The Real World Chapter 8- Race & Ethnic Relations

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Structural Assimilation


Time of Entrance: (how longer the group has been here, makes it easier for new immigrants of that group to assimilate.)


Hate Crime bill passed in


amount of Horses in NYC



A set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group compared to another is:


A set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group; used to justify inequality and often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are genetic (page 226)

Race social

A socially constructed category of humans, classified on the basis of certain arbitrarily selected hereditary characteristics that differentiate them from other human groups


A socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or another cultural factor (page 222)


An action or behavior that results in the unequal treatment of an individual because of his membership in a racial or ethnic group is called:

situational ethnicity

An ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation (page 223)


An idea about the characteristics of a group that is applied to all members of that group and is unlikely to change regardless of the evidence against it (page 228)

Birth Of A Nation film director

D.W. Griffith directed it,


Despite demographic shifts, how can you tell that whites are still the dominant group in California?

social institutions

Despite demographic shifts, how can you tell that whites are still the dominant group in California? They remain dominant in terms of power, resources, and representation in ______________.

symbolic ethnicity

Displays of ethnic identity that only occur on special occasions are called:

Birth of a Nation novelist


Conflict theory

Held together by power of dominant classes

Provide a historical or contemporary example of genocide.


Whites are now less than half of the population of California.

How do the demographics of California challenge the way that the term "minority" has been used in the past?

Whites are now less than half the population of California

How do the demographics of California challenge the way that the term "minority" has been used in the past?

we do a cost - benefit analysis

How do we decide when to display situational ethnicity?


How does Tiger Woods describe his own racial identity?

The Internet is not a place where negative racial distinctions disappear; they simply appear in different ways.

How have racial problems manifested themselves on the internet?

the social construction of race

In the early 1900s, native-born Americans, usually Protestants, did not consider Irish, Italian, or Jewish immigrants to be white. What does this illustrate?


T.G. Rice (1830)- portrayed as innocent, docile black man who likes song and dance

Authoritarian theory

That there is a personality type that is prone to prejudicial thoughts


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, or national group is called:

internal colonialism

The economic and political domination and subjugation of the minority group by the controlling group within a nation (page 239)

internal colonialism

The exploitation of a minority group within the dominant group's political borders is called:


The formal and legal separation of groups by race or ethnicity (page 239)

Middleman minorities

It often acts as mediators between dominant group and the subordinate ethic groups.(occupational roles as traders, shopkeepers, moneylenders, and independent professionals; They therefore are part of the dominate group and the subordinate group as well).



Black Kettle

Leader of Shyan, tried to convince shyan to bend to will of govt..they wouldn't listen to him and they revolted

coming from a non-English speaking background

What factor makes someone most likely to drop out of high school?

Biologically there is not such thing as a pure race

What has modern science determined about racial categories?

believing that Asians are better at math

What is an example of a prejudice?

racial assimilation

What is it called when members of a racial minority group intermarry and have children with members of the dominant group until the races are completely mixed?


What is the effect of a split labor market, in which workers belonging to one race are paid less than those of a different race?

to increase diversity

What is the goal of affirmative action?

a salad bowl

What metaphor best describes cultures that have embraced multiculturalism and pluralism?

the assimilation of European ethnic groups into larger society

What racial issue does functionalism explain?

the assimilation of European ethnic groups into larger society

What racial issue does functionalism help to explain?

the assimilation of European ethnic groups into larger society

What racial issues does functionalism explain?

cultural assimilation

When members of a minority group learn the cultural practices of the dominant group, they have undergone

symbolic ethnicity

When someone of Irish ancestry who doesn't typically identify as Irish in everyday life puts on a green hat, drinks green beer, and wears a "Kiss me, I'm Irish" t-shirt on St. Patrick's Day, it is an example of:

majority / minority state

When whites are less than half the population of any given state, it is called a:

Asian Americans

Which major U.S. racial group has the lowest high school drop-out rate?


Which of the following countries is an example of a pluralistic culture in which people of French, Italian, and German heritage live peacefully together in political and economic unity?

Never having to speak for all the people of your race is an example of...

a white privilege.

PEople with authoritarian personalities:

accept authority uncritically.

Eleanor Roosevelt

activily supported NAACP

Transcontinental railroad

began in 1862, completed 1869 in Utah..from chicago to the west..where east meets west in Utah

On the day before the vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act...

enemies of the act included gender, hoping for its defeat.

Kennedy Heights, a predominantly Black housing development was knowingly constructed on contaminated land. This is known as...

environmental racism.

problems with homestead act

excludes blacks (they weren't elgible for citizenship in 1862), given to german immigrants who weren't in country yet

The removal from Vietnam in 1979 of nearly one million ethnic Chinese is an example of..


horse waste

gallon of urine, 10-20 lb of feces per day

Americanization Efforts

ideas that you can help and educate the immigrants

Italian priorities


Cultivation out west

more acres set aside in two decades than 250 years (kansas, nebraska, tx...)

The Afrocentric perspective suggests...

more emphasis on African cultures and their role in the lives of Black Americans.

Sandcreek Massacre

most controversial and violent incidents out west, indians brutally murdered


no need to rely on money, no cattle..just need the will to work a lot

italians owning a ship?

no way, they could blow something up with it

When did effects of slavery end?

not in 1865 or 1867, linked to time period of segregation

NAACP view on lynchings

realizes not all are innocent, but it should go through regular court system

Protocols of the elders of zion

russian place that said the entire world bank system is controlled by a few old jewish men

Racial formation refers to the...

sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created and manipulated.

Exaggerated generalizations about the characteristics of members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group are known as...


Grand Imperial Wizard

supersticious kkk hierarchy

massive plundering of the best land

supposed to wait until april 22 to get land, some left early to Oklahoma and gained the nickname the sooners

Ghost Dance

symbolic dance created by Wovoka in a dream that unites natives in saying the white man can't hurt them

Roy Wilkins

talks about segregation in florida and even tallahassee

African American sociologist W.E.B. DuBois said in 1900 that the century's major problem would be...

the color-line.

most important to be american?


racial assimilation

The process by which racial minority groups are absorbed into the dominant group through intermarriage (page 241)

Acculturate means

The process of the change

(Mainly used for extremist groups)


yellow bird

priest who started the ghost dance at wounded knee that resulted in the massacre of several hundred indians


propoganda during 1930s

Burt Williams

put on a facade, talked like 'black face'

Frank sinatra

viewed as a criminal because he is italian; but he raised money for the war; arrested for trying to seduce a married women, charges dropped

Joe Zeppi

wanted to see son who joined military; can't get on base because not a u.s. citizen

Sitting Bull

was a Sioux holy man, originally supported govt intervention then alligned with wovoka, killed by police on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation during an attempt to arrest him (dec 15, 1890) and prevent him from supporting the Ghost Dance movement

de facto

what is occurring

*Unequal distribution of power Unless one can overpower the another, there is no basis for a stable rank order of ethnic groups, even if there is competition and ethnocentrism among them.


2. What are the social conditions that create ethnic hostility?


Animal imagery supports the assumption that differences between groups are __________________.


