Study Guide for Chapter 15: The Middle Ages

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Guild- Fief- Vassal- Feudalism-

-A business group organized by crafts people - land granted to a vassal -a noble who served a lord of higher rank -a system in which nobles ruled and protected people in return for service

What was the Concordat at Worms?

An agreement between the Pope and the German King over the issue of Lay Investiture. It decided that the church would appoint bishops, and the kings would appoint clergy to government.

What was the main reason nobility built castles?

Mainly built for defense; fort for protection against enemies.

List and describe the three stages of knighthood.

PAGE- 7 years old, learned manners from lady of castle, played chess, fought with wooden swords SQUIRE- 14 years old, servant to a knight, took care of armor, horse, and helped knight get in armor and in battle KNIGHT- 21 years old, became full knight after pledging loyalty to lord and receiving fief.

Need for cash to purchase raw material. Church ___________Christians from charging ___________. _____________became a __________. Jews lived in segregated areas of towns called ____________. Forbidden to own_______. Eventually banking became important especially in ___________.

forbade; interest; usury; sin; ghettos; land; Italy


everyday language used in a country or region


hatred of Jews


medieval business group formed by craftspeople and merchants


medieval way of thinking that tried to bring together reason and faith in studies of religion


person who travels to carry the ideas of a religion to others


political system based on bonds of loyalty between lords and vassals

Showdown at Canossa Who: When: Where: What/why: ___________over who controls the right to appoint __________and other high ranking church officials -____________. The pope______the power and Henry gets made refusing to obey the order. Henry then writes a nasty_______ to the Pope calling him a false monk. The pope resnds by excommunication Henry and declaring that he is no longer the_______. Henry's nobles support the________and he gets worried. He goes to see the Pope to beg for forgiveness at the Palace of Canossa. He grovels __________in the snow for 3 days before the Pope accepts his apology letting him back in the Church. He still dismisses him from the ________through. Outcome:

Pope Gregory VII and King Henry the IV of Germany 1073 Italy Argument; bishops; pope or kings; bans; letter; king; pope; barefoot; throne Issue of who appoints church officials is still not settled (power over lay investiture)

Holy Roman Empire Otto I--> one of the __________German kings at the time. Fought Magyars for the ____________. Pope declared him Holy Roman Emperor in _________. His kingdom became known as the Holy Roman____________. *Later rulers will try to unite Germany and Norther Italy under 1 ruler but the popes will fight it because they don't want an emperor to control them. Therefore both Italy and Germany will remain divided until the 1800's when they become modern countries.

stronger; pope; 962; empire


system of identification used by Medieval knights (think shields).

Trial Jury

a group that decided whether or not a person was innocent or guilty of a crime

Grand Jury

a group that decided whether there was enough evidence to accuse a person of a crime

What title did the Pope bestow on Charlemagne on December 25, 800? Why?

"Holy Roman Emperor" He had given the Pope military aid when he was being attacked.

Why did Gregory the Great want monks to become missionaries? What role did monasteries play in Europe? What was the Concordat of Worms?

- He wanted them to spread his religion and come to power. Wanted all of Europe to become Christian. - They schooled people, provided food and rest to travelers, offered hospitals, care for the sick, taught carpentry, weaving, developed better methods of farming and also helped to preserve knowledge. - A deal, between the pope and the king, that only the Pope could choose bishops, but only the emperor could give them jobs in the government was signed in the city of Worms.

Why were the Rivers of Europe important? Who were the people living in southeastern Britain when the Angles and the Saxons invaded that area? Why did the Franks become Catholic? How did Christianity remain Western Europe's major religion?

- They made it easier to travel into the interior of Europe and encouraged people to trade. Also provided safety. - Celts were pushed aside by the Angles and Saxons + fled to the mountains. - King Clovis became Catholic and this won him support of the Romans in his kingdom. Before long, nearly all of the Franks became Catholic. - The Battle of Tours because the Christians stopped the Muslims advance into Europe and helped Christianity remain Europe's major religion.

