SW 300 Quiz 2

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what are the three Cowger 1994 makes to swers to emphasize strengths and empowerment in the assessment process

1. give preeminence to the client's understanding of the facts. 2. discover what the client wants 3. assess personal and environmental strengths on multiple levels

list the sources of info for assessment

1. intake forms 2. interviews w/ client 3. direct observation of nonverbal behavior 4. direct observation of interaction b/w partners, family members, and group members. 5. collateral contacts from relatives, friends, 6. assessment instruments 7. social workers personal experiences.

what is needed to conduct a culturally competent assessment

1. knowledge of cultural norms, acculturation, and lang. diff. 2. ability to differentiate b/w individual and culturally linked attributes. 3. initiative to seek out needed info 4. understanding the ways in which cultural diff. might affect the assessment process.

7 common verbal barriers that can have neg. effects on communication and be able to give an example of each

1. reassuring, sympathizing, consoling, or excusing. 2. advising and giving suggestions or solutions prematurely. 3. using sarcasm or employing humor that is distracting or makes light of clients' prob. 4. judging, criticizing, or placing blame. 5. trying to convince the client about the right point of view through logical arguments, lecturing, or arguing. 6. analyzing, diagnosing, or making glib or dogmatic interpretations. 7. threatening, warning, or counterattacking. these can reflect a sense of superiority over the clients.

what three questioned should be assessed in all situations

1. what does the client see as his or her primary concerns or goals 2. what if any current or impending legal mandates must the client and social worker consider 3. what if any potentially serious health or safety concerns might require the social worker's and client's attention

Physical attending

basic skill critical to the helping process. Facing the client squarely or at an angle leaning forward, maintaining eye contact and remaining relaxed. requires SWer to be fully present.

what are soem of the common indicactors of drug and or alcohol abuse

causes distress and disruption in the person's life. continues over an extended period of time. continues despite consequences

diff. b/w assessment and diagnosis

diagnosis is a label or term that may be applied to an individual/ situation. short hand categorization based on specifically defined criteria. assessment- interaction b/w social worker and client provides full pic of clients strengths and needs.

genogram and its role in assessment

genogram is a family tree that list certain traits, family probs, and other aspects of families with symbols. it's role can help provide a visual context for the social worker and client to see trends within the family along with other visual affects of problems with in the client's system

list a few major transitions encoutnered in a client's life that are important to consider when doing an assessment and explain how you would consider the in an assessment

geographical moves, divorce, widowed, natural disasters, you would consider this in an assessment by seeing how the client feels about whatever transition is happening to them and do not make assumptions about the importance or unimportant of the event. the assessment should also include whether or not difficulties are related to some sort of transition and the source of the transition that is causing diff.

three aspects of assessment; intrapersonal, and interpersonal and environmental factors and identify the elements of each and be able to give an example of a question you might ask a client to assess each element

intrapersonal: a comprehensive assessment of an individual considers biophysical, cognitive/perceptual, affective, behavioral, and motivational factors. examines ways in which the factors affect interactions w/ ppl and institutions

four areas of maltreatment

neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse.

common types of maltreatment that children and older adults may experience

neglect, physical abuse, sexual, emotional abuse, and elderly might also experience self neglect and financial exploitation

what specifically can reassuring a client prematurely or without a genuine basis for hope do to a client

reassuring prematurely shows the interest of the social worker to avoid discomfort rather than helping the client, it also makes it harder to explore the client's problems and feelings and may deter the client from speaking of their probs.

assessment and how it may vary

refers to a process occurring b/w a social worker and client(s) in which info is gathered, analyzed, and synthesized to provide concise pic of the client and his or her needs and strength. Assessments can vary based on primary and secondary/host settings. Primary setting- assessments are independently made. in secondary- assessments may be joint effort as a member of a clinical team.

describe the two dimensional matrix Cowger 1994 developed for assessment that can assist SWers in attending to both needs and strenghts

vertical axis: potential strengths and resources are depicted at one end and potential deficits, challenges, and obstacles are shown at the other end. horizontal axis: ranges from environmental to individual factors.

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