Summary Task Cards 13-24

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Footballs used to be made from pig bladders

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: A football is sometimes called a pigskin. That is because footballs used to be made from the bladders of pigs! Pig bladders can be blown up with air and are tough enough to handle being kicked and thrown without breaking. Today's footballs are made from rubber and cowhides.

The semi aquatic capybara is the largest rodent in the world.

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world. A Capybara is about four feet long and can weigh up to 100 pounds. That makes it about the size of a large dog. Capybaras are semi-aquatic, which means they spend a lot of time in the water, They can be found in the swamps and marshes of Central and South America.

Galapagos penguins swim in the ocean to stay cool during the day.

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: Galapagos penguins are the only species of penguin that live near the equator. They stay cool by swimming in the cooler ocean currents during the day and returning to land only at night when the sun has gone down. Galapagos penguins are only about 18 inches tall, which makes them one of the smaller species of penguins.

The Mexican holiday of El Dia de los Muertos honors the dead.

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: In Mexico, people celebrate El Dia de los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead on November 1 & 2. The Day of the Dead is a time to remember and honor ancestors who have died, but it is not a sad holiday. Instead, there are many bright decorations, parties and special treats to eat.

The beaver problem is out of control on Tierra del Fuego

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: In the 1940's, American beavers were brought to the island of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. The beavers were bred for their fur, but when the fur business failed, the beavers were released to run free in the wild. By 1990, there were over 100,000 beavers on the island! With no natural predators, the beavers have been destroying forests at a rapid rate.

Mangrove trees have roots that help them survive in estuaries

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: Mangrove trees grow in estuaries where the fresh water from the mouth of a river meets the salt water from the ocean. Mangrove trees have strong roots that can withstand the changing tides. There roots can also filter out the salt in the water so it can be used in the plant.

A snow leopard has thick fur and large lungs for cold weather

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: Snow Leopards live in the mountains of Central and South Asia. They also have thick coats to help keep them warm. They also have long, bushy tails that they wrap around themselves when they are sleeping. In addition, snow leopards have extra large lungs to help them breathe the mountain air, which does not have much oxygen.

On the moon, there is no air to make a feather flat

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: The 1971, Commander David Scott did an experiment on the Moon. He dropped a hammer and a feather at the same time. On Earth, the feather would fall more slowly than the hammer because the air would hold it up. However, there is no air on the Moon, so the two objects hit the ground at exactly the same time.

Many people died while constructing the Great Wall of China

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: The Great Wall of China stretches about 5,500 miles from Beijing to Central China. Even though it is a magnificent accomplishment, it is important to remember that the Great Wall was built almost entirely by slave labor. The wall is sometimes called the longest cemetery on Earth because over a million workers died during its construction.

Computer screens use millions of tiny pixels to make pictures.

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: The pictures on your computer screen are made from millions of tiny dots of light called pixels. Each pixel contains three colors: red, blue and green. Together, these three colors make all the other colors. The pixels are arranged in different ways to make the pictures that you see on your screen.

Seahorses attach themselves to sea grass or coral instead of swimming.

Is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: You probably know that seahorses are not really horses. In fact, a seahorse is a type of fish. Unlike most other fish, seahorses are not good swimmers. Instead of swimming, they spend most of their time anchored to sea grass or coral by their tails. From this position, they can use their long snouts to suck up plankton and other small bits of food.

The largest rodent in the world

Is the WHAT of the paragraph: Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world. A Capybara is about four feet long and can weigh up to 100 pounds. That makes it about the size of a large dog. Capybaras are semi-aquatic, which means they spend a lot of time in the water, They can be found in the swamps and marshes of Central and South America.

Many people died while working.

Is the WHAT of the paragraph: The Great Wall of China stretches about 5,500 miles from Beijing to Central China. Even though it is a magnificent accomplishment, it is important to remember that the Great Wall was built almost entirely by slave labor. The wall is sometimes called the longest cemetery on Earth because over a million workers died during its construction.

The semi aquatic capybara

Is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world. A Capybara is about four feet long and can weigh up to 100 pounds. That makes it about the size of a large dog. Capybaras are semi-aquatic, which means they spend a lot of time in the water, They can be found in the swamps and marshes of Central and South America.

Making products from recycled materials saves electricity

is the SUMMARY of the paragraph: It is important to recycle paper, bottles, cans and plastic containers instead of throwing them away. Recycling keeps garbage out of landfills and saves electricity because it takes less electricity to make products from recycled materials than it does from scratch. Recycling just one soda can saves enough electricity to power a light bulb for 4 hours.

Were made from pig bladders

is the WHAT of the paragraph: A football is sometimes called a pigskin. That is because footballs used to be made from the bladders of pigs! Pig bladders can be blown up with air and are tough enough to handle being kicked and thrown without breaking. Today's footballs are made from rubber and cowhides.

Swim in to ocean to stay cool.

is the WHAT of the paragraph: Galapagos penguins are the only species of penguin that live near the equator. They stay cool by swimming in the cooler ocean currents during the day and returning to land only at night when the sun has gone down. Galapagos penguins are only about 18 inches tall, which makes them one of the smaller species of penguins.

A day to honor the dead

is the WHAT of the paragraph: In Mexico, people celebrate El Dia de los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead on November 1 & 2. The Day of the Dead is a time to remember and honor ancestors who have died, but it is not a sad holiday. Instead, there are many bright decorations, parties and special treats to eat.

