Study Guide - Exam 1 (Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7)

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Which of the muscles below insert on the lesser trochanter of the femur?

Answer: none of these muscles A: Gluteus maximus B: Gluteus Medius C: Gluteus Minimus

When the body is in the anatomical position, the palmar surfaces of the hands point in which one of the following directions?


The diploe of flat bones is typified by the presence of a diaphysis, epiphysis and medullary cavity.


The first step in using the scientific method is to form an hypothesis.


The function of the rotator cuff muscles is to hold the head of the humerus within the acromion fossa of the scapula.


The insertion of a muscle is that end which during contraction, stays relatively motionless.


The insertion of the biceps is the scapula.


The intervertebral foramen is the opening between the pedicles which allow for the passage of the spinal cord and meninges.


The largest sinuses in the skull are located in the occipital bone.


The most reactive of elements are those that have their outer electron shell completely filled.


The nose is formed mostly from bone.


The oxygen debt of a muscle in prolonged state of contraction is the time it takes to replace all the creatine phosphate reserves.


The primary and secondary curves of the vertebral column are present from birth.


The right side of each eye is visualized by the right cerebral hemisphere


The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a type of rough Endoplasmic Reticulum which releases Calcium ions during contraction of the muscle fiber.


The secretory portion of the apocrine gland contains mainly a watery solution that helps to contribute to thermoregulation.


The shoulder is distal to the elbow.


The skeletal system consists of only the bones associated with the body skeleton.


The skin is considered an epithelium since it covers an external space.


The spinal cord consists of only myelinated nerve fibers.


The stratum lucidum epidermal cell layer is especially noticeable in the hairy skin areas of the body.


The ulna primarily articulates with only the humerus and the carpal bones of the wrist.


Water molecules regularly form ionic bonds with other water molecules.


We have a great range of motion in our pectoral girdle because it is tightly attached to the body frame.


When a sarcomere contracts, the myosin filaments slide over the actin filaments bringing the myosin filaments closer together.


When blood calcium level is low, PTH (parathyroid hormone) is released and stimulates osteoblasts to dissolve bone, releasing calcium.


Yellow bone marrow is in active formation of red blood cells and some types of white blood cells.


Which one of the following types of bond links the two ions of a molecule of sodium chloride?

Ionic bond

What type of bond occurs when an electron is captured entirely by one of the elements in a compound?

Ionic bonding

Which one of the following is not one of the four components attached to the alpha carbon of an amino acid?

Iron atom

A solution which causes no swelling or shrinkage of RBC's when placed into it is called what?


_________ are two fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule which is attached to a hydrophilic compound containing a phosphate group.


__________ are two fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule which is attached to a hydrophilic compound containing a phosphate group.


________ structure describes the interaction that occurs between protein subunits that come together to form a larger protein structure.


Quizlet 8

Quizlet 8

Which one of following best describe translation?

RNA --> DNA the process by which a cell makes proteins using the genetic information carried in messenger RNA (mRNA).

Spongy bone tissue is found in the head of long bones and in the flat bones of the skull and contains red bone marrow and participates in red blood cell production.


The Kreb's Cycle will not function unless oxygen is present.


The Tibia of the lower leg forms the "shin bone".


The anterior surface of the body is also the ventral surface.


The basic structure of a nucleotide is a phosphate group attached to a sugar which is attached to a base.


The biosphere is defined as any place on earth which supports life.


Which cells in the adrenal medulla secrete adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine)?

chromaffin cells

Sometimes referred to as respiratory epithelium, which one of the following best describes the epithelium that lines the majority of the upper respiratory airways?

ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium

The Kreb's Cycle is an example of a __________ metabolic pathway.


In movements possible around a synovial joint, __________ describes the movement of an arm in as wide a circle as possible.


The orbicularis oculi has which one of the following actions?

closes the eye

Choose the action of the orbicularis oris muscle.

closing and pursing the lips

The property of strength and resistance to stretching is due to the presence of what fiber(s) in the dermis?


What type of fiber(s) are found in the connective tissue forming the dermis?

collagen and elastic

The bulb portion of the dermal root sheath has what function?

contains blood vessels to nourish hair growth

What is the action of the temporalis muscle?

elevates and retracts the mandible

Which movement about a synovial joint describes lifting the scapula upwards?


Which one of the following hormones is produced by the kidneys and increases oxygen delivery to cells of the body?


Which of the following structures pass through openings in the diaphragm?

esophagus, aorta, inferior vena cava

This bone is a single bone in the midline of the cranium and contains air cells and the cribiform plate.


What is the name of the process which describes sweat absorbing heat and becoming vapor moving away from the skin?


Which one of the following terms better describes most catabolic reactions?


Which one of the following terms is given to the state that occurs if the resistance reaction fails to combat the stressor?


Serous membranes line the cavities of the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems.


What structure of the femur at its most proximal end can be palpated on the side of the hip?

greater trochanter

What is the insertion of the gluteus medius?

greater trochanter of femur

What hormone listed below is secreted by the cells lining the fundus in the stomach and epsilon cells of the pancreas which targets the brain?


The bumps on the external surface of each cerebral hemisphere are called what?


Which brain structure(s) listed below does not reside within the medulla oblongata?

habenular nuclei

What is the insertion of the latissimus dorsi?


In the final stage of endochondral ossification, the epiphyseal plate is formed from which one of the following types of cartilage?

hyaline cartilage

The bones of synchondroses are connected by a layer of which one of the following types of cartilage?

hyaline cartilage

What is the type of connective tissue which covers the ends of our bones and also forms the supporting elements for the trachea?

hyaline cartilage

Synovial fluid in a synovial joint is composed primarily of what?

hyaluronic acid

Which one of the following types of bond does not involve a sharing or swapping of electrons?

hydrogen bond

The mechanism of ATP production in the mitochondria involves the production of a:

hydrogen ion gradient

Which bone is horseshoe-shaped and located just superior to the larynx?


In movements possible around a synovial joint, __________ describes the movement in which two bones are widened to an angle greater than the normal amount.


During which phase in deep wound healing does hemostasis play a role?

inflammatory phase

Which one of the following rotator cuff muscles serves to extend the shoulder and laterally rotate the arm?


What is the origin of the infraspinatus muscle in the shoulder?

infraspinous fossa of scapula

Which one of the following is the hormone that blocks further production of sperm?


Which movement about a synovial joint describes twisting the foot so that the sole faces inward toward the center line of the body?


The increased blood pressure associated with stress is thought to be caused by the endocrine response involving which one of the following organs?


Which bone below contains the nasolacrimal duct and forms the anterior part of the medial wall of the orbit.


Which anterior pituitary cell type releases PRL (prolactin)?


The small round spaces which house the mature bone cells are called what?


Which suture is responsible for holding together the occipital and parietal bones of the cranium?

lambdoid suture

The very thin, unpigmented hair covering the fetus is called what?


Is the radius on the medial or lateral side of the forearm when the arm is in the anatomic position?


What is the origin of the teres minor muscle in the shoulder?

lateral border of scapula

Which part of the temporal bone has a large prominence for the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid muscles?

mastoid process

Which brainstem portion listed below contains the nuclei for the cranial nerves V, VI, VII and VIII?


Of the three cranial fossae, which one is a depression formed by the sphenoid and temporal bones?

middle cranial fossa

Which one of the following terms best describes the dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the cartilage of a developing bone?


________ neurons take information from receptors for heat, taste, touch, and light to the central nervous system and they have one axon and one dendrite.


The dorsal roots emerging from the posterolateral slides of the spinal cord are formed from which one of the following types of nerve fibers?

sensory fibers

What is the correct pathway to cause a reflex arc to occur such as in the "knee jerk" response.

sensory neuron to interneuron to motor neuron

Choose below the correct order for stimulus path in a reflex arc.

sensory receptors, sensory neurons, synapses and interneurons, motor neurons, effectors, response

Which of the muscles listed below is located between the ribs and scapula and functions to protract the scapula and pectoral girdle?

serratus anterior

When describing a muscle, which one of the following words best describes the Latin word "brevis"?


Which one of the following joints allows the widest range of movement in the body?


When an epithelium consists of a single layer, it is said to be ____________


When an epithelium consists of a single layer, it is said to be _____________.


The lining of the gut, parts of uterus, and small bronchi is what type of epithelium?

simple columnar

The lining of blood and lymph vessels, air sacs of lungs and the peritoneum is what type of epithelium?

simple squamous

Cocaine is considered to be a:


What is the primary function of follicle stimulating hormone?

stimulate spermatogenesis

During the menstrual cycle, what is the function of the estrogen produced by the growing follicle in the ovary?

stimulates production of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary

What is the function of the hormone secretin secreted by the S cells of the duodenum?

stimulates secretion of bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juice by pancreas

In the control of homeostasis, the environmental change which is detected by the body is called what?


When an epithelium consists of many layers of cells with only the bottom layer of cells attached to basement membrane, it is said to be __________.


