The boxer and taiping rebellions

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End of The Taiping rebellion

1864- Hong lost certainty in god and poisoned himself. His body was found wearing the traditional yellow of other Chinese rulers

where did taiping rebellion start

Guangxi province

Failures of Strengthening Movement

failed to unite China as a whole, reformed no government institutions, and actually gradually contributed to the decay of the Qing dynasty

Self Strengthening movement time


1st sino-japanese war

(1894-95): Fighting for the influence of Korea (China's idea to attack Japan), Japan wins Taiwan and Chinese ports near Taiwan (accelerates fall of Qing emperor) 200,000 million taels of silver payment of tribute to japan china cedes areas such as penghu and taiwan china opens up 4 ports to japan

the first opium war

-Britain wanted to secure economic benefits from trade, they felt there was an unfavorable balance of trade between China and the West. -1839-1942 aim of strengthening trade in china economically humiliating defeat for the Chinese

treaty of Nanjing

1842, ended Opium war, said the western nations would determine who would trade with china, not china, so it set up the unequal treaty system which allowed western nations to own a part of chinese territory and conduct trading business in china under their own laws. This treaty set up 5 treaty ports where westerners could live, work, and be treated under their own laws. One of these were Hong Kong.

Date of Capture of Nanjing in taiping rebellion


Deaths In Taiping Rebellion

20 million people, most of those civilians

deaths involved in boxer uprising


rules of treaty of nanjing

5 ports opened, indemnity to britain, ended monopoly of canton trade marked the end of isolation and start of modern history alarminmg reverse in silver flow and an increase in the drug addiction epidemic

punishments of boxer uprising

67 million taels of silver, more than the entire revenue of the country

Cause of Self Strengthening movement

Due to occupation of Beijing in 1860's, the Taiping rebellion, as well as humiliating treaties.

the boxer uprising

Killed missionaries, killed Christians, burned churches, the Qing pretended to support foreigners but really supported them. Named from the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists. After a while though, the Qing decided that they were too powerful and didn't support them anymore. northern china pro nationalistic movement by the righteous harmony society from 1898 to 1901 took place in response to opposing western imperialism and the spread of christianity throughout china

Taiping rebellion

The most destructive civil war before the twentieth century. A Christian-inspired rural rebellion threatened to topple the Qing Empire. 1850-1864 led by Hong Xiuguan widespread civil war in southern china against the qing

Lin Zexu

appointed gov of canton 1839 banned opium trade and requested that all opium be surrendered to china canton canal closed efficiently trapping british soldiers there opium trade bond punishable by death

goal of taiping rebellion

attempted social reform and the replacement of buddhism, confucianism, and traditional chinese folk religion with christianity

date of treaty of nanjing

august 29 1842

why were victories of the Taiping rebellion ineffective in the long run

because although they had victorys, no administration was created in many of these cities large cities were avoided in order to avoid resistance wanted to control and create administrations in only large cities failed to show authority very few competant officials

why such few competant officials in the Taiping rebellion

because generally those who had converted to christianity were those who were unable to pass the civil service exams but still wanted to gain power Hong didn't devote himself to divine virtue

Success of Strengthening movement

due to traditions and institutions in government. dedicated to the welfare of the common person

reasons for taiping rebellion

economic and environmental as well as defeats of the chinese by westerners

boxer protocol

ended civil service exams 450 million taels of silver allowed foreign troops to station in beijing banned importation of arms and the materials to produce them for 2 years

end of the taiping rebellion

eventually with the help of the british and french, the taiping rebellion came to an end

Self Strengthening movement

late 19th century movement in China to counter the challenge from the West; led by provincial leaders

Hong Xiuguan

led the Taiping Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty, established the Taiping tien-quo "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace" said he was younger brother of jesus. Destroy confucians, manchus, daoists, Buddhists. Spread Christianity and overthrow qing

cultural effects of boxer uprising

marked decentralization of power in china 450 million taels is an extremely large burden blow to the little integrity that still remained among the qing incapable of ruling their people fiscal collapse condemmed chinese converts and chinese working with westerners

reasons for boxer uprising

opium trade, political invasion, the spread and creation of christian missionaries in china, economic manipulation

view of the qing by taiping rebellion

seem as corrupt and innefective foreign rule of china anti manch sentiment the strongest in the south

fall of the qings effect on views of the boxers

seen as barbaric and ignorant originally by many however after the fall of the qing, it became obvious that these actions may be seen as patriotic, brave, and righteous. chinese nationalists became sympathetic

date of boxer protocol

september 1901

Province of Boxer Uprising


start of the boxer uprising

started when 20,000 troops in china from 8 power army took beijing and defeated the chinese army

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