The Republic - Book 1
Stanley Milgram
****ed up test where you act violence on strangers while they scream and see how far people will go
Socrates view on unjust people?
-unjust people are "outdoers" -ignorant people are "outdoers" so, Unjust people are ignorant (awful argument)
Five Forms of government and their ranks in Socrates eyes
1. Aristocracy 2. Timocracy 3. Oligarchy 4. Democracy 5. Tyranny
The Tripartite Soul
1. Reason - part of soul that wonders why 2. spirit - will power 3. appetite - drives associated w/ bodily functions
Four levels of Knowledge
1. Understanding (knowledge) 2. Thought (knowledge) 3. Belief (opinion) 4. Imagination (opinion)
Curriculum of Philosopher
1. Until age 18: Play 2. age 18-20: physical education 3. age 20-30: math 4. age 30-35: dialectic 5. age 35-50: Public administration
Socrates opinion on art in the kanapollis
1. art makes us stupid and overcome by emotion 2. art suspends rational disbelief 3. art puts us in brain dead state and then pours in immoral messages 4. art must be banished no poetry either
Two key points in justice at a social level?
1. get everyone into positions suited to their talents and inclinations 2. this makes justice a matter of degree
Existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance
Ring of Gyges
Guy gets ring that makes him invisible and he can do whatever he wants without getting caught. will he be just willingly?
Socrates response to Cephalus definition of justice
How about if you owe a mad man a weapon? Or you break a lunch date? Lying and truth telling cant be the basis for justice bc there are just and unjust lies
Individual Justice
Individual to be just
What are the three types of good?
Instrumentally Good (like exercise) Intrinsically Good (like joy) Or both (like health)
Thrasymachus second definition of JUSTICE
Justice is stupid, only idiots practice it - strong don't practice justice bc they dont sacrifice - only the weak sacrifice Injustice practiced well is the wisest course to pursue
Thrasymachus first definition of JUSTICE
Justice routed from the interests of the strong - the advantage of the strongest. And good is not a real thing, we made it up
what writers liked democracy?
Mill and Marx
what writers like art?
Mill and Nietzsche
Socrates opinion on censorship in the kanapollis
Must portray Gods and heroes as always truthful and good no tales of evils in hell - people can't be afraid of dying in battle Nothing really funny or really sad
Who will be king of kanapollis?
Philosophy concerned w/ knowledge
Philosophy of the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it. 1. what is ultimately there? 2. what is it like?
what writers are anti-art?
Plato and Nietzsche
what writers were anti-democracy?
Plato and Nietzsche
Pleasure is the most important intrinsic good. people have the right to do everything in their power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure, w/out infringing on the equal rights of others.
Who is Cephalus son?
Ruler: Auxillaries (military) State Goal: strong military
Ruler: Philosopher King State Goal: justice
Ruler: dictator State Goal: advantage of the strongest
Ruler: the masses State Goal: "Freedom and Liberty"
Ruler: the rich State Goal: wealth and appetite for money
Social Injustice
Society to be just
What stage of happiness is justice?
Third (the greatest) - both intrinsically and instrumentally
Glaucon thinks we are all criminals but are smart enough to know we cant have significant power so we cut deals?
Thrasymachus thinks the world is ran by criminals?
Socrates response to Thrasymachus definition of justicce
What if the ruler (strong) make a mistake? No craft can have self-interest (Dr doesnt heal people for his own good - that is why they get paid)
Does Plato believe nobody is willingly unjust?
absence of social classes, money, and state
Private Sector
all other citizens
Plato's Moral Concern
art is an essential part of moral education, shielding people from emotions art causes them
Why does plato think we create societies?
because we lack the ability to be self-sufficient
belief that the proper course of action is the one that maximizes utility and total benefit. greatest happiness for the greatest amount of people.
Psychological Egoism
everyone is selfish all the time (endorsed by Glaucon)
Ethical Egoism
everyone out to be selfish all the time (endorsed by Glaucon)
The Cave Analogy
great analogy of the divided line of knowledge 1. only shadows - imagination 2. fire and objects creating shadows - belief 3. Look outside cave briefly - thought 4. See sun creates light and see all stuff outside cave - understanding
healthy city
Main problem w/ Organic Conception of the State
interests of individuals and state are tied together similar to organs and organisms, but interests of the state are morally important
Cephalus definition of JUSTICE
keeping of promises and repayment of debts
How should men love boys in the kanapollis?
like a father to a son - no sexual actions
love of wisdom (or truth)
Polemarchus definition of JUSTICE
matter of benefiting friends and harming others (returning good for good and bad for bad)
Mensheviks (Russian Socialists Groups)
members of the minority believed an intermediary bourgeoisie regime must be developed
Bolsheviks (Russian Socialists Groups)
members of the the majority based off marxism led by Lenin, wanted Proletariats to over throw bourgeoisie and establish dictatorship of the proletariats and peasants
Aristotle view on art
morality entails the ability to have emotion w/out acting on it
Socrates opinion of education in the kanapollis
no conception of public education doesnt believe education is job training - believes it is character formation
Glaucon view on JUSTICE
only appearance of justice is important and only instrumentally valuable
Plato's Intellectual Concern
only the dumbest fools are made violent by violent film. most use art as a reflection
political leaders
purification of emotions
regular army
The Organic Conception of the State
relationship between the individual and the state is like the relationship, respectively, between an organ and the organism it is part of
Camille Paglim
sex, violence, rock n roll talked about rape
Socrates response to Polemarchus definition of justice
this makes justice a useless craft and we can be wrong about who our friends and enemies are. Also, justice can't require the harming of anyone.
No private property among guardians and auxillaries
Plato supports Utilitarianism?
What does Game Theory show?
we are not naturally good, only at the point of a gun (plato disagrees)
What happens if you have too much physical training, not enough poetry or music?
you become a savage
What happens if you have too much poetry and music, not enough physical training?
you become soft