Systematic theology Quiz 4

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What are the flaws in the functional view of the image of God>

- Connection between Psalm 8 and Genesis 1, the Psalm has no reference to the image - Genesis 1 has no clear equation of the image of God to dominion - took consequence of image (dominion) and related it to the image itself

What are the flaws in the relational view of the image of God?

- Universality of the image, those living with indifference to God are ( or are in) the image of God? - What about humans enables them to have this relationship no others can have

What are the reasons Sin is difficult to discuss?

- culture does not want to perceive anything but positivity - Foreign concept o many people - unable to grasp concept of sin as an inner force, and inherent condition, a controlling power They think of it more in terms of wrong acts. They are separable rom a person

What are the flaws with the substantive/structural view?

- misguided attempts to identify the qualities lead to suggesting non biblical concepts (eg. Greek reasoning) - often narrows to one aspect of human nature, typically the intellectual ---this would make the image vary from human to human - fall did not elect intelligence or reason in general

What 2 literary aspects in Genesis poke holes in the Theistic evolutionist mindset?

- object is not always understood as merely objects, sometimes they were symbols (eg. Tree of knowledge) so dust could be a symbol for either building blocks of life or an animals life -------Theistic evolution loses points as dust is also used elsewhere in the bible (From dust you were created and too dust you will return) and if it is a symbol of what made humans and the dust is animals, then we turn into animals when we die - term "living being" is also used which indicates that Adam had to BECOME living at the point of activity, contradicting the idea we were already living beings

What natural desires that, though good in and of themselves, have potential for temptation and sin?

1) Desire to enjoy things - eg. Food and drink are required for life but can also be enjoyable - pleasure of consumption leads to excess - sec drive being gratified in ways that transcend natural nd proper limitations it becomes sin 2) Desire to obtain things - we can have possessions in God's economy & possessions are legitament to encourage industriousness, but is sinful when we try to satisfy it at any cost 3) Desire to do things - Desire to achieve is natural and appropriate, but when pursued at expense of other humans or in place of God it is wrong

What are the 4 effects Sin has on our relationship with God?

1) Divine Disfavor - God is said to hate sinful Israel (strong expression) - not one-sided as the wicked are those who hate God 2) Guilt - Definition: the state of having violated God's intention and thus being liable to punishment 3) Punishment - Retribution: obtaining and administering Justice - Deterrent - Remedial 4) Death - Physical - spiritual: Separation of entire persons from God (connected but separate from physical death) --ability to respond to and do good spiritual matters is absent - eternal: Finalization of spiritual death; cast into lake of fire

What are the 6 varying suggestions for the Cause Of Sin

1) Frederick Tennant: Animal Nature - instincts; we either need to be free of them or learn to control and direct them properly 2) Reinhold Niebuhr: Anxiety caused by Human Finiteness - attempt to overcome by our own efforts creates tension between limitations and aspiration - Cure is to accept limitations and place confidence in God, but the cure is really in changing attitude 3)Paul Tillich: sin to human existential estrangement from the ground of all being, from other beings and from oneself - matter of changing attitude, not real conversion - cancelation of alienation from the ground of being, other begins, and self 4) Liberation theology: source of sin is economic struggle - pursue economic and political action 5) Harrison Elliott: Individualistic competitiivness - sin is learned in education and social conditioning 6) Biblical teaching: Humans are sinful by nature and live in a world in which powerful forces seek to induce them to sin - humans alone are responsible - humans are capable of transcending their location in time and space and thinking of choices that are not immediately present (only creatures that can do this) -----this expands ability for sinful thoughts/actions

What are the two accounts of God's creation of humans?

1) God's decision to make humans in his own image and likeness (emphasis on purpose) 2) God's action implementing this decision (Emphasis on the way God created)

What 7 things define humans Theologically?

1) Humans being created means that they have no independent existence, they are created because God willed it 2) Humans are part of creation 3) Human has unique place in creation, distinct from other creatures - other creatures are "according to kind" we are "likeness of God" 4) Kinship among humans, we are all related and have also intermitted rebelliousness 5) Limitations of Humanity - knowledge is incomplete and subject to error - mortal 6) Limitation is not inherently bad - God pronounces it "very good" when making humankind - finitism may lead to sin if we fail to accept limitations - increase in knowledge does not guarantee a decrease in sin 7) Humanity is highest among the creatures (wonderful) - expressly designed product of God - human achievement should be in proper context relative to God

What are the 6 elements of the relational view of God's image?

