Study Guide - Unit 3 (English Civil War and Glorious Revolution)

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Charles I

- Crowned in 1625 - He needs money to fight wars, - Parliament won't give it to him. - He dissolves it. - 1628: He really needs money. Parliament forced him to sign the Petition of Right - a document that granted rights to citizens. - King could not imprison people without just cause, levy taxes without parliament's consent, quarter soldiers in private homes, impose martial law (military rule) in peacetime

Oliver Cromwell

- Parliament abolishes the Monarchy. - England is declared a Republic under the rule of ______ ___. - Became Lord Protector (read: DICTATOR) of England after Charles' execution. - Enforced Blue Laws restricting Christmas, dancing, gambling, (you get the picture...) - Hated Catholics, sent them to barren land in West Ireland. - Any Catholic who disobeyed was to be killed on sight.

William and Mary

- Parliament invites James II's Protestant daughter, _______ and her husband _______ to rule England - But...they must obey parliament's wishes - They accept and James II flees - Divine Right to Rule is DEAD! ____ & ____ sign Bill of Rights to signal their "okay".


- Puritan supporters of Parliament. - Working class, middle class and Puritans.

English Bill of Rights

- Ratified the revolution of 1688. - Ensures that Parliament will now and forever be. superior to the monarchy. - King had to call parliament regularly. - Parliament controlled spending. - King couldn't interfere with Parliament or dissolve it. - No Catholic could sit on the throne. - Trial by Jury. - No excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishment.


- Charles II was Charles I eldest son. - Known as the "Merry Monarch" - Why rule a country when you can party! - Cancelled Blue Laws - Supported Catholics and believed in Absolute Monarchy, but knew how to "play the game" with parliament. - Dug up Cromwell's body & put it on display for revenge against father's death

Petition of Rights

- Charles signs the __________ but then does not honor it. - If he agreed to this, he would be admitting that the law is more powerful than him. - Refuses to call Parliament. - Taxes the people heavily. - Makes many enemies.

James I

- Ruled (1603 - 1625) - Took over for Elizabeth I - "The state of monarchy. . . is the supremest thing upon earth: for Kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon throne, but even by God himself they are called Gods." - "Kings are justly called gods, for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power upon earth." - Responsible for King James Version of the Bible

Glorious Revolution

- The ______________, was the change that occurred after he flees form the country. - It ultimately established the supremacy of parliament over the British monarchy. - Known as the The 1688 Revolution, it ended reign of James II and ushered in the reign of William III and Mary II.


- Were loyal to the King. - Wealthy nobles, Flashy, long haired.

Constitutional Monarchy

A ___________________, limited monarchy or parliamentary monarchy (also called a crowned republic) is a form of government in which governing powers of the monarch are restricted by a constitution. It does not need necessarily to have a parliament.

Parliamentary Monarchy

A ___________________, limited monarchy or parliamentary monarchy (also called a crowned republic) is a form of government in which governing powers of the monarch are restricted by a constitution. It needs to have a parliament.

Habeas Corpus Act

This act affirmed that one couldn't throw someone in jail without charging them with a specific crime.

Magna Carta

This treat was one of the most significant innovation that King John did to England's Monarchy System. It was signed in June 1215 between barons of Medieval England and King John himself. This deal granted the security of law and trial by jury. Another guaranteed that the King could not collect money from the nobles without their approval. It helped in the development of the English Parliament as it was one of first steps into limiting and helping the King, which at the time was not a thing.

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