Annexation Louisiana Purchase, Southwest Territory,Voluntary Immigration, Europeans Involuntary Immigration, Slave Trade


Answer - They remain _______ in terms of power, resources, and representation in social institutions.


Cultural Similarity: (The closer the culture is to dominant group, faster assimilation.)


Demographic Factors: (Larger groups assimilate is slower than smaller groups and if they stay in the ethnic neighborhood it leads to slower assimilation.)


Emphasize disintegrative and how they change


Emphasize inequality and pluralism


• Categorical discrimination


• Racial profiling:


Carlisle School

1879, Carlisle, PA, forced reeducation of natives

Institutional discrimination is more systematic and widespread

How is institutional discrimination different from individual discrimination?

kkk Clan chapter is in

every state during 1920

• Poverty - much of the European migration to North America was from extremely poor regions of Europe - Ukraine, Italy, and Russia.



A set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group compared to another is

cultural assimilation

A set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group compared to another is:


A socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people (page 222)

race can have an effect on health

A study prepared by the United Church of Christ's Commission on Racial Justice argued that African American and Hispanic communities are much more likely to be located near toxic waste dumps than white communities. What does this tell you about race in America?

Caste systems

A type of stratification in which status is acquired by heredity and in which mobility is severely constrained by laws or customs.


It is the belief that their culture is superior to others.


It is the destruction of a minority ethnic group, perhaps culminating in genocide. (Native populations in North America, Australia, South Africa also the genocide of the Jews by the Nazis during WWII)

Sociologists use what term to refer to the conscious experience of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities?

Relative deprivation.

What does the Bogardus scale measure?

Social distance toward different race and ethnic groups.

Marxian theory

By keeping the working class fragmented they are easier to control. (by divide and rule, or pitting one group against each other this prevent worker solidarity and class consciousness)

Push-pull factors that influenced immigration

Economic reasons for leaving country of origin - poor economic conditions or economic disasters. Note that most people lived in rural, agricultural regions until fairly recently in history, and many still do. As a result, it is some of the developments in the rural sector that can lead to people leaving.

Origins of ethnic stratification

Conquest native Americans,

Park's Race Relations Cycle


It doesn't assume that the economy determines every aspect of a society and its culture.

Cornel West argues that the work of Antonio Gramsci is significant because Gramsci was the first European Marxist to seriously consider the "cultural life-worlds of the oppressed" in ways that treated culture as a serious, independent force in people's lives. How is Gramsci's work similar to that of Tomas Almaguer or Howard Winant and Michael Omi?

it does not assume that an economy determines every aspect of society and culture

Cornel West argues that the work of Antonio Gramsci is significant because Gramsci was the first European Marxist to seriously consider the "cultural life-worlds of the oppressed" in ways that treated culture as a serious, independent force in people's lives. How is Gramsci's work similar to that of Tomas Almaguer or Howard Winant and Michael Omi?

The wet foot, dry foot policy of immigration applies to...

Cuban refugees.

Gordon's stages of assimilation

Cultural or Behavioral Assimilation (acculturation)

What are the three types of pluralistic societies:

Equalitarian pluralism

Ethnic Cleansing

Ethnic Serbian extermination of Bosnian Muslims.

Inequalitarian pluralism

Ethnic relations in which groups are separated structurally but coexist in a state of highly unequal access to power and privilege. (High levels of prejudices and discrimination)

powerful cultural groups discourage them

Even though antimiscegenation laws have been struck down, interracial relationships are still relatively uncommon. Why?

powerful cultural stereotypes discourage them

Even though antimiscegenation laws have been struck down, interracial relationships are still relatively uncommon. Why?

Conflict vs. order theories

Explains how societies are sustained and how they change.

Which theory of prejudice attributes the problem to the class system inherent in capitalism?

Exploitation theory.

As of spring 2007, only ____ of the nearly 60 primetime series carried on the four networks featured performers of color in leading roles.



Genetic specifications inherited from your parents hair color, body size, height, weight, etc...

individual discrimination

Discrimination carried out by one person against another (page 228)

institutional discrimination

Discrimination carried out systematically by institutions (political, economic, educational, and others) that affect all members of a group who come into contact with it (page 228)

Nebraska, 1919

Germany was enemy in WWI, so nebraska put down laws about allowing german to be spoken

More Asians are without health insurance than Whites

Given what you know about the average income and health insurance associated with the four racial groups of Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics, what information is surprising?

Between the year 2008 and 2100, the proportion of the U.S. population that is Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American will likely...


more Asians are without health insurance than Whites

Given what you know about the average income associated with the four racial groups and their health care, what information is surprising?

Minority groups

Groups in a multiethnic society that, on the basis of their physical or cultural traits, receive fewer of the society's rewards.

Reference groups

Groups that provide individuals with standards by which they shape their own patterns of action and they adopt their important beliefs and attitudes from.

a group that suffers unequal treatment

How do sociologists define a minority group?

a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage

How do sociologists define ethnicity?

a social category based on real or perceived biological differences

How do sociologists define race?

prejudice is an attitude/ discrimination is an action

How is prejudice different from discrimination?

Rational stereotypes

How we understand the different roles in society

Lance Arnold

Hung burned with blowtorch, dragged by car


Idea about ethnic groups in which all members of a group are judged negatively

other Hispanics tenants were able to find places to rent

If a landlord was found guilty of discriminatory practices for refusing to rent to Hispanic tenants, what could be seen as evidence that it was a case of individual discrimination?

cultural assimilation

When members of a minority group learn the cultural practices of the dominant group, they have undergone:

Asian Americans

Which racial group has the highest median income?

Which theory examines the conflict between nations who control wealth and nations who provide labor and natural resources?

World systems theory.

The fear of hatred of strangers or foreigners is known as...



a troop of performers

The Hate Crime Statistics Act..

directs the Department of Justice to gather data on hate or bias crimes.

Reluctant liberals are those who...

discriminate if there is social pressure to do so.

Pluralism refers to the existence of...

diverse cultures co-existing in the same society.


docile and loyal, protective of the white house

german ethnicity

doesnt really matter, as long as german american


drive calf into ground by using horns or head

In the early 1970s, the five mainline churches accounted for about 65% of the total Protestant membership. In 2006 that rate had...

dropped to 58%.

Union Pacific

eastern to west in nebraska

The most important force causing people to emigrate has been...


Birth of A Nation effects

exagerated blacks, made them savage like, made people regret emancipation, incited & justified racial violence

Cattle Raisers out west..

farmers and cattle raisers pushed out by land developers


fear of foreigners


first generation of immigrants to come to u.s., we may not want

1954 supreme court decison

fixed segregation

W.E.B. Du Bois

founder of NAACP, wrote Souls of Black Folk - 1903 - detailed record of lynchings

grandfather clause

from Louisiana - Mississippi affected poor whites (wasn't meant to) so they said if your grandfather voted, you could also (b4 13-15th amend)

Eleanor Roosevelt

frustrated by lack of support, wanted to resign, especially after marianne anderson wasnt allowed to sing in the hall

compromise of 1877

gave money to south (so they could rebuild...reconstruction)

Andrew johnson

gave narrow strip of land to white land owners before hand..the good land

Hideki Tojo

general of japan, he was the idea of japanese

Ethnic stratification

Each made up of people with presumed common cultural or physical characteristics interacting in patterns of dominance and subordination. (It is a rank order of groups.)

