Teams & Shared Leadership

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Surface level diversity

Demographic diversity, typically has a zero or negative effect on team performance

Deep Level Diversity

Diversity in terms of the Big 5-Minimum Agreeableness and Mean Conscientiousness of a team is important for task performance. Hire on this diversity.

Psychological Diversity

Functional expertise, attitudes, education, background. Positive relationship with performance


How shared everyone's understanding is

Collective Leadership

Involves a set of leaders who have separate leadership responsibilities (best for regular teams)

Shared Leadership

Involves a set of leaders who have similar, shared responsibilities (best for self managing teams)

Punctuated Equilibrium Model

Phase 1-No one is doing anything. Phase 2-They kick it into high gear because it's due soon.

Teamwork Mental Model

Roles of the team members

Team Inputs

Shared Mental Models, Team Composition,

Taskwork Mental Model

Shared understanding of all the tasks


Sum of forces attracting group members and holding the group together. They strongly enforce norms. It is important for team task performance and OCB. It is most important in interdependent teams.

Team Composition is comprised of

Surface level diversity, deep level diversity, psychological diversity

IPO Model of Team Effectiveness

Team Inputs--> Team Processes-->Team Outputs

Virtual Teams

Teams that don't work together face-to-face, but rather through computer.

Collective Efficacy

The extent to which a group thinks it can perform a particular task. Is related to team performance.

Group Potency

The extent to which a group thinks it can perform any task. Related to team performance.

Team Development

Tuckman's Model-Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning. Outdated model, this is how we used to think teams would perform.


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Team Processes

Cohesiveness, Team Efficacy, Team Development

Team Efficacy

Collective Efficacy and Group Potency

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