The Outsiders

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Who do Ponyboy and Johnny meet at the movies?

Cherry Valance and Marcia

What kind of car do the Socs drive?

Cherry had a red stingray and Bob has a blue mustang

Who shows up unexpectedly at the rumble?


What does Ponyboy mean when he says "Dally was so real he scared me"?

Dally sees thing how it is and doesn't use imagination or "looks on the bright side". He is real.

Two-Bit tells Ponyboy that "the only thing that keeps Darry from bein' a Soc is us". What does he mean?

Darry acts more like a Soc and is smart like one. If it wasn't't for the gang he probably would be friends with Socs and act like them

Who starts the fighting at the rumble?

Darry and his old Soc friend Paul Holden

How do Darry and Sodapop react when they see Ponyboy at the hospital?

Darry cries and states he was scared something happened to Pony like what happened to their parents, you see a soft side of Darry. Sodapop and him hug Ponyboy and are happy to see him.

Ponyboy feels Darry doesn't love him as much as Sodapop. Why?

Darry is tougher on him and is more of a parent, Sodapop treats him more like a friend

Who does Ponyboy ask for while he is in bed?

Darry, mostly sodapop, and sometimes his mom and dad and Johnny

What does he ask Dally and Ponyboy for while in the hospital?

Gone with the Wind and hair grease

How does Ponyboy define "family"?

He defines family by people who care about him and love him, not by being related by blood or DNA. His family are his brothers and his gang (Steve, Two-Bit, Dally, and Johnny)

What happens to Ponyboy when he leaves the movies?

He gets jumped by Socs.

Bob Sheldon

He is Cherry's Soc boyfriend and friend of Randy.

Randy Adderson

He is Marcia's Soc boyfriend and friend of Bob.

Steve Randle

He is cocky, streetwise member of the greasers gang, expert car mechanic and best friend of Sodapop.

How is Darry different from the other greasers?

He is smarter than the others, he didn't grease his hair and he had the potential to do something with his life

Johnny Cade

He is the brooding, nervous member of the greasers, Johnny is like everyone's kid brother. The gang looks out for him and seems to care for him more than any other. Despite a rough family life at home, Johnny is a sensitive, caring person with hope for the future, even in the midst of great conflicts.

Two-Bit Matthews

He is the fun-loving clown of the group, Two-Bit is smart and street savvy and keeps everyone laughing.

Sodapop Curtis

He is the good-looking, happy-go-lucky middle brother in the Curtis family (Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry). The favorite brother of Ponyboy, Sodapop represents the good-natured, fun-loving side of the greasers gang.

Ponyboy Curtis

He is the main character and narrator of the story. He is a member of the greasers, but has a deeper side.

Dallas Winston

He is the seasoned veteran of the greasers gang, Dally is the person everyone looks up to, although they don't necessarily approve of his rough, hardened behavior. Dally represents the rebellious side of the greasers.

Darry Curtis

He is the stern oldest brother of the Curtis family. Once a star athlete, Darry represents the adult/parental influence in the family.

Ponyboy says that Dally and Johnny are better off now that they are dead. What do you think?

I don't think they are. Johnny didn't want to die and he had his whole life ahead of him. He did have a hard home life though so that would have been hard on him. Dally wanted to die and he would have been killed sooner or later, but I don't think he is "better off dead"

What is the extent of Johnny's injuries after the fire?

IF he survives, his injuries will be so bad he will never be able to walk again.

Who is most injured in the fire?


Darry tells the doctor that he, Ponyboy and Soda are "about as much family as Dally and Johnny had." What does he mean?

Johnny and Dally's parents never really cared about them so Ponyboy and Soda are more of family then their actual family.

Which characters does Ponyboy seem to be closest to?

Johnny and Sodapop

Do the greasers like being called greasers?

Only by the other greasers

Who tells the gang that Johnny is dead?


Who goes into the fire?

Ponyboy and Johnny follows. After awhile Dally goes in too.

What kind of relationship does Ponyboy have with his two brothers, Darry and Sodapop?

Ponyboy thinks Darry doesn't lik him and he would be happy with him gone. Sodapop watches out for Pony and is the "nicer" one.

Who is the narrator of this story

Ponyboy; first person

Who visits Ponyboy while he is in recovery?


What message does she bring to Ponyboy about the rumble?