Who was crowned the "new"Roman emperor in A.D 800? Why was the new Roman emperor concerned about his crowning by the pope? Why was Otto I declared the Roman Emperor? What was Otto's territory known as?

-Charlemagne- by the pope - He did not want people to think the pope had the power to choose who was emperor. - He sent troops to Italy to protect the pope as well as defeat the Magyars, this was his reward. - Holy Roman Empire

Grand Jury- Trial Jury- _______________was the king of france from 1180 to 1223. ________________was the king of England who took a census called the Domesday Book

-Decided whether people should be accused of a crime - decides whether an accused person is innocent of guilty Philip II Wiliam the Conqueror

How many guilds were there in Venice? Why did Italian cities build navies? Why did men walk next to the street? What happened when a city became too unhealthy? What city was noted for its crime, bad food, and mosquitoes?

22 to drive competitors of all the Mediterranean Sea and protect them to protect the women from garbage dumped out of upper windows they just picked up and moved; left all the trash there rome

At Acre, Richard kills _____________men, women and children. Saladin took the city of _____________from the Christians during the Second Crusade. Saladin is described as _____________,________________,and_________________. Richard and Saladin settle on a truce that says that the____________keep control of Jerusalem but that _______________________can travel safely to Jerusalem to worship. The remaining Crusades are mostly about_________________, not religion. The Fourth Crusade si an exuse to loot the city of ________________. The fifth and sixth crusades both_____________. In the year, 1212, the ______________causes thousands of children to die or be sold into slavery. _________________is the Christain Crusade to take back the Iberian Peninsula (Spain) from the Muslims. Final Outcome of the Crusades (5)

3,000; Jerusalem; Honest; Ruthless; Brave; Muslims; Unarmed Christian Pilgrims; money; Constantinople; fail; Children's crusade; reconquest

How many days of military service a year did a knight have to give his lord?

40 days

When were the Middle Ages?

A.D. 500-1500

Section 1; Charlemagne's Rise to Power Background on Franks 1. ___________ People 2. Lived along the _________ R. 3. Family loyalty was important 4. ___________(leader) converted to Christianity in 481. A.D Charlemagne Accomplished 1. Created large empire made of ___________ manors or counties 2. _________ kept order in these counties (like governors or assistant kings) 3. Made _____________- (city) the capital of his empire.

Background on Franks 1. Germanic; Rhine R.; Clovis Charlemagne Accomplished self-sufficient; Counts; Aachen


Catholic worship service

What name was Charles later known by? What two officials were most important in a county? What was the job of the missi domenici? How many wives did Charlemagne have during his life? How many children? What were Charlemagne's interests?

Charlemagne (Charles the Great) Bishop and Archbishop Or the head of the civil government was the "count" To check on local officials and make sure they were not taking bribes or abusing the people 4 wives 18 children Science, Literature, Law, and Religion

Who used knights to fight the Moslems (muslims)? What was the main purpose for having knights? What did a student knight do in his first days of training? What lessons in manners were part of the training? What two saints were important to the image of a knight?

Charles Mantel to fight wars carrying his weapons (shield and spear);followed lord into battle Politeness, courtesy, helpfulness St. Michael and St. George

Why did the Jews become the moneylenders during the Middle Ages?

Christian church forbade Christians from lending money to make profit. Usury was the only one of the things available to Jews


Christian struggle to take back the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims. Like the Crusades in Spain

Describe Medieval towns and cities.

Crowded. Not-well planned. Fire was a constant hazard. Dirty, polluted water and air. Animals roamed freely. People tossed waste out of windows into rivers

Division of Frankish Empire 1. Charlemagne's _____________ was divided into 3 parts by his _____________ (Treaty of Verdun) 2. This _______________ the empire and lead to its collapse (cannot have more than one king of the mountain) Steps to Charlemagne's Rise to Power Step 1: ______________ Germans to Christianity by conquering them (war). forced conversion Step 2: Stopped the ___________ expansion into Western Europe by winning import battle(s) Step 3: ___________ put down the Saxon revolt against Christianity.

