Test 3 MT

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Who were the Copperheads?

"Peace Democrats" who demanded a truce with the Confederacy.

By 1865, African-Americans constituted about what percentage of the Union army?

10 percent

Approximately how many migrants settled in Oregon via the overland route between 1840 and 1848?


At the Battle of Shiloh in southern Tennessee in early April 1862

23,000 out of 77,000 men were killed or wounded.

Gold-rushers swelled California' population from 15,000 in the summer of 1848 to ________ by 1852


The total death toll of the Civil War was approximately


The North controlled as much as ________ of all U.S. industrial capacity.

90 percent

What was the "Mississippi plan"?

A practice of Democratic clubs in Mississippi to arm their members and intimidate black Republican voters

What was the key improvement with the introduction of the rifle?

Accuracy over a far larger range than muskets

Which of the following is true of the Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871?

Although thousands were arrested, most terrorists escaped conviction.

Which of the following was not one of the differences between farming in Europe and in the United States?

American farmers had access to steel plows that were unknown in Europe

Which of the following was a reason why Mexico forbade further American immigration into the northern province of Texas?

Americans brought slaves with them whereas slavery had been abolished in Mexico

What woman became a key campaign asset for the Republican Party as a result of her work as a hospital volunteer?

Anna E. Dickinson

What did President John Tyler pursue in an attempt to win the election of 1844?

Annexation of Texas

The Emancipation Proclamation was issued in the same month as which major battle?


Which of the following statements is correct?

Both the Union and the Confederacy printed unbacked paper money to help finance their war efforts.

Which of the following politicians was sentenced to jail by a military commission and banished from the country?

Clement L. Vallandigham

How did immigrants to California and Oregon respond to the challenge of the overland trek to the West?

Close cooperation in wagon trains

What Massachusetts case ruled that labor unions were not illegal monopolies?

Commonwealth v. Hunt

The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when

Confederate batteries bombarded Fort Sumter after news that it would receive reinforcements

The Ostend Manifesto pertained to


Why did emancipation become a bigger part of the Union strategy?

Demands for "total war" required the emancipation of slaves to cripple the South

Which party split into two in the presidential election of 1860?


Why did the Confederacy adopt a policy of impressing food from civilians?

Despite government pleas to grow food, planters continued to grow cotton.

What was Sherman's strategy as he moved from Atlanta to Savannah?

Destruction of anything that could allow southern resistance

Which of the following was a method used to resist the Fugitive Slave Act?

Dragging out legal proceedings to raise the expenses of slavecatchers

According to Chief Justice Taney, which constitutional amendment did the Missouri Compromise violate?

Fifth Amendment

In how many states were the majority of voters black during Reconstruction?


The slaughterhouse cases curtailed which constitutional amendment?

Fourteenth Amendment

Who was the Democratic nominee for president in 1852?

Franklin Pierce

Who asked in 1876, "Do you mean to make good to us the promises in your Constitution?"

Frederick Douglass

What organization was established to assist former slaves?

Freedman's Bureau

Which of the following was not a significant migration pattern in the former Confederacy?

Freedmen moved to the North

Which of the following Republicans was not known as one of the Radicals?

George B. McClellan

Which of the following was characteristic of German immigration to the United States?

German immigrants came from a wide variety of social classes and occupations.

German and Irish immigrants were unlikely constituents of the Whig party for all of the following reasons, except

Germans were suspicious of the Whigs' anti-aristocratic coloration

Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Which of the following statements about Andrew Johnson is incorrect?

He cared deeply about obtaining just treatment for the freedmen

Which of the following statements about President Polk's actions is incorrect?

He ordered Zachary Taylor to keep his troops north of the Nueces River to avoid a confrontation with Mexico

Which of the following is true about President James K. Polk?

He was single-mindedly focused on western expansion.

Which of the following was a success President Ulysses S. Grant enjoyed during his two terms in office?

His administration engineered the settlement of the Alabama claims with Britain

The two biggest sources of immigration to the United States between 1840 and 1860 were

Ireland and the German states

Which of the following is true about the Panic of 1873?

It caused the bankruptcy of approximately 18,000 businesses.

What was a weakness of the Fifteenth Amendment?

It did not prohibit voting restrictions such as literacy tests.

What happened to California's population between 1848 and 1852?

It increased from approximately 15,000 to almost 250,000

Which of the following best describes the effect of the Civil War on the northern economy?

It spurred economic modernization and allowed for industrialization.

What was the significance of the Slaughterhouse case in the Supreme Court in 1873?

It undermined the Fourteenth Amendment to secure freedmen's rights against state encroachment

Why did some freedmen prefer sharecropping to wage labor?

It was a step toward independence and tended to be more profitable.

Expansion appealed to Americans for all of the following reasons, except

It would broaden ethnic diversity

Which of the following statements about the Compromise of 1850 is correct?

Its passage was helped by Stephen Douglas's strategy of breaking up Clay's Omnibus bill into separate measures.

