Study Guide for Module 2

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What does the idea of scriptural exegesis imply?

canonical consciousness

What term refers to the emerging authority of the Scriptures?

canonical consciousness

What is shown by examining scriptural exegesis in the Old and New Testament?


What does an evaluation of exegetical advancements in the Deuteronomistic narrative demonstrate?

continuity of progressive revelation through exegetical advancements scroll by scroll

What is affirmed by the overt marked citations in the New Testament?

continuity with similar patterns within Israel's Scriptures

Who concluded that cited passages within the Old Testament serve "as pointers to the whole context"?


What is the potential source of Paul saying "he hardens whom he wants to harden" in Romans 9:18?

Exodus 1-15

What is reformatted by the exegetical advancements of the prophets and the prophetic voices that narrate the scriptural storyline?

Israel's identity in the face of tragic unexpected realities

Who blends one of Isaiah's new exodus typological expectations with an ironic expectational type of the delegate who goes before?


What often guides the exegesis of Scripture by New Testament authors?

OT interpretations of Scripture

What context has often been ignored in methods of interpreting the New Testament use of Scripture?

Old Testament use of Old Testament Scripture as part of the context of the cited Scripture (vertical context)

What motivates scriptural exegesis?

Scriptural authority

What is the relationship between scriptural exegesis of Scripture and progressive revelation?

Scriptural exegesis represents only a portion of the Scriptures, but one of the reasons to attend to it is that it provides an opportunity to glimpse concrete instances of the advancement of revelation

How does the authority of scriptural revelation function as a tool of further revelation?

Scriptural revelation shapes Israel and the authors of Scripture

According to Schnittjer, how does the scriptural interpretation of Scripture relate to the progressive revelation of God's redemptive will?

Scripture houses a portion of the revelatory ministry of divinely sanctioned delegates divine acts in God's sovereign will progressively reveal the divine, redemptive will

What happens to Scripture as revelation advances?

Scripture increases in volume

What is the self-identity of Deuteronomy?

Torah explained, Torah set out, Torah taught, and claims to be "in addition to" the covenant at the mountain

How does the oracle of the coming king in Zechariah 9:9 sequentially relate to the blessing of Judah?

Zechariah provides the prequel to the blessing of Judah, explaining what happened prior to the king tying his donkey to the vine

What does an evaluation of scriptural exegesis within the Old Testament demonstrate?

a continuity of revelatory advancement

What are required aspects of an exegetical relationship between Scriptural contexts?

a donor text and exegetical outcomes in the receptor text

How did the Judean desert sectarian commentators view themselves?

as living in the last days

According to the evidence, how do the New Testament authors regard the revelation of Israel's Scriptures?

as movers of progressive revelation

How does extended echo-effect function within books?

as part of literary development

How can most of the exegesis of Scripture within the Psalter be categorized?

as situational, in response to different kinds of problems with which the psalmists and their congregations need to deal

How does the New Testament present the revelation of God in Messiah?

as the culmination of His works in the Old Covenant

Why is it probable to think New Testament authors expect readers to consider the surrounding context of cited Old Testament verses?

because Scripture repeatedly calls for God's people to study and know His Word

Why does each book of the Old Testament need to be considered individually regarding how it interprets Scripture?

because each book has a different and varied hermeneutical profile of Scriptural exegesis

How does Paul's allusion to Exodus 33 ("I will have mercy on whom I have mercy") in Romans 9 show that he is not quoting scripture atomistically?

because he also quotes from Exodus 9 and uses language present throughout Exodus, showing that he has the entire Exodus context in mind

Why do interpretive networks within Israel's Scriptures need to be considered when interpreting the New Testament use of Scripture?

because interpretive allusions to one part of an interpretive network might be informed by another part

Why is it impossible to explain exactly what gives rise to revelation?

because revelation is a gift from God cannot necessarily be deduced from evidence

Why are New Testament hermeneutics often compared to scriptural exegesis within Second Temple Judaic writings?

because the NT writers lived during the Second Temple period? NT hermeneutics often get compared to scriptural exegesis within Second Temple Judaic writings comparative evidence offers significant gains for scriptural interpretation it is easy to agree that there is a need for further comparative studies of scriptural exegesis within Second Temple Judaic literature the problem, at times, comes about when these comparisons do not take adequate account of the hermeneutical tendencies within Israel's Scriptures

Why does the expected Judah-king need to tie his donkey to a vine?

because the land is so rich with vineyards that his only option is to tie the donkey to a vine

What can narrators use to indicate self-awareness of building their stories in relation to Scripture?

biblical fulfillment formulas

What does the sense of the term pesher include?

both scholarship and revelatory exegesis

How do the authors of Scripture demonstrate scriptural authority?

by exegesis

What is one way that the word of God and its attendant authority naturally enacts continuity in later Scriptures?

by means of exegetical advancements of revelation; the pervasive use of Scripture in Scripture, exegetical and non-exegetical, provides one of the strong bonds of continuity throughout the Christian Bible

Do New Testament authors tend to work up or down vertical contexts when they interpret exegetically related contexts within Israel's Scriptures?