The skin is composed of what type of epithelium?

stratified squamous

Which epidermal layer is first involved in the repair process?

stratum basale

Which one of the following epidermal strata contains the most live cells?

stratum basale

Choose the correct order of the layers in the epidermis from superficial to deep.

stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale

The stratum basale layer of cells in the epidermis is also known by what other name due to its high level of cell division?

stratum germinativum

Which epidermal layer contains epidermal stem cells?

stratum germinativum

In which epidermal layer would you find keratinization occurring?

stratum granulosum

Keratinocyte death begins to occur in which epidermal layer?

stratum granulosum

The beginning of keratinocyte death and presence of keratohyalin and lamellar granules are indicative of keratinocytes in which epidermal layer?

stratum granulosum

Which epidermal layer is lacking in hairy skin?

stratum lucidum

Which epidermal cell layer consists of living keratinocytes held together by desmosomes?

stratum spinosum

Of the listed items below, which is not an origin for the deltoid muscle?

subscapular fossa of scapula

What is the origin of the subscapularis muscle in the shoulder?

subscapular fossa of scapula

What is the origin for the internal intercostals?

superior borders of ribs 2 - 12

Choose the insertion of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle.

superior tarsus (eyelid)

Which movement about a synovial joint describes the movement of rotating the forearm so that the palms face upwards or in the anterior direction?


Which one of the following types of fibrous joint occurs when two bones are bound together by an interosseous ligament?


Which one of the following terms best describes the role of brachialis, given that it assists biceps brachii in flexing the elbow?


The _________ effect describes two drugs taken together which have more of an effect than if taken separately.


Which one of the following terms best describes hormones that produce an action greater when acting together than either would on their own?


A lipid hormone upon binding to its receptor, forms a hormone-receptor complex that acts as which one of the following?

transcription factor

Which one of the following types of epithelium has the greatest ability to stretch without tearing?

transitional epithelium

What muscle forms the innermost layer of the sidewalls of the abdomen?

transversus abdominis

Which three of the muscles below have partial insertion on the linea alba?

transversus abdominis, internal oblique, external oblique

Identify the large, triangular muscle on back of the neck, shoulders and upper back that can retract the scapula and extend and laterally flex the head and neck?


Identify the large muscle on the back of the arm with three heads that have an origin on the scapula and humerus and insertion on the olecranon of the ulna.

triceps brachii

The ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular nerves are the major branches of which cranial nerve?

trigeminal nerve

Which of the following nerves innervates most of the muscles of mastication?

trigeminal nerve (V)

Ribs 1 - 7 attach anteriorly to the sternum are called what type of ribs?

true ribs

Myelinated fibers in the brain and spinal cord are found in white or gray matter?

white matter

Irradiating food works to kill off any bacteria in that food but because the food is left slightly radioactive, many people do not want to eat it.


Muscles composed of thousands of muscle fibers follow the all or none principle for contraction.


Non-polar compounds such as salts dissolve in water.


Only neurons possess a resting potential.


Osmotic pressure is the actual pressure that the protein solute exerts on the side of the membrane with the highest solute concentration.


REM or rapid eye movement occurs during times of concentration when problem solving.


Ribose sugar is found in DNA.


Special enzymes are used to assemble microtubules.


Stable elements usually have an equal number of protons and electrons.


The Pectoral Girdle is composed of the clavicle, scapula and humerus.


The all or none principle for muscle fiber contraction means that all the muscle fibers of a muscle contract or none do when the muscle is stimulated to contract.


The axial skeleton consists of the bones of the skull, pectoral girdle, rib cage, and vertebral column.


In thermoreception, the "cold" receptors are located in the dermis of the skin.


The thalamus and hypothalamus are located in the:


The two hemispheres of the cerebrum are located in the:


What is the origin of the external intercostals?

inferior borders of ribs 1 - 11

The pons connects the medulla to the:


The visual and auditory conducting and coordinating areas are located in the:


The Limbic System is composed of the:

thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala and hippocampus

During meiotic division _____, homologous chromosomes separate without centromere splitting producing haploid cells.


How many molecules of ATP are produced by the catabolism of one creatine phosphate molecule?


If a solution has a pH of 4 and distilled water has a pH of 7, how many times more acidic is the solution than distilled water?


A duplicated chromosome has _______ chromotids.


Which one of the following best approximates the proportion of total body weight that is accounted for by the skin?


During meiotic division _______, each individual chromosome in the haploid cell attaches to the spindle apparatus and by centromere splitting, sister chromatids move to form two more haploid cells.


Which one of the following best estimates the maximum magnification of an electron microscope?


The normal haploid number of chromosomes in humans is what number?


Which one of the following best describes the total number of chromosomes in a gamete?


During translation, which one of the following describes the number of nucleotides in a mRNA molecule that makes up one codon?


One primary oocyte produces ______ polar bodies which disintegrate and only one mature ovum or egg.


How many parathyroid glands do we possess?


One spermatogonium produces _____ sperm


One spermatogonium produces ______ sperm.


The normal diploid number of chromosomes in humans is what number?


Which one of the following best describes the total number of chromosomes in a human somatic cell?


Carbon 14 is radioactive with an atomic mass of 14 so the number of protons it has in its nucleus is?


Carbon 14 is radioactive with an atomic mass of 14 so the number of neutrons it has in its nucleus is?


Which one of the following best approximates the proportion of total heat loss which occurs through the skin?


Which one of the following temperatures most closely approximates normal core body temperature?

98.6 degrees F

What percentage of pancreatic cells are exocrine?


Which one of the following pairs of ribs is considered to be false?


Which one of the following represents an anabolic reaction?

A + B --> AB

Interphase is the stage when ______________.

A cell grows and duplicates its DNA

If red blood cells were placed in a solution (sodium chloride) of lower concentration than inside the red blood cells, which statement below would describe what happens?

A red blood cell will swell and undergo hemolysis when placed in a hypotonic solution

The availability of _______ controls the rate of oxidative phosphorylation and how fast glucose is broken down to CO2 and H2O.


Which one of the following enzymes catalyzes the conversion of ADP and a phosphate group into ATP?

ATP Synthase

Starting from the point at which ATP binds to the heads of the myosin filaments, place the following in the correct sequence to describe the muscle contraction cycle.

ATP hydrolysis, crossbridge formation, power stroke, crossbridge detachment

Substances that release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water are called what?


Which one of the following refers to the minimum energy needed to initiate a reaction?

Activation energy

When energy in the form of ATP is used to move solutes across a membrane against the concentration gradient using receptor membrane proteins, this type of transport is called what?

Active Transport

A molecule of ATP contains one of the following nitrogenous bases?


________ junctions (also called desmosomes) are spotlike welds holding cells together.


Proteins in the cell membrane which assist cells in sticking to each other are called __________.

Adhesion Proteins

Which of the hamstring muscles below have an origin on the ischial tuberosity?

Answer: all do A: semimembranosus B: Biceps femoris C: semitendinosus

Which cell type in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans secretes glucagon?

Alpha cells

Which of the muscles listed below are involved in increasing intra-abdominal pressure in processes like coughing, urination, defecation, childbirth, vomiting and respiration?

Answer: all of the listed muscles A: internal Oblique B: Transversus abdominis C: External Oblique D: Rectus abdominis

Which one of the following best describes the process of translation?

An mRNA strand is used as a template for the production of a protein

Which one of the following options best describes the process of differentiation?

An unspecialized cell becoming specialized

Which skin "appendages" listed below are produced by the epidermis?

Answer : all of the listed choices a. Hair b. Sweat Glands c. Sebaceous glands d. Nails

If ability to form ATP is eliminated as when knobs on inner membrane of bat brown fat mitochondria are not there, then electrons flow:

Answer: All of the Above A. very fast down to oxygen B. with high oxygen uptake C. great heat loss

Skeletal muscle contraction requires ___________.

Answer: All of the Above A: ATP B: Calcium ions C: Arrival of a nerve impulse

Aerobic exercise works muscles at a rate at which the body can keep them supplied with oxygen and results in what changes in the muscles being exercised?

Answer: All of the Answers A: There is an increase in size and number of mitochondria B: Muscle tissue contain more of the oxygen-biding pigment myoglobin C: The number of blood capillaries in the muscle increases.

Alternative sources of energy for the body may be found in:

Answer: All of the above a. Fats b. glycogen c. proteins

The combination of a Haversian Canal, concentric lamellae (rings around canal) and osteocytes is called what?

Answer: All of the above a: Osteon B: Haversian System

On the upper limb, the axillary region is where you find what body region?


Which plane cuts the body into superior and inferior sections?

Axial or Transverse

"When sodium hydroxide (lye) releases a hydroxyl ion (OH) in water, it is called a _________?"


Which cell type in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans secretes insulin?

Beta cells

Unit 1

Body Plan and Organization

What type of connective tissue contains cells called osteocytes, has a hard matrix and contains collagen fibers?


Which major organ is located in the superior portion of the dorsal cavity?


What is the insertion for the semispinalis capitis muscle?

C1 - C3 transverse processes

Which vertebral type does not posses a vertebral body?

C1 - first cervical

The origin of the splenius capitus includes which of the following vertebrae?

C7, T1

An ionized form of which one of the following elements contributes to the hardness of bone and to the excitation-contraction coupling in muscle?


The heel of the foot is referred to as what body region?


"Pure water does have a pH of 7.0 but if it sits open to the air, the pH begins to become more acid due to absorption of what from the air?"

Carbon Dioxide

A desmosome is best described as a type of which one of the following?

Cell Adhesion Protein

Unit 3

Cell Biology

The term proliferation describes which one of the following processes?

Cell Division

A desmosome is best described as a type of which one of the following?

Cell adhesion protein

During mitosis, the spindle apparatus is held in place by two __________ at each end.


A potassium ion channel is best described as a type of which one of the following?

