Test 2 PN

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Considering Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which statement made by a nurse demonstrates a lack of understanding concerning physiologic needs?

"A client's quality of life is enhanced when physiologic needs are met."

Using Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which statement demonstrates the nurse's understanding of the importance of personal growth needs of an individual?

"It is wonderful that your leg prosthesis is making your feel 'more normal' again."

Using Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which statement characterizes the simplest level of need?

"Nurse, my pain is terrible and I need pain medication right away."

A parent reports to the nurse concerned that the child often shivers after coming out of a swimming pool. What response should the nurse give to address the parent's concern?

"Shivering is the body's method of regaining its desired temperature."

When interviewing a client recently diagnosed with typhoid fever, which question will provide information associated with the source of the disease?

"What is your primary source of water?"

Which statements assure the nurse that the client understands the functions of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration? Select all that apply.

-"I'll be able to fine some interesting information about vaccines on their website." -"One of the agency's primary concern is consumer safety." -"I'm going to see what their website says about the effectiveness of dietary supplements."

Which questions about the effects of air pollution should be asked during the client interview? Select all that apply

-"Is smog a problem where you currently live?" -"When was the last time you were diagnosed with sinusitis?" -"Does anyone living in your home smoke tobacco in any form?" - "Have you ever been diagnosed with any type of bronchitis?"

Which factors should the nurse consider when monitoring the status of the community's health? Select all that apply.

-A breakout of lice in a local grade school -The increasing incidence of sexually transmitted diseases among high school students -The increase in gun-related deaths in the county -The increase in diagnosed cases of pancreatic cancer among the smoking population

Which statements about the threat abuse has on one's safety and security, are true? Select all that apply.

-Abuse impairs an individual's ability to purse higher-level needs -Abuse can be physical, verbal, psychological, and sexual in its nature -A nurse is legally required to report any suspected abuse immediately

A client was involved in an accident that has impaired both hearing and vision. How can the nurse help this client regain self-esteem? Select all that apply.

-Acknowledging the client's progress toward autonomy -Observing the client for symptoms of repression and depression -Assist the client in identifying examples of personal independence

The family of a client about to be discharged asks the nurse about the services provided by a local visiting nurses association. Which services should the nurse include? Select all that apply.

-Administering weekly IV medication -Private duty nursing for a chronically ill child -Evaluating a terminal ill client's pain management needs

A client admitted to a local healthcare facility requires clinical diagnostic testing. What specimens does a pathologist evaluate for clinical diagnostic testing? Select all that apply.

-Blood -Sputum -Feces

Why do many home care clients rent a hospital bed during illness? Select all that apply.

-Can be raised and lowered for ease of care -Provides maximum safety for the client -Makes caregiving less strenuous for nurses and family

What is a preferred method of correctly identifying a cognitive client? Select all that apply.

-Check the client's arm ID bracelet. -Ask clients to recite their first and last name. -Ask clients to provide their birth date.

Which research articles should the student nurse cite in a written assignment on the focus areas of the National Institutes for Nursing Research (NINR)? Select all that apply.

-Deducing Stress among Family Caregivers -The Management of Clients Diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis -Reducing Risk for Injury among the Cognitively Impaired

When considering progression of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which interventions are necessary to allow the client to strive for self-actualization? Select all that apply.

-Elevating the head of the bed to prevent chocking -Helping the client put on shoes with non-skid rubber soles -Providing the client with a bedtime snack of warm milk and a cookie -Quietly sitting with a client who has just received a terminal diagnosis

What items can a client bring to the long-term care facility to personalize the environment? Select all that apply.

-Favorite chair -Framed photographs

What advances in public health since 1900 have contributed to an increase in the life expectancy of the average American? Select all that apply.

-Increased numbers of vaccinations -Improved automobile safety features -Recognition of tobacco as a health hazard -Improved food safety regulations

Which roles do injury play in meeting personal and physiological needs? Select all that apply.

-Interferes with the ability to meet individual needs -Triggers regression to focus on only lower-level needs

What nursing interventions focus on the role nurses play in removing threats from a client's environment? Select all that apply.

-Maintaining sterile technique during a dressing change -Educating a parent to the need to lock up any firearms kept in the home -Washing hands appropriately between contacts with various different clients -Reinforcing medication instructions to a client prescribed an opioid analgesic

Which item should the nurse include in the linens when preparing the client care unit? Select all that apply

-Mattress pad -Bath blanket -Gown -Spread

A client admitted to a local healthcare facility requires clinical diagnostic testing. What types of diagnostic studies are completed in the radiology department? Select all that apply.

-Nuclear magnetic resonance -Xerography -Mammography -Computerized axial tomography (CAT)

Which levels of nursing interventions have priority for a client made homeless by a recent hurricane? Select all that apply.

-Physiologic -Security and safety

Why do healthcare facilities use disposable medical equipment and supplies? Select all that apply.

-Prevents the spread of infection between clients -Protects healthcare workers

A nurse working in a Planned Parenthood clinic should be prepared to preform which nursing interventions? Select all that apply.

-Providing birth control information to a group of single mothers -Assisting with an infertility examination -Interviewing a couple scheduled for genetic testing

The nurse is preparing a community education. program on the functions of The United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Which goals should be discussed in the program? Select all that apply.

-Providing nutrition instructions to parents -Supporting immunization programs -Developing low-cost food supplements -Establishing community-wide safe water sources

Which nursing interventions are focused on addressing a client's physiologic needs? Select all that apply.