Most crime leaders were

Eastern european jews

Asian; Hispanic; Black

In the United States, which of the following groups usually do not have a choice about displaying their race or ethnicity?

all answers are true

In the United States, which of the following groups usually do not have a choice about displaying their race or ethnicity?

population transfer

In the early nineteenth century, Native Americans, who had survived clashes with the U.S. army, were forcibly removed to reservations. This is an example of

population transfer

In the early nineteenth century, Native Americans, who had survived clashes with the U.S. army, were forcibly removed to reservations. This is an example of:

Hart Cellar Act and how it changed immigration

It erased the restrictive country of origin quota system and created a criteria system for admission with priority given to families of US citizens and permanent residents or those who needed occupational skills.

Function of social networks

Once a number of immigrants establish themselves in a new location, they become linked with those left behind. Workers contact relatives and friends in their home villages and towns and inform them of work opportunities in the new location.

Federal guidelines for federal agents from using race and ethnicity as a reason for investigating someone, but cases involving ____ are exempted.


institutional discrimination

The "Jim Crow" laws in the American South, which mandated separate facilities for whites and blacks, were an example of:

a structural functionalist

The "ethnic miracle" is a term used to describe the process by which European immigrants and their descendants stopped being treated as members of minority groups, and became assimilated into the dominant group. What kind of sociologist believes that this happened because it made society run much more efficiently?


The fear and dislikes for a group is learned and is passed down from generation to generation through observational learning and imitation.

Old immigration

The first great wave settled in rural areas to obtain land

population transfer

The forcible removal of a group of people from the territory they have occupied (page 239)

Dominant ethnic group

The group at the top of the ethnic hierarchy which receives a disproportionate share of wealth and exercise predominant political authority and has inordinate influence on the future ethnic makeup of the society.

Normative theories

The group standards that define how people are expected to act in particular social situations (prejudice and discrimination are conforming responses based on social, environment, culture, and political values)

Which of the following is a true statement about segregation?

The least segregated metropolitan areas tend to be those with the smallest African-American populations.

Social mobility

The movement up or down a society's class or ethnic hierarchy by individuals or groups.

What does D represent in the equation A + B + C = D?

The new majority group.

Merton's paradigm

The paradigm says that attitudes and actions towards members of a particular ethnic group may fluctuate within different social contexts.

"Mixed race" people

This accounts for those individuals who fall through the cracks of the current system, whose parentage reflects more than one racial -ethnic category.

Split-labor market theory

This is when the dominate group members are the chief beneficiaries of the use of prejudice and discrimination which is used to discredit the lower paid workers from undercutting dominant group members' wages and jobs.

Ascribed membership

This means that one's ethnicity is a characteristic acquired at birth and not subject to basic change. (One is born into an ethnic group and one does not leave in it except in unusual circumstances)

Statistical discrimination

This type of discrimination against people based on beliefs about the social category of which they are members.

Categorical discrimination

This type of discrimination against people is on the basis of simply being a part of a socially assigned category.

Racial profiling

This type of discrimination is when law enforcement agencies pick out members of particular racial or ethnicity on the assumption that they are more likely to be engaging in illegal activities.

embodied identity

Those elements of identity that are generated through others' perceptions of our physical traits (page 231)

How did the G.I. Bill of Rights, which provided funds for home loans, affect African Americans?

Though it was written to help all veterans regardless of race, African Americans were typically excluded from home ownership.


Unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group; usually motivated by prejudice (page 228)

Unequal distribution of power

Unless one group can overpower the other, there is no basis for a stable ranked order of ethnic groups. (even if there is competition and ethnocentrism among them)

All weather Liberal

Unprejudiced, Non-discriminator

Fair weather Liberal

Unprejudiced, discriminator


Visible anatomical features such as skin color, hair texture, and body or facial type

Militant minorities

Want to be the dominate group. (Example: Latvia)

They create a sense of identity and lead to feelings of solidarity.

What are the positive consequences of racial and ethnic categories?

an identity challenge

What do sociologists call it when an African American individual is told he is not really "black enough"?

identity challenge

What do sociologists call it when an African American individual is told he is not really "black enough"?

be able to include racially relevant content and language in interactions

What does an individual need to be able to do in order to sound authentically African American when interacting with others online?


What is it called when a minority group is absorbed into the dominant group?

group used for labor after immigration act


Joe Lewis

moved to detroit in 1927, black champion boxer

jobs are not distributed regardless of racial diversity or ethnic identity

n 2009 there were only five African Americans who were CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, or 1 percent of the total number of Fortune 500 CEOs. Given that African Americans make up more than 11 percent of the U.S. population, what does this tell you?

Hugo Black

named to us supreme court, klan attorney from Birmingham, successfully defended christian preacher who murdered catholic priest

Joe Dimaggio

nickname jolton joe; he enlisted

Research indicates that the immigration of low-skilled workers has...

no measurable impact on the unemployment rate of low-skilled White and African American workers.

The theoretical approach that takes the view that prejudice is influenced by situations that encourage or discourage the tolerance of minorities is called...


kkk clan chapters include what groups of people

not just poor, but middle class, elite, police officers, mayors

thind v. u.s.

not white but not asian, indian; said because his skin isnt white and neither is culture, he isn't white

problems with immigration act of 1924

old census data used...1890s..before most of the new immigrants arrived


on standing rock reservation when dawes act proposed, clashed with sitting bull about keeping natives traditional, created ghost dance

Fiorello Laguardia

one of most famous politicians; italian and half jewish; mayor but had to dispell stereotypes about him by going after the mob; gioanni had same thing

A primary goal of the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act was to

reunite immigrant families.

Benjamin Franklin

said germans should be watched

14th amendment and Asians problem

says europeans, descendants of africa, born in US are citizens, what about asians?..nope, but if born in u.s., can petition to be citizen


second generation of immigrants, they are born here and we can't send them back


secret meeting where kkk pope is named in puff of white smoke?

Denver, Colorado

settlers were paid to bring skin or parts of natives

13th amendment violated by..

share cropping and ongoing debt

Members of a minority or subordinate group..

share physical or cultural characteristics that differ from the majority group.

Children Brute Characters

shown as furry animals

The tendency to approach or withdraw from a social group is known as...

social distance.

de jure

what is supposed to occur by law

Ethiopian delineators

white people who pretended to be black

slaughter of wildlife and ecology

white settlers killed natives source of food for fun

The Bell Curve presented the research of Herrnstein and Murray on the IQ, where they claimed that..

whites are inherently more intelligent than blacks; 60 percent of IQ is inheritable; welfare should be ended to discourage births among low IQ poor women.

