Test 2 Quizzes

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in classical conditioning, the conditioned response is

an observable reaction to an environmental event that is elicited only after training or experience

if a stimulus produces a response before training begins, that stimulus is

an unconditioned stimulus

when selma was five years old, she was terrified ad became hysterical when her older brother dropped a spider down her shirt. today, even the sight of a rubber spider is enough to make her agitated and uneasy. in this example of classical conditioning, having the spider dropped down her shirt by her older brother is

an unconditioned stimulus

after a subject has developed a classically conditioned response, an investigator beings presenting the conditioned stimulus by itself. which of the following is likely to occur?


what is the difference between extinction and forgetting?

extinction depends on experiences, forgetting depends on the passage of time

someone asks you for a word that starts with "el-" and you reply "elementary" using a word you had just heard, even though you don't remember hearing it. what type of memory test is this?


what is unusual about implicit tests of memory as compared to recall and recognition?

implicit tests often show memory even when people say they don't remember

what is one major difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning?

in operant conditioning, the response controls the presentation of a reinforcer

both proactive interference and retroactive interference

increase forgetting

according to thorndike, reinforcement is an event that

increases the probability of the preceding response

what was edward thorndike's research goal?

to find a simple behavioristic explanation of learning

habituation and sensitization can be thought of as learning

to notice or ignore events

in the experiment by peterson and peterson that demonstrated the decay of short term memory over 20 seconds, why did they ask their subjects to count backward by threes during the delay?

to prevent rehearsal

executive functioning is responsible for what?

shifting attention from one task to another

according to the information processing model of memory, human memory is most analogous to

a computer

in classical conditioning an observable reaction to an environmental event that is elicited only after training or experience is referred to as

a conditioned response

troy is trying to study and his sister is in the next room playing with some balloons. she counts "one two three" and just as she says "three" she pops one of the balloons with a pin. each time a balloon pops troy is startled and jumps. by the time his sister has popped six balloons troy begins to cringe when he hears the counting start, before he actually hears the balloon pop. in this example of classical conditioning, the cringing that troy experiences when he hears his sister start counting is

a conditioned response

in classical conditioning, an environmental event that only elicits an observable reaction after training or experience is referred to as

a conditioned stimulus

nicole was having dinner at appleby's with her boyfriend last year. when their food arrived he and she began to argue. the argument was serious and continued the entire evening. now nicole finds that every time she is in appleby's she begins to feel tense and upset. in this example of classical conditioning, being in appleby's is

a conditioned stimulus

elizabeth wants to train her cat to drop at the sound of the telephone, so she plans to pair the sound of the ringing telephone with a tasty piece of tuna. to use classical conditioning most effectively, elizabeth should present the tuna

a few seconds after the telephone rings

every time erwin cried, his father would immediately pick him up and he would stop crying. now almost as soon as erwin's dad gets home from work, he picks erwin up. based on what is known about operant conditioning, you should conclude that for erwin's father, when the crying stopped it acted as

a negative reinforcer for picking erwin up

with operant conditioning, any event or stimulus that decreases the frequency of the behavior it follows is referred to as

a punishment

what is a prototype

a typical example of a category

research in the 1950s suggested that the capacity of short term memory is

about seven items

you are looking for a well camouflaged animal in a forest. finding it will require

an attentive process

in classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus is

an environmental event that elicits an observable reaction without any prior training

thorndike described "reinforcer" as

an event that "stamps in" a response and makes it more likely

in classical conditioning, the unconditioned response is

an observable reaction to an environmental even that is elicited without any prior training

you want to remember a shopping list of nine items. to aid memory, you group them as 3 fruits, 3 veggies, and 3 dairy items. this strategy makes use of


a psychology professor had just purchased a collection of papers by Ivan Pavlov. in the papers, pavlov discusses his research on learning. the papers are probably about

classical conditioning

a tone is followed by a puff of air to the eyes. after several repetitions, subjects blink their eyes when they hear the tone. in this experiment, the tone is the ___ and the puff of air is the ___

conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus

your history professor gives you a list of the initials of all the us presidents and vice presidents and asks you to fill in the names. what kind of memory test is this?

cued recall

the hippocampus appears to be especially important for remembering


a dog is conditioned to salivate when it hears one sound but not another. this effect is called


you plan to spend 10 hours studying before your test next week. what is the best strategy?

distribute the 10 hours in shorter study sessions across many days

remembering the events when you moved into your urgent home is what type of memory?


memory of a specific experience such as graduation from high school is known as

episodic memory

which of these was true of patient HM?