1) Image of God and human nature are best understood through study of person of Jesus, not human nature 2) Obtain understanding from divine revelation 3) Image of God is not to be understood by structural qualities in humans; we do not possess it 4) Relationship of human to God constitutes the image of God is paralleled by the relationship between humans 5) Image of God is universal; found in all humans at all times and places 6) No conclusion can or need be drawn as to what there might be in a person's nature that would constitute ability to have a relationship

6 General concepts on the image of God

1) Image of God is universal within human race 2) Image of God has not been lost as a result of sin or specifically of fall. It is inseparable from humanity 3) There is no indication that image is present in one person to a greater degree than another. Superior natural elements do not make them closer to God 4) Image is not correlated with any variable 5) Should be thought of as primarily substantive or structural; in the very nature of humans 6) elements in the human makeup that enables fulfillment of human destiny

What are the 5 perspectives on the nature of sin (FRIDD)

1) Inward: Sin is inward inclination; inherent in disposition inclining us to do wrong. - Motives are just as important as actions 2) Rebellious: Sin is rebelliousness and disobedience. - all persons are in contact with truth of God 3) Disability: Sin entails spiritual disability. Alters our inner condition, our character. We become twisted and distorted. - only by renewal of mind by God can we be resorted to a healthy condition 4) Failure to Standards: Sin is incomplete fulfillment of God's standards - failure to fulfill God's Law 5) Displacement: Sin is displacement of God; placing something else in the supreme place that belongs t God is a sin - choosing finite objects over God is wrong

What ISN'T Total depravity?

1) Not that the unregenerate person is totally insensitive to matters of conscience, of right and wrong 2) does not mean they are as sinful as possible 3) does not mean they engage in every possible form of sin

What are the theories on original sin?

1) Pelagianism: Preservation/maintaince of an already existing right status/good standing Moralist belief emphasizing free will; free from control of the universe or controlling influence of the fall. The soul created by God is not tainted with corruption or guilt. by our own efforts we can meet God's commands without sinning 2) Arminianism: Receive corrupt nature from Adam and are unable to fulfill God's commands without divine help through prevent grace that roves the original condemnation (guilt) for sin (though do get punishment). 3) Calvinism: connection between Adam's sin and all persons of all times. Start conception with corrupted nature and tendency toward sin 4) Erickson's Contemporary Model - All persons receive a corrupted nature and are guilty in God's sight because Of Adam's sin - was not just adam but humans who sinned as, in some form, we were present with him - Children are not under God's Condemnation Death originated in human race because of Adam's sin - death is universal caused by universal sin of mankind - Adam was the cause of all the sin - we were involved in some way with Adam's sin

What are the three general ways people view the image of God?

1) Substantive - certain characteristics within the very nature of a human physically or psychological/spiritual --- in doing so isolate only one aspect of human nature for consideration and concentrate attention on one part of God - vary on where they think it is but agree it is located within humans as resident quality or capacity 2) Relational - Not intrinsically in humans but our relationship with God - we are displaying his image when in relationship with him - in recent years the emphasis of human to human has been more emphasized than human to God 3) Functional - something the human does; most frequently in dominion over creation --- this makes us somewhat less than God - must learn about the whole of creation so we can predict and control its actions

3 Basic views about the Human Constitution, and a separate model the one Erickson recommends

1) Trichotomism 2) Dichotomis 3) Monism 4) Conditional Unity

5 Implications of conditional unity (DRUCC)

1) Unified: Humans are to be treated as unities, their spiritual condition cannot be dealt with independent from physical and psychological one. 2) Complex: A human is a complex being whose nature is not reducible to a single principle 3) Respected: Different aspects of human nature are all to be attended to and respected (emotions, body, and intellect) 4) Depravity:Religious development or maturity does not consist in subjugating one part of human nature to another. No part of human nature is evil per se; depravity is all of what a human is. 5) Consistent: Human nature is not inconsistent with scriptural teaching of personal conscious

What are our offenses against God?