The four cases of Merton's paradigm

• Active bigot (prejudiced, discriminator)

List the three groups in a split labor market

• Business people(employers)

• Most settled in the Midwest


Noel's model

• Ethnocentrism:

List the three statistical discrimination

• Statistical discrimination

• Most were men(expected to make money and return home


Pro Americanism

what is good about america should continue, what is bad should stop

Grasshoppers on plantation

1870s, one of most dangerous on plantation, swarms of grasshoppers devoured everything, not only crops but people

The Prostrate State

1874, by historian James S. Pike

Jesse Owens

(black)Berlin olympics, 1936; beat them and the u.s. was rooting for htem since they hated the germans more

situational ethnicity

A young person from Southern California has four German grandparents. She lived in Los Angeles all her life before accepting a job in Milwaukee. She's never really thought about her German heritage, but in Milwaukee she discovers many other people with similar ancestries and starts using her ethnicity as a way to develop social and professional relationships. What is this an example of?

Immigration act of 1924

AKA 'National Origins Act'..use quotas of immigrants already there to decide how many to let in..only 2% of already in u.s.

Strange Fruit

Abel Meerole, performed by billy holiday in 1939

13th Amendment

Abolition of Slavery

economic factors

According to William Julius Wilson, racism has created a black underclass, but this underclass is perpetuated by:

the struggle for power and control

According to conflict theory, what is the real source of racism?

racial bias

According to one study, in Pennsylvania, black defendants on trial for murder were 40 percent more likely to receive the death penalty than whites convicted of similar crimes. This indicates that the criminal justice system has a ___________.

the criminal justice system has a racial bias

According to one study, in Pennsylvania, black defendants on trial for murder were 40 percent more likely to receive the death penalty than whites convicted of similar crimes. This indicates that:

passing happens entirely through interaction

Anatole Broyard, a literary critic and writer for the New York Times, lived a double life. He had a mixed racial heritage, and while African American friends knew him as African American, white friends and professional acquaintances thought that he was white. After his death, Broyard's daughter tried to write his life story and, as part of the process, organized a family reunion. This was made more difficult by the fact that Broyard's extended family included many who thought of themselves as white, others as black. What does this demonstrate about passing?


Immigrant family housing; would take in squatters sometimes to make ends meet

Who built railroad?

Immigrants (east: irish, west: chinese)

If the leadership of the Los Angeles police department condoned or encouraged this type of behavior on a regular basis, it would be considered institutional discrimination.

In 1991 an enormous controversy erupted after five Los Angeles police officers were caught on tape beating a motorist named Rodney King. Although there continues to be much controversy over the event, many people see it as a blatant act of discrimination. Under what circumstances would this beating be considered institutional discrimination?

institutional discrimination

In 1993 six African American Secret Service agents filed a complaint with the Justice Department against Denny's for refusal of service because the restaurant took much longer to serve them than other customers. After they filed the complaint, thousands of other African Americans came forward with similar allegations. What are these allegations evidence of?

there was a discussion at the highest levels of government to kill as many people as possible

In 1994 mass killings occurred in Rwanda, as members of the Hutu majority killed more than a million members of the Tutsi minority, many of them murdered with machetes. Although many Hutus later claimed that they were just trying to defend themselves, which of the following indicates that it was really a genocide?

Potential husbands of poor women will not offer the financial stability, respectability and trust that make marriage beneficial.

In 2003 a piece of legislation considered by the U.S. Congress proposed to spend almost two billion dollars to encourage marriage, and there was some consideration of giving people on welfare cash bonuses if they got married. Why does your textbook suggest this approach might not work?

Jobs are not distributed regardless of race and ethnicity

In 2009 there were only five African Americans who were CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, or 1 percent of the total number of Fortune 500 CEOs. Given that African Americans make up more than 11 percent of the U.S. population, what does this tell you?


In the novel The Human Stain by Philip Roth, a professor at a college in the Northeast is forced into early retirement after he is accused of racism. The charge turns out to be ironic when the reader learns that the professor has a secret: he was born to African American parents and has been covering up his heritage and living as a white man for his whole adult life. What is this an example of?

Animal imagery supports the assumption that differences between groups are innate, or biologically based.

In visual representations, racial and ethnic minorities are often portrayed as animalistic or subhuman, many times as monkeys or chimpanzees. Why would racist imagery so often use animals?

innate or biologically based

In visual representations, racial and ethnic minorities are often portrayed as animalistic or subhuman, many times as monkeys or chimpanzees. Why would racist imagery so often use animals?

minority group

Members of a social group that is systematically denied the same access to power and resources available to society's dominant groups but who are not necessarily fewer in number than the dominant groups (page 226)

Lieberman's model

Migrant super ordination

Noel's model

Pointed out three additional factors that give rise to and shape the eventual system of ethnic stratification.

Historically, people believed that federal judicial decisions about racial inequality would lead to sweeping social change, but _____ slowed down the minimal change that did occur prior to the 1960s.


Intelligence testing in World War I

The Army Alpha Test which was first administered to nearly two million new recruits in World War I and the Otis Group Intelligence Scale were forerunners of many other group tests that are administered economically and quickly to large groups and were thus effective for use in schools and industry. National standardized group tests are administered for college and graduate school entrance and for a number of civil service positions.

biologically based

The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray generated an enormous amount of controversy when it first came out, largely because it suggested that racial differences in IQ scores were due to genetically driven differences in intelligence and argued that "both genes and the environment have something to do with racial differences." For those who disagreed, this seemed like a very familiar argument, because racist beliefs are often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are _______

racist beliefs are often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are biologically based.

The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray generated an enormous amount of controversy when it first came out, largely because it suggested that racial differences in IQ scores were due to genetically driven differences in intelligence and argued that "both genes and the environment have something to do with racial differences." For those who disagreed, this seemed like a very familiar argument, because:


The actions that are taken by individuals or small group to deny access to social resources to members of a minority ethnic group.

forgotten genocide

The massacre of 1.5 million Armenians by the Turkish government after World War I is known as the ______________

Corporate pluralism

The structure and cultural differences among the different groups that are protected by the state and provisions are made to encourage an ethnically proportionate distribution of power and privilege. (For example the government seats are filled with equal representation of varies ethnic groups.)


The system of segregation of racial and ethnic groups that was legal in South Africa between 1948 and 1991.


The withdrawal of a group of people from a dominant group to establish a new nation;

Both argue that race must be explained in the terms it is experienced, not as overarching general theories.

The work of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci is significant because it seriously considers the importance of the "cultural life-worlds of the oppressed." In what way does this resemble the symbolic interactionist perspective on race?

Antonio Gramsci

The work of the Italian Marxist _________ is significant because it seriously considers the importance of the "cultural life-worlds of the oppressed." In what way does this resemble the symbolic interactionist perspective on race? Both argue that race must be explained in the terms it is experienced, not as overarching general theories.

