Chapter 20- Conservatism

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What parts of the economy did Reagan deregulate?

-His first act as president was to sign an executive order to end price controls on oil and gasoline -other deregulation in broadcasting, banking, and automobile industries soon followed

What was Reagan's new foreign policy with the Soviet Union?

"Peace Through Strength"; this new foreign policy rejected both containment and détente

Who was H. Ross Perot?

- independent candidate, billionaire Texas businessman -stressed the need to end deficit spending -grassroots movement (groups of people organizing at the local level) put Perot on the ballot in all 50 states

Explain the rise of conservatism in the Sunbelt region.

-1950-60s, The South and West were more conservative than other regions, however the most populated area, the Northeast liberals, would always win the presidential election. This pattern began to change when large numbers of Americans moved to the Sunbelt states for greater job opportunities and to live in Warmer climates -Americans in the Sunbelt opposed high taxes and federal regulations (environmental) that might interfere with their regions growth, so they began voting Republican conservative -The Sunbelt region lessened the political power of the Northeast(Rust Belt region)

What policies did Gorbachev institute within the Soviet Union?

-By the late 1980s, the Soviet economy was suffering from years of inefficient central planning and huge expenditures in the arms race. -To save the economy, he instituted perestroika, or "restructuring" which allowed some private enterprise and profit making. -He also established glasnost, or "openness" to allow more freedom of religion and speech.

Why did Bush order US troops to invade Panama in 1989?

-In 1978 the US had agreed to give Panama controls over the Panama Canal, but because of the canal's importance, American officials wanted to make sure Panama's government was both stable and pro-US -By 1989, Panama's dictator, General Manuel Noriega, was aiding drug traffickers and harassing American military personnel defending the canal. -Bush ordered US troops to invade Panama, they seized Noriega, who was sent to the US to stand trial on drug charges. The troops then helped the Panamanians hold elections and organize a new government

What happened at Tiananmen Square in China? How did the US respond?

-In April/May 1989, Chinese students and workers held pro-democracy demonstrations at Tiananmen Square in Beijing to protest China's continuous repression of political speech. In Early June, government tanks and soldiers crushed the protests. Many people were killed. Hundreds of pro-democracy activists were arrested and later sentenced to death. -The Us and several European countries halted arms sales and reduced diplomatic contacts with China. The World Bank suspended loans. Bush resisted harsher sanctions because he believed trade and diplomacy would change China's behavior.

What caused the economic recession in 1990?

-growing deficit, slowing economy, unemployment rose, crisis in Persian gulf -Partly caused by the end of the Cold War- As the Soviet threat faded, the nation cut back on military spending, soldiers and defense industry workers were laid off (companies began downsizing) -Huge deficit forced the government to borrow money to pay for its programs. The government also had to pay interest on its debt, using money that might otherwise have helped fund programs to boost the economy -savings and loan institutions collapse, making the deficit worse

What was the "New World Order"?

After the Cold War, Bush noted that a "new world order" was emerging, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. The new world order introduced new military challenges around the globe (ex. Operation Restore Hope, providing humanitarian assistance and famine relief to refugees in Somalia.

What do conservatives believe?

Conservatives believe 1. That government regulations makes the economy less efficient 2. That free enterprise is the best economic system 3. Conservatives oppose high taxes and government programs that redistribute wealth 4. They believe social programs result from issues of morality and character and that the best way to improve is through religious strength (use of police power to regulate social behavior)

Who won the 1992 election?

Democratic candidate William Clinton -promised to cut middle class taxes, reduce government spending, and reform the nations health care and welfare programs. -first person from the baby boomer generation to occupy the White House

Who became president after Reagan left office in 1988?

George H.W. Bush- had to focus on foreign policy

Why did the Reagan Doctrine involve the United States in foreign lands?

He believed that the US should support guerrilla groups who were fighting to overthrow Communist or pro-Soviet governments. This policy became known as the Reagan doctrine.

Why did Reagan appeal to social conservatives?

His campaign appealed to frustrated Americans by promising to cut taxes and increase defense spending. He won the support of social conservatives by calling for a constitutional amendment BANNING ABORTION

What was the Rust Belt?

Industry in the North east was in decline, leading to the regions nickname: The Rust Belt (population of northeast region declined as many moved to the sunbelt)

What do liberals believe?

Liberals believe that 1. The government should regulate the economy to protect people from the power of corps and wealthy elites 2. The federal government should help the disadvantaged through social programs funded by taxes 3. Those with greater assets should take on more of the costs of government 4. Liberals oppose government supporting religious beliefs and believe that ethnic/ cultural diversity tends to be more creative and energetic (NO government regulation of social behavior)

Why did Reagan cut government programs?

Lower taxes increased the budget deficit- the amount by which expenditures exceed income. To keep the deficit under control, Reagan proposed cuts to social programs (food stamps, school lunches, medicare payments, unemployment compensation, student loans). -Reagan was convinced that Congress would never cut spending enough to balance the budget. He decided that cutting taxes and building up the military were more important than balancing the budget.

