Test 2

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Which of the following government agencies has jurisdiction to determine if advertisements are deceptive or misleading?

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

In 2010, Facebook eclipsed MySpace as the most popular Web site with _____ million users worldwide


It is estimated that _____ people attend trade shows every year.

65 million

According to a 2009 PRWeek survey, what is the percentage of journalists who regularly use corporate Web sites to get information about organizations?


What percentage of public relations firms use webcasts for a variety of purposes?


According to Ragan.com, _____ percent of mobile phone users worldwide send text messages on a daily basis.


According to a study, _____ percent of journalists said that they use public relations sources for their stories.


Stars such as Oprah Winfrey and Jennifer Lopez typically charge _____ for an appearance.


In North America alone, _____ is spent by corporations on sponsorship of various events.

$2 billion

The going rate for a typical ^bread and butter business-type speaker is

$3,000 to $10,000.

In 2003, more than 120,000 people participated in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, raising over_____.

$300 million

Which of the following practice is condemned by PRSA?

A public relations firm asks its interns to write positive reviews for online message boards, A lobbying firm sends out letters using letterheads taken from other organizations, Bloggers post favorable reviews about products but fail to disclose that they were paid for their postings, Special-interest groups create and fund citizen front groups to disseminate information without disclosing the actual source, all of the above

Which of the following are reasons for using the Inverted Pyramid structure in a news release?

If the editor doesnWt find anything interesting in the first three or four lines, it wonWt be used, Editors cut stories from the bottom, Readers donWt always read the full story, All of the above.

PSA stands for

Public Service Announcement.

Which of the following government agencies monitors the financial affairs of publicly traded companies?

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

A person filing a libel suit usually must prove which of the following?

The false statement was communicated to others through print, broadcast, or electronic means, The person claiming to be libeled was identified or is identifiable, There is actual injury in the form of money losses, loss of reputation, or mental suffering, The person making the statement was malicious or negligent, all of the above

Which of the following is an advantage the Web brings to public relations professionals?

Users can update information quickly, without having to reprint materials, The Web allows for interactivity, There are no space limitations (i.e., a great amount of material can be posted), The Web is a cost-effective method for disseminating information.

Which of the following is a question that event planners must ask?

What is the purpose of the event, How many people will attend, Who will attend, Who will speak, all of the above

A series of pre-booked, one-on-one interviews from a fixed location via satellite with a series of television journalists is called

a satellite media tour.

To use an employeeWs image in product publicity, sales brochures, or advertising, the organization must have

a signed release on file from that employee.

Public relations professionals use research for which of the following reasons?

achieving credibility with management, defining audiences and segmenting publics, formulating strategy, testing messages, all of the above

Which of the following is a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) core value?

advocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, all of the above

All of the following describe new media EXCEPT

all of the above.

All of the following are trade show considerations EXCEPT:

always offer food.

Ethics in public relations begins with

an individual's value system.

All of the following are questions that should be asked before writing a news release EXCEPT:

how can I make this situation appear better than it is?

Media relations surrounding a trade show starts

before the show.

The people in the broadcast industry who are responsible for securing guests for the shows they work for are called


Which of the following are the responsibilities of the public relations professional at a news conference?

briefing the spokesperson, making arrangements, ensuring the conference runs smoothly, all of the above

Which of the following can be copyright protected?

brochures, drawings, display booths, corporate symbols, all of the above

Major advantages of podcasting include all of the following EXCEPT:

built-in credibility.

All of the following are tips for making a VNR more successful EXCEPT:

make the voice-over sound like an information pitch man.

Purposive interview involves interviewees that are:

carefully selected based on expertise or influence

The legal doctrine of the ^right of publicity_ provides

celebrities the sole ability to cash in on their fame.

Which of the following describes mass media before the advent of the Internet?

centralized/top-down, costly to publish, controlled by professional gatekeepers (i.e., editors and publishers), mostly one-way communication with limited feedback channels

Which of the following is the measurement technique used in public relations?

compilation of news clips, analysis of key messages, determining the number of brochures distributed, sales or market share increases, all of the above

Public relations firms use online databases for all of the following purposes EXCEPT:

confirm proper news release format.

The systematic and objective categorizing of content is known as what kind of research:

content analysis

All of the following are tips for shooting effective publicity photos EXCEPT:

context is never important (i.e., focus on the product).

The purpose of an open house is to

create favorable opinion about the organization.

Procter & Gamble conducted which of the following promotional events for its Charmin brand?

created 20 luxury restrooms in New YorkWs Times Square

The most popular search engine worldwide in 2009 was


A "no-host bar" means

guests buy their own drinks.

A delayed response to an e-mail query or no response at all is likely to have what kind of consequences for an organization?

damaged credibility and reputation

Any booth or exhibit at a trade show should be

designed for maximum visibility

If you discover that inaccurate information has been disseminated, you have a responsibility to correct it immediately, based on which of the following PRSA code provisions?

disclosure of information

The nine basic Management By Objectives (MBO) steps include all of the following EXCEPT:

entertainment expenses

Random sampling means

everyone in the target audience has an equal chance of being selected for a survey.

Which is NOT an element of Ketchum's Strategic Planning Model?

facts, goals, audience, key message, all of the above

Respecting all opinions and supporting the right of free expression is connected to which PRSA core value?