Power-conflict theories

Theories that view prejudice and discrimination as emerging from dominant group interests and used to protect and enhance those interests

Secessionist minorities

They want complete political independence. (Example: Quebec, Canada)

Push-pull factors that influenced immigration

While these cannot be guaranteed, many immigrants move in anticipation of this. Many immigrants could survive in their country of origin, but they anticipate an improved set of opportunities and the possibility of upward social mobility if they move to a richer country. for things such as:

Hernstein & Murray

Whites are smarter than blacks and high intelligence or IQ has a strong correlation with success, and low intelligence has a strong correlation with crime, poverty, illegitimacy, and welfare dependency. Therefore the intelligent, most objective stance for the government to take in this country would be to eliminate social action policies like affirmative-action, welfare, head-start, etc. THE BELL CURVE.

They feel that the men they encounter are less likely to offer the advantages that make marriage worth the risk

Why are poor women less likely to marry than wealthy women?

They feel that the men they encounter are less likely to offer the advantages that make marriage worth the risk

Why are poor women less likely to marry?

Race is not a side effect of class; rather it permeates every aspect of daily life

Why are there differences in life expectancies for people of different races?

disparities in access to health care

Why are there differences in life expectancies for people of different races?

in an online interaction, there is no way to see what people look like

Why do many people hope that the Internet will have a democratic influence on society?

Which term refers to positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions, and education opportunities?

affirmative action

KKK targets

african americans and also immigrants and jews

Lynching symbolizes?

an attack on an entire race, inferiority, fear

Cable Act 1922

any citizen who marries an inelgible can lose citizenship

The majority of foreign students receiving their doctorates in the sciences and engineering in the U.S...

are still in the U.S. four years later.


attacked immigrants and railroad people, put up in their own fort, killed in sandcreek massacre

response to Lance Arnold

baltimore black community marched, lynchings spiked and mob violence hit 6 states in 2 months; NAACP asked President roosevelt to speak out, on dec. 6th, he called it a vial form of murder


based on blood, you are bad

Marianne Anderson

black singer that mrs roosevelt liked and had sing at events, was denied singing at white house so sung for 75,000 at lincoln memorial instead

making whiteness

book about segregation (white people, even poor, are better than blacks)

Ethnic Notions

by Marlin Riggs

At one time, many Puerto Ricans were effectively barred from serving in the Chicago Police Department because they failed to meet a height requirement. This was an example of...

institutional discrimination.

Lynchings in New Orleans

irish police officer murdered, 12 italian immigrants hung overnight, cops ok with it, theodore roosevelt honors it

Irish priorities

political power

15th amendment

political representation, all can vote

Timid bigot

prejudiced, Non-discriminator

Active bigot

prejudiced, discriminator

The information broker is one of the positions found in...

the informal economy.

cultural assimilation

the process by which racial or ethnic groups are absorbed into the dominant group by adopting the dominant group's culture (page 242)

William Ryan's phrase blaming the victim refers to...

the responsibility of the subordinate group for its own problems.

The social norms of the Amish include all of the following EXCEPT..

the use of Pennsylvania Dutch dialect.


without paperwork for any immigrant, associated with italians

Birth of a Nation

written by Thomas Dickson

Congress and the anti lynching bill

they introduced it 5 years after white and fdr's meeting, but Fdr wouldnt endorse it; caused walter white to resign from his post in some position

New immigration

this wave settled in big cities for industrial jobs

*Competition for scarce societal resources when groups strive for the same scarce resources, their interrelations take on the characteristics of competition and conflict. the greater and more intense competition the likelihood of the emergence of ethnic stratification.


*Ethnocentrism can be expected to typify inter-group attitudes and divergent groups will judge each other in terms of their own culture and their evaluations will usually be negative.




Attitude receptional assimilation


Behavior receptional assimilation


Civic assimilation




Corporate pluralism


Held together by social order by consensus of values.


Identificational assimilation


Inconsistencies and collective remorse


Indigenous super ordination


Inequalitarian pluralism


Marital Assimilation (amalgamation)


Secondary Relations


Stability and order maintained through coercion


Stresses assimilation into mainstream society.


Stresses cohesion and balance.


The effects of racism are compounded by __________.


Visibility: (If they look different from the dominant group the slower assimilation.)


• All weather Liberal (unprejudiced, non-discriminator)


• Also note that it is not always the poorest people who move - it can take considerable funds to move and it may be those who anticipate being able to improve their situation along with who are most motivated to move. As a result, migration is not a simple result of poverty - some may be too poor to move and others may be locked into situations that make it difficult to move or anticipate an improved situation elsewhere.


• Anticipation of improved economic opportunities.


• Cheap labor (lower paid workers) Used as strike breakers


• Competition for scarce societal resources


• Disasters - Irish potato famine (1840s), wars that destroy possibilities of livelihood (some regions of Africa in recent years).


• Economic problems of food shortages and high unemployment were the push factors.


• Fair weather Liberal (unprejudiced, discriminator)


• German became the largest group behind the British immigrates then the Irish


• Higher paid workers


• Higher wages


• Immigration was driven by a combination of labor needs and turmoil in Europe


• Industrial economy growth and need for labor in factories, mines, and mills.


• Inheritance systems - some of Europe had systems of dividing land so only one child could inherit the land - with limited land, others were not able to find land. In other parts of Europe, land was subdivided among all heirs until the parcels became so small that no one could survive on the limited land.


• Lack of land and landholding systems - dominance by landlords (Ireland, Britain)


• More or better jobs


• Most settled in New York


• Shortage of jobs - Today, with many fewer people involved in agriculture and many more living in cities, the main economic push factors would be limited jobs and other economic opportunities in these cities. Moving to a rural, agricultural region may not be an option for these people. This is likely to be the situation in much of India and some other developing countries.


• They were tradesmen, industrial workers, farmers, shopkeepers and professionals.


• Timid bigot(prejudiced non-discriminator)


• Unequal distribution of power


• mostly Italy, Russian, Poland, Greece, Austria and Hungary (were peasants)


Problems with psychological theories

1. How does the ethnic prejudice and discrimination start in the first place.

germans in internment camps

11,000; are held as collateral to get back prisoners of war

Chinese fighting in war


Homestead act

1862: free land for all (40-160 acres of land given for free to anyone willing to settle or farm on it, after you prove it, you own land, takes 5 years)

John Chivington

1864, formed a militia to track down and kill shyan..couldnt find any so went to Fort lyon or fort wise and killed them all

New Immigrants

1880s-1920s, southern and eastern europe,italy and russia,jew and catholic, hungary; male, poor, young

Chinese Exclusion act

1882, denied citizenship, renewed in 1892 and in 1902 indefinately, repealed 41 years later

Bennet Law

1890, in order to be a public school, english must be taught 16 weeks out of year

Ellis Island

1892, closed 1954 (nov 12)

plessy v ferguson

1896..separate but equal..but in 1910 spending got much worse on black education compared to whites

Gentlemen's agreement

1907-1908: Theodore Roosevelt and Japanese Government agreed to let a small amount of japanese in and in return u.s. wouldn't put a bad label on japanese

KKK founder and date

1915, Nathanial Bedford Forest

The Yellow Era

1915, time period of Japanese

Ocowa Ozawa v the U.S.

