Studying and Taking Test

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The table shows a point-based grading system. Jennifer wants to figure out her grade point average for this semester. She received a B in English, a C- in math, and an A in social studies. Based on the table, what is Jennifer's GPA?


Carl has a TV on in his room, which makes it difficult to study. He has a problem with


The best reason to stay positive before a test is to

get the best test score.

What is the main reason to create flash cards?

to record information to commit to memory

If Maya imagines herself doing well on a test, which anti-anxiety technique is she using?


Katrina studied hard for a biology test about the anatomy of a frog, but she did poorly and is using the "glows and grows" strategy to figure out why. Which statement best fits the "grows" part of this strategy?

She identifies areas for improvement.

When more open-ended questions are asked in a study group, discussions are more likely to

be effective.

Students should engage in self-reflection

before and after a test.

After Jorge closes his eyes to do a visualization, what should he do next?

breathe deeply in and out

Which is true about positive self-talk?

It is encouraging rather than discouraging.

A method of changing unproductive thoughts into constructive ones is called

positive self-talk.

It is best to schedule study time when a student is


A grade point average indicates a student's performance in

all courses.

Which note-taking method is most useful to show how main ideas and details relate?

conceptual note-taking

One benefit of studying with other students is that they can

offer fresh perspectives.

his is a graphic organizer that could be used to take notes. How should this graphic organizer best be used?

to show how ideas connect

When Ellen reminds herself that everyone makes mistakes, she most likely understands that

mistakes are opportunities for growth.

The most important reason to have a nutritious breakfast the morning of a test is to ensure that

the brain performs at its optimum level.

Eileen has a hard time studying because her back starts to bother her. In this case, how can she make her studying environment more effective?

She can find a more comfortable chair.

An effective study group needs members who

actively participate.

Which is a distraction that can affect studying?

electronic devices

Which note-taking method is most useful for making details stand out?


The table shows a student report card. What is the final step this student should take to calculate the GPA?

divide the total points by the number of classes

Noya is nervous about an upcoming test, so she decides to go over her assignments and try a self-reflecting technique she learned from her teacher. This can help Noya on the test by getting her to

think about what she finds most confusing about the content.

Many students prefer percentage grades to points because percentage grades make it easier for them to

translate percentages to letter grades.

Grades help indicate how well students

understand course content.

The negative self-talker who would say, "No matter how hard I try, I will fail the test," is the


When should students in a study session use flash cards to quiz one another?

while drilling

The image shows a breakfast. Which essential ingredients of a nutritious breakfast are missing?

whole grains and protein

A good study method is to

write your own practice tests and then take them.

Sequential note-taking is the act of

writing down information in the order it is given.

Which breakfast would be best on the morning of a test?

yogurt, banana, and wheat toast

Alina received a 98 percent on a history test and a score of 5 on a math test. Which letter grade would those scores translate to?


When previewing a test, it is most important to

read the directions carefully.

Alicia studies with her phone nearby so she can play her favorite music and keep up with what her friends are doing. In this case, how can Alicia make her studying environment more effective?

She can remove any possible distractions.

Which sentences include an absolute? Check all that apply.

The losing country in a war always has to pay reparations. Only the losing country in a war suffers economically. None of the losing generals are praised for fighting hard.

A student scored poorly on a history test on naming state capitals. He is trying to figure out why by using the "glows and grows" strategy. Which question best fits the "glows" part of this strategy?

Which state capitals did I master?

Ivan's study group is preparing for a history test on World War II. His great-grandfather was a journalist during the war, so he shares some of his great-grandfather's war stories with the group. How does this most benefit others in the group?

by offering a new perspective and more information

Students working together to understand information is best described as

collaborative learning.

Giovanna has been named valedictorian for having straight As, which means that her GPA is at least


Which statement explains the difference between course grades and grade point average?

A course grade reflects a student's performance in a specific course, while a GPA reflects a student's performance in all courses.

The image shows a performance graph. Which is the best interpretation of the graph?

A small amount of anxiety can help students perform better on tests.