his main deficit was an inability to form new long term memories

when the drill sergeant shouts "fire" the artillery shoots, making aloud sound that makes you flinch. after a few repetitions, you flinch at the word "fire." what is the conditioned response?


if asked to tell your social security number without looking it up, you are being asked to perform which type of memory test?

free recall

many students who get the best grades read the text more slowly. why?

good students increase depth of processing by thinking about the material

what was hermann ebbinghaus's contribution to the study of memory?

he was the first to do experiments to measure memory

the patient HM suffered severe anterograde amnesia after damage to which brain area?


what type of memory consolidates most rapidly?

information that is important to you

what is distinctive of long term memory compared to short term memory?

its information is always available, regardless of interference

responses that are followed by satisfaction to the animal will be more firmly connected with the situation so that they will be more likely to recur in the future. this is a brief statement of the

law of effect

a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior that results from experience is called


tammy is just two years old. she recently touched her hand to a hot stove. the burn caused her a great deal of pain. her mom is fairly sure that because of positive punishment, tammy will be

less likely to touch the stove in the future

you forget where you parked your car so you scan the parking lot hoping to find yours among the others. your tai is like which type of memory test?

recognition test

according to the theory of operant conditioning, when the removal of a stimulus, after a response has occurred, decreases the likelihood of the response occurring again, the process if referred to as

negative punishment

if you wanted your best friend to spend less time talking about her boyfriend you might leave every time she started talking about him, saying that you just remembered that you had to be somewhere. in the framework of operant conditioning, your leaving would be

negative punishment

the preschool teachers have started taking away play time when the class behaves badly. the teachers have started using which of the following as a way to reduce the likelihood that children will behave badly

negative punishment

according to the theory of operant conditioning, when the removal of a stimulus after a response has occurred increases the likelihood of the response's occurring again, the process that is at work is referred to as

negative reinforcement

if you wanted your best friend to spend less time talking about her boyfriend, you might try frowning every time she started talking about him. in the framework of operant conditioning, your frowning would be

negative reinforcement

when ebbinghaus pioneered the experimental study of memory, what did he memorize?

nonsense syllables

the concept of working memory is roughly synonymous with

one's current sphere of attention

hindsight bias is the tendency to

overestimate how likely some event had seemed, after we know it already happened

one unusual feature of implicit memory is that

people can display implicit memory without realizing that they are using memory

why do cognitive psychologists usually rely on reaction times, etc instead of asking people to describe their thought processes?

people don't always know their own thought processes

change blindenes refers to the phenomenon that

people looking at a scene often fail to notice that something changes

people watched a video with no school bus. one group was asked if they saw the children getting off the school bus. later, both groups were asked if they saw a school bus. what happened?

people who heard the first question were more likely to say yes to the second one

felix the cat used t jump on the andersons' old couch every chance he got. last week the andersons bought a new couch, he got hit with a newspaper. felix quickly stopped jumping on the couch. based on what is known about operant conditioning, you should conclude that for Felix, being hit with the newspaper acted as a

positive punisher for jumping on the couch

according to the theory of operant conditioning, when the presentation of a stimulus, after a response has occurred, decreases the likelihood of the response's occurring again, the process that is at work is referred to as

positive punishment

the preschool teachers have started putting gold stars on a poster when the class has behaved well the entire day. if the class has received a gold star on a day, they will receive a special treat as a reward. the teachers have started using which of the following as a way to increase the likelihood that children will behave well?

positive reinforcement

the tendency to remember the first items on a list is the __ effect. the tendency to remember the last items is the __ effect.

primacy, recency

if hearing one word helps you think of another word we call that effect


"once you learn to die a bicycle you never forget" pertains to __ memory


recall, cued recall, and recognition all measure which type of memory?


suppose you gradually learn that a certain pattern of wind, cloud, and humidity means that you should probably take an umbrella today. which type of memory is this?


your memory of the rules of basketball or golf is a type of

procedural memory

research has shown that classical conditioning will be most effective when the conditioned stimulus

provides new information about the occurrence of the unconditioned stimulus

for thinking and problem solving, we uses system 1 for __ and stem 2 for __

quick automatic processes, slow processes that require attention

a lineup measures memory in what way?


after you witness a robbery, you have trouble describing the thief. the police show you several photographs and ask whether any of them was the thief. they are checking your memory by which method?


according to the encoding specificity principle, retrieval cues are best at stimulating memory if those cues

resemble what people were thinking about when they formed the memory

after wilbur fell off his motorcycle, he forgot just about everything that had happened during the last hour before his accident. what kind of memory loss is this?


