Study Guide for Chapter #39

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Should be autoclave

All of the following are true about phosphor storage plates imaging plates except they?

They utilize radio frequency transmission to transmission to transmit the image to the computer via radio waves

All of the following are true statements about storage plates used with phosphor storage plate imaging systems except that

Less equipment

Automatic film processing requires---than manual film processing does

Smaller, thinner

Faster film speed would be associated with---silver halide crystals, a---emulsion, and presence of special radiosensitive dyes

Straight black

Fixer cutoff will result in a---border

Rare earth

Green-sensitive extraoral film is used with cassettes that havewhich type of intensifying screen

Developer solution is too weak

One reason for a lighter than normal radiograph is the

Reduce film flogging

The purpose of the lead foil in the dental film packet is to?

4 feet

The recommended distance between the safelight and where th films are unwrapped is

Dark room

The safest place to store unopened box of dental film is in the?

Gelatin that suspends emulsio

The silver halide crystals are located within which of the following layers of the radiographic film?


---hardens the film emulsion during film processing

Fixer contracts period to processing

Clear spots on a processed film can be caused by

Sensor is more sensitive to x-ray energy

Digital radiography requires less radiation than traditional radiography becuase the


Solutions should have been changed in the processor 1 week age. Continuing to use exhausted developer with result in--films.

Direct digital radiography

The category of digital imaging similar to faxes and video equipment thats uses a sensor with cord attached to the computer is?

Develop, rinse, fix, wash

The correct order of steps in manual film processing is

Intensifying screen

The device that intensifies or increases the effect of the radiation and decrease the amount of exposure time needed when exposing an extraoral radiograph is


The most commonly used film size for adult intraoral dentistry is size?

Dark or black

When developer solution in an automatic processor is warmerthan 83F the processed film will appear

A latent images

When film emulsion interacts with x-rays, the result is?

Toward, occlusalor incisal

When placing a dental film in the patients mouth, the white side is placed---, the dental x-ray tubehead, and the raised dot to the--surface.


Which of the following is in extraoral film that is placed outside the moth during dentalx-ray exposure procedures?

The emulsion side of the film appears shiny

Which of the following statements about duplicating film is not correct?

Sudden temperature change between developer and water bath

Which of the following time and temperature errors will result in reticulation of the film emulsion?

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