What does legal exegesis within the Scriptures represent relative to revelation?

dynamic advancements of revelation

What is the basis from which exegetical advancements spring?

enduring authoritative revelation of Scriptural donor texts such as the new creation, new Moses, new covenant, new David, new temple, etc.

What do the exegetical advancements concerning the Davidic promise in the Psalter attract?

kindred additional exegetical advancements by the NT

According to Schnittjer, why is it necessary to study Old Testament use of Scripture when comparing interpretive tendencies of the New Testament and Second Temple Judaic literature?

lack of comparing the interpretation of Scripture by the authors of the OT and NT eliminates distinguishing coincidence from dependence with respect to similar scriptural interpretive techniques by NT and Second Temple Judaic authors

Which book of Torah features legal standards but lacks legal exegesis?

none? all explain their legal standards and God demonstrates flexibility in His laws

What feature makes explicit the authority of donor scriptural contexts for author and reader?

overt citation marking

How frequently do Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel make non-exegetical scriptural allusions?

present in ever column of their scrolls

What does scriptural exegesis within the Old Testament advance?


According to Schnittjer, what does the newness of the gospel of Messiah lead some extremist, evangelical Christians to suggest doing with Israel's Scriptures?

to "unhitch" the OT from the NT to get rid of the OT altogether because of its "irrelevance" to NT believers

Why do the prophets use interpretive allusions to Torah?

to call Israel to repentance

What is the larger purpose of raising up pharaoh in the context of Exodus 9 cited in Romans 9?

to display God's power and make His Name known throughout the world

According to Schnittjer, what is needed to adequately compare the use of Scripture in Second Temple Judaic literature and the New Testament?

to first compare the use of Scripture within the Hebrew Scriptures before focusing on the much rarer, novel exegetical tendencies shared by Second Temple Judaic literature and the NT that are not evident within Israel's Scriptures

Why does Mark use "tie" and "untie" five times in the story of getting the donkey?

to intentionally connecting the imagery from Zechariah 9 with the language of the blessing of Judah from Genesis 49

What is the purpose of Israel's Scriptures?

to present the history of revelation; how the Messiah is the culmination of their Scriptures

What kind of context remains one of the most difficult areas in the New Testament's use of Israel's Scriptures?

typological contexts

What sometimes gets a bad name because of its abuse, usually in the form of zealous, uncontrolled application?


What did the game-changing revelation of God in Messiah set in motion?

unprecedented exegetical advancements of Scripture

What context refers to a cited scriptural text which itself features exegesis of other Scriptures?

vertical context

What functions as the climax of redemption in the book of Exodus?

when the divine glory descends upon the tabernacle in the wilderness

How do James and the sectarian author of 4QFlorigium/4Q174 use Amos 9:11?

4QFlorilegium/4Q174 makes the law of the assembly more exclusive than other Judaisms of the day by disallowing even "proselytes" or "residing foreigners" (גר) James takes a position with Paul and Peter against the party of the Pharisees who had converted to the Way these Pharisees who follow Messiah insist on circumcision for gentile converts James uses Amos 9:11-12 as part of his judgment that the gospel includes gentiles without a need for circumcision

According to Schnittjer, what happens when scriptural revelation is "cut loose" from Messiah?

there's significant theological damage since Christ is the pinnacle of divine revelation

What is a problem that plagues those who claim New Testament authors depend on Judaic interpretive techniques found in Hillel's rules of interpretation?

they don't compare the NT's interpretation of Scripture with how 2T Judaism interpreted Scripture

How do some of the most interpreted passages in Israel's Scriptures relate to their many receptor contexts?

they need to be considered with their receptor contexts in terms of interpretive networks

What is the sense of the common scriptural citation formula "as it is written" relative to the donor and receptor texts?

"as it is written" does not necessarily refer to an exact quotation but rather a citation that fits with the donor text's context

What kind of exegetical allusions can be referred to by "as it is written"?

"as it is written" does not so much get at exact wording like modern quotation marks but denotes agreement of the interpretive paraphrase "according to" and in continuity with the scriptural donor context

What do networks tend to form around?

"lightning rod passages;" from elements within the text (internal prompts), from traumatic events and situations of the biblical authors (external prompts), or a combination of internal and external prompts

How does the expectational new exodus typological pattern project forward to the return from exile?

expectational new exodus typological exegesis in Isaiah looks backward to the redemption and projects it forward to the return from exile the typological allusion to the exodus in Ezra 1 may stem from Isaiah's many new exodus expectational contexts, even though the narrators only allude to details found in the narrative of Exodus itself as elsewhere, the use of exodus typology in Ezra-Nehemiah does not exhaust but increases the expectational function of Isaiah's forward-looking typological expectations

What do forward-looking expectational types include?

explicit literary indicators

What term have many shifted over to using instead of referring to typological interpretation?


