test 2

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one question about probing statements. aka probing statements:

-Demanding more information than the examinee wants to provide at that time. -Most commonly begins with "Why?" -Appropriate with mental retardation, highly anxious or withdrawn persons, kids. See table 8-2 for appropriate probing statements.

which of the following attempts to comfort or support the interviewee?

??social facilitation? or reassuring statement??

which type of intelligence reflects learning the overlay of experience on original potential?

Crystallized abilities

the developmental quotient (DQ) is employed in which subtest?

Gesell development test

which wais 4 stubtest provides an excellent measure of non-verbal concept formation or abstract reasoning?


the notion of G was advanced by


attempts to measure understanding began with the work of whom?

carl rogers

drift refers to a problem inherent in the training of _______________

observers, as they tend to drift from the strict rules

mental age/ chronological age * 100

original formula for IQ. its why average iq for population is 100.

what are the mean and standard deviation of SCALED scores?

raw score compared to normative age group, then converted to scaled score. Mean is 10, sd 3, range 1-19

intelligence quotient is determined by the formula _______________________________________

(mental age/physical age) * 100

when did we add the IQ concept?

1916 with the Stanford-Binet

which of the following is a valid concern for early versions of the binet scale?

1st version lacked adequate measuring to express results, normative data, and evidence to support validity. 2nd version: Age scales make it difficult to compare performance, only 1 score, strongly related to reading and verbal ability

question about clarification statements

?? associated with level 3 on scale of empathy, necessary to show empathy

When evidence obtained in 1 situation is not found in other similar situations, the evidence lacks

?? generalizability (page 147 under review evidence)

which of the following statistical methods can be used to control rating errors?

?? partial correlation?? (book pg 201)

under what circumstances is construct validaiton essential?

?? when constructs aren't clearly defined/ can't be defined by one measure??

Professor Plum created class intervals from scores for his class. He made a line graph using these intervals on the x axis, and the proportion of students who answered correctly on the y axis. The result is _______.

An item characteristic curve -Slope of the curve represents the extent of item discrimination??

of the infant and pre-school tests, the youngest age range is covered by _________________-------

BNAS (3 days-4 weeks)

which of the following was designed as a downward extension of the standford binet scale?

Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale

Evidence for validity should include what info at construct, criterion , and content validation?

Construct (convergent, discriminant criterion referenced tests). CRITERION (predictive & concurrent evidence,validity coefficient) CONTENT (content validity evidence--construct underrerpresentation, construct-irrelevant variance)

Evidence that indicates that a measure does not represent a construct other than the one for which it was devised is

Divergent validity

a powerful response that communicates that the interviewer understands how the interviewee must be feeling is an example of?


Among his motivations for development of the wechsler scales of intelligence was weixler's belief that?

IQ tests were a way to determine personality, intelligence comprised specific elements

a major criticism of the binet scale (by Wechsler) was what?

It was created for children

Binet believed that human intelligence was expressed through _______________________

Judgmental, attentional, reasoning ?

In most situations, a good test should contain items of what difficulty level/range?

Optimum Difficulty Level - The point midway between 100% correct, and the level of success expected by chance alone.??Match the items' difficulty level to the developmental and reading levels of the intended test-takers

Which of the following is an advantage of alternative tests? aka alternative measures of cognitive ability?

Special populations, nonverbal administration, not dependent on visual-motor integrations, useful for screening, supplementing, and reevaluation, less variability due to scholastic achievement

the tendency to ascribe positive attributes independently of an observd behavior is called __________________

The Halo Effect

Some studies have failed to demonstrate that the GRE is a good predictor of GPA in Grad school. One of the difficulties with these studies is

Truncation/restriction of range, also grade inflation

When asking people to provide answeresto sensitive health care questions, i tmight be better to what?

Use Computer-Assisted Test administration

the best single measure of intelligence that is also the most stable is what???


in comparison to the Binet and Weixler scales, alternative forms/tests _________________________________________. if we were to take an alternative measure and compare it to them, what

are only better with special needs individuals, never better otherwise

Good interview behavior is more a matter of _____________________ than ______________________________________-

attitude than skill

question about recipricol nature of interviewing

basically, interviewer affects interviewee and vise versa (mood wise). good reviewer will provide a relaxed ans afe atmoshere through social facilitation. page 208 in book

which of the following is a component of wechsler's definition of intelligence?

capacity to act purposefully and to adapt to the evnironment...intelligence comprised of specific elements

Dr. Daniels spoke with several members of the family in order to obtain developmental information about the problems being experienced by his adolescent client. This best exemplifies what type of interview?

case history interview

in research investigating human intelligence, focusing on how humans adapt to real world demands is called the _________________________________ approach.


one problem with the standardization sample in the 1916 version of the staford binet?

consisted entirely of white, native-Californian children

Cronbach and other authors have argued that all types of validity are really categories of

construct validity

which type of validity is most important for educational tests?


The Rosenthal effect occurs when ________________________--

data affected by what an experimenter expect to find (like rats). confirms experimenter's expectancies

as sample size increases, expectancy effects tend to


in order to support the notion of G, a statistical technique called _____________________ was developed.

factor analysis (by spearman)

"Don't worry, everything will be alright" is an example of ____________________________--

false reassurance

Dr. Kang is investigating the mechanisms that underlie how humans learn and solve problems. She is using the _______________ approach to investigate human intelligence.

information processing

said something about wechsler that would likely be on an examp? intelligence influenced by a lot of differenct factors.

intelligence influenced by a lot of different factors

in social psychology, the degree to which people share a feeling of understanding, mutual respect, and similarity is known as _____________________________----

interpersonal attraction

The approach to test construction in which the item characteristic curve for each item analyzed is called _______

item response theory

which is an undesirable way to solve problmens associated with behavioral observations?

lie detection?

Dominique is a caucasian male. He is in the first grade, and his reading skills are being assessed for placement for the next year. His teacher is out sick on the day of his assessment.. You can expect his test score to be

lower than it would be with a familiar test administrator

evidence for the validity of the fifth edition of teh stanford biinet does not include what?

manual reported content, construct, empirical item analysis, or criterion-related validity. FSIQ in low to mid .8s with Weschler scales

In general, studies have indicated that the race of the examiner has what impact on test performance

no effect except for paraprofessionals

during a job interview, Jeffrey found that his behavior began to mimic the behavior of the nervous and disorganized interviewer. This is best described as an example of what?

social facilitation

the finding that a correlation exists between scores on all standardized intelligence tests and ________________________________ has been a problem in defining intelligence.

socio-economic status

Because situaitonal variables can affect test scores, testing requires what (what is required to deal with situational variables)

standardized conditions (according to the internet)

the personnel manager of ABC company asked all the applicants she interviewed the same questions in the same systematic fashion. She was conducting what kind of an interview?

structured (clinical)

Worry, emotionality, and lack of confidence are the three components of ___________________------

test anxiety

Face validity is _____________________________________-

the appearance that a measure has validity. if items seemed to be related to perceived purpose of test. not really validity bc it doe not offer evidence to support conclusions drawn from test scores. (from book)

which of the following is true regarding the relationship between reliability and validity?

you can have reliability without validity. but you can't show that an unreliable test is valid (from book pg 155)

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