1922; an issei; denied citizenship even though wife and children are white (born here), court says he is biologically different even though he is 'white'; results in citizens of india having citizenship taken away

hate groups against jews

1930s, over 100 hate groups; they were blamed for the depression

Manchurian invasion took place when


Walter White and FDR's meeting

1934, FDR wouldnt promise public endorsement on anti lynching bill

Primo carnera

1935, italian, joe lewis fought him and it was important because italians threatened to invade ethiopia at same was a major victory for the 'blacks'

Charles Houstan Court case

1935. took university of maryland to court, when murray was denied acceptance to the white law school, won against them

Rape of Nanking

1937, japan destroyed them brutally and vial

Jim Brandant

1937. Joe lewis fought and beat him...major victory again

jews in the orphanage

1938, 100,000 stuck in it, bill submitted to let 20,000 come in..fdr wouldnt pass it, ss st. louis turned away, sat in front of miami while appeals, returned to europe and england, france and holland took the passengers (1000)

pearl harbor attack

1941; changed how we look at chinese, now they are allies

caused house of reps to pass anti lynching bill

2 blacks killed in 1937 by blow torch; fillabusters held it up, president silent, bill withdrawn

italians in internment camps

3,000; they have curfews which causes problems for bakers

immigrants didnt live past what age

3-4 years old (lack of infant and child care)

lynchings reported between 1900-1930


% of italians in mafia

5% (not much supposably)

Pluralistic means

A condition in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups are present and tolerated within a society.


A cultural pattern of intergroup relations that encourages racial and ethnic variation within a society (page 242)

Ethnic group

A group within a larger society that displays a unique set of cultural traits along with a sense of community among members.


A pattern of relations between ethnic or racial groups in which the minority group is absorbed into the mainstream or dominant group, making society more homogenous (page 239)

Race biological

A population of humans classified on the basis of certain hereditary characteristics that differentiate them from other human groups

Structural assimilation

A process in which social interaction within various institutions and settings increases among different ethnic groups.

Race is not a side effect of class; rather it permeates every aspect of daily life.

According to sociologists like Howard Winant and Michael Omi, what is the relationship between race and class?

they are denied access to power and resources

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, since 2004 Texas has had a minority population of at least 11.3 million, comprising 50.2 percent of its total population of 22.5 million. The primary minority group is Mexican Americans. However, despite this numerical prominence, Texas has never had a Mexican American governor, and the percentage of Mexican Americans in its state House has never been higher than 26. Why would a sociologist still call Mexican Americans a minority group?


Actions that are used by the dominant group against the subordinate group to maintain power and privilege.

An ____ emphasizes African cultures and their role in the lives of Black Americans.

Afrocentric perspective.


After the Civil War, most southern states passed laws that barred African Americans and whites from sharing most kinds of public facilities. This is an example of _______


After the Civil War, most southern states passed laws that barred African Americans and whites from sharing most kinds of public facilities. This is an example of:


After the Civil War, most southern states passed laws that barred African Americans and whites from sharing most kinds of public facilities. This is an example of:

General Allotment Act

Also known as Dawes Act (because Senator Dawes Proposed it): 80 acre plots given to indians so they could develop and become capitalists

Several examples of Conservative "theological camps" include:

America Lutherans and American Baptists.

The fundamentalism religious faiths include all of the following EXCEPT..

American Baptists.

When Black respondents are asked how they get along with different minority groups, which group do they say they have the least difficulty getting along with?

American Indians.

Cultural assimilation

By adopting one groups cultural traits the subordinate group usually acculturate to the dominant group.

symbolic ethnicity

An ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not significantly impact everyday life (page 223)

absolute deprivation

An objective measure of poverty, defined by the inability to meet minimal standards for food, shelter, clothing, or health care.

Biological assimilation

At this point, intermarriage has occurred to such an extent that there is a biological merging of formerly distinct groups. (Represents the ultimate stage in assimilation process.)

Woodrow Wilson

Backed Griffith on Birth of a Nation film

Which are advantages associated with having a white identity?

Being considered financially reliable when using checks or credit cards, seeing people of one's own race widely represented on television and in the news; never having to speak for all the people of one's race

NOT an example

Believing that African Americans are better dancers than white people is ________ of discrimination.

KKK first and second origination

Biloxi, TN; 2nd in Stone Mountain, Georgia

KKK gained momemtum through

Birth of a nation film

Bill Picket

Black Cowboy, new way to bring down calf and biting lip of calf

The Irish were once though to be worse than freed Blacks by privileged New Englanders because...

Blacks "knew their place."

Central Pacific

California to utah


Certain behavioral traits that are exaggerated to create a shorthand description of the group.

Which of the following would NOT be considered a White ethnic group?


The link between race and class is useful and important, but it doesn't provide a satisfactory explanation for all forms of racism.

Classical Marxist analysis often argued that everything is ultimately determined by the economy, even though sometimes it is through many complicated steps. Can economic factors explain racism?

Races can be clearly distinguished on the basis of...

None of these.

2.9 percent

In 2010, the Census Bureau allowed Americans to check more than one box when identifying their race. What percentage of the population took advantage of this and identified as multiracial?

symbolic ethnicity

In Chicago, a city with more Polish people than anywhere else in the United States, Casimir Pulaski Day is always a very important holiday. Although not well remembered in the rest of the country, Pulaski was a Polish-born hero of the American Revolution and a cavalry general. What concept helps to explain why this holiday is so much more important to people who trace their ancestry to Poland?

the Irish were once considered a separate race

In the 1900s, there was a strong prejudice against Irish immigrants and their descendants. Editorial cartoons often depicted the Irish as physically distinct and as looking like apes. What does this tell you about the history of race in the United States?

According to the Bogardus social distance scale, which group remained at the bottom (with the highest distance score) in 1926, 1966 and 1991?

Indians (from India)


Involves social process and institutions that encourages group diversity and maintenance of group boundaries

For the ___ man, the priesthood was viewed as desirable and respected occupation.

Irish American

Social stratification

Is a concept involving the classification of people into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions. (When differences lead to greater status, power or privilege for some groups over the others)

Migration chain

Is a continuous movement of new immigrants to locations that have already been settled by other family members, friends, or co-ethnics.

Demographic transition

Is a model that describes population changes in a society over the course of several stages, leading eventually to stable or low growth rates

Psychological assimilation

Is a process by which people increasingly identify themselves as part of the larger society rather than an ethnic group.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Is a process in which a false definition of a situation produces behavior that, in turn, makes real the originally falsely defined situation

Indigenous super-ordination

Is characteristic of most voluntary and involuntary immigration such as those to North America (the arriving groups are initially made subordinate to a resident dominant groups)

Migrant super-ordination

Is illustrated by various colonial conquest in which technologically and organizationally more powerful migrant group subdues the native population.

Primary Relations

Is small intimate groups, emotional, long lasting bonds (example: family friends, clubs, neighborhoods, and marriage)


Is the removal of a group from society through deportation and annulment. (USA deported the Chinese, and the Japanese in WWII)


It encourages groups to shed their ethnic uniqueness and take on the ways of the core culture.