Which of the following was a presidential candidate in 1844 advocating immediate annexation of Texas?

James K. Polk

Which of the following characterized the vote in the election of 1844?

James K. Polk won with a large majority of electoral votes, but the popular vote margin was extremely narrow.

All of the following were corruption scandals linked to the Grant Administration except

Jay Gould's and Jim Fisk's cornering of the gold market.

Who was the president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

The adventurer who attempted to lead a California rebellion against Mexico and later became a force in national politics

John C. Frémont

The expansionist phrase manifest destiny was first coined by

John L. O'Sullivan

According to many historians, what two policies could have made Reconstruction a success?

Land reform and military force to back congressional actions

What faction promoted civil service reform and free trade?

Liberal Republicans

The secession of southern states began immediately after

Lincoln's election

The Democratic candidate for President in the 1876 election, Samuel J. Tilden, came from the state of


What did expansionists call the mission to expand the United States' territory?

Manifest destiny

Which of the following was a major problem in the Grant administration?

Many administration officials were caught in scandals.

Which of the following states abolished slavery by the end of the Civil War?


In what state did the Know-Nothing party have a near sweep of all elected offices in 1854?


The principal medium exchange in Missouri in the 1830s was

Mexican silver pesos

Which of the following is true about the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?

Mexico ceded California, New Mexico, and Texas to the United States.

How many men served in the Union and Confederate Armies in the Civil War?

More than 2 million in the Union Army; 800,000 in the Confederate Army

What piece of legislation supported major universities such as Purdue and Iowa State?

Morrill Land Grant Act

Which of the following best describes Southern thoughts on secession prior to 1860?

Most southerners only gradually reached the conclusion that the South should be autonomous

What did the Mexican government claim was the southern boundary of Texas?

Nueces River

How did the Mexican government attract American settlers in the 1820s?

Offering large land grants to empresarios who recruited American settlers

On what issue were the Republicans united?

Opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act

What was Secretary of State Seward's proposed strategy to reunify the nation?

Provoke a war with France and Spain

Which of the following was almost nonexistent in the South prior to reconstruction?

Public school systems

What were the Republicans who supported black suffrage called?

Radical Republicans

Who responded to news of John Brown's execution for his attempted raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859 that it would "make the gallows as glorious as the cross"?

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The head of the Texan rebel army that defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto in 1836 was

Sam Houston

What was the term for white southerners who supported the Republicans?


What group did Senator Stephen A. Douglas appeal to?

Small farmers

Which of the following is true of black officeholders in the South during reconstruction?

Some black officeholders had been former slave owners

Federal troops were taken out of which two states as part of the Compromise of 1877?

South Carolina and Louisiana

"Exodusters" were

Southern blacks who migrated to Kansas to homestead in the 1870s

Which of the following did not happen during redemption in the South?

Southern governments declared the nullification of the fifteenth amendment.

What was the Republican economic program in the election of 1860?

Support for a protective tariff, federal aid for internal improvements, and homestead grants

Which of these women was indicted, convicted, and fined for going to the polls and voting and urging other women to do the same in the election of 1872?

Susan B. Anthony

Which of the following states was NOT initially part of the Confederate States of America?


What territories were ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo?

Texas, California, and New Mexico

Which of the following was not considered evidence of an aggressive "slaveocracy" by Northerners in 1856?

The Dred Scott decision of the United States Supreme Court

What helped the Republican Party broaden their appeal in the presidential election of 1860 as compared to that of 1856?

The Panic of 1857

Why did the South believe that Britain would be an ally?

The South was the largest supplier of Cotton to Britain.

What was President Andrew Johnson's core political goal?

The destruction of the planter aristocracy

What was the result of the Legal Tender Act?

The issuance of $150 million in "greenbacks"

Which is the most valid statement describing the Republican party position in the election of 1860?

There should be no further extension of slavery into the territories

What happened to urban black populations after Emancipation?

They doubled and tripled in some cases.

How did the reconstruction laws of 1867-1868 transform the southern electorate?

They enfranchised more than 700,000 freed slaves

What was the effect of the Civil War on northern railroad industries?

They flourished and profited greatly.

How did sharecropping and the crop-lien system impact southern agriculture?

They limited the region to staple production of cash crops rather than crop rotation.

How did union officials bolster public confidence in greenbacks and thereby stabilize their value?

They made the greenbacks a legal tender.

What united the Democratic Party after 1872?

They united behind the goal of ousting Republicans from office

Why did President Lincoln furlough soldiers in the fall of 1864?

To allow them to cast ballots in their home states

Why did 1.8 million Irish migrate to the United States between 1845 and 1855?

To escape famine

What was John Brown's objective in the raid on Harper's Ferry?

To inspire an armed slave rebellion

What was the goal of popular sovereignty?

To remove slavery from national politics

Even though Whigs gained the presidency and both houses of Congress in 1840, most of the party's legislative ideas failed to become law. Why?

