The Elements of Art and Principles of Design
refers to the arragement of elements on either side of a center line: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial
an element of art that indicates areas between, around, above, below or within something.
Implied Texture
looks like texture, but is actually on smooth, flat paper; perceived visually though not felt through touch.
Actual Texture
texture you can actually feel through the sense of touch.
a principle of design associated rhythm, referring to the arrangement of parts in an artwork to create a sense of motion to the viewer's eye through the work.
a principle of design related to the sense of wholeness which results from the successful combination of the component elements of an artwork.
adding black to a color to make it darker...Variations in the dark and light of colr made by adding black to the color.
adding white to a color to make it lighter...A lighter value of a hue made by adding a small amount of another color to it.
an element of art which is used to define space, contour,and outlines, or suggest mass and volume. It may be a continuous mark made on a surface with pointed toll or implied by the edge of shapes and forms.
an element of design with three properties; hue, value and intensity. Also the character of surfaces created by the response of vision to wavelenghts of reflected light.
birghtness of dullness of a color...The degree or purity, saturation or strength of a color. High intensity colors are bright; low intensity colors are dull.
describes objects that are 3D having length, width, and height,
describes the feel of an actual surface, 2 types: actual, and implied...The surface quality of an artwork, usually perceived through the sense of touch. However, texture can also be implied; perceived visually though not felt through touch.
having height and element of art. An enclosed space defined by other art elements such as line, color and texture
lightness or darkness of a color...An element of design concerned with the degree of lightness of colors. Darker colors are lower in value.
Positive Space
the enclosed areas or objects in an artwork. They may suggest recognizable objects or nonrepresentational shapes.
the property of color that distinguishes one gradation from another and gives it its name.
the repetition of elements or combnations of elements in a recognizable organization.
Negative Space
the space not occupied by an objects or figure but circulating in and around it, contributing to the total effect of the composition.