By 2004, when physicians were no longer favored with entry to the U.S., physicians in the Philippines were retraining as ______ so they could immigrate to the U.S.



It is the encouragement of the expression of different ethnic cultures

Equalitarian pluralism

It is the ethnic relations in which groups retain their cultural and much structural distinctness but participate on an equal basis in a common political and economic system also called accommodation (separate but equal)

Structural pluralism

It is the existence of segregated ethnic communities in which much of the social life of its members occurs

Cultural pluralism

It is the maintenances of many varied cultural groups within the larger system


It is the tendency to judge other groups by the standards and values of one's own group. (The belief by members of a group that their ethnic group is superior to others.)

Melting pot

It is when ethnic differences disappear through a gradual blending process, creating a hybrid "America"

Competition for scarce societal resources

It is when groups strive for the same resources, their interrelations take on the characteristics of competition and conflict. (The greater and more intense competition the likelihood of the emergence of ethnic stratification).

Assimilation Means

It is when people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family relationship. (a state involving mutual dealings between people, parties, countries also the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another)

Max Shmaly

Joe Lewis's new fighter, beat joe, major defeat to black community

Open intimidation of blacks

KKK members were police officers and mayors etc

The explotation theory of prejudice is based on the works of..

Karl Marx.

Wounded knee

Located in South Dakota near Wounded Knee Creek. An Indian tribe - the Hunkpapa Sioux - was attacked by 500 US soldiers during the Ritual Ghost Dance. The Indians were massacred, little boys were shot, women running with children were murdered...

Factors affecting assimilation

Manner of entrance: (Voluntary or involuntary)

a negative view of a group's cultural characteristics

Many immigrants to the United States have gotten in trouble for keeping livestock, especially chickens, goats, and pigs, in urban areas. Their neighbors feel that it's okay to own a 150-pound mastiff, but "unsanitary" to have a 50-pound goat that gives milk. In this case, what is driving racism?

a negative view of group's cultural characteristics

Many immigrants to the United States have gotten in trouble for keeping livestock, especially chickens, goats, and pigs, in urban areas. Their neighbors feel that it's okay to own a 150-pound mastiff, but "unsanitary" to have a 50-pound goat that gives milk. In this case, what is driving racism?

15th amendment violated by..

Mississippi plan

houses made out of what on frontier?

Mud, dirt, sod

Leo Frank

Murdered his white secretary, arrested, killed by mob

Which of the following is NOT considered an ethnic group?


Walter White

NAACP, he was able to get info from whites; made his top priority to stop lynching, never got anti lynching bill passed

Which strategy was used to block Italian immigration in the 1920s?

National Origin System

Limiting immigration on the basis of a quota from each country was part of the...

National Origin System.

Jim Thorpe

Native Am. Who attended Carlisle school & in 1912 rep'd US in Stockholm Olympics where he won the gold in decathalon & pentathalon

Blizzards on frontier

Nebraska, Dakota, caused it to be very cold

Williams Simmons

New leader of KKK, history instructor in Georgia

Ethnicity vs. social class and power

No matter how many exceptional cases sneak through the ethnic barriers, minority groups remain underrepresented in the society's top wealth power, and prestige classes.

Ku Klux Klan stands for

Our close family

Open opportunity structure

People are in control of their own place in the social hierarchy. (If you work hard you will reap the rewards and those who are better off receive better opportunities.)


People who are frustrated in their efforts achieved a highly desired goal tend to respond with a pattern of aggression.

Such beliefs justify social arrangements between dominant and minority groups that benefit those who accept them.

Plantation owners in America often argued that the Africans they imported were better off as slaves, because they didn't have the mental capacity to run their own lives. Today this seems both racist and crazy, as clearly slaves had been fine when they lived in Africa. How could such racist beliefs flourish?


Presenting yourself as a member of a different racial or ethnic group than the one you were born into (page 231)

List the structural assimilation relations:

Primary Relations

affirmative action

Programs or policies that seek to rectify the effects of past discrimination by increasing representation and ensuring equal opportunity for any previously disadvantaged group (page 237)

Why are babies of Puerto Rican mothers who are born in the U.S. more likely to die than those of mothers who migrated from Puerto Rico?

Puerto Ricans in the U.S. are less likely to be insured.

Which of the following is considered an ethnic group?

Puerto Ricans; Mexican Americans; Irish Americans

Timezones were created by

Railroad company created..

racist beliefs can be a part of economic life

Rather than seeing racism as a product of class differences, recent theorists like Tomas Almaguer argue that:

racist beliefs can become a part of economic life

Rather than seeing racism as a product of class differences, recent theorists like Tomas Almaguer argue that:

racist beliefs that become part of economic life

Rather than seeing racism as a product of class differences, recent theorists like Tomas Almaguer argue that:

Secondary Relations

Relations that are with large, impersonal groups, and bonds are informal and non-affectionate (example: schoolmate coworkers)

Bogardus' social distance scale

Respondents are asked to indicate whether they would accept a member of an ethnic out-group in varying social contexts, extending from very close encounters to very remote.


Romantic, sexual, or marital relationships between people of different races (page 232)

Patricia J. Williams, an A.A. academic, writes about her experiences with redlining. What happened before the lender found out she was Black?

She was offered an excellent loan.


Societies that encourage racial and ethnic diversity have embraced the value of


Societies that encourage racial and ethnic diversity have embraced the value of:

Order theory

Society is relatively balanced system.


Some conservative groups have organized to campaign both for crackdowns on illegal immigration and for limits on legal immigration, because they are concerned about how America will be changed by nonwhite immigrants. This means that they are against:

Ida B Wells

Southern Horrors, 1892 - The Red Book - record of lynchings (school teacher from memphis)

Segmented assimilation

Suggest that different groups or elements of groups may assimilate to an oppositional culture or to another that is clearly outside the mainstream.

there is no official language

Switzerland is home to Protestants and Catholics with French, German, and Italian ethnic backgrounds. What is the official language of Switzerland?

race is a social construct

The Brazilian census has traditionally only had four racial categories: preto, branco, amarelo, and pardo. However, in everyday life, Brazilians have many other racial categories, including moreno, mulato, neguinho, and pretinho. Most of these terms don't have an equivalent in the United States. What does this tell you?


The belief that all Irish are drunks is an example of:

Cultural racism

The belief that cultures displayed by human groups are not easily changed and therefore can be ranked as superior or inferior.


The belief that humans are subdivide into distinct hereditary groups that are innately different in their social behavior and mental capacities and that can therefore be ranked as superior or inferior.

Social distance

The degree of intimacy members of one ethnic group are willing to accept with other members of other ethnic group.


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, national, or cultural group (page 238)


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, or national group is called


The discrimination not limited to specific cases, but firmly incorporated into society's normative system.

Madison Grant

The passing of the great race was aimed at restricting immigration of southern and Eastern European groups, mainly Catholics, and Jews, who were at the time most numerous among American immigrants. It had divided the European population into three racial types- Alpines, Mediterranean's, and Nordics, - and he attributed to the latter from northwestern Europe the most desirable physical and mental qualities. Consequently, he warned of the degeneration of the American population through the influx of southern and eastern Europeans, whom he classified as inferior Mediterranean and Alpine types The Nordic, in his hypothesis, was "Homo europaeus, the white man par excellence.