Division of Frankish Empire kingdom; grandson's; weakened Steps to Charlemagne's Rise to Power Converted; Muslim; Brutally

Who were a knight's three masters according to the Code of Chivalry?

Earthly lord chosen lady Heavenly Lord (God)

What king established the Parliament in England? What estates did Phillip IV include in the first French Parliament? What was Moscow an important city to the Slavs? What is a crusade? Which crusade was a success in the campaign to free the Holy Land? In what two ways did the Crusades affect Europe?

Edward I Clergy (priests), nobles, Townspeople+ peasants It was at the crossroads of several trade routes A holy war The first crusade drove the Muslims from the region, but the rest achieved little Increased trade between Europe and the Middle East; helped break down feudalism.

What was the Estates General Meeting?

France's first parliament. Bishops, nobles, and commoners

Viking Raids: General Info 1. People were attacked by _________ from the north 2. Magyars attacked from the _______ (Asian Steppes) -very good horsemen. 3. Muslim invaded from the South (Africa)-____________ the Med. Sea trade 4. All invasions caused widespread ____________ and suffering amoung the people of Western Europe. There was no central ____________ to protect the people s they turned to their local leaders for protection -Feudalism develops. Who they were 1. Lifestyle: based on the ______; Viking= pirate. Both sexes wore long hair. Married women were ____________ by the tribe. 2. Government: tribal unites were ruled by a ______ (chief) 3. Values: cultures of war; blood feuds were common. 4. Education: not important; most were ________. Boys=warriors; Girls =wives 5. Religion: worshiped many gods, used crops and animal sacrifices. Many gods __________ around war and weather

General Info viking; East; disrupted; disorder; gov't Who they were sea; respected; jarl; illiterate; revolved

Battle Cry for Crusades "_______ _________________ ____!" The Crusades lasted __________years. Muslims retain control over Holy Land in end. Crusading spirit ___________in the 1200's. There were 6 crusades to the east. Children crusades called_________________. Later crusades were driven by ____________rather than _______________. 6th crusade was in 1228.

God Wills It; 200; faded; 1212; reconquista; greed; spirituality

Who was selected as the new Pope in 1059? Whom did the Pope feel should choose new bishops? What ruler disagreed and insulted the Pope? What did the emperor do to gain forgiveness? What is an antipope?

Gregory VII, a high roman church official should be chosen by the Pope The Holy Roman emperor, Henry IV He went to where Gregory was staying and he stood on the snow barefoot until forgiveness was given (13 days) One installed as a rival to the Real Pope

The Crusades Part II The new Pope, __________________said that the "capture of Jerusalem was a punishment for the sins of Europe's Christians" and calls for a Third Crusade. German Emperor ___________________drowns. King _________________of France doesn't like King Richard of England and goes home. King Richard of England is nich-named ___________________. King Richard is left on his won to fight against the Muslim General ________________. Richard the Lion Hearted was the son of King __________and _____________. Richard is describes as ___________________,_______________,and _________________. Richard's actions at the Battle of ____________would hurt Christain/Muslim relations for centuries.

Gregory VII; Fredrick I; Phillip Augustus; Richard the Lion Hearted; Saladin; Henry; Aquitaine; Ruthless; Charming; Handsome; ACRE

What pope sent 40 monks to Britain to teach Christianity? What "mayor of the palace" defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Tours? What term refers to steep-sided valleys that are inlets of the sea?

Gregory the Great Charles Martel Fjords

Who started the Crusades? Who were they against?

Holy Wars started by the Christian Knights and Popes of Europe against the Muslims of the Holy Land.

Where did the Germanic tribe the Franks settle?

In an area that is modern day France

How did feudalism help trade resume in Europe by 1100?

It became safe and easy to travel again. Feudal lords repaired bridges and roads on their property. They also kept their lands safe. There was also a surplus of food to trade at the time.

Describe lives of medieval peasants (serfs).

It was hard. They worked very hard for many hours a day. They had little to eat, mainly vegetables and grain. They had little meat. They had one set of clothes that were never washed. They never bathed. They lived in one to two room mud and straw huts. These homes had holes in the roofs for smoke and very little furniture. They received very little protection even though they were supposed to be.

