Texas History

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What was that Texas received after being annexed by the US?

10 million dollars from the US from a land sale.


Not much is known of this ribe because they were the first Native Americans to come into contact with Europeans, and thus the first to suffer from disease, European attack, and slavery. However, accounts to report many similarities between the Tonkawa and Karnakawa. From the sporadic accounts, it is believed the Karnakawa were hunters and gatherers who specialized in fishing.

Which of the following was a strong incentive for the US to annex the Republic of Texas?

The US was able to make significant progress towards fulfilling the idea of Manifest Destiny. -A popular political idea during the mid-1800s in America, Manifest Destiny was the belief it was Gods destiny fr America to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This notion was a powerful idea and heavily influenced many of the actions by the US government in the 19th century.


The tribe is really an accumulation of separae tribes that shared common language or cultural characteristics. These tribes lived all over southern Texas from modern day San Antonio to Brownsville to Corpus Christi. They were nomadic hunters and gatherers. It is likely they had some contact with the more advance civilizations like the Aztecs in Mexico. Before the 1700s, it appears the climate in the southern Texas allowed for many streams and grasslands to flourish. This would provide and adequate amount of resource for plants and animals to populate the area. The Coahuiltecan tribes would have roamed the area hunting buffalo and other animals. However, as the climate changed, the natural resources began to decrease, and as the animals began to decease, the Coahuiltecan tribes began to reduce in number. They typically lived in small huts constructed from reeds found throughout their region.

As US citizens began to immigrate to Texas the tensions between native Mexicans and Anglos increased. What was the least likely to have contributed to the tensions between the two groups.

A difference in trade currency between Anglos and Mexicans. -A difference in trade currency is easily overcome. Bartering, trading one good for another, is an easy solution when there isn't the same currency.

Juneteenth is a celebration of what major event?

Abolition of slavery throughout the state of Texas.

Native Americans

After the Native Americans made contact with the European explorers, the lives of the Native Americans drastically changed. They were exposed to new agricultural products such as wheat, gunpowder, horses, and diseases like smallpox. The horses and gunpowder changed the way Native Americans hunted, as well as their military tactics, while the new diseases spread through bands and tribes killing thousands of Indians across Texas.

Texas Revolution of 1836

After the revolution Texas declared itself independent of Mexico and was recognized as a sovereign country by the US and several European countries. However the Mexican government never formally acknowledged Texas's independence. In 1845, the US annexed Texas into the Union. The annexation upset Mexico because they felt Texas was still a Mexican state. The result of the disagreement was the Mexican American War in 1846. The end of the war resulted in the Mexican government agreeing the border between Mexico and the US was the Rio Grande.

Which of the following established a French land claim of Texas?

-The founding of Fort St. Louis - The founding of Ft. St. Louis in 1685 by Sieur de la Salle established a legitimate land claim of Texas by the French. European powers would typically establish forts or colonies in an area and claim the land; this land claim would be enforced through the use of force (there was not a legal rule on how to claim land). The establishment of a fort or colony gave the country a military advantage in enforcing the claim.

Which of the following describes a benefit Texas received after being annexed by the US?

-10 million dollars receive and substantial benefit from the annexation into the US. -Texas had a large debt from the Texas Revolution that it needed to pay and many of its citizens had desire to be part of the US. During the negotiations for the US to annex Texas, Texas would surrender half its land in exchange for 10 million dollars to pay its revolution debt.

Which of the following battles was a surprise attack that ended the Texas Revolution?

-Battle of San Jacinto -The Battle of San Jacinto was a surprise attack by the Texas Revolution Army against Santa Anna and the Mexican military. The surprise was very effective and the battle resulted in the capture of Santa Anna.

Spain's desire to cultivate a thriving colony in the land of Texas resulting in what?

-Establishment of an immigration policy where "empresarios" would be given land in exchange for recruiting settlers to immigrate to Texas. -Spain's desire to increase the Spanis population in Texas led Spain o create a lucrative immigration system. Settlers would be given hundreds of acres of land and Spanish citizenship simply for relocating to Texas. This led to many Europeans and Americans migrating to Texas to get their own land.