Racial formation

The process by which social, economic, and political forces determine the content and importance of racial categories, and by which they are in turn shaped by racial meanings


The process of denying certain opportunities and equal rights or privileges to individuals and groups.

Context of Reception

The relations between established residents and newcomers or immigrants.

Structural discrimination

The results from the normal functioning of society's institutions, rather than the direct and intended actions or policies of individuals and organizations.

Even master statuses like race and gender have to be constructed in the negotiation between what we project and what others recognize

The sociologist Amy L. Best, in "Doing Race in the Context of Feminist Interviewing: Constructing Whiteness Through Talk," analyzed how two African American teenagers had to create racial identities during their interview with her. What does this analysis suggest about race?

Even master statuses like race and gender have to be constructed in the negotiation between what we project and what others recognize.

The sociologist Amy L. Best, in "Doing Race in the Context of Feminist Interviewing: Constructing Whiteness Through Talk," analyzed how two African American teenagers had to create racial identities during their interview with her. What does this analysis suggest about race?

identity challenges

There are a number of derogatory terms in the United States for members of minority groups who have assimilated. "Oreo," "twinkie," and "coconut" are all rude terms for people who are one color on the outside, but "white on the inside," that is, people whose behavior doesn't match their skin color. What term embodies these insults?

Push pull factors

These are factors associated with economic migration, but can be connected to non-economic causes as well. These factors are involved in migrations and they "may" explain which migrants leaves and where other migrants go.

Assimilationist minorities

They are fully integration into dominant society (Example:Dutch, Scandinavians, German)

Ethnic stereotypes

They are the over-simplistic and over-exaggerated beliefs about a group, that are generally learned at home, school, or media. (part of society's heritage they resist change and selective perception)

Pluralistic minorities

They keep their culture but participate in society. (Examples Amish, Hasidic, and Jews.)

grace hale

making whiteness, 1998

how to keep warm on frontier?

burn cow dung, buffalo chips, cut open horse and climb inside

Max Shmaly round 2

came at a pivotal time since WW2 was going on, hitler and max were good friends and when joe beat him america triumphed; nazism was put down (1937)

diseases in NYC

caused by lack of cleanliness

'Not a chinamans chance'

chinamen built railroads and received the most life threatening jobs

Japan feels inferior because?

chinese exclusion act made them feel inferior, made them look bad

14th amendment

citizenship..we all are citizens

German language in public schools

could have been dominant in 1830s if enough parents in district requested it (50%)...changed in 1880s because fear of foreigners

black coyote

deaf native that didn't turn over gun at wounded knee massacre, resulted in firefight and massacre

Charles Houstan

dean of black law school and raised lawyers to fight segregation; joined head of naacp legal squad


debt relating to share crop system

After WWI, the germans

germans were portrayed as black after the war, 'bad'

Treaty of Fort Wise

govt moves shyans to a river in colorado if they agree to be peaceful

FDR said about the fear of italians

he doesnt think they are dangerous, but it is a public relations program, to make people think tehy are safer than they actually are..

IBM responsibilty in wwII

helped build machines for germany


helped us move west, changes society, people couldn't move more than 5 miles away from their birth place, now they can

Most jobs found in the classified ads, according to one study, were for...

high paying, high skilled jobs requiring education and experience.

hodgekit cannon

hundreds of bullets per second

General Allotment Act problems

if you didnt want it, required to sell land and put money in allotment fund..natives had no control over fund and couldnt get money for 25 years, massive plundering occurred of the fund; also names were to pets and people who couldnt claim the land

chinese nationality

important, but race is paramont because asians cant be citizens

According to the social distance scale developed by Emory Bogardus, between 1926 and 1991, people's feelings of social distance toward different racial and ethnic groups have...


Horse culture



individual who wasn't 100% white

The dual labor-market model...

is an example of social inequality.

Civil religion...

is the religious dimension of U.S. life that merges the state with sacred beliefs.

more english in jails than the


immigration stats

italians: pre1920: 158,000; post: 5,802; Greeks..17,600, 307; good immigrants like germans? 51,000


jewish mobster who killed many people..shot stereotype of jews counting money down

Much of the opposition to policies related to eradicating poverty or immigration is attributable to...

laissez-faire racism; symbolic racism; modern racism

The most visible expression of pluralism is called...



leads to mass extermination of German Jews during WW2; transfers guilt from the individual to some vulnerable group; involves prejudiced people believing they are society's victims.

Sacco and Vanzetti

linked to a robbery in massachusett that killed someone in 1927; normal upstanding citizens, witnesses say they werent at robbery, still executed, state withdraws charges later but too late

Scientific Racism

looking at biology or physical characterisitics to define race, stereotype (predict criminal based on their physical characteristics)

Sociologists now reject the view that minorities have...

low self-esteem; high self-esteem; a particular personality.

Southern states popular with


14th amendment violated by..

lynching and segregation

The anti-Catholic feeling in the 19th century U.S.

made the Irish particularly unwelcome as immigrants; involved mob violence leading to death and destruction; was brought with the early immigrants from Europe.

German Americans...

make up the largest European American ancestral group in the U.S.

Executive order 9066

makes it legal, constitutional to round up citizens based on ethnicity if they show a clear and emimminent threat; can be placed in one area or shipped somewhere to an internment camp; upheld by 2 court cases

Brooklyn Dodgers

originally called Brooklyn Trolly Dodgers


overgeneralization of italians, dark, catholic, connected with diego, also associated with mexicans and spain

new immigrants rates

part of last open immigration, only 2% refused (criminals, diseased)

Birth Of A Nation,,about

reconstruction, northerners are bad guys, kkk are good guys that come to the rescue

The pattern of discrimination against people trying to buy homes in minority or racially changing neighborhoods is called..


Blackhand letters

system of extortion, threat of kidnapping, signed 'the black hand' italians targeted but not as frequent as media describes

houstan's views on education

to desegregate, start in schools

Railroad company embraced settlers..

to protect landlines and railroad lines, to get people out there and build it up

Mississippi plan

took away right to vote, have to pay payroll tax, literacy competency tests, residency requirements


took land that didn't belong to them and put money in general allotment fund; plundering

Discrimination in the past and in current practices is described as...

total discrimination.

Unprecedented Race Hatred occurred in..

turn of century

Affirmative action policies are aimed against practices such as...

union nepotism, fair recruiting practices, hiring the best qualified candidate.

Chamber Pot

used to dispose of human waste in tenements in U.S.

The Chinese Exclusion Act

was passed with little debate by Congress; denied naturalization to Chinese already in the U.S.;outlawed Chinese immigration for 10 years.

Manifest Destiny

we are destined by god to spread out across country and conquer individuals that might be out there

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Business Policy Ch.5&6 and 10&11

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Chapter 4 - Competencies for Professional Nursing Practice

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Sherpath Lesson - Nursing Management: Infection

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Math Lesson 60 Equations With Fractions

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