Section 3 Who was Henry II's favorite son? Who preceded John to the throne? After John was excommunicated, what did he do? Whom did the unhappy nobles turn to as a leader? Why were the nobles especially unhappy with John in 1215?

John Richard He threatened to punish nobles if they obeyed the Pope Barons He had raised their taxes.

Who was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215?

King John

__________________, Henry's second son, was a bad ruler. His nobles became angry with him when he raised taxes so they forced him to sign the _______________________in 1215. It guaranteed certain basic political rights like __________________________________________.

King John; Magna Carta; "No taxation without Representation"

What order of knights during the Crusades was made up of Frenchmen? What was the most international order of knights during the Crusades? What was the advantage of a crossbow against a knight on horseback? What was the best strategy in fighting a knight? What happened to the use of knighthood as a way to improve a poor boy's status in life?

Knights Hospitalers Knights Templars It could be used to penetrate a knight's armor Get the knight off the horse. Get him on ground; weight made him defenseless It declines because family connection more important than service.

Charlemagne (physical description):

Large (he was 6'4"), heavy man with mustache and beard. Sharp blue eyes

What was the ceremony called when the lord gave the symbols of office to a vassal? Who selected Popes in the early days of the church? What group was formed in 1059 to select future Popes? What was simony? Where did reformers meet to discuss church corruption?

Lay investiture by clergy around Rome College of Cardinals Buying and selling positions of churchmen or church offices Cluny, France

What was the Magna Carta? What did it do?

Meant Great Charter in Latin. Document that the nobles of England forced King John to sign. Restricts power of King and guarantees that people had certain basic rights

Middle Ages

Medieval period in European history after the fall of Roman Empire in the West that spanned from 500-1500 AD. It was a time when new institutions slowly emerged and Europe remained fragmented

What did the Europeans call the Vikings?

Norsemen (Northmen)

List 2 positive and 2 negative effects of the Crusades.

Positive: stimulated trade, sparked interest in new things, led to age of exploration, cities grew and became wealthy, weakened feudal system/nobles, weakened Pope's control over people Negative: a lot of people died, intolerance between three religions (Muslims, Jews, Christians) grew

Rise of the Catholic Church When _______fell most of Northwestern Europe was still _________except Ireland (b/c Patrick, a monk, had gone there to set up churches in the 400's ) Pope ________I (Gregory the Great) 590-604 wanted all of Europe to be _________so he made monks become missionaries. By _______most of the people living in Western Europe were Christian (Catholic) Role of Monasteries: schools, hotels, hospitals, taught carpentry, improved ____________techniques, and ___________books (in a scriptoria) Monks took a vow of ________, worked land and made goods for sale to survive. Head monk= Abbott.

Rome; pagan; Gregory; christian; 1050; farming; copied; poverty

What targets did they especially like to raid? What viking explorer reached North America? What did he call it? What Danish Vikings settled on the west coast of France? Who led the army that invaded England in 1066? What system developed in Europe as the result of Viking raids?

Small seacoast towns; churches; monasteries lief ericson vinland normans William the conqueror Feudalism

Who ran the kingdom for the Merovingians? Who persuaded the Pope it was time for a change in France? How did Charles come to rule alone? What choice did Charles offer the Saxons? Who crowned Charles "Emperor of the Romans?

The "Mayor of the Palace" Pepin Carloman had chosen to retire to a monastery They either become Christians or die The Pope Leo III

What does the raid on lindisfarne start in Europe? What are the Vikings looking for in a target? What weapon are the Vikings most famously associated with? What did Viking father do with their swords? What "natural" drug do historians think Berserkers ate to make them more crazy? Why did the Vikings begin to settle in the lands they conquered in mainland Europe?

The Viking Age Defenseless targets full of treasures axe pass it down to their son magic mushrooms so they could rest during the summer and start raiding in early spring

Which crusade(s) was successful at driving the Muslims from Jerusalem?

