The Columbian Exchange - Social Studies Grade 5

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What were positive new plants from the Old World that were brought into the New world?

dandelions, sugarcane, coconut palms

What were positive animals brought into the New World?


What were negative animals brought into the New World?


The New World was considered:

the Americas

What plants and animals were brought over from Europe, Africa, and Asia?

1. Cattle, chickens, donkeys, goats, horses, house cats, mice and rats, pigs, rabbits, and sheep. 2. Plants: bananas, black peppers, citrus fruits, coffee, garlic, onions, lettuce, peaches, pears, sugar, wheat, rye, and oats.

Plants - changes in the Columbian Exchange

1. Europeans brought over cash crops (crops that you can sell to make money) to America such as sugar, rice, wheat, coffee, bananas, and grapes. 2. Europeans adopted crops found in America such as maze (corn), tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, cocoa beans, and cotton.

What plants and animals were found in the Americas?

1. Guinea pigs, llamas, and turkeys. 2. Avocados, beans, cashews, chili peppers, pecans, pineapples, potatoes, rubber, squash, sunflowers, strawberries, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, tobacco, tomatoes, vanilla

Animals - changes in the Columbian Exchange

1. Llamas were only domesticated in America. 2. Europeans brought over horses, pigs, cattle, and sheep. 3. They changed the use of the land.

Immediate effects:

1. Spanish conquer the Aztecs and Incas. 2. Native Americans die of European diseases. 3. Enslaved Africans are brought to the Americas. 4. American foods are introduced to other parts of the world.

What was the impact of the Columbian Exchange?

1. The exchange of food and animals had a dramatic impact on later societies. 2. After time crops native to the Americas became a part of European food or cuisine. 3. Food provided nutrition and helped people live longer. 4. New crops were introduced to Native Americans from Europeans such as tomatoes. 5. Businesses such as cattle rounding (cattle ranches gave people beef) and coffee growing were not possible in the Americans without the Columbian exchange.

What were the long-term effects of the Columbian exchange?

1. The spread of products all around the world, which led to a population growth in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 2. Cultural diffusion or different populations were mingled. 3. There was a big migration from Europe to the Americas. 4. There was a growth of capitalism (a way of organizing an economy so that things are owned by companies and individual people rather than the government.)

Columbian Exchange - all about it (big ideas)

1.Explorers created contact with Europe and the Americas. (Different populations were introduced.) 2. Big cultural changes occurred with Native Americans once interference began. 3. Exchange of physical elements such as animals, plants, diseases, weapons, etc. brought about big changes.

Who was the main consumer of things mined in the Americas?


The Old World was considered:

Europe, Africa, and Asia

Immediate causes:

Europeans arrive in Americas and bring new plants, animals and diseases to the Americas.

Long-term causes of Columbian exchange:

God, gold, glory

What were some of the Americas or New World diseases passed to Europeans?

Hepatitis (virus), Tuberculosis (bacteria), polio (virus that causes paralysis), Syphilis (bacteria).

What diseases (bacteria, viruses, parasites) did the Europeans introduce?

Influenza (flu virus), malaria (parasite), measles (virus), small pox (virus), diphtheria (bacteria), whooping cough or pertussis (bacteria), chicken pox (virus)

What was the impact of diseases on the Americas?

Natives had no resistance or immunity to European diseases and millions died. The Incas had 13 million people in 1492 and only 2 million people left in 1600. The North American population fell from 2 million to 500,000 in 1900

What percentage or fraction of all food came from the America's?

One-third (1/3) or 33%

What did the Europeans do because there were few natives left after disease wiped out most of the population?

Slaves were imported from Africa to work farms.

How was Africa helped?

They now had corn and peanuts, which are very nutritious to help feed their population.

How was China helped?

They now had corn, which is very nutritious to help feed their population.

True or False: Most Europeans thought tomatoes were poisonous.


What insects came from the Old World to the Americas?


How were diseases introduced and spread?

by touch and air

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