Channel Protein

Unit 2


During meiosis 1, chromosomes exhibit crossing over as indicated by the places on sister chromatids where they can be seen to be sticking to one another which are called __________ .


Which one of the following elements commonly ionizes to form an anion?


All species living in a certain area is called what?


Which plane cuts the body vertically into anterior and posterior portions?


Which of the following statements best describes what happens during the initial phase of muscle contraction.

Creatine phosphate passes phosphate quickly to ADP to make more ATP

In humans, division of the cytoplasm of a cell just prior to forming two daughter cells is called what?


What type of bond occurs when a hydrogen atom participates in a polar covalent bond so that it is slightly positive in charge.

Hydrogen Bonding

Which one of the following statements comparing human DNA and RNA is not correct?

DNA contains uracil; RNA does not

PCP is considered to be a:


Which cell type in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans secretes somatostatin?

Delta cells

When molecules of perfume in a room disperse throughout the room from an area of high concentration to low, the process is called ___________.


In the disease, myasthemia gravis, the myelin sheath is destroyed causing paralysis.


When material is brought inside the cell by way of phagocytosis, that process is called what?


A scientific approach to explaining some aspect of the natural world includes all of the following except:

Faith-based views

"If a molecule is hydrophobic, it can easily dissolve in water."


"The pH Scale is a measure of the hydroxyl ion concentration in a solution such as blood, water or orange juice."


A blister forms from continuous rubbing that pulls the dermis from the hypodermis with fluid collection in the torn region.


A controlled experiment is one that can test more than one prediction or hypothesis at a time


A dendrite is a type of nerve cell extension which takes a signal away from the cell body.


A fact is a piece of information that can be verified such as whether the bread tastes good.


A population consists of all the species living in a certain area.


Acetylcholine esterase is a neurotransmitter secreted by neurons to stimulate other neurons and also muscles to contract.


All cells are microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye.


All elements have a nucleus formed of protons and neutrons.


All eukaryotic cells in mature organisms contain nuclei.


Along the bottom edge of the internal oblique, a tunnel is formed for passage of the round ligament in females.


An elastic cartilage model of the long bone forms first.


At the cellular level, the loss of bone as we age is due to osteoclasts producing more bone than osteoblasts breakdown.


Atoms are similar to subatomic particles.


Bones are not considered organs because they do not contain the four basic tissue types.


Catabolism is the term used to describe all the synthetic reactions in the body.


Connective tissue is considered a tissue because it carries signals.


During meiotic prophase in males, all chromosomes that pair up will look like each other.


Enzymes are considered catalysts because they speed up a reaction and are consumed and changed by it.


Epiphyseal plate formation is the first step in long bone formation .


Glycolysis breaks down pyruvic acid to form glucose and ATP


Glycolysis does not function unless oxygen is present.


Hair follicles and sweat glands are found in the dermis and are considered to be of dermal origin.


In a neuron membrane exhibiting an action potential, the inward flow of sodium which causes nearby membrane regions to open their channels so that sodium starts rushing in at that point is an example of a negative feedback mechanism.


In muscle contraction, the actin ""head"" contains an enzyme, ATPase, which breaks down ATP to ratchet (move) the myosin filament forward as long as ATP is present.


In the Fluid Mosaic Model for membrane structure, proteins embedded in the cell membrane are rigidly held in place by microfilaments.


In the Sperry experiment, the cutting of the medulla showed that the left cerebral hemisphere was responsible for language and the right cerebral hemisphere was responsible for motor movement of the left hand.


_________ are long chained hydrocarbons with a carboxyl group on the end making it acidic.

Fatty Acids

What oily substances secreted onto skin help to prevent water from being absorbed into the skin and excessive evaporation of water from the skin?


Choose from the sensory receptors listed below classified on microscopic structure the type which sense pain, heat, tickle, itch and touch?

Free nerve endings

During Interphase, the time after the DNA and the chromosomes have been duplicated and when the cell is beginning to prepare for mitosis and cytokinesis is called what?


Which of the following transmitter substances is inhibitory in the CNS?


Which one of the following states of matter has the most kinetic energy?


Which one of the following simple sugars is the principle monosaccharide in the blood?


The buttocks is referred to as what body region?


Three fatty acids are linked to which one of the following molecules to form a triglyceride molecule?


The organelle consisting of flattened membrane sacs which modify proteins by adding sugar molecules to them and package them for transport out of the cell is called what?

Golgi Apparatus or Body

Neuronal cell bodies in the brain are found in which type of matter?

Gray Matter

The characteristic of life defined as an increase in mass is termed what?


LSD is considered to be a:


Unit 4


A pair of chromosomes that are similar in length, shape and the traits they govern are called __________.

Homologous Chromosomes

A solution which draws water out of RBC's placed in it is called what type of solution?


If, when red blood cells are added to a solution they undergo crenation, which one of the following best describes the tonicity of that solution relative to the red blood cells.


What type of solution will cause RBC crenation?


Which one of the following acts as a control center during the regulation of lactation?


A solution which causes water to rush into RBC's causing them to swell and break is called what type of solution?


What type of solution will cause RBC hemolysis?


Which one of the following numerals represents the cranial nerve that controls the muscles that regulate the aperture of the pupil and the shape of the lens?


Which one of the following cranial nerves conveys sensory information from the baroreceptors of the carotid sinus to the brain?


All of the following are stages of mitosis except:


Together with the ureters, urinary bladder and urethra, which one of the following organs makes up the urinary system?


The spinal cord terminates at the medullary cone at which one of the following vertebral levels?


Which one of the following is an immune cell routinely found in the epidermis?

Langerhans cell

Crossing over in meiosis __________________.

Lead to genetic recombination

In the testes, which one of the following cell types produces testosterone?

Leydig cells

Which one of the following options best describes the contents of the pleural cavity?


Which one of the following systems transports lipids absorbed from the digestive system to the blood?


Which one of the following organelles contains a variety of digestive and hydrolytic enzymes that break down large molecules?


hat organelle consist of small vesicles containing powerful enzymes to degrade foreign material?


hat organelle consists of small vesicles containing powerful enzymes to degrade foreign material?


Which skin receptor is sensitive to touch, pressure and vibration?

Meissner's corpuscles

Which one of the following best describes the transition from the solid state to the liquid state?


Which cells in the epidermis are known as tactile cells and are associated with sensory nerve endings?

Merkel cells

Which skin receptor is sensitive to touch and pressure?

Merkel discs

The characteristic of life defined as living things taking in and using energy and materials is called what?


During ________, chromosomes attach as individual chromosomes to the spindle apparatus by the centromere.


During mitosis, the chromosomes attach to a spindle apparatus composed of ________ which is a kind of scaffolding to attach and separate chromosomes into two cells.


What organelle in eukaryotic cells consists of a double membranous structure and makes most of the ATP that the cell uses for synthetic and maintenance reactions?


In humans, division of the nucleus in cells other than sex cells is called what?


What statement below would apply to the relative amounts of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum found in liver cells involved in lipid metabolism, cholesterol synthesis and drug detoxification.

More smooth than rough endoplasmic reticulum

The characteristic of life defined as movement of a cell or organism is called what?


A discrete unit of macro-life is called what?

Multicellular Organism

What is one cause of genetic variation of parents which can be inherited by the offspring?


What sort of feedback mechanism occurs when a drop in blood pressure occurs, a hormone is released which then acts to increase blood glucose back to normal levels?

Negative Feedback

What type of skin sensory neurons are stimulated by extreme temperature, physical, mechanical or chemical irritation?


Eukaryotic differ from prokaryotic cells because they contain ___________.


Prokaryotic cells such as bacteria contain no _________ and their DNA is immersed in the cytoplasm.


What body structure is formed from other tissue types?


A compartmentalized structure in a cell formed from large macromolecules is called what?


_____ is the movement of water through a semipermeable membrane.


In the last step of the electron transport pathway, the electron is passed to:


After glycolysis has produced pyruvic acid, lactic acid is produced from pyruvic acid if:

Oxygen is not present

Which skin receptor is sensitive to vibration and pressure?

Pacinian corpuscles

Which one of the following organs has a major role in two different body systems?


Neurons in the nervous system carry electrical impulses from one part of the body to another.


Which one of the following molecules is always found in the polar head of a phospholipid?


In an ATP molecule, which one of the following types of bonds are often described as "high-energy" bonds?

Phosphate Bonds

The anatomical term used for the sole of the foot is called what surface of the foot?


A large polymer of sugar units such as glycogen or starch is called what type of carbohydrate?


A group of similar organisms of the same species is called what?


Proteins are large polymers made of repeating amino acid subunits.


What sort of feedback describes the response to the onset of uterine contractions during childbirth when a hormone is released which acts to stimulate further contractions?

Positive Feedback

In the anatomic position, the soles of the feet are on which surface of the body.


In a __________ feedback mechanism for homeostatic control, the end result of a stimulus is to increase response to further intensify output as during during childbirth when the pressure of the fetus on the uterine wall causes increasing contraction until the fetus is born.


________ structure is the sequence of amino acids in a protein held together by peptide bonds.


The process of crossing over may occur during which one of the following phases of meiosis?

Prophase I

The plasma membrane is formed of a lipid bilayer with functional _________ floating within the bilayer.


Proteins in the cell membrane which which can bind to molecules like hormones and can then cause changes to occur inside the cell are called _________.