Randy is not going to fight, no because he was sacred but because he was tired of fighting. He is still sad about his best buddy, Bob, dying

Who wrote the poem Ponyboy recites?

Robert Frost: "Nothing Gold Can Stay"

Who is Soda's girlfriend?



She is Cherry's friend and girlfriend of Randy.

Cherry Valance

She is the pretty, soft hearted Soc who befriends Ponyboy and helps the greasers.

What is a Soc? A greaser? Why are they rivals?

Soc - rich, spoiled, on West side. Short cut and preppy looking. They don't care about the greasers. Greaser - poor East side kids. Long hair greased back. Aren't treated fairly. Rivals because they are on different sides of town and are from different classes in society.

Cherry tells Ponyboy, "Did you ever hear of having more than you wanted?" What does she mean?

That most of the Socs are spoiled and they have more things than they really need/want.

What does Ponyboy mean when he says to Cherry, "Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too"?

That they are both the same and just people they live in different groups of society, they are still same


The Outsiders is set in Oklahoma in the 1960s. The hatred between the poor greasers and rich Socs, however, is not restricted to this time and place. The message of the story is as real today as it was then. The attitudes of people in the 1960s (even though they look different on the outside) are still evident everywhere you look today. Stereotypes still exist and lead to misunderstandings that range from trivial arguments to tragic endings.

What do Ponyboy and Johnny do once in hiding?

They cut their hair and pony bleaches his disguising themselves

How do Ponyboy and Johnny get away?

They go ask Dally for help and get a location. In order to get to the location they jump onto a freight train

What do they do to Ponyboy?

They try to drown him in a fountain

Who takes him home?

a man in his mid twenties

Where is the rumble to take place?

a vacant lot

Why does Johnny kill the Soc? Did he do the right thing? Why or why not?

because if he didn't, Ponyboy would have died. I think he did because it was self defense. I don't agree with how they handled it

Socs are known for wearing what?

blue madras

Why does Ponyboy have such a hard time accepting what happens to Johnny?

cause he can't believe that one of his best friends just died and his lifeless body is just laying on a hospital bed while everybody else is at home

Cherry says at one point that she "admires" Dally and later that she "could fall in love" with him. Why do you think she feels this way?

dally doesn't give up when he wants something and he is probably different from the boys she usually interacts with.

Why does Ponyboy describe Dally with a look of triumph on his face as he crumples under the streetlight?

dally was really trying to get killed and he had finally given up on life after Johnny died

What happens when Ponyboy goes to court?

everyone gets asked about bob's murder except pony who is asked about if he likes his home life

What does Ponyboy do when Dally is shot?


What sport did Darry play in school?


What does Dally ask from Two-Bit while he is in the hospital?

for his switchblade

Where does Sodapop work?

gas station

What do Ponyboy and Dally do after the rumble?

go visit Johnny in the hospital

Ponyboy comments that "greasers don't cry in front of strangers." Why?

greasers are supposed to be tough so they don't show their emotions in front of strangers.

What does Ponyboy do when three Socs approach him after his court appearance?

he busted the end off his bottle and held onto the neck and tossed away his cigarette and said "you get back into the car or i'll split you"

Why does Johnny think they should turn themselves in?

he doesn't want to run for the rest of his life and he doesn't want other members of the gang to worry about them, especially Pony's brothers

How does Dally react when Ponyboy and Johnny tell him about the murder?

he grinned and said "good for you"

Why does Ponyboy tell Randy that he is the one who killed Bob, not Johnny?

he is still in shock of Johnny dying and he doesn't want to believe it. He refuses to believe it so he takes the blame for Johnny and he says that he killed bob

Why does Ponyboy love being in the country so much?

he likes being away from all the city drama and excitement; the country is calming

What does Ponyboy mean when he says "there are things worse than being a greaser"?

he means that being a greaser isn't the worse thing you can face such as: losing a friend or family member.

Ponyboy sees Johnny in a new way after they have fled. Why does he look at him differently?

he notices that Johnny thinks about little things and is smarter and more resourceful then the other people in the gang. he states he is happy that it was Johnny he was stuck with. Also he just saw Johnny kill somebody which ponyboy didn't expect from him

Why is Johnny Cade so nervous and scared all the time?

he once gt jumped by Socs so bad he almost died; he now says that if a Soc jumps he again he will kill him (foreshadowing)

Why does Johnny like Gone with the Wind so much?

he related to it and was impressed with the southern gentlemen. the book also reminded him of things such as dally

Why does the gang go looking for Dally?

he robs a convenient store and is hiding from the cops who are after him

What happens to Ponyboy after court?

he starts being absent-minded and stops eating. he started getting bad grades in school.

