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In _____, after widespread revolts against tax increases to cover a lavish European trip by the shah of Persia, a constitutional revolution put parliamentary limits on the Qajar regime.


At no time except the period of independence (in the 19 century) were there more coups, attempted coups, and uprisings in Latin America than during _____________.


Rearmament in Germany under the Nazis was initially secret but became public knowledge after 1935, and the number of planes in its air force grew by a factor of _______ before 1939.


The Allies in World War I recruited volunteers from among their dominions and colonies in considerable numbers, with the British taking _________ from India alone.


Junior military officers launched a coup in 1908 and forced the sultan to

Accept a new parliament

In __________, nearly one-third of the population consisted of immigrants, a share much higher than at any time in the United States.


When the _________ in 1849 authorized warships to enter Brazilian waters to intercept slave ships, the importation of slaves virtually ceased.


Japan portrayed its imperial bid in the Pacific in the 1930s as the construction of a "Greater East Asia __________ Sphere."


The Mitsubishi Company expanded from ________ to manufacturing, profiting from the encouragement by the Japanese government of zaibatsu, or cartels

Coastal shipping

Through a treaty, the British imposed the policy of _________, by which their subjects who were accused of violating Chinese laws would be tried and punished by British consuls.


A(n) _________ consortium had begun gigantic earth-moving work to build a Panama Canal in 1879, but as a result of landslides, flooding, tropical diseases, and engineering disputes, it finally went bankrupt in 1888.


Modern industrialization had its start in the following nation:

Great Britain.

______ became independent of Ottoman rule in a war of liberation (1821-1832), and it was the first country in which ethnic nationalism was an element in its foundation.


An anti-Qing and anti-foreign group calling itself the Society of the _________ Fists was referred to as "Boxers" by the foreign community in China.


"Lawrence of Arabia" helped the members of a prominent family, the ______ from Mecca, to assume leadership of the Arabs for a promised national kingdom in Syria and Palestine.


The phrase, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his works," was coined by:

Henri de Saint-Simon.

Outside the Southern United States, _________ was the state that experienced the surge in racial tensions after World War I, with about 30% of the state's population (including the governor) members of the Ku Klux Klan in 1925.


The ______ loss of the War of the Pacific (1879-1884) resulted in the annexation of some of its territory and mines, together with the destruction wrought by the enemy's troops.


The two key terms in the popular Chinese self-strengthening formulation Zhongxue wei ti and Xixue wei yong meant "Chinese studies for the essence" and "Western studies for the __________."

Practical application

he "Fortunate Edict" of 1856 declared that all Ottoman subjects, regardless of _______, had the right to education, employment, and administration of justice.


All of the following have been associated with the invention of the automobile EXCEPT:

Robert Peel

The first man to import industrialism into the United States toward the end of the eighteenth century was:

Samuel Slater.

Spurred by the development of European politics and influenced by waves of immigrants from Spain and Italy, two major urban opposition parties took shape in 1890s Argentina, the Radical Party and the __________.


In his struggle for Indian independence, Mohandas Gandhi pursued a strategy of "satyagraha" or "________".


Mauveine was:

The first synthetic dye..

Among the innovative measures proposed by Nikolai Chernyshevsky in his novel What Is to be Done?

The liberation of women

The tenements around factories in industrial cities were called "dark Satanic Mills" by:

William Blake

All of the following contributed to the development of wireless communication EXCEPT:

William Lamb

In urban areas, ________ frequently ran shops, managed markets, were proprietors of cantinas, and performed a host of skilled and unskilled jobs, particularly in the textile and food trades.


All of the following were conducive to industrialization in Britain EXCEPT:

a low rate of unemployment

all of chapter 24

all of chapter 24

all of chapter 27

all of chapter 27

all of chapter 29

all of chapter 29

Mussolini's Fascists claimed that they were inaugurating a "_______ state", which theoretically saw all sectors of society contributing in a systematic, orderly, and hierarchical fashion to the health of the whole.


_______ forces dispatched a squadron that occupied the sparsely inhabited Mekong River delta in 1858-1862, annexing it as a protectorate.


Foremost among the aims identified by Vladimir Lenin in his treatise What Is to Be Done? was:

he overthrow of the tsar

Continuing the repressive policies of his father, Nicholas launched a pogrom of Russian _________ in 1903-1906, triggering mass emigrations to the United States.


Some British agents of the East India Company took Indian wives, dressed as Indian princes, and wielded power as local magnates, or __________ (from an Urdu word meaning "viceroy").


Even though Ottoman sappers and siege cannons succeeded in breaching the walls of Vienna in several places in 1683, a __________ relief army allied with the Habsburgs arrived just in time to drive out the besieging forces.


The following industry mechanized very early and was the first to successfully do so:


All of the following technological innovations were important to mechanization EXCEPT:

the static shuttle

The first practical steam-powered riverboat went from:

the static shuttle

All of the following men contributed significantly to the development of mechanical power EXCEPT:

thomas edison

Irena Sendler smuggled some 2500 Jewish children out of __________ before being arrested and tortured in 1943.


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