Receptor Proteins

Proteins in the cell membrane which determine that other cells are like itself so they can bind together are called ____________.

Recognition Proteins

The characteristic of life defined as the production of new cells or organisms is called what?


Which one of the following is the site of translation?


Which one of the following organelles is required for the synthesis of proteins?


Which one of the following is continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope?

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

What organelle has ribosomes attached to it and synthesizes proteins?

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

During Interphase, the time that DNA and the chromosomes are being duplicated is called what?


During Interphase, the time after cell division in which the cell is preparing to duplicate DNA is called what?

S phase

Which one of the following is the part of interphase during which the DNA of the cell is replicated?

S phase

which one of the following is part of interphase during which the DNA of the cell is replicated?

S phase

Which plane cuts the body vertically down the midline into equal left and right halves?


Which one of the following types of neuroglial cells are widespread throughout the peripheral nervous system?

Schwann cells

_______ structure in a protein is formed from hydrogen bonding.


A controlled experiment should have all the features listed below except:

Several testable predictions

Referred pain describes the feeling of pain in one's left chest and arm when having a heart attack.


The lining of the secretory parts of ducts, retina, kidney tubules, ovaries, testes and bronchioles is what type of epithelium?

Simple cuboidal

Which of the following is a component of the integumentary system?


In neurons of the body, _________ions are found outside the cell membrane.


In which of the following is the element paired with the correct chemical symbol?

Sodium - Na

Rigor mortis is caused by the lack of ATP.


The chemical structure of which one of the following types of lipids is based on carbon rings rather than chains?


__________ usually have four fused ring compounds and are an essential part of cell membranes.


Choose the following sequence which best fits the operation of a feedback mechanism.

Stimulus, receptor, control center, effector, response

Science is limited by what science can actually know about nature and also by what science ought to unspecialized cell becoming specialized


Organs of the body having similar function are called what?


Which level of organization can be described as "related organs working for a common function"?


During ___________, the chromosomes decondense and daughter nuclei re-form.


_______ structure describes the interaction of R-groups on amino acids in a protein that can be hydrophobic or hydrophilic.


What organelle has ribosomes attached to it and synthesizes proteins?

The endoplasmic reticulum

The base that is not found in RNA is _________.


Types of cells having similar functions are called what?


Which one of the following is the process by which RNA is synthesized using a DNA template?


Proteins in the cell membrane which help to carry molecules across the membrane both inward and outward are called ___________.

Transport Proteins

Skeletal muscles contract in response to nervous stimulation but if the nerves are cut, the muscle will not contract unless stimulated artificially.


Spinal cord functions consist of serving as a conduction pathway to and from the brain and also as a site for reflex action.


_________ have up to three fatty acids attached to a single glycerol molecule


"A bands" are contained entirely within a sarcomere.


"If a molecule is hydrophilic, it can easily dissolve in water."


"If the experimental results do not support your hypothesis, then you should redesign your hypothesis and start the process again."


"When water molecules form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules, the slightly positively charged hydrogen atoms bond with the slightly negatively charged oxygen atoms."


A motor unit is a motor neuron and all the muscle cells that it innervates and causes to contract.


A synapse is a place where one neuron may stimulate another neuron or muscle by secreting neurotransmitters across a small space.


A theory is a set of hypotheses that when looked at together form a broad supportive basis to explain a natural phenomenon.


Acetylcholine is released from the tip of the motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction where it binds to receptors on the muscle membrane to cause the muscle fiber to contract.


All cells in body are bathed by extracellular fluid.


All of the rotator cuff muscles insert on the greater tubercle of the humerus.


An axon is a type of nerve cell extension which takes a signal away from the cell body.


An epiphyseal plate of cartilage forms at either end of a long bone and is the future growth plate so bone may grow longer.


An epithelium is considered a tissue because they all have the common function of lining exterior and interior spaces.


At the wrist joint, tendons are enclosed in sheaths which can become inflamed due to repetitive movements such as typing to produce carpal tunnel syndrome.


During meiotic prophase in females, all chromosomes that pair up will look like each other.


Enzyme denaturation can occur if the temperature at which they are operating is too high.


Enzymes are mostly protein with exception of an RNA enzyme.


Enzymes contain an active site into which the substrate binds as it is being acted on.


Hormones from the parathyroid gland are involved in releasing calcium from bone and also in storing it in bone.


In a lipid membrane bilayer, the hydophobic side of the lipid molecules face inward.


In later years, especially in women, osteoporosis may set in and bone loss of Calcium may occur faster thereby weakening bones of the hip and spine.


In muscle contraction, when calcium is released from the cellular storage system, the myosin head forms a ""cross-bridge"" between the myosin and the actin filament.


Ligaments connect bone to bone at places called joints.


Living organisms share many physical and chemical properties with non-living naturally occurring reactions in nature.


Many muscles operate together to produce the same movement and are termed ""synergists".


Muscle tension is the collective force formed during contraction.


Nerves are the organs of nervous system.


The blood-brain barrier consists of endothelial cells tightly surrounding brain capillaries so that substances getting to the brain cells are "screened" by these cells before letting them pass to brain.


The bottom layer of the epidermis has living cells that die and accumulate keratin as they move away from dermis.


The brain emits electrical signals which indicate levels of activity in brain neurons and these electrical outputs are called electroencephalograms or EEG's.


The braincase consists of the eight bones that surround your brain.


The cell is the smallest unit of life.


The cervical curve of the vertebral column forms when the baby is able to hold its head up.


The compression of intervertebral discs as we age results in loss of height and increased risk of pinched spinal nerves.


The diaphragm separates the thorax from the abdomen.


The drug Cytochalsin B can dissociate microtubules and stops cells from dividing.


The epidermis has no blood vessels.


The fibula is not a weight bearing bone and if broken, you can still walk on your leg but it will be painful.


The flagellum and cilia have a 9 + 2 array of microtubules to assist their action of beating.


The force with which a skeletal muscle can contract is related to the length of its sarcomeres.


The half-life of a radioactive element is not dependent upon how much radioactive element you start with but rather with the rate of emission of radioactivity.


The lungs and heart are protected by the ribs, sternum and vertebral column.


The lungs lie lateral to the heart.


The nerve axon on motor neurons is covered by a myelin sheath formed from Schwann Cells that has nodes or indentations.


The number of electrons in outer orbit of an element determines the degree of reactivity of an element.


The origin of the triceps is the scapula.


The pelvic girdle is larger and more basin-like in females than males for child bearing and birth.


The platysma is the antagonist of the zygomatic minor muscle.


The primary lipid in the cell membrane is the phospholipid.


The process of crossing over is the basic mechanism for shuffling the genetic traits from the mother's and father's chromosome contribution to the offspring.


The proximal end of ulna forms the elbow.


The sarcomere is considered to be the contractile unit of the muscle.


The skin is an organ composed of two tissue types, an epithelium and a connective tissue component.


The tendons of the abdominal muscles merge together at the fron of the abdomen to form a fibrous sheath with a mid-portion known as the linea alba.


The ulna articulates with the radius by way of an interosseous membrane.


The wrist is distal to the elbow.


The zygomatic minor muscle is the antagonist of the platysma.


There appears to be a link between fingerprint patterns and certain genetic abnormalities such as Down's syndrome.


Two or more atoms form a molecule.


Viral or bacterial infection of the meninges is termed meningitus.


Vitamins are needed by the body so that some enzymes can act properly.


White matter in spinal cord is located on the outside and grey matter is on inside in the shape of a butterfly.


Unit 5

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 6

Unit 6b

Unit 6b

Unit 7a

Unit 7a

Unit 7b

Unit 7b

Unit 9

Unit 9

Which one of the following stages of DNA replication occurs first?

Unwinding of the double helix

A semipermeable membrane is considered one that is permeable only to __________ and not other molecules.


When oxygen is reduced by accepting an electron from the electron transport pathway, a hydrogen ion comes along to produce ____________.


__________ are long-chain fatty acids that are solids at room temperature.


Which one of the following cranial nerves leaves the head and neck region to innervate much of the thoracic and abdominal viscera?


Pick the term below that best fits what a sinus is.

a cavity or recess in a bone

Pick the description that best fits the term "crest" as in the iliac crest.

a narrow ridge of bone

Pick the description that best fits the term "tuberosity" as in the ischial tuberosity.

a rough projection of bone for attachment of muscles

Pick the term below that best describes what a foramen is.

a round hole through a bone

Pick the description that best fits the term "fossa" as in the iliac fossa.

a shallow, broad or elongated pit

Pick the description that best fits the term "spine" as in the anterior superior iliac spine.

a sharp, pointed, narrow process

Pick the description that best fits the term "tubercle" as in the lesser tubercle of the humerus.

a small, rounded projection

Which one of the following nerves is the sixth cranial nerve?

abducens nerve

In movements possible around a synovial joint, __________ describes the movement of an arm or leg being moved away from the body.


In movements possible around a synovial joint, __________ describes the spreading of one's fingers.


Which movement about a synovial joint describes the moving the arm or leg away from the body?


Muscles that act to move a limb away from the midline of the body commonly have which one of the following terms as part of their name?


What is the action of the deltoid muscle?

abducts the arm

What is the name for the cup-shaped depression on the side of the hip formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis?


Which one of the following neurotransmitters is released by somatic motor neurons where they synapse with skeletal fibers?