-Providing oxygen by nasal cannula -Assisting the client in selecting food from the menu -Assuring that the client's water pitcher is refilled frequently -Promptly assisting the post-surgical client to the bathroom when necessary

How can the nurse protect a client's privacy when the client is admitted to a multi-bed room? Select all that apply.

-Pull the bed curtain when providing care. -Use a bath blanket when bathing the client. -Assist client in keeping personal papers off the bedside stand.

Being homeless presents a serious barrier to meeting which needs for the individual and the family? Select all that apply

-Shelter -Safety -Relationship -Employment

What can the nurse do to attempt to minimize or eliminate noise in a client's environment? Select all that apply.

-Turn radios and TV sets to a low volume. -Encourage staff to talk softly when providing care. -Use under-the-pillow speakers to listen to radios and TV sets. -Encourage all visitors to be respectful of noise concerns.

The nurse should attempt to keep the client's room temperature balanced in which range?

68°F to 72°F

Which client should the nurse identify as having a high risk for concerns related to sexual gratification issues?

A client being prepared for discharge after a mastectomy

Which client should be admitted to a self-care unit?

A client who has mobility issues that makes living alone unsafe.

Which client has been correctly referred to the electroencephalography (EEG) department for services?

A client who has recently experienced a seizure.

Which client would benefit from the services of a case manager?

A client with a chronic cardiac problem.

The nurse should educate which individual about the community services provided by the American Red Cross?

A man who lost most of his clothing when his home was destroyed by a flood

What essential skills should the nurse possess to provide efficient care to clients in coronary care units (CCU)?

Ability to provide cardiac care to a client with heart disorders

Which support service handles the processing of entry and exit of clients in a healthcare facility?

Admissions department

Which nursing intervention best represents the work of the National Safety Council?

Analyzing causes of hospital-related accidents and suggesting preventive measures

Which action should the nurse take to determine the priority needs of the clients being cared for?

Apply the needs to Maslow's Hierarchy.

Which nursing intervention will assist a group of clients to meet their social needs while residing at the assisted living memory care facility?

Assisting the client make telephone calls to family and friends

Which client demonstrates the needs best addressed in a clinical decision unit?

Client requiring additional observation before hospitalization

Which nursing intervention demonstrates an understanding of the mission of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)?

Collect data on client response to a new respiratory medication.

Which situation places the client at the highest risk of oxygen deficiencies?


The Food and Drug Administration promotes and protects public health by helping safe and effective products to reach the market in a timely way. The safety of which item is the priority for the Food and Drug Administration?

Complex medical devices

he United States Public Health Service is the forerunner of which agency?

Department of Health and Human Services

A client's ability to walk has been affected by a recent surgery. Which nursing intervention focuses best on the client's need to resume normal daily activity?

Encouraging walking with help

What is an example of a public health measure that addresses the welfare of all the residents of a community?

Free flu vaccinations

How can the nurse plan to assist a client with the physiological need to eliminate body waste?

Frequently refresh the water in a client's bedside pitcher

Life expectancy in the United States has improved in the 20th century due to the decline in deaths associated with which disease process?

Heart Disease

When discussing the services provided by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the nurse would be correct in identifying which as a focus of service of this branch of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)?

Improving the quality and safety of healthcare

When considering the primary goal of the local health department, which intervention should the nurse implement?

Investigate an outbreak of measles in a local preschool

What action by the nurse protects the client's right to privacy of medical information?

Logging off the computer whenever leaving the computer.

A student nurse is preparing an assignment on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Which statement correctly states a function of the CDC that should be included in the written assignment?

Maintaining national health statistics

A nurse is assigned to care for clients in a primary healthcare center. Which intervention should the nurse identify as addressing the highest goal of service in a primary healthcare center?

Medicating the client as prescribed

The nurse is providing post-operative care for a client. What intervention will the nurse implement to address the concept of regression associated with meeting the client's needs?

Medicating the client for pain before lunch is delivered

The nurse should refer a client in need of post-discharge care to which department?


Which statement made by the nursing manager correctly addresses the mission of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)?

Promotes health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability

Which statement by the nurse correctly identifies the health-related functions of the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Sends healthcare professionals to nations affected by natural disasters to combat diseases and disorders at both the community and individual levels.

Which client condition brings about the highest potential for requiring the nurse's assistance to meet basic fluid needs?

Severe mental illness

A nurse observes that two sisters are very distressed about the financial burden being created by their mother's unexpected hospitalization and potential transfer to an extended care facility. To which service should the nurse refer the client's family?

Social services

A client who has undergone a double foot amputation as a result of side effects associated with type 2 diabetes, is spending sleepless nights worrying about how this surgery will impact the future. What nursing intervention should be the priority to assist the client in regaining self-esteem?

Supporting the client in the independent completion of activities of daily living

A client has made substantial progress with his physical recovery after a motorcycle accident. He continues focusing all attention on physical therapy rather than making plans to support being discharged. What is most likely the cause of this client behavior?

The client is experiencing regression associated with meeting his basic needs.

The nurse demonstrates an understanding of the function of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by referring which client to the NIH website?

The father of a toddler recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer who is interested in reading the latest treatment research.

What services do respiratory therapy (RT) departments provide referred clients?

They implement measures prescribed by primary healthcare providers for clients with cardiopulmonary concerns.

What should the nurse include in the toilet equipment when preparing the client care unit?


A chronically ill client experiences severe nausea triggered by the smell of food and so is unable to meet nutritional needs. Which nursing intervention will best assure the client's basic needs are being met?

Weighing the client daily to monitor weight loss

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