Whig president William Henry Harrison died after a month in office and was replaced by John Tyler, a states-rights Democrat at heart

Which of the following statements about women in the Civil War is correct?

Women replaced draftees in many of the industrial jobs in the North.

The Lecompton constitution would have provided

a proslavery government for Kansas

What did the South gain from the Compromise of 1850?

a stronger fugitive slave law

Squatter or popular sovereignty meant

allowing residents of a territory to decide whether to permit slavery there

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

attempted to allow popular sovereignty in newly organizing territories.

The passage of the Impressment Act by the Confederate Congress in 1863

authorized army officers to take food from reluctant farmers at prescribed prices.

The Dred Scott decision declared that Congress could not

bar slavery in the territories

Late in 1865, Congress authorized the Freedmen's Bureau to do all of the following, except

build churches

The Supreme Court ruled in Ex parte Milligan that

civilians could not be tried by military tribunals when the civil courts were open.

At Fort Pillow, Tennessee, in 1864

confederate troops massacred 262 blacks.

The sharecropping and crop-lien systems that developed in the post-Civil War South

contributed to soil depletion, agricultural backwardness, and southern poverty.

The Republican Reconstruction governments of the South

created public-school systems, built and repaired roads and bridges, and opened institutions to care for orphans and the disabled

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas debated each other

during their race for the United State Senate in Illinois.

The majority of European immigrants to the United States were driven by the promise of

economic betterment

Presidios were

forts constructed by the Spanish to protect their missions in the Southwest

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation

freed the slaves in areas in rebellion against the U.S. government

The fall of Atlanta in September 1864

gave Lincoln's reelection campaign an all-important boost.

The Morrill Act of 1862

gave states proceeds from public land sales to establish agricultural and mechanical colleges.

The Senate rejected the treaty annexing Texas that was drawn up by Secretary of State John Calhoun because

he defended annexation as a way to protect and defend slavery.

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin

inspired a host of southerners to pen anti- Uncle Tom novels

Confederate success on the high seas

involved wooden, steam-driven raiders wreaking havoc on the Union's merchant marine.

Union capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson was strategically important because

it gave the North control over the whole Mississippi River.

In the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842), the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that

labor unions were not necessarily illegal combinations or monopolies.

Stephen Douglas's Freeport Doctrine

pointed out how settlers could exclude slavery from a territory despite the Dred Scott decision

The Wilmot Proviso called for

prohibiting slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico

Slaves during the Civil War

ran to Union lines when they could and worked for or fought for the North.

Inaugurated as the president of the Confederacy in February 1861, Jefferson Davis

remained in the Senate two weeks after his own state of Mississippi had seceded

The Crittenden compromise included all of the following except

resumption of the international slave trade

In the Republican Reconstruction governments of the South, the group that held the most political offices consisted of


Andrew Johnson was impeached but not convicted because

seven Republicans, fearing that removal of the president would upset the balance of power among the three branches of government, voted "not guilty" with the Democrats.

The Burns incident in Boston in 1854

shattered the complacency of conservative supporters of the Compromise of 1850

President James K. Polk succeeded at acquiring most of the Oregon Territory for the United States by

simply announcing a termination to the joint occupation, forcing Britain to choose.

Free-soilers disagreed on many issues but were united in their belief that

slavery impeded whites' progress.

Which of the following was the least important goal for African American freedmen in the Reconstruction South?

social equality

Personal-liberty laws were

state laws aimed at hampering enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act.

At the time of Reconstruction, the term "liberal" among Republicans meant

support for economic doctrines such as free trade and the gold standard.

Which of the following Union military objectives proved the hardest and took the longest to accomplish?

taking Richmond

When casualties mounted in the early years of the Civil War,

the Confederacy had to enact the first conscription law in American history.

Which of the following was not a central institution for freedmen during Reconstruction?

the Democratic Party

The Order of the Star-Spangled Banner was the birthplace of

the Know Nothings

In 1827, the United States and Great Britain revived an earlier agreement for the joint occupation of

the Oregon Territory.

Which of the following was not a German institution that bound immigrants together?

the Republican party

The fate of the Donner party best illustrates

the hazards faced by pioneers traveling west on the Overland Trail.

Stephen A. Douglas broke with President James Buchanan in 1857 over

the president's endorsement of the Lecompton constitution

Which of the following was not one of the new weapons first used during the Civil War?

the tank.

What did the antislavery Whig William Seward mean to evoke when he spoke of a "higher law than the Constitution"?

the will of God

Lincoln's plan of reconstruction

was intended to gain the support of southern Unionists and attract them to a southern Republican party

At the first battle of Bull Run (First Manassas) on July 21, 1861,

well-dressed Washington dignitaries witnessed the battle.

By 1880,

white sharecroppers outnumbered black ones

Andrew Johnson was nominated as Lincoln's running mate in 1864 to

win the votes of prowar northern Democrats.

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