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After installation of a vehicle's wheels while on a lift, all of the lug nuts should be:

Tightened lightly with a wrench before the vehicle is lowered to the ground then fully torqued

Which of the following driveshaft parts is pictured in the illustration above?

Center support bearing; the bearing shown is used at the center of a two-piece driveshaft

Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to cause excessive starter current draw?

Faulty armature brushes, worn brushes would offer greater resistance and lower amperage draw through the starter armature.

A technician finds that a brake caliper has stripped mounting threads. Which of the following should be done?

Replace the caliper

Upon inspection, a vehicle's front ride height is low and the front coil springs show signs of coil contact. Which of the following should be done first?

Replace the springs; because the springs show sings of weakness due to low ride height, they should be replaced

The object shown in the illustration above is used to:

Secure a steering wheel in position during a wheel alignment

A 1996 model OBDII vehicle registered and driven in the "snowbelt" region of the country fails an emissions test. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

a rusted fuel filler neck; the ice melting salt used in "snowbelt" areas of the country commonly rusts the exposed fuel filler pipe

which of the following could cause unwanted resistance in a tail light circuit?

Water leakage into a tail light housing, water could cause rust and corrosion, leading to high resistance at the tail light socket

Modern car engines generally require oil changes at:

5,000 mile intervals

The A/C serpentine drive belt keeps jumping off its pulley whenever the A/C is turned on. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

A pulley or bracket is belt is misaligned; misalignment causes the belt to come off the pulley

A routine 5,000 mile interval inspection includes checking the:

Air filter

Which of the following parts is illustrated above?

An axle housing vent

A front wheel drive van with non-independent rear suspension shows severe rust and corrosion of the "U" shaped rear axle. Technician A says that such corrosion may weaken the axle and make it vulnerable to torsional stress. Technician B says that such a condition could leak to cracks or complete breakage of the axle. Who is correct?

Both Technicians are correct

A growling noise is heard at the rear of an FWD independently suspended rear-end vehicle. Technician A says it could be caused by a bend spindle. Technician B says it could be caused by a faulty wheel bearing. Who is correct?

Both Technicians are correct

A manual transmission driveshaft seal is to be replaced. Technician A says to unbolt the driveshaft and remove the U-Joint to get at the seal. Technician B says that if there is too much play or slop in the U-Joint yoke, a new seal will likely leak shortly after it's installed. Who is correct?

Both Technicians are correct

Rotors are being turned using an on-car brake lathe. Technician A says that using an on-car lathe is quicker than using an off-car brake lathe. Technician B says that some on-car brake lathes use the vehicle's engine to rotate the brake rotor while it is being turned on the vehicle. Who is correct?

Both Technicians are correct

Technician A says that a leaking transmission line may not be apparent because the fluid (ATF) could burn before it drips from the leak to the shop floor. Technician B says that a transmission line leak would likely appear as red colored ATF. Who is correct?

Both Technicians are correct

Technician A says that for cars and vans, staying within a 3% diameter change of the OEM tire size is acceptable. Technician B says that for pickups and sport utility vehicles (SUVS), room for up to a 15% oversize tire is generally provided for when the vehicle is designed. Who is correct?

Both Technicians are correct

Technician A says that with some electro-hydraulic braking systems, the high-pressure reservoir supplies the required brake pressure quickly and precisely to the wheel brakes without driver involvement. Technician B says that some electro-hydraulic braking systems offer improved active safety when braking in a corner or on a slippery surface. Who is correct?

Both Technicians are correct

Technician A says that powertrain mounts can be checked for defects by revving the engine in gear with the brakes firmly applied and watch how much the engine lifts up as it applies. Technician B says that an engine mount can be inspected by jacking up the engine slightly and looking for an air gap where the mount's cushioning rubber should be. Who is correct?

Both technicians are correct

A vehicle engine is leaking oil from its bell housing. Technician A says the PCV valve should be inspected for being clogged. Technician B says the rear oil seal probably needs to be replaced. Who is correct?

Both technicians are correct; a clogged PCV valve could cause a buildup of crankcase blow-by pressure which would cause the rear seal to be damaged and leak oil. The rear seal may therefore need to be replaced along with the PCV valve

Before a starter is removed from an engine, it's important to:

Disconnect the negative ground lead from the battery

The spindle assembly at the rear of the vehicle shows signs of severe wear. Which of the following could be the cause?

Dry wheel bearing; the spindle would show wear if the outer wheel bearing race should spin on the spindle

A non-power steering vehicle with McPherson strut suspension is very difficult to turn to the left of right. Which of the following could be the cause?

Faulty strut bearings; could make turning the front wheels difficult, especially without power steering

Which of the following is the correct procedure for adjusting toe on a vehicle?

Loosen and turn the adjusting sleeves with the proper tie rod sleeve tool

A new set of tires is to be installed on a vehicle. Technician A says that lower speed rated tires may be installed if the driver never drives the vehicle off his privately owned farm. Technician B says that the inflation pressure indicated on the tire sidewall is the inflation pressure which should be used. Who is correct

Neither Technician is correct

A horn fails to operate as it should. Technician A says the horn relay may be stuck closed. Technician B says the horn button may be stuck closed. Who is correct?

Neither Technicians are correct

The power steering fluid level is to be checked on a vehicle. Technician A says that on some cars the power steering fluid level can only be checked accurately after the engine has run for a brief period of time. Technician B says that on some cars a dipstick is used for checking the PS fluid only when it is "cold". Who is correct?

Only Technician A is correct

The trouble codes on an OBDI Ford are to be retrieved. Technician A says to use the self-test connector located under the hood on the driver's side of the vehicle. Technician B says to insert a jumper wire in the self test connector and use a digital multimeter to count the needle swings and read the codes. Who is correct?