Conservative economists offered 2 competing ideas for fixing the economy. What were they?

One group supported raising interest rates to combat inflation. The other group supported supply side economics ( Reagan adopted supply side economics)

How did Reagan help in causing the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Reagan launched a $1.5 trillion military buildup meant to bankrupt and destroy the Soviet Union if it tried to keep up.

What is Reaganomics? Why was this approach criticized?

Reagan's economic policies: supply-side economics, cutting programs, deregulation -High interest rates and 25% tax cut -Critics called his approach Reaganomics or "trickle down economics" because they believed his policy would help corporations and wealthy Americans, but little wealth would "trickle down" to middle class or poor Americans

What was START? Why did Reagan propose this plan?

Regan decided to place missiles in Western europe to counter soviet missiles. Protests erupted and he offered to cancel the new missiles if the soviets removed their missiles from eastern europe. He proposed the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) to counter the number of missiles on both sides in half. The Soviets refused.

Who was Ted Turner?

Ted Turner pioneered a new type of broadcasting by creating WTBS in 1975. WTBS was the first "superstation"- a television station that sold low cost sports and entertainment programs via satellite to cable companies across the nation. Turner's innovation changed broadcasting and helped spread cable television

What is the Moral Majority?

Televangelists founded a group called the Moral Majority, which built up a network of ministers to register new voters who backed conservative candidates and issues.

Who made up the federation called the Commonwealth of Independent States (CSI)?

The 15 Soviet republics that declared their independence from the Soviet Union - they formed a common economic zone

What was the Iran-Contra scandal?

The exchange of weapons for american hostages in the middle east and the fact that the profits from the weapon sales were sent to the contras was exposed in Nov 1986. US Marine Colonel Oliver North, national security council members and CIA officials admitted before Congress to covering up their actions. Reagan had approved the sale of arms to Iran, but the congressional investigation concluded that he had no direct knowledge about the diversion of the money to the contras.

Who was William F. Buckley? How did he revive conservatism?

William F Buckley was a young conservative who founded a magazine called National Review, which helped revive conservative ideas in the US. He worked to spread conservative ideas to a wider audience. He and 90 other young conservative leaders founded Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)

What was YAF? How did they help Barry Goldwater in his nomination?

Young Americans for Freedom was in independent conservative group that pushed for their ideas and supported conservative candidates. By 1964 the movement had achieved enough influence within the Republican party to enable the conservative Barry Goldwater to win the nomination for president (he was defeated)

What is supply-side economics?

the economic theory that lower taxes will boost the economy as businesses and individuals invest their money, thereby creating prosperity and economic growth that will offset the tax cuts

How did Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars", lead to renewed talks with the Soviet Union? What was the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty?

-Mikhail Gorbachev became the new leader of the Soviet Union and agreed to resume arms control talks; Gorbachev believed that the Soviet Union could not afford another arms race with the US -Reagan and Gorbachev met in a series of summits -Gorbachev promised to cut back nuclear forces if Reagan gave up SDI, but Reagan refused. Reagan then challenged Gorbachev to make reforms regarding the destruction of the Berlin Wall - in December 1987, the two leaders signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, an arms control deal (improved American-soviet relations)

What was Operation Desert Storm?

-On Jan 16, 1991, coalition forces launched Operation Desert Storm. Cruise missiles and laser-guided bombs fell on Iraq, destroying its air defenses, bridges, artillery and other military targets. -6wks later, the coalition launched a massive ground attack. Thousands of Iraqi soldiers died, coalition troops were killed. - Bush declared Kuwait to be liberated around 100 hrs after the ground war began -Iraq accepted the cease-fire terms; US troops returned home

What was the Stonewall Riot?

-On June 27, 1969, NYC police raided a nightclub called the Stonewall Inn because of the sexual orientation of its patrons. -Frustration among the gay and lesbian onlookers led to a riot -This marked the beginning of the gay activist movement

Provide examples of the Reagan Doctrine in 1. Afghanistan, 2. Nicaragua, 3. Grenada, and 4. Iran

1. In 1979 Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan. Reagan sent $$$ in covert military aid to Afghan guerrillas who were fighting the soviets. The war strained soviet economy and they decided to withdraw 2. Rebels (Sandinistas) had overthrown a pro-American dictator in Nicaragua, set up a social government and accepted Cuban/ Soviet aid. Reagan responded by secretly arming an anti-Sandinista guerrilla force (contras). Congress banned further aid to the contras. 3. In Grenada, radical marxists overthrew the left-wing government in 1983. Reagan sent troops who quickly defeated Grenadian and Cuban soldiers and an anti-Communist government was established. 4. Individuals in Reagans administration secretly sold weapons to Iran in exchange for release of american hostages in the Middle East. Profits from the weapons sales were sent to the contras.