if it is important to remember certain details from a party last night, what would help?

return to the same location at the same time of day with the same people present

when you remember who a clock worlds, what type of memory is that?


someone asks you what time it is. you check your watch and answer. a few seconds later, after you have been distracted, someone asks what time you said it was. you have forgotten. according to the traditional information processing view, war type of memory was this?

short term

the magical number seven plus or minus two refers to the capacity of

short term memory

most people show the strop effect. what type of person would not show it?

someone who can't read

research has shown that the most effective classical conditioning association will form when the unconditioned stimulus occurs

soon after the conditioned stimulus

an investigator presents a conditioned stimulus followed by an unconditioned stimulus until an animal is classically conditioned. then she exposes the animal to an extinction procedure. if she waits awhile and then tests the animal again, what happens?

spontaneous recovery

the tendency to remember something better if your body is in the same condition during recall as it was during original learning is known as

state dependency memory

a dog has been trained to salivate whenever it sees a large white square. now it salivates somewhat at the sight of a large gray square. the dog is displaying

stimulus generalization

you were stung by a bee and now you fear certain other insects. you are displaying

stimulus generalization

the depth of processing principle distinguishes between

strengths of various long term memories

to improve your probability of performing a learned skill well, or your probability of remembering something in a variety of circumstances you should

study or practice under a variety of conditions

what is a mnemonic device?

study or practice under a variety of conditions

classical conditioning involves learning

that one event predicts another

when natasha was five years old she was terrified and became hysterical when her older brother dropped a spider down her shirt. today, even the sight of a rubber spider is enough to make her agitated and uneasy. in this example of classical conditioning, the conditioned response is

the agitation natasha experiences experiences when she sees a rubber spider

the main difference between classical and operant conditioning is that in classical conditioning

the animal's responses do no control the reinforcements

in pavlov's classical conditioning experiments, the dog's salivating following the sounding of the the bell was

the conditioned response

what is the strop effect

the difficulty of saying the color of the ink instead of reading the word

anton was dancing with his new girlfriend at an elvis tribute. when the band started playing "can't help falling in love with you" his girlfriend gave him a long passionate kiss, which anton found very enjoyable. now anton finds that every time he hears the song on the rail, he becomes mildly excited. in this example of classical conditioning, the unconditioned response is

the enjoyment anton experienced when his girlfriend kissed him

what is meant by working memory?

the information you are working with at the moment

sarah used to like strawberries and tried some frozen strawberry daiquiris one night. after the sixth daiquiri sarah became extremely ill. now sarah finds that even the smell of strawberries can make her feel nauseated. in this example of classical conditioning, the conditioned response is

the nausea that sarah feels when she smells strawberries

in operant conditioning, positive reinforcement occurs whenever

the presentation of a stimulus following a response increases the likelihood of the response's occurring again

one saturday adolf was sitting at home when the telephone rang. a local company was making promotional calls and told adolf he had just one a $1000 gift certificate. he felt a rush of excitement of the thought of what he could do with $1000. now adolf finds that whenever he hears a telephone ring, he feels a small surge of excitement. in this example of classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus is

the ringing telephone

matthew used to like strawberries and tried some frozen strawberry daiquiris one night. after the sixth daiquiri, Matthew became extremely ill. now matthew finds that even the smell of strawberries can make him feel nauseated. in this example of classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus is

the strawberry daiquiris that matthew consumed

in pavlov's classical conditioning experiments, before the dog learned the association, the food functioned as which of the following

the unconditioned stimulus

the procedure for producing extinction in classical conditioning is to present

the unconditioned stimulus

drug tolerance for morphine or heroin develops quickly when

the user injects the drug repeatedly in a particular environment

what is true of flashbulb memories of highly emotional events?

they are extremely detailed but not always accurate

classical conditioning applies primarily to __ responses; operant conditioning applies primarily to ___ responses

visceral, skeletal

according to the depth of processing principle why are some memories easier to recall?

we thought about them more during the storage process

classical conditioning can be thought of as learning

what events signal

learning has occurred

when a change in behavior is relatively permanent

what does it mean to say that memory is a reconstruction?

when you remember, you fill in the gaps with reasonable guesses

what does the concept of spreading activation attempt to explain?

why you think of a particular word at a particular time

what is meant by a top down process in attention

you decide to shift attention from one idem to another

when you think about a particular word, which of these happens?

you prime yourself to think of related words

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