Texas Gov Test 4

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National average of union membership


State the meaning of the acronym MAPS

Money ,advertising polling , staff

Battleground state

another term for swing state, Democratic and republican candidates have a good chance of winning.

Explain the criminal justice process and the stages of a trial that an accused criminal will face.

-Trial -Jury selection -Opening statement -Present evidence -Closing statement -Judge charge -Jury deliberation -Verdict

List and describe the various specific special interest groups that are active in Texas.

-agricultural interest groups and Business interest groups farming and manufacturing -Sierra Club -NRA National Rifle Association -NOW National organization for women -AARP American Association of Retired Persons -MADD Mothers aginst drunk driving -TAB -TMA -TAR -NAACP

Voting eligible population in 2008

14.8 million

Number of registered lobbyists in Austin in 2005


Number of voting age state residents in 2008


Year defeat of Edmund Davis as governor and beginning of Democratic Party domination


Year that the Texas Women's Suffrage Movement began


Amount paid to lobbyists in Texas over the past ten years

2.2 billion

Percentage that young adults traditionally vote below the number of older citizens


Number of Tea Party organizations in Texas


Number of political offices held by Republicans throughout the state in 2006


Number of states that permit early voting


Percent of voters who aligned with the Democratic Party in 2005

37 %

% of workers who are union members

5.4 %

Percent of voters who aligned with the Republican Party in 2005


Percentage of Texas electorate that is female


# of workers who are actual union members


Number of workers in Texas that unions claim to represent


Number of political offices held by Republicans throughout the state in 1974


Lyndon Johnson's winning vote margin in the 1948 U.S. Senate election


Percent of Texas voters who affiliate themselves with the Republican or Democratic Party


Union shop

A form of union security in which the company can hire nonunion people, but they must join the union after a prescribed period of time and pay dues, (If they do not, they can be fired.)

Tea Party movement

A movement is an American political movement known for its conservative positions and its role in the Republican Party


A person already in office: they have advantage in elections over newcomer

Good business climate

A political environment in which business prospers

Iron triangle

A small and informal but relatively stable group of well-positioned legislators, executives, and lobbyists who seek to promote policies beneficial to a particular interest.


A tactic of political action committees whereby they collect contributions from like-minded individuals (each limited to $2,000) and present them to a candidate or political party as a "bundle," thus increasing their influence.

Citizen groups

A type of interest group that seeks changes in spending, regulations, or government programs concerning a wide range of policies (also known as a public interest group).

The largest interest group in the United States

American Association of Retired Persons 36 million AARP

Late train money

An interest group gives contributions after the election to a winning candidate the group had earlier opposed.

List the two top and two worst business-friendly states

Best is north Carolina and Texas worst is New York and New Jersey

Describe the most influential categories of special interest groups in Texas today.

Business groups and trade associations are the most powerful. Important everywhere from the county courtyard to governor's mansion. Voices are heard on every major policy issue including

List four types of primary elections

Closed Primary, Open Primary, Presidential Primaries, Challenge Primary

Party platform

Declaration of each party's beliefs and positions on major issues.


Direct group involvement in the electoral process. Groups can help fund campaigns, provide testimony, and get members to work for candidates, and some form Political Action Committees (PACs).

Primary election

Election held to determine which candidate will represent a political party for a given office in the general election.

Describe the difference between liberal and conservative politics

Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems. Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense.

Derided by some as Austin's oldest profession


Give the 3Ms and what they represent

Money ,marketing and media.


Money Marketing Media

Trade associations

Organization promoting people to do something. Some lobby Congress

Party plank

Party's official positions on specific issues like crime, drug abuse, or edication.

Temporary party organization

Primaries and conventions that function briefly to nominate candidates, pass resolution, adopt a party platform, and select delegates to party conventions at higher levels.

An example of a single-issue interest group

Single-issue politics are a form of litmus test; common examples are abortion, taxation, animal rights

An example of a multi-issue interest group

Some examples include the NAACP (advancing the cause of civil rights), the Christian Colalition's concern with Christian family values (education, television ratings, abortion), and the National Organization for Women

Special election

Such elections are called by state governors to fill vacancies that occur when a member of the House of Representatives dies or resigns before the biennial general election

Grand Old Party (GOP)

The Republican Part, also know as _____________ is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States.

Solid South

The one-party (Democratic) political system that dominated the South from the 1890s to the 1950s


The process by which interest group members or lobbyists attempt to influence public policy through contacts with public officials (seek to influence (a politician or public official) on an issue.)

Disturbance theory

The theory that interest groups form in part to counter the efforts of other groups.

List four of the eight requirements to be voter eligible in Texas

U.S. Citizen, 18yrs old, resident of state eligible to register and vote

Blue Dog Democrat

a Democrat from a southern state who has a conservative voting record, a candidate who has a good experience

Yellow Dog Democrat

a political term applied to voters in the Southern United States who voted solely for candidates who represented the Democratic Party.

General election

a regular election of candidates for office, as opposed to a primary election. voters decide which candidates will fill elective public offices

War Room

a room from which a war is directed

Two types of special interest groups and their purpose

agricultural interest groups and Business interest groups farming and manufacturing

Advocacy groups

an interest group organized to support a cause or ideology(Advocacy groups (also known as pressure groups, lobby groups, campaign groups, interest groups, or special interest groups) use various forms of advocacy in order to influence public opinion and/or policy.


dividing the seats of the House among the states based on the census

Interest group

groups of people that have similar interests/views (ex: NRA national rifle association, MADD mothers against drunk driving, etc.)

Legislative access

having the power or performing the function of legislating b : belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such powers as making laws, levying and collecting taxes, and making financial appropriations

Straight-ticket voting

is the practice of voting for every candidate that a political party has on a general election ballot

Individual who garnered 12.4% of the vote margin in the 2006 governor's race in Texas

kinky Friedman

Percent of voters who aligned with the Republican Party in the 1950s

less than 10 percent

Provide a description of the financial contributions from various types of interest groups, lobbyists.

money from lobbiest, represent ideolgical 44.5 mil, healthcare, 38 mil, energy 41.7, misc buis 44.8 finance 21.5 mil

Number of registered lobbyists in Austin in 2011

more 1800

Percent of voters who aligned with the Democratic Party in the 1950s

more than 60%

Voting eligible population

number of citizens 18 or older who are eligible to vote. No felonies

Election precinct

one of several districts into which a city or town is divided for voting; each contains one polling place.

Party faction

parties within a party," have same goals

Free riders

problem is a market failure that occurs when people take advantage of being able to use a common resource, or collective good, without paying for it, as is the case when citizens of a country utilize public goods without paying their fair share in taxes.

Voting age population

refers to the set of individuals that have reached the minimum voting age for a particular geographical or political unit, Citizens who are eligible to vote after reaching the minimum age requirement


simulation of grassroots support, usually conducted by specialized lobbying firms; spending large sums of money

Gender gap

that refers to the regular patterns by which women are more likely to support Democratic candidates. Women tend to be significantly less conservative than men and are more likely to support spending on social services and to oppose higher levels of military spending.

Presidential Republicanism

the practice in the South of voting for Republicans in presidential elections but voting for conservative Democrats in other races. This practice that continued until animosity over Reconstruction faded and the Republicans demonstrated their electability in the South.


the process of taking legal action

Voter mobilization

to "get them moving" or "get them to take action." In other words..."to get them to participate and vote rather than just sitting around.

Motor voter law

to allow voters to register by mail when they renew their drivers' licenses and provides for the placement of voter registration forms in motor vehicle, public assistance, and military recruitment offices

Early voting

two week period before the general election


womens right to vote

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