Test 3

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The largest and perhaps most powerful interest group in the United States is


Which of the following is an obstacle for third parties?

ANSWER: e all of the above a. Established major parties need to gather fewer signatures than do minor parties. b. All rules and procedures of Congress divide committee seats and staff on party memberships. Selected: c. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) places restrictions on minor party candidates. d. Major political parties absorb issues of third parties.

Progressivism was

a belief that honest, impartial government could effectively curb the growing power of large corporations

A situation in which one major political party controls the presidency and the other controls the chambers of Congress is known as

a divided government

James Madison in Federalist #10 argued that

a multitude of interests would protect minority views

Advertising by interest groups that support or oppose a candidate or a candidate's position on an issue without mentioning voting or elections is

issue advocacy advertising

The economic and political expression of working-class interests is known as the

labor movement

The economic benefit a person receives from joining an interest group is known as a(n)

material incentive

Alexis de Tocqueville observed in 1834 that "in no country of the world has the principle of association been

more successfully used or applied to a greater multitude of objectives than in America"

527 groups are

non-profits that collect political donations without having to pay taxes on the money

The organizations that came to be known as "527s"

offered an alternative for interest groups to use money to influence the course of elections

Tracking polls are used

on a daily basis to determine last-minute changes in the mood of the electorate

When voters can vote in either party primary without disclosing their party affiliation, it is called a(n)

open primary

A political party is a group of individuals who

organize to win elections and operate the government

Linking oneself to a particular political party is known as

party identification

A political party differs from an interest group in that

political parties want to operate the government and interest groups do not

During the last half-century, the Democrats have been known as the party of

the working class and racial and ethnic minorities

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) are known as "umbrella groups" because

they represent certain types of businesses or companies that deal in a particular type of product

All of the following statements about social movements are true except

they typically represent social elites

The two-party system has dominated the American political landscape for all of the following reasons except

third parties are illegal in many jurisdictions

George Washington viewed political parties as a

threat to national unity and popular government

When a person votes for a Republican presidential candidate and for a Democratic congressional candidate, she is

ticket splitting

Soft money

was no longer available to the national political parties after 2002

In the winner-take-all system

whoever gets the most votes wins

In Madison's views, a multitude of interests

works to discourage the formation of an oppressive majority interest

The first partisan political division in the United States was between the

Federalists and the Anti-Federalists

Buckley v. Valeo involved a constitutional question regarding the

First Amendment

______ is the ability of interest groups to mandate or defeat policies needed for the public good


Which of the following best describes Madison's views of interest groups?

Multiple organizations would prevent the possibility of an oppressive majority forming, thereby protecting the rights of the political minority

Naturalized citizens are constitutionally barred from running for the office of

President of the United States

The ___________ emerged in the 1850s as an antislavery party and consisted of former northern Whigs and antislavery Democrats.

Republican Party

Which of the following is true?

The Great Depression resulted in the final transformation of the Democrats from a party of limited government to a party of active government

Today, a faction is

a subgroup within a party

A party leader or elected official who is given the right to vote at the national convention is called

a superdelegate

A political system in which only two parties have a reasonable chance of winning is called

a two-party system

The protections of the _____ Amendment are intended to keep the flow of news as free as possible, because it is an essential part of the democratic process.

a. First

Generally, in presidential debates Selected:

a. challengers have much more to gain from debating than do incumbents.

Radio talk shows have been dominated by

a. conservative commentators.

Studies of bias in the media have reached

a. different conclusions: Some found a liberal bias whereas others found a conservative bias.This answer is correct.

Publicly owned media outlets

a. often are subsidized by the government.

Early newspapers usually

a. were sponsored by politicians.

Which of the following is true?

a.Pluralism sees the political struggle pitting different groups against each other to reach a compromise AND d.Hyperpluralism is the ability of interest groups to mandate policy or to defeat policies needed by the nation

Interest Groups

allow individuals' opinions to appear more powerful as they join with other like-minded individuals and attempt to influence the course of governmental policy

A lobbyist is

an individual or organization who attempts to influence legislation and regulatory decisions

A latent interest is

an interest that is not recognized or represented by an interest group

An interest group is

an organization that actively attempts to influence government policy

An interest group

attempts to influence political leaders and policy-making processes in the United States.

A sound bite is

b. a brief, memorable comment that easily can be fit into news broadcasts.

Major functions of the mass media in the United States include all of the following except

b. conducting elections.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

bans soft money contributions to national parties

States that have been tagged as ____ states will see intense campaigning up to the very day of the election


During the last half-century, the Republicans have been known as the party of


President George Washington

c. believed that news that might damage the image of the United States should be censored.

The effect of campaign commercials is limited because

c. individuals are only selectively attentive to what the commercials say.

Most of the media in the United States are

c. private for-profit corporate enterprises.

When only declared party members can vote in a primary election, it is called a(n)

closed primary

The part of the economy that deals with health care, banking, and education is called

the service sector

The media are most influential with those persons who

d. are undecided voters.

A paradox in Republican and Democratic policies over the last 25 years has been that

despite their support for tax cuts, the Republicans have sometimes outdone the Democrats in voting for government spending

Third parties have influenced American politics by

determining whether the Republicans or Democrats win an election

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)

is, in a sense, a union of unions

When we say the media help set the public agenda, we mean that the media

e. identify issues that merit public attention and government action.

Campaigns that narrowcast

e. target and broadcast to one small sector of the population.

Sensationalistic, irresponsible journalism is known as

e. yellow journalism.

The most numerous types of interest groups in the United States are

economic interest groups

Under Woodrow Wilson the Democratic Party

endorsed the idea that government should become involved in the economy

American farmers and their workers represent approximately two percent of the U.S. population. This fact supports the proposition that

even a small percentage of the populace can be effective if they organize

People who become members of interest groups for solidary incentives are joining

for a sense of belonging to the group

The practice of moving presidential primary elections to the early part of the campaign season is called


The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

has succeeded in influencing the United States to bestow between $6 and $8 billion a year on Israel

The "rifle" technique of lobbying consists of

having influential constituents contact legislators

A striking feature of today's political campaigns is the

importance of paid professionals rather than volunteers

An atmosphere of party polarization

is enhanced in Congress because of the creation of safe seats, in which winning candidates need only appeal to the members of their own party

For a federal Political Action committee (PAC) to be legitimate, it must

raise money from at least fifty volunteer donors

The press secretary is

responsible for representing the White House to the media

Functions of political parties in the United States include all of the following except

signing up large numbers of committed members

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the National Rifle Association (NRA) are examples of

single interest groups

Democrats have emphasized

social welfare and protection of senior's benefits

A free rider is

someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it

Voting exclusively for the candidates of one party is known as

straight-ticket voting


takes place when a substantial group of voters switches party allegiance

The Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo that ___________ cannot be banned under the Constitution.

the amount a candidate spends on a campaign

Republicans have emphasized

the importance of the marketplace and less emphasis on social programs

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