How did the US annexation of Texas lead to the Mexican America War?

-Mexico sis not recognize Texas as an independent state -Mexico interpreted the US annexation of Texas as an insult towards Mexico to invade Texas, thus starting the Mexican American War.


Are the most famous of all Texas Native Americans. The Comanche were fierce warriors that mastered the used of horses during battle. The Comanches fought European forces for one hundred and fifty years but ere eventually overwhelmed by the Texas settlers in the 1850s. They lived in Teepees and the men hunted buffalo while the women gathered fruits, nuts, and roots to supplement food during the hunts. They also occupied mot of central Texas ranging from the panhandle to modern day Abilene and even going as far south as Austin.

Who was the first European to explore the land of Texas and establish a relationship with Native American tribes in Texas?

Cabeza de Vaca

Based on their geographic location, which Texas Native American tribe would most likely have had contact with large Pre-Columbian civilizations, such as the Aztecs?

Coahulitecan -These Indians lived in Southern Texas and probably extended their living range into northern Mexico. They are most likely to have contact with the Pre- Columbian civilizations which were in southern North America and South America.

Which of the following nomadic Native American tribes utilized European horses in their buffalo hunting and military activities?

Comanche -Comanche Indians were known as fierce warriors that mastered the use of horses during and while hunting. They were a nomadic tribe that relied mainly on buffalo hunts and foraging for food and sustenance.

Alonso Alvarez

European exploration of Texas began with Alonso Alvarez de Pineda in 1519. Alonso was a Spanish explorer who mapped the coast of Texas as well as surrounding coastlines. His maps are the first records of Texas history.

Which of the following sis the Columbian Exchange bring from Europe to the Native Americans in Texas?


Which of the following is not a major cause of the "Dust Bowl" in Texas and in Oklahoma in the 1930s?

Irrigation Projects

Which industry experienced a surge due to the rise of the railroad industry in the second half of the 19th century?

Logging; the cutting down and processing of trees, did not become a major industry in Texas until the 19th century. Logging prominent due to the ability for railroads to transport the timber, and for the demand of the new railroads for timber (wood is needed to build railroads).

Which industry revolutionized the Texas economy in the second half of the 19th century?

Railroads -Railroads completely changed the Texas economy in the 19th century. Railroads allowed Texas to transport its goods cheaply and efficiently to the larger cities in the Northeast US. For the first time, goods such as timber and, most importantly, cattle could be transported to cities where such goods were not available. This allowed Texas to maximize its natural resources.


They were hunting/gathering bands of Native Americans that lived north of the Karnakawa tribe along the gulf Coast. They lived in huts and teepees. They were enemies with the Comanche, as the Comanche had pushed them from many lands in central Texas, south to their location during the eighteenth centuries.

Cabeza de Vaca

Was the frst European explorer to explore the lands of Texas. He was originally part of the Navaez expedition, but after disaster struck he found himself wandering the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico in search of Mexico City. Throughout his travels, he began to develop sympathy towards the Native Americans ad chronicled his travels upon his return to Europe.


Were farmers who occupied eastern Texas and parts of Arkansas and Louisiana. Much of eastern Texas consisted of large pine tree forest, and the Caddo tribes used the open space between forests to plant corn, squash, beans, and other crops. They also hunted buffalo and would use the pelts for warmth in the winter. The Caddo also had permanent homes that consisted of wood frames with mud packed walls.

The Battle of Gonzales is referred to as the Lexington of Texas because:

it was a small military skirmish that was the first military conflict in a revolution. -The Battle of Lexington was a small skirmish between the American colonists and the British military. It was the first military conflict of the Revolutionary War, and while small, it was significant due to the effect of the skirmish. The effect of the skirmish was to mobilize and unite the colonies together against the British. The Battle of Gonzales was small military conflict between Texas settlers and the Mexican military; its effect was to unite the Texans against Mexico in a revolution for independence.

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