Only Technician A is correct

Technician A says a tire puncture should be repaired before the tire assembly is balanced. Technician B says a tire may not need to be rebalanced if only a plug-type repair is performed and the wheel weights remained on the rim. Who is correct?

Only Technician A is correct; following a repair, the tire should be rebalanced

A standard flooded lead-acid battery is being replaced with an absorbed glass mat (AGM) battery. Technician A says that an AGM battery is less rugged than a flooded cell battery. Technician B says that under normal conditions, an AGM battery does not emit harmful hydrogen gas. Who is correct?

Only technician B is correct; An AGM battery is in fact more robust and does not gas under normal conditions

With the engine running, the most obvious sign of a bad U-Joint is a loud and hard clunk when:

Placing the vehicle in DRIVE at a standstill, driveshaft play would best be heard when placing a load on the drivetrain at a standstill

A vacuum booster fails to fully assist the power brakes on a vehicle. Technician A says that the vacuum source to the booster should be checked with a vacuum gauge. Technician B says that the vacuum check valve should be checked for leakage. Who is correct?

Technician A is correct

the volatility of gasoline in a vehicle's tank is to be checked. Technician A says that testing the fuels Reid Vapor pressure will reveal the fuel's volatility. Technician B says that higher fuel volatility fuel is sold during the summer months. Who is correct?

Technician A is correct

Brake drums are to be turned using an off-car lathe. Technician A says to keep the lathe speed low when machining shallow cuts on the drums. Technician B says a rubber belt may be used around the circumference of the drum to keep it from getting hot while being machined . Who is correct?

Technician A is correct; The lathe's rotational speed should not be too fast when machining drums

A cooling system is to be drained. Technician A says that in order to get all impurities out of the cooling system it should be drained while hot. Technician B says in order to remove a radiator cap, it should be pushed down and turned counterclockwise. Who is correct?

Technician B is correct

A rear leaf spring equipped vehicle seems to sag on the right rear side. Technician A says that a leaf in the left side leaf spring may have snapped. Technician B says that the right side spring shackle may be damaged. Who is correct?

Technician B is correct

An A/C clutch fails to operate when the A/C is turned ON. Any of the following could be the cause EXCEPT:

The A/C cooling fan fails to operate; The fan should operate, but even if it didn't it would not prevent the A/C compressor clutch from engaging

The right side headlight fails a safety inspection because it does not work. Which of the following is the LEAST LIKELY cause?

The bulb is the incorrect type; it is unlikely that an incorrect headlight would be installed, and remain installed if it did not work

Which of the following parts is being replaced in the illustration above?

The cabin air filter

Which of the following is supposed to cool and return refrigerant from a gaseous state to a liquid state?

The condenser; the condenser cools the refrigerant to a liquid form from its gaseous state from the compressor

Which of the following normally drives the thermostatic clutch on vehicles with a belt-driven fan.

The crankshaft

After a transmission pan has been removed to replace the transmission filter, a large magnet is found in the pan with gooey grey matter adhering to it. Which of the following statements best describes why the magnet is in the transmission pan?

The magnet is in the pan to collect fine metal wear particles in the transmission fluid; the magnet's purposes is to retain fine metal wear particles and keep them out of the fluid

Following replacement of brake pads on a four-wheel disc brake equipped vehicle, the master cylinder reservoir is found to be overfilled and brake fluid is dripping from it. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

The reservoir was not siphoned before the pistons were retracted; the technician should have siphoned off some fluid before retracting the caliper pistons.

If the part on an import vehicle as illustrated above is found to be leaking, which of the following describes how vehicle handling would be affected?

The vehicle will experience steering wheel jerkiness when hitting bumps; the part is a Volkswagen steering damper. The damper prevents road shock from being transferred to the steering linkage.

The primary (smaller) shoe on a duo-drum brake system should be installed:

Toward the front of the vehicle

The purpose of burnishing brake pads is to:

Transfer pad material to the rotors

the tool in the illustration above is being used to check:

drive belt for correct tension

abnormal noises made by a vane-type power steering pump may include any of the following EXCEPT a:

low frequency shutter

Following disassembly of a rear-wheel drum brake disassembly, the drums are found to be bad badly scored with blue areas on the break surface. The technician should do all of the following EXCEPT:

measure the drums with a Vernier caliper to see if they may be reconditioned on a brake lathe and reused; A micrometer rather a Vernier caliper should be used to measure the drum's inner diameter to determine if the wear limit would be exceeded.

Which of the following is beset suited for fully charging a completely discharged 12-volt battery?

remove the battery from the vehicle and slow charge it overnight; A good battery will accept an overnight slow charge from a correctly programmed battery charger, and prevent stressing of the vehicle's alternator

When inspecting the brakes on a disc-brake equipped vehicle, a maintenance technician finds that the brake caliper slides are severely corroded and dry of lubricant. In most cases, the correct action would be to:

replace the corroded slides with new ones

An engine oil pan has been removed in order to replace a leaking gasket. At the same time the oil pan should be inspected for any of the following EXCEPT:

scratches; it would be very unlikely for an oil pan to have a deep enough scratch to leak

While checking for voltage drop in a charging system while the charging system is operating, a technician find 0.9 volts being dropped between the alternator and the battery on the insulated side. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

the alternator's B+ ring terminal connection has burned where the cable is attached; the burnt condition of the connector offers resistance to current flow and therefore drops voltage

The column shaft mechanism on an older pickup truck with a manual transmission is sloppy and won't allow the transmission to go into all gears. Which of the following is the most likely cause

the column shift lever shaft retaining bolts behind the dashboard have become loose; this is a common complaint on certain makes/models of vehicles

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