Which of the following items do speakers need to know about a meeting?

information about the meeting sponsor and attendees, meeting purpose and objectives, anticipated size of the audience, topic and length of presentation, all of the above

A unique characteristic of the Internet, which traditional media do not offer, is


A successful radio or television broadcast interview includes all of the following principal requirements EXCEPT:


All of the following are questions to ask when considering sponsoring an event EXCEPT:

is it too closely aligned to our organizational objectives?

Critics often complain that PRSAWs code of ethics is not helpful because

it has no teeth (that is, no punishment for violators).

All of the following are types of media tours EXCEPT:

junket, familiarization trip, executives travel to key cities, all of the above.

The following are all tips to produce a more effective podcast EXCEPT:

keep the program to less than 30 minutes

Which of the following items should be considered when planning a meeting?

lighting, screens or monitors, seating and tables, speaker's podium, all of the above

Because of the rise of social media, public relations practitioners must

listen to facilitate conversations between organizations and their constituents

The most precise random sampling is usually done from:

lists that give the name of everyone in the targeted audience.

All of the following are reasons why visitors return to a Web site EXCEPT:

lots of layering.

Which of the following is NOT an example of qualitative research?

mail surveys

Which of the following are considered unethical when dealing with the media?

media junkets with questionable value, extravagant parties, expensive gifts, personal favors, all of the above

What is the key feature of Web 2.0?

more interactivity

Web 3.0, the next major development in the evolution of the Internet, is characterized by

more mobile-enabled content for ^smart phones._

Radio news releases, like releases for print media, must be

newsworthy and not too commercial

Which of the following might be included in a media advisory?

one-line headline, brief paragraph outlining the story idea, answers to some of journalismWs five WWs and H questions, contact information, all of the above

What is the name of the public relations event that shows the public the facilities where an organization does its work and how the work is done?

open house

All of the following are tips for working with the media at a trade show EXCEPT

pay for everything

According to Shel Holtz, a social media expert, all of the following are different ^levels_ of corporate texting EXCEPT:


The legal doctrine of fair use means

portions of copyrighted material can be used with attribution.

Steve Cody recommends all of the following tactics for creating a successful employee blog EXCEPT:

post infrequently to manage expectations

When a companyWs product is featured in a TV show, itWs called

product placement.

Which of the following are reasons for holding a promotional event?

promote sales, increase organizational visibility, make friends, raise money for a charitable cause, all of the above

All of the following are to be considered when making ethical decisions in public relations EXCEPT:

the public interest, employer or client, professional organization code of ethics, personal values, all of the above.

Most professional groups believe that the primary purpose of establishing codes of ethics is

providing education and information to practitioners.

When everyone in the target audience has an equal chance of being selected for the survey, this is known as a:

random sample

Which of the following is an example of an informational objective?

respondent awareness levels

What do the letters ROI stand for in business

return on investment

Which of the following will help protect an organization from liability issues surround a sponsored event?

safety precautions, well-trained guides, liability insurance, adequate security, all of the above

The use of existing information in books, articles, and electronic databases is known as:

secondary research

All of the following are approaches for getting an organizationWs news and viewpoints on local television EXCEPT:

send a news release, send a media alert or advisory, make a phone or e-mail pitch, produce a video news release, all of the above are legitimate approaches.

All of the following ^to doWs_ have to be done before an event EXCEPT:

settle accounts with restaurant or hotel.

Which of the following is true about public relations objectives?

should be defined as the ^ends_ rather than the ^means, can be motivational or informational, should complement and reinforce organizational objectives, should be measureable, all of the above

The first element in a public relations plan is a:

situation analysis

A quote in broadcasting is called a

sound bite

Public relations programs should be directed to what kinds of audiences or publics?

specific and defined

A budget is usually divided into two categories, which are:

staff time and out-of-pocket expenses.

Any e-mails an employee writes at work are

subject to monitoring by the employer.

All of the following are PRSA code provisions EXCEPT:

tactical maneuvering.

Media kits consist of all of the following elements EXCEPT:

testimonials from other journalists with whom you've worked.

All of the following are aspects of the ^calendar_ step EXCEPT:

the message track.

Which of the following is a concern when a practitioner is planning a convention?

timing, location, facilities, program, all of the above

Susan Balcom Walton says organizations enter the blogosphere for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

to achieve real-time communication with key stakeholders, to enable knowledgeable people to talk about the organization, to foster conversation among audiences with a connection with the organization, to facilitate more interactive communication, all of the above.

Familiarization or ^Fam_ trips are used primarily in which industry?


The format and mechanics of blogs make them attractive for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

trained editors oversee most blogs.

All of the following are suggestions for ^winning_ in the court of law and the court of public opinion EXCEPT:

try to bypass the lawyers whenever possible.

In addition to the video news release (VNR) itself, a VNR package typically includes which of the following:

two or three minutes of B-roll,additional interviews,sound bites, file footage, all of the above

Which of the following suggestions help make news releases Internet-ready?

use a specific subject line that identifies exactly what the news release covers, keep the entire release to a maximum of 200 words or fewer, never send a release as an attachment, write like you have 10 seconds to make a point, all of the above

All of the following are key questions concerning public relations research EXCEPT:

what is the temperament of the clientWs CEO?

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