Talking to the Professor

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Julie: I will. Thanks a lot. I've also been meaning to talk to you about the trouble I'm having keeping up in class. I'm having trouble understanding the lectures. Is there anything you would suggest?

- To be meaning to: you were planing on it or you were expecting to do something but you haven't done it yet for whatever reasons * I've been meaning to see that movie but you haven't had a chance to see it yet - To keep up: (=// to fall behind) to be able to understand or deal with something that is happening or changing very fast *keep up in school *keep up with someone - To have trouble = to have problem


= information

Jeff: Some students tape record the lectures and listen to them afterwards. That seems to help.

Afterwards = later = after a certain time or a certain event

Julie: Thanks, I will. Did you give any assignments ?

Assignment = homework

Jeff: Yes, it should be 8-10 pages and it's due in two weeks. Take a look at your syllabus. It has more details.

Due (adj): required or expected to happen : expected to be in a particular place at a particular time *When is the assignment due? [=when are you supposed to give the completed assignment to your teacher?] *Your books are due back to the library (by/on) May 15. [=you must return your books to the library by May 15] *The movie is due out this summer. [=the movie is supposed to be released in theaters this summer] — often followed by to + verb They are due to arrive any minute now. (see more at learnersdictionary)

Julie: That's a great idea. I'll definitely try that. I'm wondering if you give extra credit in your class?

Extra Credit: extra assignments that students can do so they can make up for the tests that they didn't do well (not every professor give extra credit)

Julie: Oh, I see. Are there guidelines for the essay?

Guideline = rules that you have to follow

Julie: I wanted to come see you during your office hours because I missed class last week. I had a family emergency .

Office hours: At the university, besides teaching classes professors are required to keep regular office hours (meaning they have to be available in their office at certain hours every week) in which students can come and talk to them about whatever problems they have

Jeff: Yes, I assigned an essay on the topics in chapter 3 of your textbook.

To assign = give work, to give or provide a piece of work for someone to do Essay is usually long composition or piece of writing that students do in school to explain and to demonstrate that they know the subject. *What textbook are you using for your class?

Jeff: I'm sorry to hear that. We went over a lot of material so make sure you get the notes from another student in class.

To go over something means to talk about it, to discuss it, to teach about it. You can use this expression for a classroom or for any information that you are explaining to someone else *Let me go over the instruction for using this computer

Jeff: No, I don't give extra credit assignments. But if you're worried about passing, there are still two more tests to pull up your grade.

To pull up your grade = to improve your grade/ to get better grade

Julie: Hi, Dr. McQuillan, I'm Julie Taylor. I'm in your 2 o'clock class on Thursdays.

Which class are you in? - I'm in your 2 o'clock class on Thursday.


a list of the topics or books that will be studied in a course

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