After Daniel performed poorly on a test, his teacher advised him to do some self-reflection to figure out how he could get a better score on the next test. Which actions should Daniel take? Check all that apply.

- analyze the content that he knows well - think about whether he should study differently - ask the teacher for some extra help outside of class - study the questions he missed and think about why he missed them

Which actions are essential to active participation? Check all that apply.

- coming prepared - being focused - assisting others - asking questions

Which statements describe how self-reflection can benefit students? Check all that apply.

- it allows students to better understand what they are learning. - It helps students perform better on tests and homework assignments. - It helps students recognize when they need help in class.

Which are emotional effects of anxiety? Check all that apply.

- panic - worry - anger

What materials should Roberto take with him to his test in order to feel less stressed? Check all that apply.

- pens and pencils - a tablet and/or calculator - his notes

What are the main techniques used to help manage test anxiety? Check all that apply.

- positive self-talk - relaxation - visualization

Which are reasons to use collaborative learning? Check all that apply.

- to solve problems - to discuss topics - to complete tasks - to study material

Which is a correct statement about common types of test questions?

Each type of question should be approached with a specific strategy.

A social studies teacher weighs scores on tests at 50 percent, homework at 30 percent, and class participation at 20 percent. Which student will receive the highest grade based on this grading system?

Elias gets a 97 percent on tests, does all of his homework, and participates in class regularly.

Jared had studied extremely hard for his math test and believed he had understood the material and memorized the formulas. As he entered the classroom and sat at his desk, he began to worry. He was fearful that he had not prepared enough to do well on the test. The tests were passed out, and he turned his over to begin. As he read the first question, he panicked and his mind went blank. He had a classic case of test anxiety. Which of Jared's anxiety reactions was physical?

His mind went blank.

Which student is doing the best based on a number-grading system?

Julia, who scored a 5 on her coursework.

Heidi thought she had done everything right to prepare for her math test. She had studied over the last week instead of waiting till the last minute. She got eight hours of sleep, woke up early, and ate a nutritious breakfast. She got to her seat in class early with the materials she would need for the test. However, as the teacher began handing out the test, she panicked. What could help Heidi reduce her test anxiety?

do visualization and deep breathing

At least how many hours of sleep do students ages twelve to eighteen need per night?


Which note-taking method is most useful for memorizing a lot of material quickly?

flash cards

When reviewing a test before turning it in, be sure that your answers are .


One of the best ways to practice good listening skills is to

let others talk without interrupting.

Grades are numbers or that show how a student performed in a course.


A good study environment will have plenty of .


Sequential note-taking is a good solution when you need to

make note of dates in chronological order.

By connecting one set of items to another, a question tests an understanding of relationships between facts.


An example of a poor study environment is a place with

messy surfaces and a lot of movement.

Course grades are most often an average of how students perform

on many tests and assignments.

Reza's study group concludes its session by coming up with potential questions for an upcoming test. Which step is this in the study session structure?


When sitting down to take a test, which is the best first step?

preview the test

True/false questions are useful in determining a student's ability to information.


A successful study session starts off with members

reviewing information from the last meeting.

The third and final step in the test-taking process is

reviewing the completed test.

Prioritize study tasks by writing them down and then

rewriting them in order of most to least important.

Which note-taking method is most useful for lessons with important dates?

sequential note-taking

The first step in managing time better is to

set study goals.

The best reason to assign tasks to each member of a study group is to

share the workload fairly.

A teacher who wants students to provide evidence to support an argument will most likely use

short answer or essay items.

At the start of the school year, Brianna's history teacher announces that students' final grades will be weighted based on how they do in three categories: exams (60 percent), final presentation (30 percent), and class participation (10 percent). Which strategy would most likely help Brianna get the best grade?

spending more time studying for exams than creating the final presentation

At least how many hours of sleep do students ages seven to twelve need per night? Which of Jared's anxiety reactions was physical?


When practicing deep breathing, it is best to repeat the steps for minutes to start and then increase the time as needed.

ten to fifteen

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