Population is out of control

is the WHAT of the paragraph: In the 1940's, American beavers were brought to the island of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. The beavers were bred for their fur, but when the fur business failed, the beavers were released to run free in the wild. By 1990, there were over 100,000 beavers on the island! With no natural predators, the beavers have been destroying forests at a rapid rate

Saves electricity

is the WHAT of the paragraph: It is important to recycle paper, bottles, cans and plastic containers instead of throwing them away. Recycling keeps garbage out of landfills and saves electricity because it takes less electricity to make products from recycled materials than it does from scratch. Recycling just one soda can saves enough electricity to power a light bulb for 4 hours.

Roots help for survival.

is the WHAT of the paragraph: Mangrove trees grow in estuaries where the fresh water from the mouth of a river meets the salt water from the ocean. Mangrove trees have strong roots that can withstand the changing tides. There roots can also filter out the salt in the water so it can be used in the plant.

Has hick fur and large lungs for cold air.

is the WHAT of the paragraph: Snow Leopards live in the mountains of Central and South Asia. They also have thick coats to help keep them warm. They also have long, bushy tails that they wrap around themselves when they are sleeping. In addition, snow leopards have extra large lungs to help them breathe the mountain air, which does not have much oxygen.

There is no air

is the WHAT of the paragraph: The 1971, Commander David Scott did an experiment on the Moon. He dropped a hammer and a feather at the same time. On Earth, the feather would fall more slowly than the hammer because the air would hold it up. However, there is no air on the Moon, so the two objects hit the ground at exactly the same time.

Use tiny pixels to make pictures

is the WHAT of the paragraph: The pictures on your computer screen are made from millions of tiny dots of light called pixels. Each pixel contains three colors: red, blue and green. Together, these three colors make all the other colors. The pixels are arranged in different ways to make the pictures that you see on your screen.

Attach to seagrass and coral

is the WHAT of the paragraph: You probably know that seahorses are not really horses. In fact, a seahorse is a type of fish. Unlike most other fish, seahorses are not good swimmers. Instead of swimming, they spend most of their time anchored to sea grass or coral by their tails. From this position, they can use their long snouts to suck up plankton and other small bits of food.


is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: A football is sometimes called a pigskin. That is because footballs used to be made from the bladders of pigs! Pig bladders can be blown up with air and are tough enough to handle being kicked and thrown without breaking. Today's footballs are made from rubber and cowhides.

Galapagos penguins

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: Galapagos penguins are the only species of penguin that live near the equator. They stay cool by swimming in the cooler ocean currents during the day and returning to land only at night when the sun has gone down. Galapagos penguins are only about 18 inches tall, which makes them one of the smaller species of penguins.

El Dia de los Muertos

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: In Mexico, people celebrate El Dia de los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead on November 1 & 2. The Day of the Dead is a time to remember and honor ancestors who have died, but it is not a sad holiday. Instead, there are many bright decorations, parties and special treats to eat.

The beavers in Tierra del Fuego

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: In the 1940's, American beavers were brought to the island of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. The beavers were bred for their fur, but when the fur business failed, the beavers were released to run free in the wild. By 1990, there were over 100,000 beavers on the island! With no natural predators, the beavers have been destroying forests at a rapid rate

Products from recycled materials

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: It is important to recycle paper, bottles, cans and plastic containers instead of throwing them away. Recycling keeps garbage out of landfills and saves electricity because it takes less electricity to make products from recycled materials than it does from scratch. Recycling just one soda can saves enough electricity to power a light bulb for 4 hours.

Mangrove tree roots

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: Mangrove trees grow in estuaries where the fresh water from the mouth of a river meets the salt water from the ocean. Mangrove trees have strong roots that can withstand the changing tides. There roots can also filter out the salt in the water so it can be used in the plant.

Snow leopard's fur

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: Snow Leopards live in the mountains of Central and South Asia. They also have thick coats to help keep them warm. They also have long, bushy tails that they wrap around themselves when they are sleeping. In addition, snow leopards have extra large lungs to help them breathe the mountain air, which does not have much oxygen.

The Moon

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: The 1971, Commander David Scott did an experiment on the Moon. He dropped a hammer and a feather at the same time. On Earth, the feather would fall more slowly than the hammer because the air would hold it up. However, there is no air on the Moon, so the two objects hit the ground at exactly the same time.

Great Wall of China

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: The Great Wall of China stretches about 5,500 miles from Beijing to Central China. Even though it is a magnificent accomplishment, it is important to remember that the Great Wall was built almost entirely by slave labor. The wall is sometimes called the longest cemetery on Earth because over a million workers died during its construction.

Computer screens

is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: The pictures on your computer screen are made from millions of tiny dots of light called pixels. Each pixel contains three colors: red, blue and green. Together, these three colors make all the other colors. The pixels are arranged in different ways to make the pictures that you see on your screen.


is the WHO/TOPIC of the paragraph: You probably know that seahorses are not really horses. In fact, a seahorse is a type of fish. Unlike most other fish, seahorses are not good swimmers. Instead of swimming, they spend most of their time anchored to sea grass or coral by their tails. From this position, they can use their long snouts to suck up plankton and other small bits of food.

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