Ten Commandements and examples

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Eighth Commandment

you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. moral obligations - speak the truth, keep secrets unless harmful to others. Sins against - a public lie, perjury, rash judgement, gossiping, boasting, lying.

Tenth Commandment

you shall not covet your neighbor's goods. Moral obligations - commands us to desire the hapiness of heaven more than the goods of the earth, be grateful for what we posses as gifts from God sins against- envy and greed, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. examples are Greed, Envy, poor in spirit

Ninth Commandment

you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. Moral obligations - obliges to be pure of heart, modesty, faithfulness in marriage. sins against - immodesty, willfull consent to impure thoughts.examples are temptation, coveting, temperance, modesty, pure of heart. keep instincts and desires to ourselves. respect marriage commitment.

Fourth Commandment

Honor your father and mother. This means that we have to be respectful to our parents adults and our spiritual mother and father. We also have Civil authority were we have to be kind to others in society

First Commandment

I am the Lord your God you shall not have strange gods before Me; anything that rejects God is a violation, e.g. idolatry, superstition examples are idolatry,and atheism to reject gods existence.

Third Commandment

Remember to keep holy the Sabbath. Sabbath meaning to rest. This reminds us that God worked for six days and rested on the seventh and we have church on the seventh day of the week to rest.

Sixth Commandment

You shall not commit adultery everyone is called to live chastity according to their state in life pornography and artificial contraception are examples of sins the do not respect the goodness of human sexuality examples are polygamy, incest, fornication, lust, masturbation, pornography, promiscuity, prostitution, rape, homosexual acts

Fifth Commandment

You shall not kill. Every human life has eternal value and is scared.From the womb to the tomb. ex. Capital Punishment, war, abortion, suicide, scandal, respect for health, euthanasia, genetic cloning, bullying, murder, innocent civilians). There are also killing in other forms of violence like war, the death penalty, domestic violence, enviromental waste and pollution, scandal.

Seventh Commandment

You shall not steal; the goods and materials of the world are meant to be shared by all people; respect creation and care for all God's creatures examples of following the rule are not taking things that are not ours not stealing someones dignity treaty people as though they are valuble appreciating human work

Second Commandment

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; Disrespectful use of God's name including swearing, perjury, making false promises in God's name examples are blasphemy, making fun of God, perjury lying on the bible, making a false oath, and Cursing.

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