Telephone Communication Chapter 6
Automated attendant
A computerized system for handling telephone calls.
A device that combines the features of a handheld computer and a mobile phone.
A feature that allows a telephone caller to remain connected but waiting for the other person to come back on the line.
Time zone
A geographical region that has the same standard time.
A list of items, such as names and corresponding telephone numbers.
Voice mail
A messaging system that uses computers and telephones to record, send, store, and retrieve voice messages.
A service that allows users to make telephone calls using a high-speed internet connection.
Communicating with people at two or more locations using two-way voice and video data.
Screen calls
Determine who is calling and the purpose for the call.
Speech patterns or vocabulary used by people from a specific area or group.
Technology used to send images (text, photographs, drawing) using telephone channels, also called fax.
The electronic transfer of data over a distance.
The integration of computer and telephone technologies.
White pages
Part of a telephone directory with an alphabetical list of names and related telephone numbers.
Yellow pages
Part of a telephone directory with names and related telephone numbers arranged by subject heading.
Requiring no payment.