What caused Eastern Europe to abandon communism?

-Glasnost spread to Eastern Europe, and in 1989 revolutions replaced Communist rulers with democratic governments in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. -@ Midnight on November 9, 1989, guards at the Berlin Wall opened the gates and bulldozers began leveling the symbol of communist repression. East and West Germany soon reunited.

What turned voters against Bush in 1992?

-He called for a cut in the capital gains tax, because he believed it would encourage business to expand (Democrats in Congress defeated it, calling the idea a tax break for the rich) -He broke his "NO NEW TAXES" campaign pledge, but after meeting with congressional leaders, he agreed to a tax increase in exchange for cuts in spending -These decisions turned voters against Bush

What experiences shifted Reagan toward conservatism?

-He worked as a radio broadcaster and became a Hollywood actor in the late 1930s, He became the president of the Screen Actors Guild, and was asked to testify before the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). -He had been a liberal Democrat, but dealing with Communists in the union shifted him toward conservative Republican ideas.

Why did Bush send troops into Iraq (Persian Gulf War)?

-In Aug 1990, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein sent his army to invade Kuwait because it was rich with oil. -US officials feared that this invasion might be the first step in Iraq's ultimate goal to capture Saudi Arabia and its vast oil reserves. -Bush persuaded other UN member countries to join a coalition to stop Iraq. They set a deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, after which the coalition would use force to remove them; congress voted to authorize the use of force if Iraq did not withdraw.

Explain the emergence of the Religious Right. Who made up religious conservatives?

-Many Americans were drawn to conservatism because they feared society had lost touch with its traditional values. Americans with conservative religious faiths were shocked and concerned by Supreme Court decisions regarding abortion, limiting prayer in schools, and expanding protections for people accused of crimes. Feminist movement push for ERA also upset religious conservatives. -The largest group was the Protestant evangelicals . Ministers built national followings though newspapers, magazines, radio and television. The televangelists founded a group called the Moral Majority

What was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Reagan proposed?

-Reagan disagreed with nuclear deterrence/ mutual assured destruction - he proposed SDI, nicknamed Star Wars, to develop weapons that could intercept incoming missiles (in case of nuclear war)

Why did conservatism revive?

-The Cold War helped revive support for conservative ideas. -Some Americans believed that liberal economic ideas were leading the country towards communism. -Some people also viewed the Cold War in religious terms, seeing the struggle against communism as a struggle between good and evil.

Explain the Revolution in Media and Technology that occurred in the 1980s.

-The new Sony Walkman made music portable, marking the beginning of a new way for people to access music. -Video technology changed with the introduction of videocassette recorders (VCRs), which allowed people to tape television shows or watch taped films whenever they wished. -Video games were the new forms of entertainment

What is the importance of discount retailing?

-a new method of selling goods called discount retailing began to have a major impact on the economy. -discount retailers sell large quantities at very low prices, trying to sell the goods fast to turn over their entire inventory in a short period -the most successful of these chains was Wal-mart, which was founded by Sam Walton

Who were yuppies?

-a young, college educated adult employed in a well paying profession and living in/near a large city. -"young urban professionals"/ baby boomers - the rapid economic growth of the 1980s was party caused by yuppies; their concerns helped shape the culture

Why did the Soviet Union collapse?

-as Eastern Europe abandoned communism, Gorbachev faced criticism -in Aug 1991, a group of Communist Party officials and army officers attempted to stage a coup. They arrested Gorbachev and sent troops into Moscow, where Russian president Boris Yeltsin defied the coup leaders from his offices in the Russian Parliament -Bush telephoned Yeltsin to express US support -Coup collapsed and Gorbachev returned to Moscow. -ALL 15 Soviet republics declared their independence from the Soviet Union. They joined in a federation called the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and formed a common economic zone in 1993 -Dec 1991, Gorbachev announced the end of the Soviet Union

What social problems struck the nation in the 1980s?

-drugs, poverty, homelessness, disease -To fight the use of drugs, schools began searching student bags/lockers for drugs. Teens challenged the schools rights to search without a warrant in the case New Jersey v T.L.O. and Vernonia School District v Acton -Mothers Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.) was founded to try to stop underage drinking and drunk driving -Congress raised the legal drinking age to 21 -AIDS epidemic was first found in 1981. It was noticed first among homosexual men, and it spread among heterosexual men and women.

What activists groups formed during the 1980s?

-gay activist movements -Musicians and entertainers began to raise awareness about social issues. They organized benefit concerts throughout the world. (Gob Geldof organized musicians in England to present "Band Aid"; Willie Nelson organized "Farm Aid" to help American farmers who were going through hard times). They also publicized efforts to end the segregated apartheid social system in Africa -Senior citizens became very local in the political arena, opposing cuts in social security or medicare. Their major lobbying organization in AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)

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