Which one of the following types of neurotransmitter is released by both preganglionic and postganglionic parasympathetic fibers?


ch of the following transmitter substances stimulates excitatory activity at the neuromuscular junction?


Which cells listed below is not located in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas?


Two proteins, troponin and tropomyosin, are found along the surface of the __________ filaments.


Which one of the following best describes how to calculate the mass number of an element?

add the number of protons to the number of neutrons

In movements possible around a synovial joint, __________ describes the movement of an arm or leg being moved closer to the body.


What type of connective tiissue has cells which appear as signet rings with the inner space filled with fat and the nucleus appearing as the stone in the signet ring.


Which of the following statements best describes what happens in muscle fibers after 5 - 10 minutes of strenuous exercise.

aerobic respiration of glucose from glycogen (stored in muscle) generates needed ATP

What term is used to describe the action when a single hormone forms a hormone-receptor complex which then triggers a cascade of events inside the target cell?


Angiotensin II stimulates cells in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex to release which one of the following hormones?


During ________, the centromere splits and the chromatids move to opposite poles along the microtubules forming the spindle apparatus.


The function of amphiarthroses can be best described by which one of the following?

allows a small degree of movement

What menstrual cycle problem is indicated when there is a lack of a menstrual period?


Which one of the following is most significant determinant of skin color?

amount of melanin produced

Pick the description that best fits the term "eminence" as in the intercondylar eminence.

an elevation or projection

Which one of the following best describes an injury requiring deep wound healing?

an injury reaching into the dermis

In the Hair Growth Cycle, what is the stage during which hair growth occurs?

anagen stage

The stage at which the cells in the hair matrix are dividing is termed what stage?

anagen stage

Identify the small triangular muscle on the lateral side of the elbow with an origin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, insertion on the olecranon of ulna and action of extending the elbow.


What is the function of angiotensin-converting enzyme when blood pressure decreases?

angiotensin I is changed to angiotensin II

What is the function of renin secreted by the juxtglomerular cells of the kidney when blood pressure decreases?

angiotensinogen is converted to angiotensin I

What term is used to describe the action when one hormone can block the action of another hormone by binding to the receptor?


The _________ effect describes one drug blocking the effect of another drug.


The descending spinal cord tracts carry motor information to the body and exit via which spinal root?

anterior (ventral) horn

Which spinal horn listed below contains the cell bodies of motor neurons which supply body musculature with stimulation for contraction?

anterior (ventral) horn

Which sweat glands develop during puberty and are located mainly in the armpits and anogenital areas?

apocrine gland

Which type of sweat gland secretes a substance that bacteria can act on to produce body odor?

apocrine gland

Which one of the following is the middle layer of the meninges?

arachnoid mater

Which one of the following is synthesized in the skin from an inactive precursor in response to ultraviolet light?


What type of connective tissue forms the portion of the dermis just beneath the epidermis?

areolar connective tissue

Goose bumps are caused by contraction of what muscle?

arrector pili

What is the name of the action type for hormones that act on the same cell that produces it.


What happened to the body portion of the atlas (C1 vertebra)?

became attached to axis (C2) body to form dens

Which nail region is formed from the connective tissue underneath the nail which makes it thicker and stronger as the nail grows?


From the list below, where would you expect to find cerebrospinal fluid?

between pia mater and arachnoid mater

Identify the large muscle on front of the arm with two heads that have an origin on the scapula and insertion on the radial tuberosity.

biceps brachii

What type of connective tissue is unusual because it has a matrix that is fluid?


What is the function of angiotensin-converting enzyme when blood pressure decreases?

blood flow to digestive organs increases

Which action below is not one associated with a "fight or flight" response?

blood flow to digestive organs increases

What is the largest bone of the sternum?


Choose the correct order for the stages of bone remodeling?

bone resting, bone resorption, bone reversal, bone formation, bone mineralization

What is the target organ(s) for hGH (human growth hormone)?

bones and muscles

Pick the term below that best fits what a sulcus is.

bony groove that houses a tendon, nerve or blood vessel

Which thin muscle below is located on the front of the forearm with origin on the humerus, insertion on the styloid process of radius and flexes the elbow.


The medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain belong to what brain part?


Which one of the following is the part of the brain from which most of the cervical nerves arise?


Which of the following best describes cardiomyocytes?

branched, linked by intercalated discs, striated

The portion of the hair that is shaped like an onion deep in dermis where cell growth occurs is called what?


What hormone listed below is secreted by the I cells in the mucosa of the duodenum with a target of the pancreas and gallbladder?


Which tarsal bone forms the heel on the foot?


In order to regulate the levels of calcium in the blood, which one of the following hormones is secreted by the thyroid gland and opposes the effects of parathyroid hormones by reducing osteoclastic activity in bone?


Which hormone below is not secreted by cells of the thyroid gland?


As the electrical impulse spreads over the muscle fiber at the start of contraction, it causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER) in the muscle fiber to release _____________ ions.


The active form of vitamin D is associated with the regulation of which one of the following ions?


Which one of the following ions is released into the cytosol of muscle fibers in response to an action potential and plays a key role in skeletal muscle contraction?


________ muscle is found in the heart and these cells are branched with a single nucleus per cell.


Which one of the following types of connective tissue secretes antiangiogenesis factor and as a result is avascular?


In a ___________ joint, cartilage fills the space between bones resulting in not much movement such as with breastbone (sternum) and some ribs.


What type of joint does not show much movement and is located between the breastbone (sternum) and some of the ribs?


In the Hair Growth Cycle, what is the stage during which the cells of the hair matrix stop dividing and metabolic activity ceases?

catagen stage

The stage at which the cells in the hair matrix stop dividing is termed what stage?

catagen stage

What is the insertion for the diaphragm?

central tendon

In the region of the ear, modified sweat glands produce ear wax which is called what?


Which one of the following cell types secretes parathyroid hormone?

chief cells

Which one of the following best describes the structure of pancreatic acinar glands, and sublingual and submandibular salivary glands?

compound tubuloacinar glands

Which one of the following terms best describes the shortening of a muscle while maintaining constant tension within that muscle?

concentric isotonic contraction

What is name of the process which describes the transfer of heat when vasodilation of blood vessels near the skin transfers heat to the external atmosphere?


What is the function of the commissural tracts in the cerebrum?

connect gyri in different hemispheres

What is the function of the projection tracts in the cerebrum?

connect gyri with different areas of CNS

What is the function of the association tracts in the cerebrum?

connect gyri within the same hemisphere

Blood is classified as which one of the following types of tissue?

connective tissue

In hypothermia, what might one expect the arector pili muscles in the skin to do?

contract pulling hair up

In which one of the following stages of a twitch contraction does crossbridge formation occur?

contraction period

What is the primary function of the cerebellum?

controls muscle coordination, maintains balance and equilibrium

What is the name of the process which describes warm air around the body moving away from the body surface to be replaced by cooler air?


Which one of the following is not one of the common properties associated with all muscles?


What is the origin of the coracobrachialis muscle in the shoulder?

coracoid process of scapula

Where in the structure of the ovary are the ovarian follicles found?


Which one of the following is the major descending tract involved in relaying information from the cerebral cortex of the brain to the skeletal muscle controlling voluntary movement?

corticospinal tract

Which anterior pituitary cell type releases ACTH (adreno-corticotropic hormone)?


Which anterior pituitary cell type releases MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone)?


What type of bond occurs when electrons are shared by two atoms?

covalent bonding

The sexual mode of reproduction which permits ______________ to occur is advantageous because offspring from the same parents may vary considerably in their genetic characteristics leading to a greater variety of gene sets and traits which give a greater chance for species survival via natural selection.

crossing over

If no fertilization of the egg occurs during the menstrual cycle, what is the function of the corpus luteum?

degenerates so that progesterone level decreases

Which muscle below is not one of the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder region?


What type of connective tissue forms the portion of the dermis termed the reticular region?

dense connective tissue

When the diaphragm contracts, what happens to the air pressure inside the thoracic cavity?


The disease, Xeroderma pigmentosum, is a genetic disease caused by what defect?

defective DNA repair enzymes

Which one of the following types of connective tissue makes up the dermis of the skin, fibrous pericardium, heart valves, perichondrium and periosteum?

dense irregular connective tissue

________ contains many parallel collagen fibers which resist being stretched and form tendons and ligaments.

dense regular connective tissue

The long tubular shaft of a long bone is called what?


The medullary cavity is a feature of which one of the following regions of a long bone?


From a functional point of view, what type of joint allows free movement such as the knee or shoulder joint?


Which movement about a synovial joint describes moving the foot to close the angle between the foot and the leg?


What menstrual cycle problem is associated with painful menstruation?


In the control of homeostasis, the __________ is the final target which receive the signal from the integrator and causes an effect to occur such as muscle shivering in response to cold or increased sweating in response to body heating.


The ability of skin to be able to recoil back to its original state is due to what fiber(s)?


The epiglottis is an example of which one of the following types of cartilage?

elastic cartilage

Choose the type of fiber that is strong and stretchable and present in the walls of the lungs.

elastic fibers

The muscles of the back can be divided into which three of the following categories?

erector spinae, transversospinalis, superficial muscles

What is the conus medullaris?

end of spinal cord

Which one of the following best describes the relative speed of onset for the effects of the endocrine system relative to that of the nervous system?

endocrine effects occur more slowly than nervous effects

What menstrual cycle problem is caused by endometrial cells growing in the pelvic cavity and undergoing a menstrual cycle.