What kind of typological patterns are fulfilled in the New Testament?

forward-looking and backward looking expectational typological patterns

What do the Gospels and Acts share with Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronicles?

hermeneutical tendencies (shaping narratives according to Scripture, citation of Scripture, typology)

What context refers to the surrounding scriptural setting of a cited text?

horizontal context

According to Schnittjer, how does the New Testament interpret Israel's Scriptures?

how Israel interprets their Scripture; the NT does interpret Scripture in a completely new way or is totally dependent on Second Temple Judaism

How does the context of Isaiah 6:9-10a (blind eyes, deafen ears) help with Christ' parables of the kingdom in Matthew 13?

in Isaiah 6, God is telling Isaiah to preach in order that those with ears to hear might repent and the rebellious Israel would be further hardened Jesus uses this to explain that his parabolic language is to open up the repentant to His teachings but conceal it from the hardened

In what manner do Old Testament prophets, psalmists, narrators, and sages interpret scriptural traditions?

in line with the way some contexts of Torah interpret other contexts of Torah

How did the sectarian commentators interpret the mysteries of Scripture?

in relation to their own situation

According to Michael Fishbane, when did canonical consciousness begin in ancient Israel?

in the late writings of Israel's Scriptures

According to Childs, how were the books of the Hebrew Bible received by the early Christians?

in unredacted form; "un-Christianized"

What types of scribal interventions characterize the work of the sectarian scribes of Qumran in contrast to contemporary proto-Masoretic texts found elsewhere in the Judean desert?

intentional modifications or accidental mistakes

What distinguishes the use of typological patterns by biblical authors versus pesher-style interpretation of Scripture?

sectarian pesharim work through the scriptural text line by line applying elements to their own situations, while NT figural interpretation is highly selective only making allusion to specific parts of contexts that speak to the fulfillment additionally, scriptural figural interpretation based on shared patterns between donor and receptor contexts appears frequently in Israel's Scriptures and extensively in the NT, but infrequently in the sectarian literature of Qumran and rarely in rabbinic literature

What should the writings of New Testament and Second Temple Judaic authors be expected to exhibit even if they have no relation to each other?

similar hermeneutical tendencies

What sort of context represents another kind of vertical context in cases where the donor scriptural context has gained a measure of authority?

synoptic context

What type of study of the New Testament sometimes confines itself to the Gospels and tends to neglect Israel's Scriptures?

synoptic studies of the NT

What does Messiah predict before his triumphal entry in Mark's gospel?

that He's going to go to Jerusalem, be rejected, die, and rise to life after three days

What is Mark's ironic sequel to the prequel of Zechariah 9:9?

that the "King of the Jews" (written above Jesus' head on the cross), the King Himself who rode in on the donkey and tied His donkey to the vine, is rejected by the vineyard owner and sacrificed Himself for His own people

What does the manifold use of Scripture at the level of exegesis as well as non-exegetical broad allusions and scriptural stock phrases suggest about scriptural authors?

that they were deeply invested in the study of Scripture and intentionally advancing new revelation in continuity with authoritative Scriptural traditions

What context does the oracle of the king coming on a donkey in Zechariah 9:9 allude to?

the Blessing of Judah in Genesis 49

Whose teaching is anticipated by many specific contexts of the prophet's exegetical advancements of revelation?

the Messiah's and the Apostles'

What is Ben Witherington's view on the context of the cited passage of the Old Testament when it reoccurs in the New Testament?

the OT texts referenced are now adopted into the NT texts since the NT text is meant to be understood on its own considering the general illiteracy among the people of the early Church era

What helps to explain the authors' heavy investments in scriptural exegesis throughout the Christian Scriptures?

the canonical consciousness of the biblical authors

What is the natural outcome of interpreting the same Scriptures within a shared framework of canonical consciousness?

the continuity of Scriptural exegesis of Scripture across the Christian Bible

What is demonstrated by expectations like new creation, new Moses, new covenant, and new David?

the enduring authoritative revelation of Scriptural donor texts?

How are major changes in the life of Israel handled with respect to the law?

the major life changes in Israel's life are met with commensurate advancements in revelation by means of legal exegesis

What does the contextual evaluation of the exegetical use of Scripture book by book through the Old Testament demonstrate with respect to the exegesis of Scripture in the New Testament?

the many shared tendencies of the exegesis of Scripture in the NT

Who carefully presents the details of the divine glory coming into the first temple so that it becomes a fulfillment of something no one expected looking forward?

the narrator of Kings

What is revealed by comparing the use of Scripture in Amos 9:11-12 and by James in Acts 15?

the prophetic oracle looks back to "days of old" when David's "shelter" ruled over "all nations that bear my name" James uses the oracle as part of his argument for an international people of God in continuity with the invitational perspective of the prophetic oracle James's view both accords with and advances the exegetical expectations of Amos 9:11-12

What evidence is offered by the shared exegetical traits among the synoptic narratives of the Christian Bible?

the shared exegetical traits among the synoptic narratives offer evidence of continuity in exegetically based progressive revelation

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