The Eternal Family: Lesson 9 - my answers

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What did Dr. Blain Fowers teach about the secret to having a good marriage?

"I have become convinced that the strong marriages are built on the virtues or character strengths of the spouses, in other words, the best way to have a good marriage is to be a good person."

What did John Ruskin say about Humility?

"The test of a truly great man is humility. I do not mean by humility the doubt in one's personal power, the curious feeling that the greatness is not in him, but through him, and sees the divine in every other human soul, and is endlessly, foolishly, and incredibly merciful"

What are the key antidotes for overcoming the natural man?

1. Selflessness 2. Humility 3. Meekness 4. Seek the Spirit 5. Cultivate integrity 6. Seek Spiritual Gifts

According to President Spencer W Kimball, why is selfishness a big deal?

Every divorce is the result of selfishness on the part of one or the other or both parties to a marriage contract.

How did Phillip Paul Bliss die?

He was on a train, crossing a bridge, the bridge collapsed and fell 70 feet into the ice-water below. He got out, but the train caught on fire, and his wife was trapped inside, he stayed trying to free her until they were both caught in the flames and died.

How can anger negatively impact a marriage?

If man can't control his temper, he's not in control of thoughts, he's not likely to control his passions... anger does more harm than the condition which aroused it.

Why did President Ezra Taft Benson teach that pride is a big deal when it comes to marriages?

Pride destroys relationships (husband/wife, parent/child, employer/ee, teacher/student, all mankind) pride is contention, (arguments fights, unrighteous dominion, generation gaps, divorce, spouse abuse, riots, disturbances) , and contention drives spirit away

Elder Bruce R McConkie said that the goal of every person on this earth should be to __________________

Seek the spirit: desire above all things in this life to be guided by the Holy Ghost.

According to William R Bradford, when we are selfish, _______________.

The spirit of the Lord is absent.

Why is dishonesty such a big deal in ruining marriage relationships?

You can't build relationships - no man can be at peace who is untrue to his better self - each lie, deception, act of dishonesty combines to create a monster that can destroy you and your relationships.

President Gordon B Hinckley said that the most miserable people he knows are those who

are obsessed with themselves

President Dieter F Uchtdorf called pride a ___________.

deadly cancer

What is incivility, and how does it negatively impact relationships?

disrespect, rude, careless, unaware, not thinking of others first

President David O Mckay said that our Earthly existence is but a test to see if ____________

he will concentrate his efforts (body, mind, spirit) on things which contribute to the gratification of his physical nature, or whether he will make his life's pursuit the acquisition of spiritual qualities."

Wilfred Woodruff said he would never be controlled by ____________?

his passions, by women, nor by anger, but that he would govern himself.

Why is anger a big deal in marriage?

it is hurtful to others, and destructive of trust & intimacy, it feeds upon itself w/in the person expressing it - expressing it breeds more anger, it doesn't eliminate it there is no permission for losing temper in ncircle of those we love and attempt to follow the savior

Pew research center asked 18-25 year olds about the most important goals of their generation. 81% named being __________.... Being _________ came in 2nd at 51%.

rich... famous

According to Neal A Maxwell, the most prominent feature of the natural man is ___________.

selfishness. "it activates all the cardinal sins... selfishness is self-destruction in slow motion."

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