The first crusade only

What do the words Magna Carta mean? How did the king "sign" the Magna Carta? What qualities did the writers of the Magna Carta want in royal officials? What modern phrase comes from the "common consent" clause? What part our legal system came from the "lawful judgement of his peers"clause?

The great charter he put his seal to it those who knew law and obeyed it "no taxation without representation" The only "freeman"were nobles

Concordat at Worms Who: When: Where: What: Meeting where an agreement was reached ___________with power over Lay Investiture. Decision was made that the Pope would _________and the king would _________government positions. Why:

The new Pope and new German King 1122 Worms, Germany dealing; appoint; assign ongoing argument was weakening both the Church and the Kings.

Lay Investiture

a ceremony in which kings and nobles appointed church officials. Whoever controlled it had the power to name bishops

Why did the serfs seem to accept their position in society?

They believed that it was ordained by God (God predetermined people's position in life)

What was the major restriction a serf faced in life?

They couldn't leave the land they worked. Can't get married without Lord's permission

How did the Vikings decorate their ships? What modern Nations had their beginnings with the Vikings? Who among the Vikings made the decision to go raiding? Who were the fiercest Viking warriors? Who were the two most important Viking gods?

They had a snake or dragon head on the prow and single sail Sweden, Norway, Denmark; Scandinavia Folkmoot Berserkers Odin and Thor

What were the three main social classes or groupings of the Middle Ages (hint: feudalism notes)?

Those who worked (serfs/peasants)Those who prayed (clergy)Those who fought (nobles/knights)

What was the major goal of the Crusades?

To regain the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslim Turks

In 1095 Pope _________ ______ makes a call for a ________ ________ to regain control of the Holy Land or _____________ from the ______ __________.

Urban II; holy war; Jerusalem; Muslim Turks

Vikings: Where did they raid and why? 1. raided ____________ villages throughout Europe; plundering, killing, burning and taking prisoners was common. 2. Europe was ________ after Charlemagne's empire fell apart- easy victims for Vikings 3. Viking long ships and weaponry _______________ people of Europe. 4. Vikings were sailors, traders, and explorers. What was their impact on Europe? 1. Viking ___________ of intimidation kept many Europeans in a state of terror. 2. Europeans looked to local ________ lords to protect them 3. Contributed to the development of ____________ 4. Viking Culture _______________ some aspects of life in Europe.

Where did they raid and why? coastal; weak; intimidated What was their impact on Europe? power; feudal; Feudalism; influenced

What king of Normandy took over England? How did he control his own soldiers and keep them loyal to him? What language did his officials and nobles in England speak? What king developed the use of courts and juries? Why was the Magna Carta important?

William the Conqueror He gave lands to his Norman knights French Henry II- his sons were Richard and John It helped establish the idea that people have rights and that the power of the government should be limited.

Who led the Norman conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings?

William the Conqueror (Duke of Normandy)

How long did a person have to live in a city before he was free of all feudal obligations? Why were city dwellers called "burgesses" or "bourgeois"? What was meant by nouveaux riches? What were guilds? Why was guild membership important?

a year and one day because nearly all cities were located near the walls of a burgh (fort) the new rich organizations that regulated prices, regulated things you couldn't sell or buy if you weren't


agreement between the pope and a ruler of a country or kingdom

Not _____Crusades marched on holy land. Richard spoke little to no __________--> He was the son of Eleanor of Aquitaine and thus raised French. 4th Crusade resulted in sack of _______________, contributing to the general weakening of the Byzantine empire.... Constantinople falls to the Turks in 1253.

all; english; Constantinople


behavior knights were to live by, based on honor and duty


belief that differs from or contradicts the accepted teachings of a religion

Hugh Capet, a duke from_________________(Paris), was the first of the _____________________. One of the most powerful of the Capetian kings was ______________. Phillip was able to take back Normandy and other territory from England's _______________. In order to 1.) make his ______________stronger and 2) obtain more__________. He sent bailiffs (royal officials) out to every district in the kingdom to ________________and _________________________________.

