The Human Body in Health and Disease Chapter 1

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The face, arms, and legs are usually dissected during the second stage of an autopsy

False; not usually

Autopsies are usually perfomed in four stages

False; three


Farthest from the point of origin of a body point


Front (abdominal side)

internal environment

Homeostasis is the term used to describe the relative constancy of the body's _______

negative or positive

Homeostatic control mechanisms are categorized as either _______________ feedback loops


Horizontal plane


If your refrence point is "nearest the trunk of the body" vs. "farthest from the trunk of the body," where does the elbow lie in relation to the wrist?

Thoracic cavity

In the human body, the chest region can be referred to as the


Lower or below


Many similar cells that act together to perform a common function

False; stage three

Microscopic examination of tissues occurs during all stages of an autopsy


Negative feedback loops are ________ mechanisms


Positive feedback control loops are _________


The thoracic portion of the ventral body cavity is separated from the abdominopelvic portion by a muscle called the


Toward the midline of the body


Toward the side of the body

In the first stage of an autopsy, the exterior of the body is examined for abnormalities such as wounds or scars


The term "autopsy" comes from the Greek words auto (self) and opsis (view)



Upper or above


What organ is NOT found in the pelvic cavity Bladder, stomach, rectum, colon

Upper extremity

Which of the following is NOT a component of the axial subdivision of the body Upper extremity, neck, trunk, head

Left hypochondriac region

Which of the following is an example of an upper abdominal region? Right iliac region, left hypochondriac region, left lumbar region, hypogastric region


Which of the following organs or structures does not lie within the mediastinum Aorta, Liver, Esophagus, Trachea

Urinary bladder

Which of the following structures does NOT lie within the abdominal cavity? Spleen, most of the small intestine, urinary bladder, stomach


_____ depends on the body's ability to maintian or restore homeostasis


The testing of a hypothesis is


During exercise, homeostasis is disruped and body CO2 levels ____


Denotes a living thing


The smallest "living" units


A coronal plane may also be referred to as a (sagital or frontal) plane

Anterior and posterior

A frontal plane divides the body into (anterior and posterior or superior and inferior) sections

control group

A group getting a substitute is the

test group

A group getting the drug is the


A group of several different kinds of tissues arranged to perform a special function


A lengthwise plane running from front to back that divides the body into right and left sides is called


A midsagittal plane divides the body into (equal or unequal) parts


A plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions would be considered _____


A study of the functions of living organisms and their parts is called


A synonym for medial is

scientific method

A systematic approach to discovery is known as the


A tentative explanation in research is known as a

Upper and lower

A transverse plane divides the body into (right and left or upper and lower) sections


An organization of varying numbers and kinds of organs arranged together to perform a complex function is called a

aging processes

Changes and functions that occur after young adulthood are called ______

developmental processes

Changes and functions that occur duing the early years are called _______


The stomach is (superior or inferior) to the diaphragm


Similar cells acting together to perform a common function exist at a level of organization called ____


Tests to analyze the chemical content of body fluids or to determine the presence of infectious organisms may also be performed during an autopsy

Anatomical position

The body is erect in the


The body's ability to respond continuously to changes in the environment and maintain consistency in the internal environment is called


The buttocks are often used as intramuscular injection sites. This region can be called:

Nervous system

The dorsal body cavity contains components the


The elbow lies (proximal or distal) to the forearm


The lungs lie (medial or lateral) to the heart


The most complex units that make up the body


The nose is located on the (anterior or posterior) surface of the body


The plane that divides superior from inferior is known as the _____ plane


The regions frequently used by health professionals to locate pain or tumors divides the abdomen into four basic areas called:


The skin is (superficial or deep) to the muscles below it

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