Which one of the following terms describes the sheet of thick connective tissue that surrounds the entirety of a skeletal muscle?


What portion of the diencephalon does the pineal gland attach?


Where would you find the habenular nuclei?


The sheetlike tissue that lines the free surfaces of the body, both the exterior surfaces and interior surfaces is called ___________ tissue.


When a cell secretes material in vesicles outside the cell and the vesicle membrane fuses with the cell membrane in that process, it is called what?


Which one of the following is the term used to describe the ability of a muscle to stretch without injury?


In movements possible around a synovial joint, __________ describes the movement which causes the angle between two bones to widen.


Which one of the following best describes the action of the triceps brachii?

extension of the elbow and adduction of the arm

Which muscle below is located on the anterior forearm and divides into four tendons which insert on fingers 2 - 5 and act to extend the wrist and fingers 2 - 5?

extensor digitorum

Which of the thorax muscles below are most active during inspiration (breathing in)?

external intercostals

Which one of the following muscle groups acts to increase the size of the throrax by drawing the ribs upwards and outwards?

external intercostals

Based on their location in the body, which sensory receptor is found near the external body surface to sense smell, taste, touch, vision and other environmental changes?


The receptors for smell, taste and touch belong to which one of the following categories?


Which spinal cord tract carries information from the brainstem to body regions to maintain muscle tone, balance, posture and orientation of head and limbs?

extrapyramidal tracts

Which one of the following cranial nerves conveys motor information to the muscles of facial expression?

facial nerve

Which one of the following nerves is the largest nerve that arises from the lumbar plexus?

femoral nerve

What is a function of the pons?

fibers from cerebrum pass through pons to cerebellum

Which one of the following cell types produces scar tissue?


What type of connective tissue is packed with collagen fibers and forms the intervertebral disks?


_________ joints form the soft spots on a baby's head.


Which terms below best describe the joints that become the sutures in the skull?

fibrous and synarthroses

What bone forms the bump or lateral malleolus located on the lateral side of the ankle?


To which stage of the stress response does increased heart rate and constriction of blood flow to viscera and skin belong?

fight-or-flight response

To which stage of the stress response does the increase in sweating and dilation of airways belong?

fight-or-flight response

Which one of the following terms best describes a muscle that holds the proximal end of another muscle in place?


What is the action for the brachialis muscle?

flex the elbow

What is the action of the iliacus and psoas major muscles of the hip?

flexing and abducting the hip and flexing the trunk

In movements possible around a synovial joint, __________ describes the movement of bringing two bones closer together.


Which movement about a synovial joint describes bringing two bones closer together?


Which muscle below becomes tendinous at back of ankle and travels to sole of foot where it divides into four tendons and can flex the four lateral toes?

flexor digitorum longus

Which thin muscle of the posterior forearm divides into four thin tendons distally with an origin on the ulna, insertion on phalanges 2 - 5 and an action to flex the wrist and fingers 2 - 5?

flexor digitorum profundus

Which thin muscle of the posterior forearm forms into four thin tendons distally with an origin on the common flexor tendon, insertion on middle phalanges 2 - 5 and action of flexing fingers 2 - 5?

flexor digitorum superficialis

Which thin muscle of the posterior forearm and thumb has its origin on the ulna, insertion on the 1st distal phalanx and action to flex the thumb.

flexor pollicis longus

Ribs 11 and 12 do not attach to the sternum and are called what?

floating ribs

Choose from the options below the correct order for the stages of intramembranous ossification.

formation of an ossification center, calcification of the osteoid matrix, formation of trabeculae, development of the periosteum

Which of the following is not found in fast twitch muscle fibers?

found in large muscles like the gluteals

There are ___________ basic tissue types.


Which one of the following best approximates the time required for a cell to transition from the basal layer towards the apical layers, become keratinized, and finally be sloughed off?

four weeks

Which one of the following bony features is best described as a small pit or depression that provides attachment for muscles and ligaments?


The ___________ lobe of the cerebral cortex is the primary motor cortex which coordinates instructions for motor responses.


The roof of the orbits along with the supercilliary arch are regions of what bone?


_______ junctions are protein tunnels connecting cytoplasms of two different cells.


What hormone listed below is secreted by the G cells in the stomach, duodenum and pancreas with a target of the chief cells, parietal cells and smooth muscle in the stomach?


Which hormone below is not involved in the stress response?


Which of the following hormones is not secreted by the pancreas?


Which muscle below forms the bulk of the calf musculature, originates on the medial and lateral condyle of the femur and inserts on the calcaneus.


Which muscles form the calcaneal tendon, also known as the Achilles tendon?

gastrocnemius, soleus

What anatomic feature on the scapula is the site of articulation with the head of the humerus?

glenoid fossa

Which one of the following is not a glucocorticoid?


Which one of the following is stimulated by glucocorticoids?


Which of the following transmitter substances stimulates excitatory activity in the CNS?


What is the insertion of the gluteus maximus?

gluteal tuberosity

If strenuous muscle contraction continues and oxygen runs out, what statement best describes what happens next.

glycolysis will begin and accumulate ATP and lactic acid until muscle contraction ceases due to cramping

Which anterior pituitary cell type releases FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)?


Which muscle below would you use to adduct the hip and flex the knee?


Which one of the following is a collective term for tissue of neuronal cell bodies, dendrite, axon terminals, neuroglia and unmyelinated axons?

gray matter

If both the right and left sternocleidomastoid muscles contract together, what action results?

head moves down toward the ground

If the left sternocleidomastoid muscle contracts and the right does not, what action results?

head moves to left

Which one of the following stains is commonly used to differentiate between nucleic acids within the nucleus and basic cytoplasmic proteins?

hemotoxylin and eosin

The medulla oblongata and the cerebellum are located in the:


Which one of the following bones is classified as a flat bone?

hip bone

During prophase in meiosis, _________ chromosomes pair up to form tetrads (two chromosomes having four chromatids).


If vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels and sweating occurs, what condition below is indicated?


Rarely, excess hair covers almost the entire body as a fur sometimes giving this condition the name, werewolf syndrome, but the medical name for this genetic condition is what?


Which of the following nerves innervates most muscles of the tongue?

hypoglossal nerve (XII)

Choose from the list below the name for the free edge of the nail made up of thickened stratum corneum and serves to secure the nail to the fingertip.


Which nail region is formed from the thickened skin area made from the stratum corneum which secures the nail to the fingertip?


If you feel thirsty or hungry, from which portion of the diencephalon are these functions being controlled?


Nuclei in which one of the following brain regions are the major regulators of autonomic tone?


The ___________ portion of the limbic system is the major brain activity affected by psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, heroin and many other street drugs.


What portion of the diencephalon does the pituitary attach?


What term describes the condition when body temperature drops below normal?


What anterior edge on the hip can be palpated and is the site of attachment for abdominal muscles?

iliac crest

Which of the following muscles are flexors of the hip?

iliacus, psoas

Which one of the following types of fracture occurs when one bone is forcefully driven into another, affecting both ends of the bone?


Which of the options listed below is not caused by an increase in levels of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4?

increased lipogenesis

When the internal intercostals and the innermost intercostals contract, what happens to the air pressure inside the thoracic cavity?


During the menstrual cycle, what is the function of the estrogen produced by the growing follicle in the ovary?

inhibits secretion of follicle stimulating hormone by the pituitary

In the spinal cord, is the gray matter located toward the outside or inside of the spinal cord structure?


What is the smallest lobe of the brain?


In the control of homeostasis, the __________ is the portion of the brain such as the hypothalamus that determines where to route the signal from the receptor.


The type of neuron that takes information from one neuron to another neuron and reside entirely within the central nervous system is called what?


Based on their location in the body, which sensory receptor is found in blood vessels, nervous tissue, muscles and visceral organs.


If you perceive pain in the area of skin located just below your sternum, from what organ might this pain be coming from?


The characteristic of life defined as the body or cell's response to environmental change is termed what?


What portion of the hip do we sit on and is the site for muscle attachment?

ischial tuberosity

Where in the pancreas are the alpha and beta cells located?

islets of Langerhans

Choose the correct classification for muscle contraction which involves no change in length or tension.

isometric contraction

What type of contraction describes a muscle that changes length but tension stays the same?

isotonic contraction

What is the importance of the hypophyseal portal circulation which flows from the hypothalamus to the adenohyphysis?

it connects the nervous system to the endocrine system

What is the first thing that happens when blood pressure decreases in the afferent arterioles of the kidney?

juxtaglomerular cells secrete renin

Choose the action of the buccinator muscle.

keeps food from collecting between teeth and cheeks

Which one of the following best describes a type of epithelium that is multi-layered and hardened with a fibrous protein?

keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Which one of the following is the most common type of cell in the epidermis?


Identify the sulcus below which separates the temporal lobe from the frontal lobe.

lateral sulcus

Which muscle of the shoulder and shoulder girdle has an origin of T1 - T12 spinous processes, iliac crest and ribs 9 - 12 and inserts on the humerus with an action of extending, adducting and medially rotating the arm at the shoulder joint?

latissimus dorsi

Which one of the following hormones suppresses appetite?


What is the origin of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle?

lesser wing of sphenoid

Which of the following muscles form the deep layer of both the male and female pelvic floor?

levator ani, coccygeus

What muscle has an action of raising the upper eyelid?

levator palpebrae superioris

Which statement below provides a location of the heart so that any anatomist in the world would know where to look for it?

lies posterior to sternum, superior to the diaphragm and anterior to the thoracic vertebra.