central France; Capetian dynasty; Philip II (Augustus); king john; central government; land; collect taxes; preside over the courts

King Louis IX (Philip II's grandson) will continue to strengthen the _________________by creating an ________________________to overturn lower court decisions. King Philip IV called the *Estates General Meeting*(this made Frances' 1st Parliment) because of an argument with the pope about clergy ______________________to the French king. He called the usual meeting with the bishops-________________, the great lords-_______________, and then added a 3rd estate-________________. Why? _________________________________________. This helped increase the king's power against the nobility.

central government; appeals court; paying taxes; 1st estate; 2nd estate commoners; increase support against the Pope


church tax paid by peasants to the village priest. It was 1/10th of the income

England was frequently invaded by the ________________. In 1016, Danes conquered England combining ___________and_____________cultures into one. England will then be invaded one more time by _________________________________, a________from ___________, north of France. He won England when he defeated Harold Godwinson at the________________. Godwinson died form an arrow to the _______.

danish vikings; Anglo-Saxons; viking; William the conqueror; duke; Normandy; battle of Hastings; eye

3 field system Use of __________meant farmer could plow twice as much. A new____________was needed so horse wan't strangled. Result= __________in food production. More food= more people. Why? More trees cut as _______farmland is needed

horse; harness; growth; People could raise larger families, well fed people could resist disease and live longer; more

Section 2: Age of Chivalry 1.) Knights were warriors on _____________. Advances in ___________made horses easier to control. a.) _____________: kept you in you seat while moving, b.) __________: allowed the rider to stand & hold a weapon. Horses become __________ _________and played a key military role. 2.) Knights were actually private __________._______was abundant and knights were given plots of land for their service. They used the wealth from the _________to buy ___________,_____________,& ___________. Knights owed their lord about _____ ___________ of service a year.

horseback; equipment; saddle; stirrups; status symbol; armies; land; land; weapons; armor; horses; 40 days


important religious ceremonies administered by religious officials. These rites pave the way for achieving salvation, for example communion


in feudalism, a noble who had land from and served a high-ranking lord, and in return was given protection. Usually served as knights


in the Middle Ages, a noble warrior who fought on horseback


legislative group

What is the term for people who are sent out to teach their religion? Who was the first Catholic King of the Franks? What term means to exclude a person from church membership? Who was the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire? What is an agreement between the Pope and the ruler of a country called?

missionaries clovis excommunicate otto I concordant

5.) Tournaments were_____________ ___________where knights gained experience. These could become bloody competitions and the winners could demand ____________from the losers. 6.)______________were built mainly for defense. In the beginning they were made of ________(none of these remain) and later________. Styles changed depending on ____________where they were built. They had high, thick __________no matter where they were built. Many people lived within the castle ____________and during times of _______some of serfs were even allowed to come inside for protection.

mock battles; money/(ransom) castles; wood; stone; kingdom; walls; walls; war; protection


non-religious; having to do with the government or other non-religious entities

7.) Siege Warfare: defenders of the castle often poured hot_____,_________, or _____________on the people below. ____________could accurately fire on attackers, arrows could pierce ___________. Attackers used different weapons depending on the type of _________: battering rams, __________ ___________, catapult, and ___________. New weapons brought changes in the architecture of ___________.

oil; lead; water; archers; armor; castle; siege towers; trebuchet; castles

King Edward I summoned the first ______________when he called upon 2 ___________and 2_________________(wealthy citizens) from every ____________to vote on new taxes. Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine were very powerful. Henry's accomplishments: 1. Strengthened the __________________. 2. Introduced the use of the ________in the English courts. Over the centuries, the ruling of the __________________formed the basis of English _________________________.

parliament; knights; burgesses; country ; royal court; jury; royal judges; common law


peasant laborer bound by law to the lands of a noble

During the A.D 800s, the _______in government transferred to nobles instead of __________. The invention of _________allowed knights to ride horses. The invention of the ________collar improved farming because __________could plow much faster than__________. The city of ________built a large fleet of trading ships and became a major ____________center. Only _______who were born there or who lived there for a certain length of time could be citizens of medieval towns. ________was a problem in medieval towns. ________ran the household, raised the children, manages the family's money, and sometimes helped their husbands with their trades.