What does Randy mean when he tells Ponyboy that the greasers can't win the fight with the Socs?

he states that even if they win in the fight greasers will still be greasers and socs will still be socs. they won't be treated differently.

Does Ponyboy see himself as a hero? Why or why not?

he thinks it was heroic to save the children from the fire, risking his life, but he also reminds himself he started that fire and he can't forget about what happened to Bob

Why does Dally want to fight in the rumble?

he wants to fight for Johnny and beat up for socs for what they caused Johnny to go through

Why is Johnny so important to Ponyboy?

he was his best friend and they understood each other. he didn't want to say goodbye to Johnny and he really bonded with Johny when they were together hiding out at the church

What does Ponyboy dream about in his recurring nightmare?

his mom and dad's funeral

Why doesn't Johnny want to see his mother?

his mom will just tell him about all the trouble he caused and he doesn't want to hear it. he doesn't think she really loves him.

What is the only thing the judge asks Ponyboy?

if he liked living with Darry, liked school, and what grades he made.

Why do you think Ponyboy likes the movies so much?

it helps him forget about all of the bad things going on in his life and clear his mind, gets into the movie and lives with the actors

What does Ponyboy mean when he says, "it wasn't Cherry the Soc who was helping us, it was Cherry the dreamer who watched sunsets and couldn't stand fights"?

it means people shouldn't be separated into groups and treated differently because they are a "soc" or a "greaser"

How is their hair an important part of who the greasers are?

it shows who they are and it represents them

What does living on the streets teach you, according to Ponyboy?

lots of things, but all the wrong things

What does Cherry mean when she tells Ponyboy "things are rough all over"?

she means that just because socs come across as having an amazing, easy lifestyle, they still face hard times.

Why do you think Cherry wants to help the greasers?

she thinks that everyone should be treated equally and she thinks greasers deserve a chance and shouldn't be treated disrespectfully for no reason except their wealth

Ponyboy is delirious for several days and has to do what?

stay in bed

What does Ponyboy do after leaving the hospital?

stumbled around the roads for hours trying to get home. then a man in his mid twenties picked him up

What does Dally do when Ponyboy emerges from the flames?

swore at him and clubbed pony across the back as hard as he could

What do you think the sunset symbolizes for Ponyboy?

that just because greasers and socs live differently, in the end they are all equal and they both "see the same sunset"

What conflict do Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally encounter when they return to their hideout after lunch?

the church they have been staying at is lit up in flames and children are stuck inside

Did the greasers really win the rumble? Why or why not?

the socs were the first to run so technically they won the rumble because the rules were the first ones to run away. The greasers were more beat up then the socs but they are tougher and lasted longer.

Ponyboy tells Cherry a personal story about Sodapop; what is it?

the story about "his" horse named Mickey Mouse and how he got taken away and he was sad and heartbroken.

How are Cherry and Marcia different from the girls the greasers normally hang out with?

they are respectful towards the greasers and don't treat them differently because of who they are

After returning home, Ponyboy discovers what in the newspaper?

they are stories all over about how Johnny, Dally , and him are "heroes"

Ponyboy realizes that Johnny is the only thing Dally really loved. Why do you think Dally loves Johnny?

they both had family problems and they related in that way. They only really had each other when the gang was with their biological families.

What happened to Ponyboy's parents?

they died in a car accident

Why does Ponyboy feel the greasers have it so much worse than the Socs?

they live on the wrong side of the tracks and a lot of them don't have a stable home life like the Socs. Socs have money and nice things.

How do Ponyboy and Johnny pass the time while in hiding?

they read Gone with the Wind and played poker

Why do the Socs trail Johnny and Ponyboy in the park?

they were "messing" with Marcia and Cherry and the drunk socs were mad

Why do the greasers fix themselves up and put extra grease on their hair before the rumble?

to show the socs that they are just as good as they are and they want to look presentable for them. also hair grease represents the greasers and they want show who they truly are.

Why does Randy come to see Ponyboy?

to tell him he won't be at the rumble and that there is a court trial coming up to talk about Bob's death.

How does Ponyboy describe each of the other characters?

with great detail and describes them so you can see them in your mind

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