The hippocampus, amygdala and cingulate gyrus are all considered part of which of the following?

limbic system

Which one of the following names is given to the longitudinal ridge on the posterior aspect of the femoral shaft that provides an origin point for a number of muscles, including the biceps femoris, adductor magnus and vastus lateralis?

linea aspera

Which one of the following best describes where interoceptors are commonly found?

lining blood vessels

Epithelium is most lilely to be found in which one of the following locations?

lining the gastrointestinal tract

If you perceive pain in the area just below your rib cage on the anterior or ventral surface, what body organ might be from where the pain arises.


To which one of the following classes do bones that act as levers for the movement of skeletal muscle belong?


The erector spinae muscles consist of which set of three muscles listed below?

longissimus, spinalis, iliocostalis

If you were experiencing pain from appendicitis, which abdominal section below would you expect the pain to be located?

lower right-hand side

Which vertebral type has the largest body?


Which nail region shows a white, half-moon shaped area in the proximal region of the nail?


Which one of the following is the term used for the white, half-moon shaped area at the proximal end of the nail?


What is the target organ(s) for PRL (prolactin)?

mammary glands

Which bone below contains the coronoid process at its posterior for the site of attachment of the temporalis muscle on either side of the head?


Which bone below forms the lower jaw.


What is the insertion for the masseter muscle?

mandible (coronoid process)

Which part of the sternum is most superior portion and site of articulation with the first and second costal cartilages?


The cells forming the hair arise from what region?


Which nail region is formed from keratocytes surrounding the bail root from which the nail grows?


Which bone listed below contains the site for teeth attachment, forms most of the hard palate and contains the largest sinuses in our skull?


Based on the type of stimulus modality, which sensory receptor measures mechanical force such as touch, pressure, vibration and stretch?


Is the ulna on the medial or lateral side of the forearm when the arm is in the anatomic position?


What anatomic feature of the humerus is known as the "funny bone"?

medial epicondyle

What anatomic feature is represented and able to be palpated in the region of the medial or inner portion of one's ankle?

medial malleolus

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced by chromaffin cells located in which one of the following regions of the suprarenal gland?


Starting at the centermost area of the hair shaft and going outward, pick the correct sequence of layers from the list below.

medulla, cortex, cuticle, epithelial root sheath, dermal root sheath

Identify the substance present in skin which absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation to protect deeper tissue from damage?


Which of the following hormones plays a major role in sleep regulation?


What type of sweat gland is activated by the sympathetic nervous system in response to hyperthermia?

merocrine gland

When our hands get sweaty during a tension-filled moment, which type of sweat gland is producing the excess sweat?

merocrine gland

Which one of the following types of glands contributes to thermoregulation?

merocrine gland

Where would you expect to find the epiphyseal plate in a long bone?


Cytokinesis is the division of cytoplasm after mitosis and is caused by _________ forming a ""pursestring arrangement"" that pinches the outer cell membrane together to form two cells.


Which one of the following mixture is an example of a colloid?


What is the insertion of the buccinator muscle?


What is the origin of the orbicularis oris muscle?


A single unit of sugar is what type of carbohydrate?


Which one of the following best describes a motor unit?

somatic motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates

Which one of the following terms is used for the thread-like organelles composed of actin and mysosin filaments found in muscles cells?


Which two of the following are contractile proteins present in skeletal muscle?

mysosin and actin

Which bone below is a single bone and forms the bridge of the nose?


In a __________ feedback mechanism for homeostatic control, the end result of the initial stimulus is an effector response which inhibits the further action of the receptor.


Where would you expect to find Herring Bodies?


Which portion of the pituitary gland has both an endocrine and nervous function?


"When a hydrogen ion and hydroxyl ion combine to form H2O or water, the resulting solution is termed what?"


Which anterior pituitary cell type releases hGH (human growth hormone)?


Receptors that respond to painful stimuli belong to which one of the following categories?


Which of the following transmitter substances acts upon the metabotropic receptors in the CNS and PNS?


The numbers "3" and "4" associated with the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 refer to which one of the following?

number of iodine atoms in each of the hormones

Which one of the following arteries is responsible for providing arterial blood to both the diaphysis and metaphysis of a long bone?

nutrient artery

Which statement below best describes how epidermal cells receive nutrient?

nutrient diffuses from dermal capillaries toward the epidermis

Identify the large foramen formed by the pubis and the ischium in the hip?

obturator foramen

The ___________ lobe of the cerebral cortex is located at the lower rear portion of the cerebrum; visual centers located here.


This bone forms the back and base of the skull and contains the foramen magnum.


What is the origin for the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle?

occipital bone

A short chain of sugar units such as sucrose composed of glucose and fructose (table sugar) is called what type of carbohydrate?


Where would you expect to find the lateral columns of nerve fibers in the spinal cord?

on each side of the spinal cord between the emerging posterior (dorsal) and anterior (ventral) nerve roots

Choose below the correct order of steps in making a microscope slide from a tissue slice.

orientation, fixation, embedding, sectioning, staining

Which one of the following is not a major factor that determines and maintains the resting potential of a neuron?

opening of voltage-gated channels in the plasma membrane

What is the name of the muscle that surrounds the eye and is used to close the eye tightly to keep out a foreign object?

orbicularis oculi

An immature bone cell found in growing bone is called what?


Which one of the following types of cell is responsible for the initiation of the calcification process in bone?


A type of bone cell that helps to break down the bone matrix in the bone remodeling process is called what?


A mature bone cell is called what?


In intramembranous ossification during the formation of an ossification center, the mesenchyme cells differentiate initially into which one of the following bone cells?

osteogenic cells

In the brain, is the gray matter located toward the outside or inside of the brain structure?


What is the target organ(s) for FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)?

ovaries and testes

What is the target organ(s) for LH (luteinizing hormone)?

ovaries and testes

The sub-layer of the dermis which contains finger-like protrusions into the epidermis is called what?

papillary region

Which one of the following describes the actions of hormones that act locally rather than at a distance from the site of release?


A straight muscle fits into which one of the following categories?


Which one of the following divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System has long preganglionic fibers that synapse at autonomic ganglia within the walls of the target organ?

parasympathetic nervous system

Nerves which function to preserve body resources, for example, slow down heart or respiration belong to the:

parasympathetic portion of the autonomic system

What nuclei in the hypothalamus secrete oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone at their axon terminals in the posterior pituitary?

paraventricular nuclei

The ___________ lobe of the cerebral cortex is located on the upper rear of the cerebrum and located here are the somatosensory cortex which receives signals from skin and joints.


What is the name of the large muscle on the anterior chest wall that inserts on the humerus and can adduct and internally rotate the humerus?

pectoralis major

Which two of the following muscles insert onto the humerus?

pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi

Which of the muscles listed below is located on the anterior chest wall, inserts on the scapula and has an action of pulling the shoulder girdle forwards and downwards?

pectoralis minor

What term is used to describe the action when one hormone can act as a secondary hormone, promoting the effect of a primary hormone?


Which part of the temporal bone contains the internal acoustic meatus and the inner ear.

petrous part

When you "stubb" your toe, what bony type are you bumping and hurting?


Which one of the following nerves of the cervical plexus innervates the diaphragm?

phrenic nerve

What name is given to the layer of fascia that is closest to and covers the spinal cord?

pia mater

Which gland below secretes melatonin and helps control the sleep/wake cycle?

pineal gland

Which of the meninges thickens to form the denticulate ligaments which cover the posterior and anterior nerve roots on either side of the spinal cord?

pis mater

Which one of the following is the target organ for inhibin in both males and females?

pituitary gland

The superior radioulnar joint is an example of which one of the following types of joint?


Besides the ovary, which other organ produces the hormone estrogen?


Receptors for water-soluble hormones are found on their target cells in which one of the following regions?

plasma membrane

Which nail region describes the nail visible on the dorsal surface of the distal end of the digit?


Which leg muscle below acts on the knee joint with origin on the lateral condyle of femur, insertion on the tibia and action of rotating femur laterally?


The resting membrane potential for a neuron, exhibits a separation of charge between the inside and outside of the cell membrane that is:

positive charge outside, negative charge inside membrane

Which one of the following regions is most clearly associated with the primary sensory cortex?

postcentral gyrus

Which spinal horn listed below carries sensory neurons which carry information about touch and proprioception from the skin, bones and joints?

posterior (dorsal) horn

In neurons of the body, _________ions are found inside body cells.


Which ion blood level below is not regulated by the action of parathyroid hormone?


The _________ effect describes one drug enhancing the effect of another drug.


What menstrual cycle problem is associated with mood swings, fluid retention, anxiety, backache and joint pains?

premenstrual syndrome

What feature distinguishes thoracic vertebra from other types?

presence of articulating facets on transverse processes

What feature is only found on cervical vertebra?

presence of transverse foramen

What is the function of human chorionic gonadotropin produced by the placenta?

prevents breakdown of corpus luteum to maintain estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy

From the list below, choose the correct term for a muscle that is primarily responsible for instigating a particular movement, such as the role of the triceps brachii in extending the elbow?

prime mover

What is the function of relaxin secreted by the corpus luteum?

promotes flexibility of pubic symphysis and dilates uterine cervix during labor

What action listed below occurs when sperm count is high?

promotes secretion of inhibin by Sertoli cells

What is the primary function of luteinizing hormone?

promotes testosterone secretion by Leydig cells

Which small square muscle below lies on the anterior distal forearm with its origin on the ulna, insertion on the radius and action to pronate the forearm.

pronator quadratus

Place in correct order the stages of mitosis.

prophase to metaphase to anaphase to telophase

Choose the proper order for the stages of mitosis.