1) Used the wealth of creation for our own purposes 2) Failed to treat God with respect 3) ungrateful to God 4) spurned God's offer of friendship and Love (This is all magnified by God being as good and great as he is)

6 implications of the doctrine of humanity

1) We belong to God 2) we should pattern ourselves after Jesus - the revelation of the image of God 3) experience full humanity only when we are properly related to God 4) learning and work are good - dominion is consequence of the image and we should learn and exercise dominion over creation 5) Human is valuable - sacredness of human life 6) Image is universal in humankind - dignity to being a human being - all persons have point of sensitivity to spiritual things

what are the 4 effects sin has on our relationship with other humans? (RICI)

1) competition - become self centered and self seeking 2) inability to empathize - see only our own perspective 3) rejection of authority 4) inability to love - act for ourselves not welfare of others

What are the 7 effects Sin has on the sinner? (REDUSIS)

1) enslavement - to be able to sin is not freedom but bondage 2) Unwillingness to face reality 3) denial of sin - lack of acknowledgment - consider it sickness or social mal adjustment - acknowledging wrongness of actions but not taking responsibility 4) self-deceit -hypocritical 5) insensitivity - less responsive to prompting of conscience 6) self-centeredness - call attention to our good qualities and minimize our shortcomings 7) restlessness - complete satisfaction never occurs

3 Reasons why the human was made in God's image as referenced by Jesus' time on earth

1) fellowship: Jesus had perfect fellowship with the Father while on earth he combed and spoke with him. 2) Obedience: Jesus obeyed the father's will perfectly 3) Love: Always displayed a strong love for humans

What are the hermeneutical approaches to interpreting genesis to help understand how humans were made?

1) maintain the passage does not say anything specific that would bear on scientific questions - seems extreme and unwarranted 2) Analyze literary material in the chapters - are terms used literally, symbolically, or poetically?

What IS total depravity?

1) sin is a matter of the entire person, they are a slave to sin. 2) When Unregenerate persons do good it has an element of improper motive since they are not done entirely or primarily out of love for God. 3) Sinners cannot free themselves from their sinful condition -- unregenerate persons are incapable of genuinely good, redeeming works as what they do is ineffective in relationship with God. Good works are impossible without god

What is the nature of Voluntary decision that ends our childish innocence?

1) there is no final imputation of first sin until we commit a sin of our own, ratifying adam's and making us both guilty of our own AND of original sin 2) become responsible and guilty when we accept or approve of our corrupt nature. When we are aware of our own tendencies towards sin and sin anyway, we are confirming it is good. (Erickson's chosen view)

What defines humanity anthropologically?

1) tool making - simplistic tool making is found among primates 2) Burial of Dead - could just be fear of the unknown which is only supposing an imagination, not morality 3) Language (use of complex symbols) -

What are the Four ways people view Humankind?

A machine An Animal A pawn of the Universe Christian View


A moral wrong; a deliberate violation of God's commands and thus deserving of Punishment (not like a disease)

Conditional Unity:

Are united in a monistic condition but it can be and is broken down at death. At resurrection the person will assume a body with some parts continual with the old body but also with a reconstituted spiritual boy. It is not either/or it is both/and Since we are spiritual beings our spiritual condition cannot be dealt with independently of our physical and psychological condition, and vise versa eg. chemical compound as contrasted with mixture of elements; in a mixture the elements retain distinctive characteristics because they remain separate identities

How does the bible refer to death?

As a separation from God

What are Ericksons conclusions on Tritomism, Dichotomism, and Monism?

Bible does not rule out possibility of compound character or some sort of divisibility within human makeup

What is the extent of sin according to the New testament?

Clearer description of universality of sin, assumes and asserts all are sinners. Proof of guilt comes from death.

What is a more accurate way to characterize God's feeling towards sin (other than anger)?


TRUE/FALSE We can discover our real meaning by regarding ourselves and our own happiness as the highest of all values and can find happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment by seeking it directly.


TRUE/FALSE we know the materials and method used to make humans


TRUE/FALSE The lord see children and those who cannot reach moral competency as guilty and under condemnation like all others.

FALSE, they are guilty of sin but the Lord does not regard them as under condemnation

TRUE/FALSE God is the enemy of sinners and hates them.

FALSE; God loves his enemies as he commands us to do and is not the enemy of anyone. However he is angered by sin (this disapproval is not arbitrary nor is he seething and his temper out of control. He is exercising patience and long-suffering )

TRUE/FALSE The only true humans were Adam and Eve

FALSE; only before fall and Jesus was also a full human

TRUE/FALSE when we are influenced by outside influences to sin we are not as guilty of that sin as we are in others.

