Study Stack Muscle Groups 4 Head and Neck

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How many bones form the skull?


The range of expressions the human face displays is created by how many muscles?


The brachial plexus and subclavian artery pass through a small gap between which two muscles in the anterior, lateral neck?

Anterior and middle scalenes

One head of the sternocleidomastoid attaches at the sternum—where does the second head attach?


To discern the posterior scalene from the levator scapula, what action could you ask your partner to perform that would contract the levator but not the scalene?

Elevation of scapula

Which movement at the mandible will lengthen the fibers of the medial pterygoid?

Lateral deviation

Which muscle is responsible for protraction of the mandible?

Lateral pterygoid

Which movement will lengthen the fibers of the anterior scalene?

Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side

Which muscle acts as a synergist with the left sternocleidomastoid during rotation of the cervical spine to the right?

Left anterior scalene

In which facial bones do the upper teeth articulate?


Which muscle runs from the hyoid bone to the superior border of the scapula and is mostly inaccessible?


To locate the insertion of the temporalis, you must ask your partner to perform what action?

Open mouth fully

What instruction could you give your partner to help you access the coronoid process?

Open mouth fully

Which cranial bones merge at the body's midline to form the sagittal suture?

Parietal bone

What movement of the mandible will lengthen the temporalis?


Before asking your supine partner to flex her neck to contract her sternocleidomastoid, how could you position the head to make the contraction even more visible?

Rotate the head slightly to the opposite side

Which muscles are located between the sternocleidomastoid and the anterior flap of the trapezius?


You might passively flex your partner's neck and ask him to breathe deeply into his upper chest when palpating which muscle tissue?


The anterior triangle is created by the trachea, the base of the mandible and which muscle?


Which bony landmark of the temporal bone is best explored with caution?

Styloid process

When palpating the mandible, in which area should one use extra sensitivity?

Submandibular fossa

What is the anatomical term for the "Adam's apple"?

Thyroid cartilage

When exploring the infrahyoids, once should stay in the superior half of these muscles to avoid irritating what structure?

Thyroid gland

Which active movement will help you locate the hyoid bone on your partner?

With your first finger and thumb on either side of the hyoid, ask your partner to swallow

Which is the origin of the masseter?

Zygomatic arch

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