power; kings; stirrup; horses; oxen; Venice; trading; men; pollution; women

3.) __________________was really training for war-wrestling, hunting, and _____________. Education of a knight- a.) _________: began at 7 years, waited on their lord, learned _________from lady, learned________because it taught them__________, and practiced with swords. b.) _________: began at 14, servant to _________, took care of his __________and_________, escorted knight into battle. c.) ___________: began official at 21 with a ceremony; Pledge loyalty 4.)________changed from just displaying ________and_________(in the early Middle Ages) to a more complex set of ideals. By the 1100's a knight had 3 masters to serve: a.)_______ _______, b.)_________,c.)________ ______. Ideally chivalrous knights protected the _______and_______, were brave and ________. *Few achieved this* _______were ashamed in public.

recreation; jousts; page; manners; chess; strategy; squire; knight; armor; horse; knighthood Chivalry; courage; loyalty; earthly lord; god; chosen lady; weak; poor; courteous; coward


religious officials, such as priests, given authority to conduct religious services

Life on a Manor -Monarch (kings) 1. became weaker after Charlemagne 2.________________________________________ -Lords and Nobles 1. lived on manors in castle 2. ________________________________________ 3. hunted, defended manor, oversaw serfs, and settled legal disputes

remained highest authority included powerful clergy

Causes of the First Crusade: - Religious Age of faith was a time of __________ ____________. Pope said if a man died during the crusades, he had the ticket to ___________. -Political Kings and Church see it as a way to get rid of quarreling _________________, who were disrupting ___________in Europe -Economic Younger sons can get their own _______________and power. Later crusades provide opportunities for _____________and ____________________________.

spiritual revival; heaven; knights; peace; land; trade; merchants


steep-sided valley that is an inlet of the sea


the selling of church offices for profit


the study of religion and God

There were 3 major social classes at this time (everyone fell into one category) 1. those who fought 2._________________________ 3. those who worked

those who prayed


to declare that a person or group no longer belongs to the Church


to loan money for profit (charge interest)

Trade and towns were tied together. Serfs ran away for _________. No town planning. _________streets, no ___________, no ________ ___________. ___________was a constant hazard. Towns people did NOT fit medieval social structure. Town dwellers known as ___________resented the local feudal lords. They organized demanded ___________and often won with force.

towns; narrow; servers; fresh water; fire; burghers; rights

Most___________took place in towns. Fair days= peasants traded _________(the most common item). Also __________,_________,honey,___________,____________,____________,leather,___________and ___________. Guilds controlled similar to _________of today. Steps to guild membership: 1.______________ 2._____________ 3._______________ Medieval occupations led to surname in some cases.

trade; cloth; bacon; salt; cheese; wine; dyes; knives; rope; unions; apprentice; journey man; guild master

-Knights or Vassals 1. _____________________________ 2. followed code of chivalry 3. exchanged military service for fief (land) -Peasants and Serfs 1. peasants or freemen paid lord or use of land and could move around 2. ______________________________ 3. Serfs were poor and were slaves to the manor (land slaves) -attached to land not person 4. serfs accepted lives as ordained by God (God chooses your path in life) - the Church taught them this. 5._____________________________

trained warriors who studied warfare from the age of 7 serfs worked the land for lord; both had very hard lives+ short life spans


under feudalism, the land a lord granted to a vassal in exchange for military service and loyalty

Results (of the first crusade): 1. Power of Pope is_________________. 2. Feudalism begins to break down. 3. Stimulated __________and thus, economic ___________. Cities begin to emerge again. 4. New Trade fervor with East sparks of Age of __________________. 5. Created feelings of intolerance between ______________, ______________, and ____________________that still exists today.

weakened; trade; growth; exploration; Muslims; Jews; Christians.

What did the endless invasions in the early Middle Ages cause for society?

widespread disorder and suffering

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