FALSE; the choice was still ours

TRUE/FALSE despite being made in Gods image, are allowed to encroach on another legitimate exercise of dominion

FALSE; we are never to do this depriving someone of freedom through illegal means, manipulation, or intimidation is improper

TRUE/FALSE God sometimes saying he loves Isreal and other times hates them are signs of change, inconsistency or fickleness in God.

False; it is part of his holy nature to be opposed to sinful action

TRUE/FALSE under conditional unity there is conflict with the material and immaterial.

False; there isn't conflict though they can be dissolved

What are the two approaches to our relationship with Adam and his sin?

Federal Approach: creationists view of original soul, soul is created by God for each individual so we are not present psychological o r spiritually in any of our ancestors. Adam WAS the representative and his actions are passed on, bound by the covenant between God and Adam Natural headship: - traducianist view of origin of soul: receive souls by transmission from our parents like physical characteristics - in a very real sense we were THERE IN Adam

Fiat creationism

God created every species in a brief period of time

Theistic evolution

God created the first organism and then worked within the process of evolution, occasionally intervening to modify what was emerging

Progressive creationism

God directly created each of the various "kinds" including humans

Issue between evolution and christian creation:

How direct was God in making humans, did he create the entirety of physical and psychological makeup or did he take a primate and modify it into the image of God?


Human is composed of 3 elements, body, the soul, a spirit. 1) Body - we have in common with animals but with a more complex structure 2) Soul - psychological element; distinguishes from animals and plants 3) Spirit - religious element enabling human to perceive spiritual matters and respond to spiritual stimuli

Postmodern Christian perspective of image of God:

Humans collectively are image ofGod rather than individuals

How intense is sin according to the new testament?

Jesus spoke on inward disposition of evil (eg. don't just not commit murder, do not get angry with another) Sins are result of human nature

How does Paul talk about men and women in the image of God?

Man is the image and Glory of God and Woman is the glory of man

Do we still have the image of God?

Mentioned still in OT and said is bestowed after salvation in NT


Most widely held view, humans are composed of two elements, a material body and immaterial soul/spirit. Terms spirit and soul are used interchangeably in the Bible

The Animal View:

No qualitative difference between humans and animals, with behaviors determined by biological drives.

What are the views on Physical death?

Pelagian view: We we created mortal Calvinist view: We were made immortal and sin made us mortal Erickson: conditional immortality as state of Adam before fall. Potential of death was in creation but so was the potential of eternal life, sin made the potential actual

The Machine view:

Persons are things, only valuable as long as they are useful rather than value in and of themselves.

What is the extent of sin according to the Old testament?

Sin is universal, God would punish the whole of the world; even those specifically described as "perfect" have shortcomings

TRUE/FALSE the bible mentions people being made in the image of god (the son) only after salvation


TRUE/FALSE through Christianity we feel a sense of identity, where everyone is valuable and known to God.


TRUE/FALSE people today are an abnormal condition from Bibles depiction of humanity

TRUE; a "real/perfect" human is not found in society but created by the hand of God unspoiled by sin

Christian view:

The human is a creature of God, meaning: 1) originated through a conscious purposeful act by an intelligent infinite person. 2) image of God is intrinsic and indispensable to humanity, humans alone can have a conscious personal relationship with God

Why was punishment frequently administered publicly in the bible?

To deter others from doing the same things

TRUE/FALSE to sin makes you an enemy of God.


A Pawn of the Universe View:

View particularly among existentialists that humans are at the mercy of forces in the world that control their destiny and have no concern for them or are hostile towards them and are left with a sense of helplessness and resignation.

What does it mean to be made in the image of God?

We need more than our animal needs to be met to be satisfied

What is Ericksons understanding of the Doctrine of original sin?

We were involved in Adam's sin and receive both corrupt nature after fall and guilt and condemnation attached to it. However there must be conscious and voluntary decision on our part. Therefore, no condemnation until one reaches the age of responsibility.


humans are not composed of separate entities by t a radical unity-- the Self. To be Human is to be or have a body and existing apart from one is unthinkable. Consider body and soul to be interchangeable synonyms

How intense is sin according to the old testament?

speaks of sin as an act rather than disposition motive is as important as act

What is the Biblical cure for Sin?

supernaturally produced alterations of one's human nature and divine help in countering the power of temptation

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