube- AGAPITO FLORES -FRANCISCO QUISUMBING- Quick ink -ERNIE BARON- DC super Antenna

Philippine Inventions

Modern Times

The booming world population during the nineteenth century onwards demanded that more goods be produced at a faster rate.


a group of mutually interdependent people who have organized in such a way as to share a common culture and have a feeling of unity.


comes from Greek word "techne" which means CRAFT OR ART


is a beverage produced by pouring hot or boiling water over crushed or shredded dried tea leaves -it was believed that the 1st ____was drunk by Chinese emperor


is an archipelago in the southeastern part of EUROPE


knowledge gained through the use of questions and experiments about the physical and living wolrd


known their desire for great things


located on the far East of asia

Sumerian civilization

located on the southern tip of ancient Mesopotamia


refers to all the way of people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires


the development in this allowed humans to build structures that would address their specific needs and wants

Conservation of Life

the early people might have been successful in harnessing the rich resources that the world could provide, but their survival posed a great problem. Different illnesses and diseases, both natural and man-made, hampered the full potential of a human being


was also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new places. They needed a way to communicate with the natives of the areas they visited so as to facilitate trade and prevent possible conflicts.


was significant during that time because people were trying to go places and discover new horizons. They travelled to search for food and find better locations for their settlements.

Weapons and Armors

were important as well in the discovery of new places or the establishment of new alliances with other tribes. At that time, there was always a risk of conflict when people met others with different culture and orientation

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