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Based on their location in the body, which sensory receptor is found in joints, muscles, tendons and the inner ear.


The receptors that provide information about the relative position of body parts and movement belong to which one of the following categories?


Which movement about a synovial joint describes the movement of the scapula forward?


When an epithelium consists of cells that appear layered but they are all connected to the basement membrane, it is said to be ______________.


What is the origin of the rectus abdominis muscle in the trunk musculature?

pubis of hip bone

Which spinal cord tract carries information from the cerebral cortex to skeletal muscles causing voluntary movement?

pyramidal tracts

Choose the action of the zygomaticus minor muscle.

raises the upper lip as in smiling

In the control of homeostasis, the _________ is usually a nerve ending which can detect a particular environmental change such temperature, touch or sound.


Which of the quadriceps muscles below is the most anterior and originates on the anterior superior iliac spine and acetabulum of the hip bone.

rectus femoris

What is the function of the hormone cholecystokinin produced by the I cells of the duodenum?

relaxes the hepaticopancreatic sphincter to release bile into the duodenum

To which stage of the stress response does the secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone and growth-hormone-releasing hormone belong?

resistance reaction

Which region of the dermis is the largest region?


Choose the type of fiber that forms fine frameworks and is present in the stromal tissue of the spleen.

reticular fibers

The portion of the hair which is embedded deep in the dermis is called what?


Which muscle below is the longest muscle in the body and travels obliquely across the front of the thigh?


Which of the following muscles does not insert on the tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon?


Which carpal bone can be palpated in the region known as the anatomic snuff box?


Which one of the following carpal bones is located in the proximal row and lies lateral to the lunate bone?


Which carpal bones articulate with the radius and ulna?

scaphoid, lunate and triquetral

The acromial end of the clavicle articulates with which one of the following bones?


What two bones does the clavicle articulate with?

scapula and manubrium

Which one of the following is a gland that secretes its products in a holocrine manner?

sebaceous gland

Choose the correct class of lever to describe when the load is placed between the fulcrum and the effort (force) as in raising your heel from the ground.

second class lever

If fertilization of the egg occurs during the menstrual cycle, what is the function of the corpus luteum?

secretes progesterone

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of an endocrine gland?

secretes to external spaces

What hormone listed below is secreted by the S cells of duodenum with a target of the pancreas, liver and stomach?


Barbiturates are considered to be:


What is the name of the saddle-like depression in the superior surface of the sphenoid bone in which the pituitary gland resides and is protected?

sella turcica

Which one of the following types of epithelium lines the heart, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels?

simple squamous epithelium

________ muscle tissue is composed of long cells, multinucleated, usually attached to bone usually and are under our conscious control.


Which one of the following contains a few specialized stem cells called satellite cells which are capable of limited repair?

skeletal muscle

Which one of the following types of muscle contains individual cells several centimeters long?

skeletal muscle

The majority of heat is lost from the body through which one of the following organs?


What is the target organ(s) for MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone)?

skin and brain

Where does the frontal belly of the occipitfrontalis muscle insert?

skin of forehead

_________ muscle tissue is composed of cells having a single nucleus and are not under our conscious control.


The action of which one of the following types of muscle causes the movement of partially digested matter along the intestines?

smooth muscle

Which muscle type below is non-striated?

smooth muscle

Electrical activity in cells is determined by the separation of:

sodium and potassium ions

What area of the body indicated below is the stratum corneum thickest?

soles of the feet

In addition to the gastrocnemius, what other leg muscle forms the Achilles tendon?


The brain ventricles are:

spaces filled with cerebrospinal fluid

This butterfly-shaped bone is located at the base of the cranium and contains the pituitary fossa.


Which one of the following is not part of the peripheral nervous system?

spinal cord

Which one of the following conveys sensory information about pain, pressure, non-discriminative touch and temperature to the brain?

spinothalamic tract

What is the origin of the semispinalis capitis muscle?

spinous processes of T3 - T6 vertebra

Which part of the temporal bone has the zygomatic process and the mandibular condyle?

squamous part

Which one of the following muscles does not insert on the hyoid bone?


What is the origin of the supraspinatus muscle in the shoulder?

supraspinous fossa of scapula

What important discovery did Henry Faulds, a Scottish medical missionary, make in 1880 that is still important today?

surface ridges on fingertips do not change over a lifetime

Which one of the following is a mixture composed of different-sized particles that readily separate into layers when the mixture is still?


Identify the salty, acidic substance that is secreted onto the skin and helps inhibit microbial growth?


Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?

sweat gland

Which division of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response?

sympathetic nervous system

Nerves which function in mobilizing body resources such as in "fight or flight" response belong to the:

sympathetic portion of the autonomic system

The space between the end of a motor neuron and where it abuts against the muscle cell membrane is called what?


From a functional point of view, what type of joint provides no movement at all?


A __________ joint is a type of joint which has a capsule that secrete slippery synovial fluid into the joint to make movement more easy.


Ball and socket" joints are examples of what type of joint?


Which terms below best describe the joints that permit free movements?

synovial and diarthroses

Which tarsal bone does the fibula articulate with in the ankle region?


Which function below is not one that is directly linked to angiotensin II?

targets kidney to reabsorb sodium ions and water

In the hair Growth Cycle, what is the stage during which the hair falls out?

telogen stage

The stage at which the cells in the hair matrix reduces their metabolic activity with hair falling out in several months is called what stage?

telogen stage

The ___________ lobe of the cerebral cortex is located behind the ears on the sides of each cerebral hemisphere and processes information about hearing and complex visual associations such as identifying faces.


Which bone listed below is not part of the viscerocranium?


Which one of the following terms best describes the adding together of postsynaptic potentials generated in quick succession at the same location to produce a stronger postsynaptic potential?

temporal summation

At puberty, what type of hair grows in the area of the face (beard) in males, and in the genital region and axillary region of males and females?

terminal hair

Fur in mammals is considered what type of hair?

terminal hair

Which hormone below is not soluble in water?


Which portion of the diencephalon is the largest?


When you move your head from right to left and left to right as in signifying no when asked a question, what best describes the action of the atlas and axis ?

the atlas articulates with the axis

When you move your head up and down as in nodding yes to a question, what best describes the action of the atlas vertebra?

the atlas articulates with the occipital condyles of the occipital bone

The action potential for a neuron shows a rolling reversal of charge moving down the nerve membrane that constitutes the transmission of the impulse and is measured as:

the outside is now negative and the inside positive

Which one of the following types of contractile filaments found in the sarcoplasm of smooth muscles has a tropomyosin component?

thin filaments

What is the target organ(s) for TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone)?

thyroid gland

Which anterior pituitary cell type releases TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone)?


Which hormone listed below does not act antagonistically to regulate blood calcium levels?


When you kneel on your knee, what structure on the tibia are you kneeling on?

tibial tuberosity

__________ junctions form points of adhesion between lining epithelial cells to prevent leakage of molecules from outside to inside the body.


A group of cells interacting in a common function is called what?


What is the function of the superior articulating facet of a vertebra?

to articulate with the inferior facet of the vertebra above it

Yellow bone marrow is principally responsible for storing which one of the following substances?


During muscle contraction, when calcium ions bind to ___________, the binding site on the actin filament is uncovered.


"When chlorine captures an electron from sodium, the extra electron gives chlorine a negative charge so it is now called a CHLORIDE ION."


During meiotic prophase in females, all chromosomes that pair up will look like each other


In thermoreception, the "warm" receptors are located in the dermis of the skin.


On average, males have more RBCs than do females.


The hypodermis is not considered part of the dermis.


The neuron action potential exhibits an "all or none" response.


Which part of the temporal bone contains the external acoustic meatus and the styloid process projecting downward for attachment of ligaments and muscles?

tympanic part

Which one of the following processes is an example of receptor-mediated endocytosis?

uptake of transferrin into an erythrocyte precursor cell

The base that is not found in DNA is _________.


Which one of the following cranial nerves transmits parasympathetic preganglionic fibers to the majority of the viscera of the body?

vagus nerve

Which of the following muscles act to extend the knee?

vastus medialis, rectus femoris

What is the name of the short, fine hair that covers the body of the newly born infant?


A precursor form of which one of the following vitamins is produced in the skin?

vitamin D

What is the action for the platysma muscle?

wrinkles the skin of the neck

Glucocorticoids are produced by which one of the following layers of the suprarenal gland?

zona fasciculate

Mineralocorticoids are produced by which one of the following layers of the suprarenal gland?

zona glomerulosa

Androgens are produced by which one of the following layers of the suprarenal gland?

zona reticularis

Interstitial growth at the epiphyseal growth plate occurs at which one of the following zones of cartilage?

zone of proliferating cartilage

Choose the bone listed below that is not part of the neurocranium?


Which bone below forms the inferior and lateral walls of the orbits?


What is the origin of the masseter muscle?

zygomatic bone

What is the origin of the zygomaticus minor muscle?

zygomatic bone

Which cell type is not found in the ovary?


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